Deadpool, in one word, Brilliant!

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Yep, just saw it, and had a smile on my face when l was walking out of the cinema, as everyone else had!

Pretty rare for a film to have that effect, especially superhero type films, that are getting a bit samey these days!

Claude go and see this without your wife, seriously she won't like this!

I had a couple sitting near me, and they acted like it was a funeral, especially the girl!

And Princess you have to see this, better than a family size packet of Fukital tablets, extra strength!

I feel like l just had a 3 day holiday....

This movie takes the p*** out of itself, X-men, and anything else it can find.

Fast action, and plenty of clever one liners, but it is rated MA, so enough said!

PS wait til the end credits, there is a scene there, well several, and it does take off a certain popular movie, won't say anymore,......

But if you don't slow down and smell the roses, you will get run over, or something like that!

  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Jason Kanigan
    Profile picture of Jason Kanigan
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    I saw the trailers many times before Star Wars, Hateful Eight, and others...humor seemed immature. Aimed at teens. Didn't seem to have anything to interest a grown-up. Is there more to it than snappy oneliners and physical comedy gags?

    It should be said I generally do not like superhero movies. Don't like the X-Men. Superman was the first movie I saw, at someone's 5th birthday party on Beta as a rental (I'm not sure we were even in the 80s yet), so I have a soft spot for that one. Hate the most recent "Star Trek"ish one, though. Batman I can stand because at least he's just a regular human being who works like crazy and has the assets to pull the gadgets off. Iron Man to a point as well. The Avengers was watchable but also forgettable.

    But people who casually zoom around interdimensional spaces making wisecracks? Meh. That's what I loved about The Watchmen (book and film)...they were human beings, and deeply flawed. In The Comedian's case, a total jerk. But consistent! And they ended up doing things like crowd suppression that were shocking and not "superheroish" at all. The only superpowered being was a pivot for the story, not the whole story.

    Now let's get Claude's opinion, because I know he likes superheros TO THE MAX!! and yet also can have a grown-up perspective.
    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Jill Carpenter
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      It's tough for me to justify movie theaters these days. For some time actually.

      3d stuff maybe as it's a different experience but still needs to fall into a specific category.

      After popped corn, soda, driving to the theater, scrambling for the seat you want (if you can get it) and dealing with lots of other people who can give you all kinds of germs with their screaming kids etc. And it's easy to drop $30.

      I'll wait for the home version.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

      • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
        Profile picture of tagiscom
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        Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

        I saw the trailers many times before Star Wars, Hateful Eight, and others...humor seemed immature. Aimed at teens. Didn't seem to have anything to interest a grown-up. Is there more to it than snappy oneliners and physical comedy gags?

        It should be said I generally do not like superhero movies. Don't like the X-Men. Superman was the first movie I saw, at someone's 5th birthday party on Beta as a rental (I'm not sure we were even in the 80s yet), so I have a soft spot for that one. Hate the most recent "Star Trek"ish one, though. Batman I can stand because at least he's just a regular human being who works like crazy and has the assets to pull the gadgets off. Iron Man to a point as well. The Avengers was watchable but also forgettable.

        But people who casually zoom around interdimensional spaces making wisecracks? Meh. That's what I loved about The Watchmen (book and film)...they were human beings, and deeply flawed. In The Comedian's case, a total jerk. But consistent! And they ended up doing things like crowd suppression that were shocking and not "superheroish" at all. The only superpowered being was a pivot for the story, not the whole story.

        Now let's get Claude's opinion, because I know he likes superheros TO THE MAX!! and yet also can have a grown-up perspective.
        Yes, the latest Star Wars, walked out of that thinking they could have done so much with the sun destroyer idea, but p*** it all away with a B grade, Death Star gulley scene....and a spoilt brat villian!

        And a Lord of the Rings ending!

        If you hate X men, and superheros in general, then l would say it might be worth your while? They seriously dump on the X men franchise, eventhough it is the same company that produced all of the superhero movies!

        Some of the jokes might be a bit silly, but, oh, well, if you are into black humor then it is great!

        Originally Posted by HCFGrizzly View Post

        I saw the movie and I have to say it was way better than expected. It`s been long since I have genuinely laughed at a comedy. (some dude was laughing so hard that I thought the ambulance will come in any minute and take him).
        You didn't go to the 6.30 screening at Eastland, l had one guy in the audience do the same thing.

        When the AJ...., what is your real name scene came up, he laughted loud enough for most to look his way, but not enough to get carted away!

        Glad that some enjoyed themselves, too many living dead viewers in my country!

        With all of the gloom and crap in our world, it is good to see a company that can laugh at itself, and get away with it.

        It`s been a well received break from the "generic" Marvel heroes movie (look at me I`m Cpt America...I will hold a two hour lecture about moral values blablabla) and all the PC mumble jumble.

        Just go and watch it, you will have a great time.

        PS: I wonder what happened to the indian dude. (Does true love always win? )) )
        Captain Deadpool, nah!

        LOL, Indian dude, "I didn't tell him, that, (yes)"!.....he got slammed by the other car, so he probably ended up hanging by his feet under a vat of,...better not say,....probably?

        The one he had in,....his car, (don't want to give too much away).

        Love the X men house reference, lol, but l think that deadpool needs to work on his drawing skills!

        Funny that you mentioned that Claude, l tried the same thing, packed on Val, day, but fairly quiet on Tuesday!

    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Claude Whitacre
      Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      But people who casually zoom around interdimensional spaces making wisecracks? Meh. That's what I loved about The Watchmen (book and film)...they were human beings, and deeply flawed. In The Comedian's case, a total jerk. But consistent! And they ended up doing things like crowd suppression that were shocking and not "superheroish" at all. The only superpowered being was a pivot for the story, not the whole story.

      Now let's get Claude's opinion, because I know he likes superheros TO THE MAX!! and yet also can have a grown-up perspective.

      First, thank you for the compliment.
      I agree about Watchmen. A very adult take on Superheroes. And very true to the graphic novel.

      I haven't seen Deadpool yet. We went to the theater Sunday afternoon, and it was so packed (to see Deadpool) we left.

      The reviews are through the roof.

      Honestly, I almost didn't know who Deadpool was. I had to look him up on Wikipedia.

      I'll let you know after I see it. But if it consists of Ryan Reynolds wisecracking through the whole show, I know what to expect, and it isn't all bad. Green Lantern was bad, and Reynolds was mis-cast. But as Deadpool? probably a perfect fit.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
  • Profile picture of the author HCFGrizzly
    Profile picture of HCFGrizzly
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    I saw the movie and I have to say it was way better than expected. It`s been long since I have genuinely laughed at a comedy. (some dude was laughing so hard that I thought the ambulance will come in any minute and take him).
    It`s been a well received break from the "generic" Marvel heroes movie (look at me I`m Cpt America...I will hold a two hour lecture about moral values blablabla) and all the PC mumble jumble.

    Just go and watch it, you will have a great time.

    PS: I wonder what happened to the indian dude. (Does true love always win? )) )
    HCF - Where Every Affiliate is Happy, Calm & Focused
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Jason Kanigan
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    Well I've met Claude in person a couple times, and we've discussed superheros because they are TOTALLY CENTRAL to his life (I think he may have been one, 20+ years ago; he has the martial arts background and an unhealthy interest in bringing capes back into style.)

    I went to see Star Wars twice...agreed about the Starkiller Base idea...enjoyed the film for its characters and action, though. The series needed a safe, back-to-basics story and they executed that well. I expect more risk-taking next time around.

    Deadpool does seem like a good rental, a Sunday laugh-away-the-afternoon rainy day distraction. I would like to see a superhero movie with some substance and not just witty banter juxtaposed with smackdown.
    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Profile picture of tagiscom
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      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      Well I've met Claude in person a couple times, and we've discussed superheros because they are TOTALLY CENTRAL to his life (I think he may have been one, 20+ years ago; he has the martial arts background and an unhealthy interest in bringing capes back into style.)

      I went to see Star Wars twice...agreed about the Starkiller Base idea...enjoyed the film for its characters and action, though. The series needed a safe, back-to-basics story and they executed that well. I expect more risk-taking next time around.

      Deadpool does seem like a good rental, a Sunday laugh-away-the-afternoon rainy day distraction. I would like to see a superhero movie with some substance and not just witty banter juxtaposed with smackdown.
      Don't worry, they do add substance to the plot, (or main characters) it isn't just crapping on for the sake of it!

      Although Iron man craps on, because he is a genius and is wealthy, etc.

      This guy craps on because, he is psychotic, and has to go down the super hero factory route, for personal reasons.

      The trailer above try's to push the fact that it has a half decent story, but it has far more one liners than the above video relays.

      I wouldn't go and see this with a conservative girl, l doubt that l would see her again afterwards?

      This isn't a chick film, well, apart from Gothic type ones, and ones that don't take themselves too seriously!

    • Profile picture of the author Dan Riffle
      Dan Riffle
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      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      I would like to see a superhero movie with some substance and not just witty banter juxtaposed with smackdown.

      From what I've read, Deadpool isn't the movie for you. Basically, there are two huge fight scenes intermixed with back story and it's all wise crackin' and dick jokes. My kind of superhero movie, but probably not yours.

      Claude will over-critique because it's a Marvel property.

      Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Claude Whitacre
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        Originally Posted by Dan Riffle View Post

        Claude will over-critique because it's a Marvel property.
        That's impossible. That would require superior critical thinking skills.

        If anyone is going to over-critique, it would be you, because of your superior critical thinking skills.
        One Call Closing book

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
        • Profile picture of the author Dan Riffle
          Dan Riffle
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          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          That's impossible. That would require superior critical thinking skills.

          If anyone is going to over-critique, it would be you, because of your superior critical thinking skills.
          Wait. Maybe my ruse was a success....

          Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

  • Profile picture of the author yukon
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    I watched the movie, every other word was a cuss word for no reason. It got to the point where it was silly even for a goofy movie.

    The theater was nice, big reclining leather seats.
    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      Profile picture of MissTerraK
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      Guys, sorry to be Debbie Downer, wait. My name's not Debbie.

      Okay, sorry to be Terra Trouncer, but Super Hero movies...

      • Profile picture of the author Dan Riffle
        Dan Riffle
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        Originally Posted by MissTerraK View Post

        Guys, sorry to be Debbie Downer, wait. My name's not Debbie.

        Okay, sorry to be Terra Trouncer, but Super Hero movies...

        That's great, Terra. Tell it to the box office receipts.

        Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

      • Profile picture of the author discrat
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        Originally Posted by MissTerraK View Post

        Guys, sorry to be Debbie Downer, wait. My name's not Debbie.

        Okay, sorry to be Terra Trouncer, but Super Hero movies...

        Sorry guys. I guess you can call me Bobby Bummer as Iam right there with Terra Trouncer LOL

        I remember taking my nephew years ago to Spiderman movies on the big screen.. Tortuous sitting thru that stuff..

        Boring as boring can get. Just stupid scenes that do not even make sense .

        Actually my best friend and me have had an ongoing discussion about this. He is a big sci- fi, Superhero lover, as well as a non stop unrealistic Action lover

        He says he goes to the Movies to escape. He took me to Fast and Furious and I left him there after 30 minutes of this boring rubbish and went and grabbed a beer. True story lol

        I tell him I go for inspiration and critically acclaimed classics, also realism that hits close to the heart, and general good drama and plots that stimulate actual Thinking.

        Movies like Shawshank Redemption, Silence of the Lambs, A Time to Kill, Debbie Does Dallas
        Apocalypse Now, American Sniper, Rear Window.... just to name a few
        • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
          Profile picture of tagiscom
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          Originally Posted by Dan Riffle View Post

          From what I've read, Deadpool isn't the movie for you. Basically, there are two huge fight scenes intermixed with back story and it's all wise crackin' and dick jokes. My kind of superhero movie, but probably not yours.

          Claude will over-critique because it's a Marvel property.
          Dick, jokes, nah, there was only about 6 of those, but Hugh Jackman, gets grilled, oh, wait, 7!

          Originally Posted by discrat View Post

          Sorry guys. I guess you can call me Bobby Bummer as Iam right there with Terra Trouncer LOL

          I remember taking my nephew years ago to Spiderman movies on the big screen.. Tortuous sitting thru that stuff..

          Boring as boring can get. Just stupid scenes that do not even make sense .

          Actually my best friend and me have had an ongoing discussion about this. He is a big sci- fi, Superhero lover, as well as a non stop unrealistic Action lover

          He says he goes to the Movies to escape. He took me to Fast and Furious and I left him there after 30 minutes of this boring rubbish and went and grabbed a beer. True story lol

          I tell him I go for inspiration and critically acclaimed classics, also realism that hits close to the heart, and general good drama and plots that stimulate actual Thinking.

          Movies like Shawshank Redemption, Silence of the Lambs, A Time to Kill, Debbie Does Dallas
          Apocalypse Now, American Sniper, Rear Window.... just to name a few
          Yes, spidy can be like that, they just set things up so they can have a cool evil guy with great visuals.

          But visuals and great fight scenes tend to suck me in!

          Fast and Furious,...definition of stupid, agree!

          Some scenes in Deadpool are stupid, but he is psychotic, as well as having a superpower, that allows him to act the fool and get away with it!

          2 fight scenes, and one very fast paced car chase at the start!

          I am getting a bit tired of constant superhero rehashes, so l wasn't expecting too much from this, but was pleasantly surprised.

          If you are sick to death off all of this superhero stuff, and want a supertype movie to blow away all of the cobwebs, then this is a must see.

          But would l go and see another Batman rehash after this, no!

          But l might go and see this again. Some parts l missed, like the, "you weren't supposed to see this one".

          And the unicorn scene, with the snake l think it was, oh, wait 8!

          PS, the mods are on a on topic bender, so it is best not to mention juggling flaming fluffy kittens here!
        • Profile picture of the author whateverpedia
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          Originally Posted by discrat View Post

          Movies like Shawshank Redemption, Silence of the Lambs, A Time to Kill, Debbie Does Dallas, Apocalypse Now, American Sniper, Rear Window.... just to name a few
          ROFL. I like how you snuck that one in there.
          Why do garden gnomes smell so bad?
          So that blind people can hate them as well.
          • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
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            I was going to see it again today, but out of a small 6 row cinema, the first three rows from the back where full!

            No, doubt some are seeing at again, as l will, when the crowds thin a little, no signs of it yet!

            This one will probably be full for another couple of weeks!

  • Profile picture of the author tanim0167
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      Originally Posted by tanim0167 View Post

      I just download it now from ok lets see how good is that movie

      Which just happens to be your own domain.

      What are the odds?

      BTW, you'll find better movies in the $5 bin at Walmart.
  • Profile picture of the author Jumpus
    Profile picture of Jumpus
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    Deadpool, that movie was awesome. I was laughing so hard on that
    Really reccomend that to watch
  • Profile picture of the author TimPhelan
    Profile picture of TimPhelan
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    Jill got banned now?

    All can say about Deadpool is that trailer sucks.
    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
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      Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

      Jill got banned now?

      All can say about Deadpool is that trailer sucks.
      Yes, the trailer is too serious, much funnier than that!

      And Jill will be back soon.

  • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
    Profile picture of kenmichaels
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    I saw it last night and liked it. I went with four other people and they all laughed non stop.

    I wasn't expecting the realistic looking gore. I never watch movies more then once but
    I know I missed a lot of the reference humor - so I think I will watch this one again.

    I'm going to wait a few weeks, the theater was full and I hate that .

    Selling Ain't for Sissies!
    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Profile picture of tagiscom
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      Originally Posted by kenmichaels View Post

      I saw it last night and liked it. I went with four other people and they all laughed non stop.

      I wasn't expecting the realistic looking gore. I never watch movies more then once but
      I know I missed a lot of the reference humor - so I think I will watch this one again.

      I'm going to wait a few weeks, the theater was full and I hate that .
      Yes, realistic gore, and one sex scene, but it didn't go for long!

      But in the case of gore, l think that it was warranted, especially the "dragging deadpool away to take him to Xmen headquarters, and, well you know, not pretty, but funny

      I was the same pretty much laughed most of the way through, although the couple sitting next to me, well, l should have poked them with a stick,...never know!

      Yes, don't leave me alone with Scary S...., lol!

      I will wait a while and probably go and see it again, as just like you l am not crazy about crowds!

      Least at the end l took my rubbish out, don't want to be a d***, he, he!

      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Claude Whitacre
        Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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        Saw it yesterday.

        Yeah, don't take kids to see it.

        But from the opening credits (big laughs) to the end, the movie makes fun of super hero movies, has lots of inside jokes, and breaks the Fourth Wall.

        Ryan Reynolds (as Deadpool) makes fun of himself, other actors, other characters, the producers, directors, and lets us in on the jokes.

        I forgot that in the comic book, Deadpool talks to the reader, because he somehow knows that he's in a comic book story. They translate that idea very well in the movie.

        This movie could have gone very very wrong. But it was entertaining.

        Throughout the movie, I was thinking that this might be how the Batman movie of 1989 could have gone, if they wanted to stay with the camp edition like the 1960's TV show.

        Incredibly well thought out humor. And plenty of action.

        Riffle would love it. Sharp devious humor.
        One Call Closing book

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
        • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
          Profile picture of tagiscom
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          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          Saw it yesterday.

          Yeah, don't take kids to see it.

          But from the opening credits (big laughs) to the end, the movie makes fun of super hero movies, has lots of inside jokes, and breaks the Fourth Wall.

          Ryan Reynolds (as Deadpool) makes fun of himself, other actors, other characters, the producers, directors, and lets us in on the jokes.

          I forgot that in the comic book, Deadpool talks to the reader, because he somehow knows that he's in a comic book story. They translate that idea very well in the movie.

          This movie could have gone very very wrong. But it was entertaining.

          Throughout the movie, I was thinking that this might be how the Batman movie of 1989 could have gone, if they wanted to stay with the camp edition like the 1960's TV show.

          Incredibly well thought out humor. And plenty of action.

          Riffle would love it. Sharp devious humor.
          Yes, never got the forth wall thing, but it was funny so....!

          There where several movies they took off in this one, and as you have said, talking to the camera is a risky thing to do, but he pulls it off in this movie.

          Ferris Buellers Day off, does the talking to the camera well, but other movies that tried it, total mess!

          Did you go and see it by yourself Claude?

          And did you take your rubbish out at the end, l was going to be a slob, and leave my stuff, but for obvious reasons l took it out!

          Most did, since the ushers had a large bag on standby.

          • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
            Claude Whitacre
            Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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            Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

            Did you go and see it by yourself Claude?

            And did you take your rubbish out at the end, l was going to be a slob, and leave my stuff, but for obvious reasons l took it out!

            Most did, since the ushers had a large bag on standby.

            My wife went with me. She enjoyed it too. But Batman V Superman? I'm going to have to go alone.

            We never buy popcorn or drinks at the theater. So, no rubbish.

            Added later; Sorry Shane, I didn't get the joke before I saw the video
            One Call Closing book

            “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
            • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
              Profile picture of tagiscom
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              Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

              My wife went with me. She enjoyed it too. But Batman V Superman? I'm going to have to go alone.

              We never buy popcorn or drinks at the theater. So, no rubbish.

              Added later; Sorry Shane, I didn't get the joke before I saw the video
              Your wife enjoyed it!

              Damn, wrong again!

              Added later; Sorry Shane, I didn't get the joke before I saw the movie
              LOL, no prob,s!

              Glad you enjoyed it, l will probably go and see it again, missed to many gags first time around!

              Glad the little old lady, found the 1.8 kg of cocaine behind the "Cure World Bli.... pamphlet", he, he!


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