This is Why Most People Fail...

Kim Roach
Profile picture of Kim Roach
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
13 replies
Something I've noticed in my own business is that our biggest growth spurts
are almost always outside my comfort zone.

That's where your biggest growth lies.

It's easy to stay in your comfort zone (browsing the forums, checking email,
checking your stats, etc...)

But the actual revenue in your business is generated when you create your
first product, record your first sales video, start approaching new
affiliate partners, or place your first Facebook Ad.

These are the HARD things. The uncomfortable things that actually GROW
your business.

Most people never succeed online simply because they're unwilling to get
out of their comfortable bubble.

Those who succeed are the one's who continuously push themselves outside
of their comfort zone.

"ALL of your major growth lies outside of your comfort zone."


#fail #people
  • Profile picture of the author Ignas LT
    Ignas LT
    Profile picture of Ignas LT
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I agree with this, if you want to be successful you should get out of your comfort zone
    So on 2014 I wish everybody to go out of your comfort zones and be successful!
  • Profile picture of the author ColdWritingLLC
    Profile picture of ColdWritingLLC
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Kim Roach View Post

    These are the HARD things. The uncomfortable things that actually GROW
    your business.
    I definitely agree with your post but I'd like to add that it doesn't have to be hard to be outside your comfort zone - in fact, some of the biggest progress you can gain is from pushing through the easy things.

    Maybe it's something like keeping your desk clean that could save you lots of time and frustration every day but you simply don't get it done. Or maybe it's something like not wanting to talk on the phone and offering less customer service because of it - these are not difficult to fix but they will require you to set a new standard for yourself and literally become a better person than you were before.

    In fact, most problems that cause the most anxiety are the easiest to fix because all you have to do is work on the fundamentals. If you can't talk to your customers on the phone then start by calling your friends or your parents more often. Call a store and ask if they have a certain product. It sounds simple but if you can't talk to your customers I guarantee that you'll have the same fear of rejection that a first time business owner gets when he's developing marketing material for his project. And, to that point, you actually develop the skills you need to market your project as a part of the practicing process!
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  • Profile picture of the author ockiec
    Profile picture of ockiec
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    I needed a bit of motivation and I got it here... Thank you... I have been trying to make money online for some time now without much success... I will keep on going nonetheless...
  • Profile picture of the author Zincabopa
    Profile picture of Zincabopa
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    Totally agree, you need to be out of your comfort zone and you need to be willing to fail to succeed. I would argue you even need to fail sometimes in order to succeed. I wrote a little blog post on it if anyone is interested:
  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Mr Bill
    Profile picture of Mr Bill
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great post as always Kim. I would have preferred "This Is How Most People Succeed" though. I was pushed up on stage once (under protest) - best thing to ever happen to me.
  • Profile picture of the author Peak Curiosity
    Peak Curiosity
    Profile picture of Peak Curiosity
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    If you want to get uncomfortable to see results, you should try out Eric Worre's 90 day challenge.
  • Profile picture of the author nova320
    Profile picture of nova320
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great advice. The toughest for me was deciding what to do first. Sometimes I feel like there are no many things to do. I am only one on earth was I supposed to start a business all by myself? Then I realized that I just had to try and make it happen somehow.
    • Profile picture of the author bhshravankumar
      Profile picture of bhshravankumar
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      Originally Posted by nova320 View Post

      Great advice. The toughest for me was deciding what to do first. Sometimes I feel like there are no many things to do. I am only one on earth was I supposed to start a business all by myself? Then I realized that I just had to try and make it happen somehow.
      I have wasted a year thinking like that , pls dont waste time in thinking .just start and continue...all the best
  • Profile picture of the author bhshravankumar
    Profile picture of bhshravankumar
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Kim Roach View Post

    But the actual revenue in your business is generated when you create your
    first product, record your first sales video, start approaching new
    affiliate partners, or place your first Facebook Ad.

    "ALL of your major growth lies outside of your comfort zone."
    Yes 100% true , i am fighting to get out of my comfort zone.developing a software , started online journal , just started so right now i am feeling the true meaning of your words
  • Profile picture of the author JRJWrites
    Profile picture of JRJWrites
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Totally irrelevant, but this is also applicable when you train in any sport.
  • Profile picture of the author henrycalvin
    Profile picture of henrycalvin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Its true. The comfort zone is actually a disease. Once you get inside of it, you don't wanna get out of it. So the best thing is that you don't get too cozy with your comfort zone, or else its going to kick in your rear one day, and its going to hit hard.
  • Profile picture of the author MoRaitman
    Profile picture of MoRaitman
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    Excellent. You nailed it. I would add that going out of one's comfort zone in fact expands it. And as Henry Calvin alluded to, just keep raising the bar and never stay comfortable. Most people are not cognizant of their own skills and underestimate their true potential. One must have a solid belief system, action and focus. The rest falls into place.
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  • Profile picture of the author eldib3
    Profile picture of eldib3
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    100% Correct....TAKE ACTION !

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