There are very few things in this world that really mean a lot to me. I'm
talking about the really big, deep in my gut things.
My family
My business (for them)
My music
I've been writing songs seriously since 1984. Since that time, I have
managed to get just 2 songs published by song publishers and nothing
ever recorded. So while I haven't been a total failure (some people never
get a publishing deal) I can't say I've been a success.
The last time I placed in a song contest was 1987. I got an honorable
Since then, the few times I've entered...nothing. My scores on songs
ranged from 6 out of 10 to 7 out of 10 stars. A little better than
Well, I thought I'd give it one more shot.
I'm entering The Great American Song Contest
Great American Song Contest! International songwriting contest for songwriters, lyricists and music composers everywhere.
The deadline is Oct 30, but I can enter online by sending MP3s, so there
is no hurry.
Before I ask my favor, let me fill you in on my own personal opinion
about my writing. Yes, I've been doing this long enough to be able to
be fairly objective about my ability. I'm going to list what I have going
for me and against me in regard to this contest.
What I Have Going For Me
1. I'm going up against other amateurs. You can't have any success in
this business to enter this. So that puts me on an even playing field.
2. I'm classically trained, so I do know music. How much that will help
in a "commercial" context, I don't know. But it can't hurt to know what
you're doing.
3. I think I can recognize a "hook" after listening to the radio for 45 years.
4. I have great recording equipment so I can get my songs to sound not
too far from studio quality.
What I Have Going Against Me
1. I'm a lousy lyricist and I know it. For some reason, I have a terrible time
trying to write lyrics. All the criticisms I've gotten on past songs submitted
to contests and publishers have been on the lyrics. I'm a little better today
than I was years ago, but honestly, not much. I don't have the flair for it.
2. I don't have a commercial singing voice. I have a decent voice but it
doesn't have that "sound".
3. I'm not a great musician, so I can't cover up a "so-so" song with some
slick playing. Hey, let's not kid ourselves...presentation is everything.
4. I am out of touch with what's popular today in almost all genres. This
has actually always been my problem. My music has, many times, been
said to sound like it comes out of the 60s. Of course it does. That's my
biggest influence and I can't change that.
So How Can YOU Help Me?
Naturally, having written over 700 songs, I can't possibly ask you or
anybody to listen to all of them. Ultimately, I have to go through my
collection and decide on a few to send. What I'd like the members here
to do is listen to about 5 songs that I've decided to submit. Is it possible
I've left my best song on the cutting room floor because I personally
don't think it's that good? Of course it is. But that's the way it goes.
Starting tonight I am going to start producing and uploading these songs
to YouTube. When they are all uploaded, I will come back to this thread
and post the links.
Any feedback you can give me will be greatly appreciated.
Let me add this.
I'm a big boy. I'm passed that age where if you told me my music sucked
I'd run off in a huff. I can take, and actually expect, criticism of my
music. If you think it sucks. If you think I'm wasting my time, be honest
and tell me. You'll be doing me a favor. Yes, I know taste in music is
subjective, but something that's really bad is going to be just that, really
I will also be posting the lyrics online so you can read them if you can't
get them all from the songs. These will, most likely, be my downfall in
this contest.
Anybody who gives me some really great feedback, analysis, whatever,
is going to find a surprise in their PayPal account. Yes, I am going to
make this worth your time if you're REALLY helpful.
And that doesn't mean, "Hey Steve, love your songs...you should win
a Grammy."
That's not going to cut it. I'm talking about some serious feedback.
Naturally, the musicians here will probably have the most to say, but that
doesn't mean casual listeners can't be a big help. After all, YOU buy this
stuff when you hear it on the radio. YOU'RE the target market.
So let me have it...I can handle the truth.
Anyway, that's it. I'll come back to this thread and post an update when
the songs are all uploaded.
Thank you for your time...this means a lot to me.
** EDIT ** Songs Have Been Uploaded. Lyrics Are Under More Info
You can list them from most to least favorite. That will help me decide
which ones to send.
**UPDATE** I have just submitted these 5 songs to the contest along
with my $135 entry fee LOL.
Drop Dead Blonde
Can't Rock In Alcatraz
Hey Suzy
Panic At The Disco
Stuck Into Drive
Wish me luck.

Oh, and thanks to all of you for your wonderful feedback especially CD
inspiring me to write Stuck Into Drive.
If it wins, I owe you a piece of the check.

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