How are YOU? Not TOO Bad.
I remember the corporate job, and when asking others in the break room how they were, they'd often respond with one of the following:
"Not too bad."
"Same ole thing, different day" (my old supervisor's boss)
"Good...for a Monday."
"Eh, it's a Monday."
"It's almost Friday!"
"Hanging in there."
"Good, how are you?" (that wasn't a real question or answer as they walk around in a perpetual daze and with a frown. It's a auto-response--a pleasantry)
There are a million more. But the one I liked the best was one particular individual who said "Excellent, as always." He was also the most productive and most liked of the bunch.
Think about that. Not TOO bad. What kind of life is that?
If all you can mutter is one of those phrases, it's time to reset and think about what, in life, you're passionate about. Many don't even know perhaps. They have grown to merely tolerate the cards they've been dealt in this unfair life.
But what have they done to change it? Most of the time, not one thing.
To change your circumstance, you must ACT to change them. It's more important not that you have all the details ironed out at the start, but that you DO something, ANYTHING, and be consistent with that action.
My ICQ: 498*639*434, Skype: Chosen_FTS
I will show you my references on request.
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Cheers, Laurence.
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