Shipwrecked and Making Bank!!!

5 replies
Imagine for a minute that you are shipwrecked on an island for a day and a night with one other person. You have food water and supplies but the rescue boat won't be there until tomorrow. If you could pick anyone who is alive today to spend it with that might help you achieve success or enlightenment in life who would it be and why?
#bank #making #shipwrecked
  • Profile picture of the author Arun Chandran
    Olivia Wilde... definitely.

    I'll think about success and enlightenment later
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  • Profile picture of the author origin
    Clint Eastwood or Sean Connery.

    I grew up watching their movies and they are getting really old now. Would love to spend some time with them before they go...

    I am sure they can teach me something about success, but more so, I would just like to be able to say that I have met them and spent some time with them
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    an investor in resorts interested in checking out the island for potential for a high end exclusive resort for very wealthy people ..
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  • Profile picture of the author SDsurfer
    Heck, I'd craft a surfboard out of the local trees and spend the rest of my days riding waves by myself!
    Internet Marketing Professional because I just want to SURF.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vincent Joseph
    Jesus! Its eternity that matters!
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