Don't Focus on Failure

15 replies
Internal defeat is a mindset, where you begin to believe that most new ideas will fail.

You will always learn from mistakes. When you see them clearly as a test, examine the results, and study them closely for the reason why they went wrong.

Whether it is that you just start outor trying anything new, it is better to make mistakes than do nothing at all.

Some of the most successful Internet Marketers, I know, deal with mistakes as part of the learning curve. They turn all of their defeats into learning experiences. This is extremely powerful when you consider the cost of learning anything of value.

After all, what did you spend on your education, so far? Did you think you would stop learning at a certain point in life? Did you learn from your past mistakes? Of course you did, and now you are stronger due to the corrective adjustments, you have made.

When a child learns to ride a bicycle, there are plenty of falls along the way, and then the falling stops. However, even skilled adults fall off bicycles, sometimes.

So, don't take past failures personally. Put them behind you and learn from each one.

Henry Ford and the Wright Brothers had failures, but nobody seems to remember that. Just like them, you are not a failure, but you may have failed in the past, just like they did. When you get down on yourself, look back at what you have accomplished.

When you take on your next project, do the research first, assemble a team, make a full commitment to succeed, and never mentally quit before you start.

Lastly, whenever it is possible, learn from the mistakes of others.

#don’t #failure #focus #inspiration #inspirational #success
  • Profile picture of the author rusilja
    So true!

    Thank you for your wise words, you made me smile
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  • Profile picture of the author ronrule
    Thomas Edison made roughly 3,000 attempts before creating the lighbulb. When asked by a reporter about the failures, he answered "I didn't fail 3,000 times. I found 3,000 ways how not to create a lightbulb"

    Ron Rule

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    • Profile picture of the author pos
      I just read one article that helped me to understand why we should embrace failure on our way to success: 6 Reasons to Embrace Failure on Your Way to Success | Mind of a Winner. I hope you will like it as well. What reason would you add on list?
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    • Profile picture of the author talfighel
      Originally Posted by ronrule View Post

      Thomas Edison made roughly 3,000 attempts before creating the lighbulb. When asked by a reporter about the failures, he answered "I didn't fail 3,000 times. I found 3,000 ways how not to create a lightbulb"
      That is very inspiring on its own.

      I also heard the story about Honda (Honda cars). He failed so many times and look at it now. Honda cars are very famous all over the world. I believe that I heard his story from Tony Robbins audio that I got on YouTube.
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    • Profile picture of the author datingworld
      Originally Posted by ronrule View Post

      Thomas Edison made roughly 3,000 attempts before creating the lighbulb. When asked by a reporter about the failures, he answered "I didn't fail 3,000 times. I found 3,000 ways how not to create a lightbulb"
      This is really inspiring one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    Understand that the more you fail the closer you're to reaching success. You can't have one without the other. I can't remember who said that and their exact wording but it really is true.
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  • Profile picture of the author Reddy20
    Thank you. I love these parts"

    "So, don’t take past failures personally. Put them behind you and learn from each one."
    "Lastly, whenever it is possible, learn from the mistakes of others."

    Let go of past mistakes, they do not exist anymore.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Ray
    Give up your ambitions and goals, then you will never fail; therefore, by definition, you will always be successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author darious
    Thank your for those wise words! Motyvation is only thing I wish I had more, your words made me more self-confident
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Each of us has a container full of crap that has been lodged into the collective lower mind ever since the first man walked this planet.

    It is right there with us all (all the time).

    It likes to tell you what you can or can't do and now there seems to be a domino 'effect' with technology combined with the media.

    But there is a 'silver' lining in every dark cloud.

    The economy crash back in 2008?

    That was one of the best things to happen on this planet to date.

    So many people are being forced to 'looking inside' themselves and face their worst fears.

    It doesn't matter what the circumstances were, some people have come here (from really bad places in life) and still managed to make their break through's online.

    Your Focus, combined with belief "Can Literally Move Mountains"

    Guard your thoughts and guard them well.
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