Joe Vitale - What Do You Think?

Woody C
Profile picture of Woody C
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24 replies
I have never really been interested in the LOA, but Joe Vitale has interested me for some reason.

Last month, I joined his Nitro Gold CD interview club and the first CD I got was an interview of....himself. It was an hour long sales-pitch of his Secret To Attracting Money course. This turned me off right away because I didn't pay shipping and handling to listen to a teleseminar of pitching for a more expensive product, but...

...the product sounds interesting, and I have like some of his other books.

Does anyone here own any of his IM and LOA products and think they are a must have?

I find it really funny, as well, that people pay him $5,000 to ride around for 3 hours in a Roll-Royce to "mastermind" with him. I think he is brillian for coming up with that idea b/c people are obviously taking him up on it. Would you pay that to ride around and get dinner with him?

Also.. I'd like a review of The Secret to Attracting Money if anyone here has purchased it.
#joe #vitale
  • Profile picture of the author TelegramSam
    Profile picture of TelegramSam
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    He used to go by the name Danny DeVito.

    He made some really funny movies. The one with Schwarzenegger in was good, as well as some of his other ones.

    Now that he is older and wrinkled it seems he is into Internet Marketing.
  • Profile picture of the author mrjasonser
    Profile picture of mrjasonser
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    Hi Woody,

    He ( I mean Joe) is really "good" at marketing isn't it?

    I feel the same sentiment as you, but USD5000 on a Roll-Royce ride
    won't be something I would do unless 5K is like USD50 to me, if you
    know what I mean.

    To date I have purchased Joe's Hypnotic Writing Paperback, been in his
    Hypnotic Gold membership for like 2 months trial, and have his Hypnotic
    library collection during Nitro fire sales. All are really good stuff actually but
    the most helpful of all that til now?....Is that Paperback book I bought in the
    local bookstore.

    Things like a good read of "real book" in a coffee house still serves us the
    best, even at this technological age of us.

    Hope it helps.

    Jason Ser
    I Don't Speak The Queen's English, But I Say What I Mean and Mean What I Say.

    Here is where I work now:

  • Profile picture of the author luthekar
    Profile picture of luthekar
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    Originally Posted by Woody Crenshaw View Post

    Also.. I'd like a review of The Secret to Attracting Money if anyone here has purchased it.
    If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, then it's actually just called "The Secret" which is a documentary style film about the Law of Attraction in which Joe Vitale is featured in. "The Secret To Attracting Money" in that case is just a particular segment of the film. If this is indeed what you're referring to, then in my own personal opinion, "The Secret" is an amazing film that can truly inspire you and change your life.

    But you can't take my word on something like that.. You may think it's a load of crap and yell at me for such a positive review and recommendation, lol.

    However, if "The Secret to Attracting Money" is the name of an actual stand-alone product or whatever, then I wouldn't know.
  • Profile picture of the author MyOnlineSuccess
    Profile picture of MyOnlineSuccess
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    Heay, he's definitely the "hard sell" type and once you are on his list he will keep selling and selling - always only giving you 90% of the answer.

    Nevertheless, he is a good marketer and you should take a page from his book on "not being afraid to ask".

    His "hypnotic salesletter" have some interesting ideas and is worth a read.

    As for his Law Of Attraction books, I think it's just rewritten ideas. Nothing original there.
    • Profile picture of the author Nigel Greaves
      Nigel Greaves
      Profile picture of Nigel Greaves
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      Originally Posted by MyOnlineSuccess View Post

      As for his Law Of Attraction books, I think it's just rewritten ideas. Nothing original there.
      Sad to say I have to agree. Joe's a good marketer but as for his LOA books, I've not seen one with anything fresh in them. At least one was just a collection of posts he had obtained permission to stick together ala Jack Canfield's "Soup" books.
  • Profile picture of the author CBSnooper
    Profile picture of CBSnooper
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    He is very good at marketing. I've just listened to his 'buying trances' audiobook I bought through the iTunes store. It was worth the money, but he was constantly plugging his websites in the examples he gave.
  • Profile picture of the author 1 Marketing
    1 Marketing
    Profile picture of 1 Marketing
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    The self improvement segment is gaining polularity day by day and have seen many more who although were not so sucessful in their own profession at start but are earning handsome from giving consultancy for self improvement.

    As far as Joe Vintale writings are concerned they are marvelous, but the $5k Ride, don't now how many have got some inspiration from him.
  • Profile picture of the author TeddyP
    Profile picture of TeddyP
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    I've read some of his work and was on his mailing list. I like him - he isn't my favourite motivator out there but he is good.

    He needs to chill out on his emails though. Way too many with too little value IMO. Now he is rich and successful so it works for him - but on a personal not I had to unsubscribe from his list.
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      John Durham
      Profile picture of John Durham
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      Spiritual Marketing was one of the most interesting books I've ever had the pleasure of's an easy , fascinating read. I feel I gained alot from it.
      • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
        Loren Woirhaye
        Profile picture of Loren Woirhaye
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        He's an awesome marketer and I'm sure he's a cool
        guy. I think LOA stuff is a crock though. Read Kevin
        Hogan's book "The 12 Factors of Business Success"
        and if you still want to spend your money on LOA
        products and coaching at least you'll be aware of
        a different (and more rationalist) perspective.
        • Profile picture of the author John Durham
          John Durham
          Profile picture of John Durham
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          Originally Posted by Loren Woirhaye View Post

          He's an awesome marketer and I'm sure he's a cool
          guy. I think LOA stuff is a crock though. Read Kevin
          Hogan's book "The 12 Factors of Business Success"
          and if you still want to spend your money on LOA
          products and coaching at least you'll be aware of
          a different (and more rationalist) perspective.
          Ha! You nailed me.

          I 'll check it out for sure.

          Michael Gerber's "E-myth" is also another (rationalist style) marketing book, and admittedly it's prob "THE" greatest business building book I've read so far.

          Confucius say: You are very funny man!
          • Profile picture of the author Mark McClure
            Mark McClure
            Profile picture of Mark McClure
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            Joe is indeed a class marketing act.

            Didn't he once put together some email course on copywriting, got 10 or so peeps to sign up and then... wait for it... set the price by dividing the price of some new sports cars he had his eye on by 10!! I still have images of his tearing up the Texas Hill Country (no speed traps there?)

            And what really stuck with me was that his weekly email course had homework for the students - which he promised to critique. But very few even sent anything in :-)

            "Money for old rope" as we say in the Emerald Isle.
            I tip my virtual hat to Joe for that marketing lesson on the pricing of a dream!
            • Profile picture of the author rcm3rd
              Profile picture of rcm3rd
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Joe is a great marketer.

              I liked the attractor factor too.

              I like what he said about money likes speed
              you can't wait, sit, discuss, once you get an idea
              for action. If you do it will go to the next person in line

              I try to remember that always.

              • Profile picture of the author mixelplik
                Profile picture of mixelplik
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                I think he's okay, I've read the attractor factor and it was fine. I disagree with him about how intricately we have to keep our minds on positive things to achieve success. Trained yogis who meditate for decades can barely do this, oh yeah this state of always keeping your mind in the positive is called "nirvana". Think that he is an okay guy, but ultimately he's like us, selling a product.
  • Profile picture of the author Shariyf Clark
    Shariyf Clark
    Profile picture of Shariyf Clark
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    I once bought a product of his called "How To Attract A new Car". The meat of the product was 4 audio interviews with people who had LOA products of their own they were kinda pitching during the interview. I can't knock him as a marketer. I guess he's good. However, his LOA products are shite. IMO at least.
  • Profile picture of the author Dave Z
    Dave Z
    Profile picture of Dave Z
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    He is a great marketer and you can learn a thing or two on how he puts his products in the market, what he is selling is utterly crap, but you can't deny the marketing skills he has.
  • Profile picture of the author Trandanos
    Profile picture of Trandanos
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    I have read many of Joe's books and managed to get something out of each one. I haven't as yet purchased the secret to attracting money but may well do in the future. I think you just have to have an open mind when reading his material. He does have an awful lot to offer people.
  • Profile picture of the author Adrian Cooper
    Adrian Cooper
    Profile picture of Adrian Cooper
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    Joe is an excellent marketer for sure, and that is reflected in his books and other work.

    His LOA approach, following The Secret is a fairly recent thing.

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