Help me I lack motivation and can't make money

59 replies
I know how to do it, I even made my own eBook on how to make money with affiliate marketing. I know exactly how to do it I'm just not doing it.

What I personally could do: Go apply for a job, or find another way to get money to get a start-up budget for a PPC campaign or pay freelancers to improve my websites. I have good ideas, my problem is I am just lacking motivation to put them all into use... So what I think I should do is start meditating to clear my mind and become a better person and think more clearer and set goals wiser.

Can anyone give me any tips or even any resources that might put me on track and help me make money a little bit easier? Like assistance to my current knowledge and skills, something like that would be nice.

So yeah and feedback is appreciated, thanks girls and guys!
#lack #make #money #motivation
  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    Use Google and ask questions to get the answers you need.
    You can't expect to be lazy and unmotivated and expect others to hand it all to you on a silver platter.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    untill you are actually making money..avoid writing ebooks on how to make money..who is to say the people you learned your theories from are just doing the same thing you are ..

    western civilization is crumbling because it has been taken over by people who learned in a class room how things should be done.. but never got out there and did it for real .. then managed to become teachers or in politics ..

    there is an epidemic of people with dumb theoriesabout how things should be done .. making laws that make it harder and hard for those who get stuf done to get it done ..
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    • Profile picture of the author KelvinN
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      • Profile picture of the author AlyseS
        Originally Posted by KelvinN View Post

        I've researched A LOT on affiliate marketing and making money online, affiliate marketing is a straightforward way of making money and all one has to know is where to advertise, how to advertise, and how to research the product so they can put up detailed ads.
        In this post and in your OP, you are placing way too much pride or feeling accomplishment simply because you "know how to do it".

        If I wanted to be an Olympic Gold Medalist, let's say in swimming, I could easily find out exactly what it would take to be as successful as Michael Phelps with a few keystrokes on the Internet. Now, because I've "researched A LOT" about Michael Phelps training and Olympic swimmers...does that make me qualified to coach someone else to be an Olympic Gold Medalist OR be an Olympic Gold Medalist myself?.....ummm NOOOO.

        This is exactly your argument for why you should be successful or you should be selling your make money online ebook. Anyone can research a topic and write a book about it, that doesn't make you qualified to do so.

        Even though I know all about champion level swimming, I still lack main ingredient to actually achieve the goal, and that's desire. If I don't have the passion or desire to achieve the outcome that Michael Phelps has...that knowledge is useless, because I will NEVER take action (similar to your situation).

        Your problem is a lack of desire. You probably don't NEED the money like life or death. Therefore, you don't truly want the outcome enough. Everybody thinks they want to be a millionaire, but it's only the people who truly desire it that will ever earn it.

        If you are living relatively comfortably (like I am), you should probably become obsessed with something that will take a significant amount of money to achieve. It needs to be something that isn't just for you, but it needs to get you excited. Maybe it's an experience you want to give someone in your family or your whole family. It has to have a lot of emotion behind it.

        I have plenty of those in my mind all the time, and I funnel that emotion, desire and energy into focusing on what I have to do day-to-day to get there.

        One more thing...You should try to find work that you can be proud of. When I imagine achieving my goals and I see my family and friends asking me how I did it or what I did to get there, the last thing I want to tell them is that I was selling and promoting make money online products that I haven't even used myself or some diet supplement that could be harmful and probably doesn't work.
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  • Profile picture of the author rv5
    Hey you know I can't make money from last 2 years but I have not quit tryingg yet . you will succeed one day my friend , just don't quit.
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  • Profile picture of the author bobandnanci
    Forget about getting yourself motivated. Take one form of action right now. You'll be surprised how long you will stick with it if you are already in motion.
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  • Profile picture of the author mspillman
    Like "Ooahh" said, don't write and promote an ebook on making money if you are asking how to make money. If that were true (what you put in your ebook) you wouldn't be asking this question.
    I'm not trying to be harsh but talking and doing are two different things.
    Others can help encourage and share motivational thoughts but NO ONE can motivate you...that is your job. Make sense?
    You can get built up and excited by reading and listening to what others have said and done but, when it comes down to it, it's YOUR move.
    But, here's the are ALIVE and BREATHING which means that you are alive! That being the case, you have OPPORTUNITY before you today and everyday that you are alive. You can do it but, you have to want to do it to the point that you simply can't NOT do it. Make sense? Your "why" has to be stronger than your lack of action.

    Read my article on 4 "no cost or low cost" opportunities to make money!

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  • Profile picture of the author cyberzolo
    Be consistent and believe in your self, that's all you need.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnnyPlan
    Apathy is a common affliction of many who want to succeed online or in life. What you lack here is desperation as this will force you through any procrastination or apathy (lack of motivation) that you feel as your actions will be compelled by the desire not to starve or be homeless. If you are financially secure enough to not have to worry about putting ideas into motion then you are the lucky one as most who work online or in their own business are doing so to pay bills, not for pocket money.
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    • Profile picture of the author jbelt999
      Only the self-motivated do well in the long run..

      Jon P. Belt

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      • Profile picture of the author JoshDylan
        Originally Posted by jbelt999 View Post

        Only the self-motivated do well in the long run..
        You took the words right out of my mouth.

        - Jay - Business Advisor

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    • Profile picture of the author KelvinN
      I do it for pocket money because everybody in the world needs money and nobody deserves to work at a 9-5 job, and you as somebody on the Warrior Forum should know that. Enslavement is not necessary nor beneficial and the only outcome is severe stress, anxiety, and depression throughout the rest of your life working at a sh*t job that you don't even like. That's not the lifestyle I seek for.
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  • Profile picture of the author walterwombat
    Make a plan and try working shorter hours. I found when I put fewer hours aside, I work for those hours. I do 4hrs in the morning and 2 in the evening. I used to work 10 hrs/day. I found working long hours didn't get that much more done compared to a shorter day. I can be 100% motivated for 6 hrs - close email and don't answer the telephone; but my motivation goes down doing 10 hrs and I get distracted more easily. In addition, I look after other aspects of my life like exercise, getting good sleep and eating healthily if I work shorter hours.

    Meditating is a good idea if it works for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author HypnotistJimmyG
      I see your "situation" from another angle and it may sound harsh, but it also may be a reality check for you.

      Here's why your not motivated .....
      Your chasing after money.

      Doing anything simply to get a pay check is the LEAST motivating thing you could ever do with your life... and life is short my friend.

      No matter what you truly love to do, there's a way to making a great living at it.

      What is your "PASSION"?
      Do "THAT" and will find your pot of gold.

      James "JimmyG" Graham, C.Ht.
      MindPower Mentor, Speaker, Author, Entertainer

      MindPower Programs Free MindPower Programs To Improve Your Life
      Hypnotist JimmyG's MindPower Show! Mindblowing Event Entertainment
      Hooked On Hypnosis Crazy Hypnosis Videos

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      • Profile picture of the author mspillman
        Originally Posted by HypnotistJimmyG View Post

        I see your "situation" from another angle and it may sound harsh, but it also may be a reality check for you.

        Here's why your not motivated .....
        Your chasing after money.

        Doing anything simply to get a pay check is the LEAST motivating thing you could ever do with your life... and life is short my friend.

        No matter what you truly love to do, there's a way to making a great living at it.

        What is your "PASSION"?
        Do "THAT" and will find your pot of gold.

        I have heard that exact thing said many a time along the way. I've often heard that as long as you are "chasing money" that you will not be successful. Once you stop chasing the money, the money will come.
        The struggle with that is that so many find themselves in nearly destitute situations when they begin to try to figure out a way to gain some extra cash.
        Whatever it is you focus on is what will come back to you. So, if you are focused on the idea that you "can't make money" then, guess what will continue to happen?
        Just a thought to add to what was said.
        Great point!

        Read my article on 4 "no cost or low cost" opportunities to make money!

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      • Profile picture of the author JohnnyPlan
        Originally Posted by HypnotistJimmyG View Post

        I see your "situation" from another angle and it may sound harsh, but it also may be a reality check for you.

        Here's why your not motivated .....
        Your chasing after money.

        Doing anything simply to get a pay check is the LEAST motivating thing you could ever do with your life... and life is short my friend.

        No matter what you truly love to do, there's a way to making a great living at it.

        What is your "PASSION"?
        Do "THAT" and will find your pot of gold.
        "Make money quick" is never the right way to pursue one's dream, especially for a young person with few financial responsibilities. Most of us have to pay the bills and can't sit around dreaming of the ideal life/perfect scenario and have to put one foot in front of the other to get the money in the bank. Oh, for the youthful days when they are so carefree to be able to dream like this to find the passion. I'd say take advantage of this time to find that passion before real life takes hold of you and throws you for a loop.
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  • Profile picture of the author kanuj
    I was in the same frame of mind some weeks back as you are. here is what I did. you may also try may get better:

    1) Started taking things easy, spend time with friends and family.
    2) stopped chasing and doing it for money
    3) Did what i wanted to rather than writing for a search engine - made me happy
    4) eat right sleep right and get some fresh air will help clear up mind and will re-energize you

    Cheer up mate , world is your oyester!


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  • Profile picture of the author SDsurfer
    Two options. Free option: get an accountability partner. I'm sure you could find one here on Warrior. Find someone that is also working on making money online, and check in with them once a week (or everyday if that works better for you). It's like Weight Watchers. They don't teach you anything revolutionary, but having to go in and tell people how your week of dieting went makes you do better than you would on your own. So get someone that will hold you accountable with your to-do list (and HAVE a to-do list every day, EVERY DAY).
    Paid option: Get a coach. There are a TON of coaches here and online that will help you out, look over your shoulder, and make sure you get everything done.
    Internet Marketing Professional because I just want to SURF.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    You don't need "motivation." You need discipline.

    Literally sit down for a couple of hours and "force" yourself to work. (Then, make that a habit/routine.) It wouldn't be surprising if you find yourself becoming more motivated by following this advice. As legendary Copywriter/Marketer Gary Halbert said:

    "Movement creates more momentum than meditation."

    Good luck. : )
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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    • Profile picture of the author KelvinN
      Thanks a lot man, really!
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  • Profile picture of the author Pinay11
    You wrote an entire book. That has to count for something. Some people are making money without writing anything. Just stay active.
    Instead of trying to use PPC traffic to sell your book, try straight to Amazon. I think staying active in the forum will help you stay motivated. Freelancers save a lot of time and frustration.
    My First $1,000 Check List
    * Set Up Squeeze Page (done) * Link Report to Email List (done) * Set Up Autoresponder Series (done) * 100 Subscribers * First Affiliate Check * 5000 subscribers * $1,000 Check*
    I think I can, I think I can, I think I can lose weight
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  • Profile picture of the author Eric D Greene
    I think you're on the right track. It sounds like meditation will be very helpful for you. It all comes down to mindset. People say it's all about taking action.. well it is and it isn't. Yes action is required. But how are you going to get yourself to take the actions you need to take if you don't have the right mindset?

    Mind is what you've got to get straightened out, first and foremost. Get yourself focused on that and you're on your way.

    Now here's a little something extra. PRACTICE having the right mindset. For example, instead of saying to yourself "I lack motivation and can't make money", practice saying to yourself "I am highly motivated and CAN make lots of money in whatever ways I set my mind to." Or, just correct yourself a little bit, by saying "I am learning to have the right money-making mindset and getting better at it every day."

    Practice does make perfect. Having a strong mindset is like having strong muscles and working out at the gym every day. So in addition to meditation, my advice is to also make the effort to say these kinds of affirmations.
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    • Profile picture of the author Crystal_Jobs
      Originally Posted by Eric D Greene View Post

      I think you're on the right track.
      Basically, I believe you are on the right track too.

      You know that the best way to learn fast is to 'learn as if you want to teach it to another person'.

      Now that you have written a book on affiliate marketing, you are ready to be an affiliate marketer.

      Consider all the resources you have at your disposal and how you can use them to make money. Don't think about anything too complex; that will only bring you more discouragements. Just do the things that are within your reach and find out more ways to maximize their use.

      Then get back to work and take life easy.

      You might want to listen to Woculus Marketplace for Business Essentials - The Greatest Salesman in the World. In real fact, the book isn't really about sales alone. It motivated me when I listened to the audio.

      All the best dear.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vincent Joseph
    Motivation doesn't have to revolve around what you are doing... For example... I love to make movies... So creating products, CPA marketing etc. is a means to an end! Just be motivated because with this stuff you can be your own boss! You have to find something in life that motivates you and then you will want to do this stuff because it will help you get or accomplish what you love!
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  • Profile picture of the author KelvinN
    Wow thanks everyone
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  • Profile picture of the author JagSEO
    Hmmmm familiar spot, I've been in your shoes a couple of months ago. What I've learned? Don't depend on others for help, you have to help yourself by being consistent on what you want to do.

    They will not create for you, You will create for yourself. What I've done I created a blog site and after a month sold it in Flippa. But selling in Flippa entails proof of traffic and some sales or earnings.

    So concentrate on traffic and earnings of your blog and then Flip it.

    That's what I've done. I think I like doing this, correct me if I'm wrong I am now a serial entrepreneur. Well I'm just starting. I started with hundreds and the next step would be thousands and maybe after that I am going to sell a million worth of a business.

    Just start with something, stop asking for validation.
    Hooked To Success -Personal development For People Who Wants Success.
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  • Profile picture of the author gvidass
    I know this feeling, it happens the same to me from time to time. No motivationa and feels like I'm starting to depress for this...

    But what I do to get off from this feeling is very simple, you see more than making plans and taking actions I love sport it's huge part of my life. So when I feel lack of motivation, I just go for a jogging, or lift some weights, it's easy, because I got my own home gym. Play basketball and do other activities, it's the only way to feel motivated again and keep going
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnnyPlan
      Originally Posted by gvidass View Post

      I know this feeling, it happens the same to me from time to time. No motivationa and feels like I'm starting to depress for this...

      But what I do to get off from this feeling is very simple, you see more than making plans and taking actions I love sport it's huge part of my life. So when I feel lack of motivation, I just go for a jogging, or lift some weights, it's easy, because I got my own home gym. Play basketball and do other activities, it's the only way to feel motivated again and keep going
      Getting up out of the chair and moving the body is a good way to engage not just the muscles but the brain as you need activity to get good activity. When someone is feeling depressed or lethargic, you can bet they are spending way too much time inside on the couch or in front of the computer. When was the last time you were outdoors? If a person can answer that question, they are likely to know why they are feeling demotivated.
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  • Profile picture of the author tobyjensen
    Do what you really want to in a way that is comfortable. Interesting, invigorating, fascinating, supportive, relaxing, enjoyable all equal comfortable. I simply can't stress this enough. Work sucks. Turn work into play by doing what you really want to do. There are so many things to do and ways to do them.

    This is probably one of the most profound insights I've ever found in motivation. People are already motivated (or you would be dead) is another way to look at it.

    Questions are your most powerful tool. These are questions you ask yourself not necessarily of others.

    On one end: Where do you want to be? How do you want to get there? Get a plan that will work. On the other end: what is it costing you? How does it hurt? Involve both sides to motivation (pleasure and pain) in a constructive, healthy, responsible, and appropriate way. Finding this pleasure/pain balance for yourself is the most tricky part.

    Some people, in working out or exercising for example, like to work out by themselves while others see that as torture and pain. Maybe just making a commitment to show up to the front desk of a gym would be enough that you could do? Then have the front desk clerk learn to recognize you and entice you into the gym or have your trainer come get you. I don't really know here because I don't know you but I think you get the idea. I am just picking out random things to illustrate different points.

    Aside from working out is eating healthy. That seems to be about 90% of losing weight if this is part of what you want. This is a completely different thing. If losing weight is more important than getting in shape then just forget about exercise for now. Truly. Just forget it. Focus everything on enjoying some kind of healthy food. Learn to cook naked in the kitchen with your girlfriend? I have no idea. Wait, that is a bad idea because of hot splashes. (Are you getting the idea here?) Find something that interests you. Explore.

    As far as goals in general: you have to tie rewards to the level of goal you achieve.
    A small goal = a small reward
    A medium goal = a medium reward
    A large goal = a large reward

    Too large a reward for a small goal means, "You are done" to yourself. Too small a reward for a large goal means, "You won't ever make it" to yourself. Take care of yourself.

    Now look at what is getting in your way. Embarrassment? Lack of friends? Depression? Money? Boredom? Opportunity? (too busy) What is it? This is the introspective look at becoming successful. These are the road blocks. Here is a short little cartoon that can get you started here>
    What gets you out of bed in the morning on the weekends? I suggest using some version of that to get started. Then, why do you finally go to bed on the weekends? And add that as well. Trust me, eventually if you keep tinkering around to find how you are already motivated you will find it. This is the key. Once you find this you can turn up the volume. Without knowing how you are already motivated turning up the volume by trying to motivate yourself is a waste of time. So many wonderfully interesting ways to get into "shape".

    Have some fun.

    Try different things.

    When it clicks and you hit home - gold. You never go back. You are successful and enjoy it.

    Toby Jensen - Invest in what works this time

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  • Profile picture of the author success4all
    Originally Posted by KelvinN View Post

    I know how to do it, I even made my own eBook on how to make money with affiliate marketing. I know exactly how to do it I'm just not doing it.

    What I personally could do: Go apply for a job, or find another way to get money to get a start-up budget for a PPC campaign or pay freelancers to improve my websites. I have good ideas, my problem is I am just lacking motivation to put them all into use... So what I think I should do is start meditating to clear my mind and become a better person and think more clearer and set goals wiser.

    Can anyone give me any tips or even any resources that might put me on track and help me make money a little bit easier? Like assistance to my current knowledge and skills, something like that would be nice.

    So yeah and feedback is appreciated, thanks girls and guys!
    Hi KelvinN,

    Check out and see whether this helps:
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  • Profile picture of the author SDsurfer
    Make a list of a few simple things that need to get done. Don't go to bed at night until you've finished that list. NO EXCUSES. And write it down and actually check it off. Physically doing that can make a big impact. THEN, if you get that done for a day or two or a week, start adding harder tasks. Just keep increasing the difficulty level on the tasks until you are back at it.

    I'm a list person. So seeing a list with unchecked boxes crossed off will drive me NUTS. Sometimes, I even put stupid things on my list like 'get the mail' or 'workout' or 'surf today,' all things I would do anyways, just to be able to check something off the list.
    Internet Marketing Professional because I just want to SURF.
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  • Profile picture of the author Roy Cohen
    Zig Ziglar said it best, "motivation follows the action."

    First step is actually getting up and DOING. I was struggling just like you, knowing how to do everything but not getting up and actually taking the action in doing what actually needs to be done.

    Knowing the information is just not enough. It's a great start because you don't have to start from zero knowledge but that is not going to run the business. You have to act on what you have learned. Make a set action plan. Start with your step one. Do it. Do not procrastinate. Then move on to step 2. Then 3, 4, 5, and all the way until the end. when you know where you are headed motivation will overflow.

    If you wrote an ebook then follow what you have said there. Take your own advice.

    So begin NOW. Don't wait an hour or until tomorrow because later will be now and you will feel just like you are feeling now. So just as Zig said it, act now and then you will be motivated. If it happens the other way around, the motivation won't last long.

    Hope this helps,

    Roy Cohen
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    • Profile picture of the author Diogodac
      Originally Posted by Roy Cohen View Post

      Zig Ziglar said it best, "motivation follows the action."

      First step is actually getting up and DOING. I was struggling just like you, knowing how to do everything but not getting up and actually taking the action in doing what actually needs to be done.

      Knowing the information is just not enough. It's a great start because you don't have to start from zero knowledge but that is not going to run the business. You have to act on what you have learned. Make a set action plan. Start with your step one. Do it. Do not procrastinate. Then move on to step 2. Then 3, 4, 5, and all the way until the end. when you know where you are headed motivation will overflow.

      If you wrote an ebook then follow what you have said there. Take your own advice.

      So begin NOW. Don't wait an hour or until tomorrow because later will be now and you will feel just like you are feeling now. So just as Zig said it, act now and then you will be motivated. If it happens the other way around, the motivation won't last long.

      Hope this helps,

      Roy Cohen
      I love that quote!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Use EFT on "I lack motivation", "I can't make money" etc. until they are no longer "true"

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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    I think you're lacking commitment. You need to sit down and get out a pen and paper. Write down your goal(s) for the next 30 days, and write out a 30 day game plan that if you followed to a tee would lead to the achievement of your goal(s).

    Then you need to find your "why". Find a motivating reason why you need to stick to your 30 day plan. If you have to create your own reason, punishment, or reward to motivate yourself to take consistent action for 30 days straight.

    We can't motivate you to do anything (at least not on a consistent basis), you have to find your own daily motivation. Read motivational books, watch motivational speeches, and listen to inspirational audio on a daily basis. You need to change your current habits and way of thinking.
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  • Profile picture of the author tobyjensen
    Originally Posted by KelvinN View Post

    I know how to do it, I even made my own eBook on how to make money with affiliate marketing. I know exactly how to do it I'm just not doing it.

    What I personally could do: Go apply for a job, or find another way to get money to get a start-up budget for a PPC campaign or pay freelancers to improve my websites. I have good ideas, my problem is I am just lacking motivation to put them all into use... So what I think I should do is start meditating to clear my mind and become a better person and think more clearer and set goals wiser.

    Can anyone give me any tips or even any resources that might put me on track and help me make money a little bit easier? Like assistance to my current knowledge and skills, something like that would be nice.

    So yeah and feedback is appreciated, thanks girls and guys!

    Haven't seen you since the original post - You still need help?

    Toby Jensen - Invest in what works this time

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  • Profile picture of the author C G
    First you need to change your mindset. IM is hard. You will have tons of failures and put in long hours.

    You must understand that success in IM as nothing to do with motivation. Yes, you can have a reason WHY you are doing it. But the key is to create the habit of taking action even when you are not in the mood.

    Also FOCUS on only one thing until success.


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  • Profile picture of the author MarkYoung
    Originally Posted by KelvinN View Post

    I know how to do it, I even made my own eBook on how to make money with affiliate marketing. I know exactly how to do it I'm just not doing it.

    What I personally could do: Go apply for a job, or find another way to get money to get a start-up budget for a PPC campaign or pay freelancers to improve my websites. I have good ideas, my problem is I am just lacking motivation to put them all into use... So what I think I should do is start meditating to clear my mind and become a better person and think more clearer and set goals wiser.

    Can anyone give me any tips or even any resources that might put me on track and help me make money a little bit easier? Like assistance to my current knowledge and skills, something like that would be nice.

    So yeah and feedback is appreciated, thanks girls and guys!
    Well, I noticed you said you lack motivation, which is an emotional integral piece of any business foundation, so if I may comment on that and say just do what makes you happy, if internet marketing over all does not truly please you then don't do it, find some thing else that does. (with all respect, this is to say you are not limited as
    to what things you can do).

    To add, work turns into play if it's some thing that makes you happy. Then doing business will turn into a world you are excited to be in, and everything will change. The plant on your desk will turn bright green and colorful, the cars passing by will seem somehow fit into things, the color of the sky will amuse you, the toys in front of you will be fun to play with.

    Remember as well, that the things we like come from who we really are, so there not hard to find..they are right in front of us. What you enjoy doing should be some thing that when at home on your own leisure time would fit right into your happy world.

    Lastly, I have a quote I wrote a while ago, and it goes some thing like- "Don't look for life in the things you do, make life in the things you do". I'm sure those words are already written elsewhere long before I thought of them, but the meaning behind it is unquestionable.
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  • Profile picture of the author TNGold
    Kelvin, you may be right about finding a job. Many (I would actually say most) people are just not cut out for being their own boss. They just need to know that if they don't do what is expected they will get reprimanded or fired. That is their motivation. I also agree with others who have said you must have a bigger reason than just making money. If you care about helping others succeed focus on that. I also recommend you create the life you want to achieve in you mind and decide you will accomplish that. You must have goals, both short-term and long-range to keep you going every day. Something to shoot for. Where do you really want to be in 5 years? If you only do something for the money you will constantly struggle with motivation. But we all struggle with motivation occasionally and it helps me to feed my mind with positive input. Subscribe to motivational speakers on Youtube and watch them frequently. Eric Thomas (the hip-hop preacher) is one of my favorites but there are many.
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  • Profile picture of the author MoneyHop
    Hey Kelvin, you may need to re-program your mind. It may be limiting beliefs that are holding you back and not conscious beliefs even through you really want to succeed I'm talking about sub-conscious. Try this: Manifest Prosperity | Brain Sync | Subliminal MP3 Listen to that and things will start to change.

    GL dude
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  • Profile picture of the author edvelez502
    Go out for a run and get your blood flowing.
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  • Profile picture of the author pertinax
    I have the same problem.Many good ideas and no motivation to develope them,mostly because of the fear that i will fail.
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  • Profile picture of the author eurohttp
    Did you tried for example at Do you have any skills? Coding, programming, writing?
    You can surely find some service to work for. Try to work for free some time like an administrator or manager and writer. You need to get noticed and appreciated worker.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sandycmy
    Make money, you'll feel motivated. I see that you aren't making enough now, else you wouldn't ahve started this thread, it would have been a WSO !

    I feel it is egg or chicken first concept. Logically, make money in the way you ahve done to invest in your passions - Nobody can discover their passions if they die of hunger
    or become restless ! My 2 cents.

    P:S: I'm here on this section for motivation, as I'm NOT making enough money !

    "You have to do what you have to do now, so that you can do what you want to " - heard in a movie, the words may not me exact but they are more or less the same. I believe in it !

    Good luck ! Go do your work
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  • Profile picture of the author Avocado Plugins
    Hey bud,

    Here is the reality of it all.

    Anytime I feel tiered, unmotivated or even remotely steering away from my purpose I remind myself of the "time machine mindset".

    Here is what it is - think of yourself as someone from the dark ages at all times, think of yourself as someone who back in time had to fight for his life.

    Someone who woke up everyday and had to avoid being eaten by a tiger or be killed by another member of the opposing tribe.

    NOW look at your life and see what you have. Do you have food? Yes. Do you have a house or a place to live? Yes. Do you have enough money in order to be able to buy clothes from time to time? Yes. Are you safe from tigers? Yes. Are you safe form any opposing tribes? Yes.

    Funny thing is that our ancestors actually HAD to go through all that and MUCH worse. Now look at your problems and say that if THEY could do it and were motivated enough to push through it then you have NO excuse to NOT succeed my friend.

    I hope that helps
    Let our lean, healthy and shredded WordPress Plugins make you more money... start here.
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    • Profile picture of the author KelvinN
      Originally Posted by Avocado Plugins View Post

      Hey bud,

      Here is the reality of it all.

      Anytime I feel tiered, unmotivated or even remotely steering away from my purpose I remind myself of the "time machine mindset".

      Here is what it is - think of yourself as someone from the dark ages at all times, think of yourself as someone who back in time had to fight for his life.

      Someone who woke up everyday and had to avoid being eaten by a tiger or be killed by another member of the opposing tribe.

      NOW look at your life and see what you have. Do you have food? Yes. Do you have a house or a place to live? Yes. Do you have enough money in order to be able to buy clothes from time to time? Yes. Are you safe from tigers? Yes. Are you safe form any opposing tribes? Yes.

      Funny thing is that our ancestors actually HAD to go through all that and MUCH worse. Now look at your problems and say that if THEY could do it and were motivated enough to push through it then you have NO excuse to NOT succeed my friend.

      I hope that helps
      Wow I'm pretty sure this was the best reply. I think with the assistance of meditation I could easily get into this mindset and start taking action. As soon as I started reading your post I looked at it from another perspective and I actually think that could really help me. I also have my own personal motivations I could use if I use the right perspective. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author KoachK
    Hey Kevin, try listening to the audio book "4 hour workweek", I think it may be the "shift" you're looking for.
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  • Profile picture of the author amazingamazing
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  • Profile picture of the author CreativeFortune
    Have you been tested for ADHD?
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  • Profile picture of the author rbates
    Kelvin -

    Forget the meditation and get to work! You are looking
    for excuses not to get started. You keep getting yourself
    sidetracked (and I think you already realize that).

    If you really understand the concepts in the ebook that
    you wrote, and that is where your interest lies, then
    concentrate on one or two methods that you think will
    work for you.

    The word is work. Once working, it is important to
    not get sidetracked. Turn off your TV, cell phone,
    and the internet when you don't need it.

    Oh, yeah, meditation is great, but do it on your
    "Free" time, not when you are working.
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    • Profile picture of the author gloria123
      This is a very lonely business.... And it is very discouraging and frustrating when you give so much time and effort... with no results.
      In one of the multiple Webinars I attended, I remember this "guru" saying the following:
      Pretend Internet Marketing is a cave... you use different tools to dig and dig... sometimes you find a hard rock, sometimes a soft spot... You have to keep on digging. f you stop you will never know how close you were to success... Maybe just one more effort and "Voila" You made it.
      I am sure all of us had gone through the same experience. I was completely lost going from program to program, looking for "shiny objects...".
      fortunately I found a Mentor and he has helped me tremendously to keep focus and guiding me in the right direction (He won't do the work for me..)
      My advise, get a mentor that you feel comfortable with.
      Or take on task at a time... One program at a time and ignore everything else.
      One program and one task at a time....
      You wont b overwhelmed.
      Hope this helps
      Best of luck
      No matter what.... DO NOT GIVE UP
      G. Lewis.
      "Successful People Do What Average People Don't do"

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  • Profile picture of the author JagSEO
    Just continue what you believe can help you. There's too much noise, start working right now and adjust along the way there is no perfect way but creating adjustment if you stumble some railroad.

    I used to think a lot before but right now, just one thing and different strategies and see what works.
    Hooked To Success -Personal development For People Who Wants Success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Manannan
    Just do it man your overcomplicating, you know how to do it so do it. Simple
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  • I struggled so much with motivation. I was always complaining and whining about the things that I didn't want to do. I was so lazy. I have found that the easiest way for me to completely change myself and become super motivated was by reading some of the best motivational books. I started by reading for half an hour in the morning. After a few weeks, I noticed that I was not as lazy anymore and was even motivated to go to the gym! I had this desire to make some goals and achieve them. I don't know what came over me but putting myself in that environment of positivity through the books changed the way I was thinking. Then I started listening to audiobooks in my car. I believe that the information and positivity that is in these books sink into your subconscious and change your motivational levels.
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  • Profile picture of the author svetod
    Do you do any sports? I love all kinds of sports and find it really motivating to go to the gym after I'm done with my work for the day and it's so good for your motivation and overall wellness.

    Good luck

    Want To Know How I Make Money Online? Read my story
    Follow me on Instagram for Daily Inspiration & Free Tips: svetlintodd
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  • Profile picture of the author BionicMan40
    You need inspiration! You have the tools to make money but you need a burning desired to motivate you.
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    Changing this, means you've acknowledge the rule and won't do it again. Repetition of this, may lead to a sanction of disabling your signature. Thank you. - EasySimmons
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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Logan
    First of all, you must be relaxed. If you are fixed and if you urge yourself to be successfull and rich, then you will not become one. When you give away this urgent desire of success you will get it eventually.
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  • Profile picture of the author King Manu
    i recommend that you first relax. This kind of job is sometimes exhausting our brain and even if you don't see a solution right now, you will see it when not expecting. So trust me, go exercise, watch a movie, try to detach for a while and find that chill spot.
    And anyone who tries to bring you down for pursuing your dreams can't be called an entrepreneur.
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    • Profile picture of the author 4thMarshall
      You're fear of failure is also keeping you from taking steps. I can hear those sub-concious thoughts keep demuriring 'what if you fail, what if you fail what if you fail what if you fail'. . You need to overcome the fear of failure too, it should overwhelm you only if you're trying out your last match on to the box, and you're in the middle of the sahara.
      Ok, just trying to motivate someone here...


      But be sure to get running 'fore I'm back... Quit being over pedantic and free yourself from analysis-paralysis! The mere fact that you've never tried out what you preached on you E-book make you... A MONSTER

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  • Profile picture of the author ProServices
    I understand what your saying. I went through hell with info overload but lucky a fellow warrior was my wake up call. Thanks to that great warrior, I am laser focused, take action and follow through. I'm only doing one thing at a time and do weekly task lists to motivate me.
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