4k Laptop cs2 Small Tab Issue

1 replies
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Hi, all, just got a Toshiba i7, 4k resolution, blah, blah, Laptop, and eventhough it is great it does have a major issue with Photoshop cs2 up to 6 maybe later, as the tabs are tiny and the text is blurry.

I was able to fix the text issue, but not the tabs one? Anyone else out there have a high res, laptop, and this issue?

So far, installing XP mode, (have Windows 7 Pro,) or inserting some code into the registry, and then in the software itself seem to be the only fixes.

Anyone here have any fixes that l am not aware of? Appreciate some help.

PS it is 16gigs of ram, as well, and l don't really want to virtually link back to another one of my computers with cs, as they are slow.

#cs2 #issue #laptop #small #tab
  • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
    Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

    Hi, all, just got a Toshiba i7, 4k resolution, blah, blah, Laptop, and eventhough it is great it does have a major issue with Photoshop cs2 up to 6 maybe later, as the tabs are tiny and the text is blurry.

    I was able to fix the text issue, but not the tabs one? Anyone else out there have a high res, laptop, and this issue?

    So far, installing XP mode, (have Windows 7 Pro,) or inserting some code into the registry, and then in the software itself seem to be the only fixes.

    Anyone here have any fixes that l am not aware of? Appreciate some help.

    PS it is 16gigs of ram, as well, and l don't really want to virtually link back to another one of my computers with cs, as they are slow.

    Were 2 threads really necessary for the same problem? :-)

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