I am interested in VCC

by nitesh
4 replies
  • |
Hello Everyone,

I am interested in a VCC with some balance in it and I want to use it in Paypal also. Please let me know who can provide me with a VCC.

Thank You
#interested #vcc
  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    I would go and see your doctor about that one, l am sure that there is some ointment available?

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    • Profile picture of the author nitesh
      What a great response, I have never expected these types of responses. I have heard about VCC and so I wanted to clarify about this. If you cannot provide proper and clear guidance then there is no need to fire jokes here. Right.

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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Arrr, no, Nitesh, it is the Off Topic, so wisecracks are a given.

    And l would recommend running it through Google.

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