Part-time vs full-time virtual assistants (my dilemma)
I have many tasks that need to be done on an ongoing basis.
I've heard it's best to hire full-time virtual assistants if possible, so they only focus on my own projects.
But here's what I noticed:
The more hours someone works a day, the less and less effective they become as the day goes on.
This happens because mental fatigue accumulates throughout the day.
I would love to hire a programmer who works 8 hours a day, 5 days a week - but most of them cannot code for more than 4 hours a day (programming can become monotonous).
Same for writers. I haven't found someone who can write for 8 hours a day.
Most people I have worked with can write for 3-4 hours per day. I totally get it. Writing can be mentally tiring.
At the same time, I'd love to give my VAs full-time employment, and I know for a fact they would love to be able to work full-time (and get paid double).
I have thought of giving my assistants secondary fall-back tasks to do, that aren't as mentally tiring.
But honestly, those require completely different skill sets that would take someone years to master (writing ad copy for example.)
Or some tasks require very different "temperaments". For example, someone who likes programming while being "secluded" isn't necessarily the best person to also handle social media management (which requires someone to be more "social" and also have good command of the English language).
The "easy" solution appears to be to hire more part-time VAs who can each give me 4 "fresh" hours of work a day - rather than forcing my existing VAs to give me 4 hours of "fresh work" and 4 hours of "tired work" per day.
It's just that I like rewarding loyalty, and I'd rather have to manage few and not many people.
Have you come across this issue?
Any thoughts?
Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.
Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.