My students sometimes blow me away

2 replies
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I imagine many of you get sent videos from your members or students in your programs like I do and if you have been in this business long enough you have probably seen most of them before or variations.

Every now and then you get one one that just hits a nerve and you have to share it.

Now I have made a lot of movies and so the one I want to share today just blows me away simply by the technical aspect and the foresight of the author.

It may not be completely about marketing but may give you some great ideas about how to put your next marketing movie together.

Watch it in full screen.

Some people do amazing things | The Internet Marketers Club

#blow #how to make a video #marketing video #students #video production
  • Profile picture of the author ss442
    "Pretty amazing".


    Ed Sunderland

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1147343].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Wow, pretty neat.

    I've always wanted to go on an adventure like that
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1147576].message }}

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