Hello Everyone!

by 12 replies
My name is Daniel and I am a marketing consultant from Portland Oregon. I have much to learn but I know this is a great place to start.

I look forward to contributing and helping out anyway that I can. I also have a crappy website as well as an unresponsive list and now with that out of the way I can tell you all that I am very excited to start getting to work and becoming a respectable online marketer!
#off topic forum #crappy #list #newbie #unresponsive #website
  • Welcome aboard Daniel.
    Read the rules, read threads in the forum that interest you and get involved when you feel necessary. I hope the forum helps you with your goals.
  • Welcome man!
    Stay focus!
    • [1] reply
    • If you're a marketing consultant you're in the right place. This place is filled with people who have marketing problems to solve.
      • [1] reply
  • Hi Daniel,
    Welcome to the forum.It is a wonderful resource, hope you find what you are looking for.
    All the best
  • Hi Daniel,

    Welcome to the Warrior Forum! You are at the perfect place at the perfect time.

    The people here are very helpful to any question you can ask to help you on your journey.

    And it is wonderful that you want to contribute too!!

    What a perfect start!

    • [1] reply
    • Leilani Your excitement simply inspires me to do my best and help those who are struggling!
  • Welcome Daniel, this is a great place to get advice and help. Read through any threads that interest you, contribute when you can and enjoy.
    Learn what you need and take action.
    • [2] replies
    • Gill2015- Thank you friend for the kind words of inspiration!
    • I deeply appreciate all those who took the time to respond to me and I wish you all the best of success!

      **Cheez Alert**
      I know this sounds like some lame newbie brown nosing but i really do appreciate ya'll!
  • Hello, Welcome to our family. You can read the rules and become a cool member here.
    • [1] reply
    • Hello Welcome to the forum.

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  • 14

    My name is Daniel and I am a marketing consultant from Portland Oregon. I have much to learn but I know this is a great place to start. I look forward to contributing and helping out anyway that I can. I also have a crappy website as well as an unresponsive list and now with that out of the way I can tell you all that I am very excited to start getting to work and becoming a respectable online marketer!