Don't believe everything you think....

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I heard this mantra recently. What do you think about it? It has to do with Thoughts and the way we process them and how some Thoughts are very negative and in actuality hold little truth to them. But they keep going around in our heads like a broken record.

Thoughts are powerful and can really be the determining factor of whether we have a happy Life or not. Change your Thoughts and you can change your Life.

And change your personality ( how we think, feel, and act) to change your personal
reality !
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Wow -- another interesting post: Thanks discrat. : ) Personally dealing with Mental Illness has certainly taught me the lesson in your post. There's a saying from Napoleon Hill: "Conquer self, or be conquered by self." And I think that's kind of true. (It basically means that a Person must become in control/"The Master" of their thoughts. And that isn't necessarily easy -- however it's definitely worth it.)

    Like you said, though, positive and empowering thoughts can definitely help People in Life (and Business).

    P.S. Tip: If a person is having repeated "negative thoughts", then write a "counter Affirmation" and focus on that. This won't solve everything, however it should definitely help.
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • I gaht a net for catchin' thoughts.

    Way I see it, even if I only end up with air it is a neat exercise for muh arms.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Originally Posted by discrat View Post

    I heard this mantra recently. What do you think about it? It has to do with Thoughts and the way we process them and how some Thoughts are very negative and in actuality hold little truth to them. But they keep going around in our heads like a broken record.

    Thoughts are powerful and can really be the determining factor of whether we have a happy Life or not. Change your Thoughts and you can change your Life.

    And change your personality ( how we think, feel, and act) to change your personal
    reality !
    I'm going to agree but in a backwards sort of way the current version of reality you are creating. And the state of your personality. Will effect the kinds of thoughts you pull from the thought forms around you.

    They are never your thoughts they are just thoughts you are thinking

    If you are hungry or thirsty or tired you are probably going food or something to drink or finding a place to rest.

    Now this will sound like generic sage like wisdom copied from some where . The problem comes when we are always stuck in thoughts of the future or the past and never in what we are experiencing now.

    In its most basic practice meditation the luxury of sitting down breathing and quieting every other thought until what one must do next and focus the n becomes clear and the master gets up and does that thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Originally Posted by discrat View Post

    I heard this mantra recently. What do you think about it? It has to do with Thoughts and the way we process them and how some Thoughts are very negative and in actuality hold little truth to them. But they keep going around in our heads like a broken record.
    My guess is that 70% of everything I know to be true, isn't true at all. The reason we think things that aren't true is that we accept something as true, and then immediately build defenses against anything that disagrees with what we now believe.

    It's just the way the brain works. It's instictual.

    Originally Posted by discrat View Post

    Thoughts are powerful and can really be the determining factor of whether we have a happy Life or not. Change your Thoughts and you can change your Life.

    And change your personality ( how we think, feel, and act) to change your personal
    reality !
    We cannot control what we think. We cannot control what we like. We cannot control how we feel.

    What we can control is where we get ideas. Who we associate with. What we read.

    And by doing that we can change what goes into our brain. We can change the stimulus.

    And in that way, we can change what we think.

    I'm certain that I'm right. But am I really right? I have no idea.
    One Call Closing book

    What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      We cannot control what we think. We cannot control what we like. We cannot control how we feel.
      Of course we can. Everyone can -- relatively speaking -- control what they think about.

      As I learned from my Mentor: "Thoughts lead to feelings, and feelings lead to actions." (Well -- that's been somewhat true in my Life.) In his book "Man's Search For Meaning" Viktor Frankl was deprived of his "freedom" and Family (they even took his wedding ring) ... However, through the power of thought, he turned the situation into something positive by looking at it like an opportunity to be retrospective of his Life.

      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      What we can control is where we get ideas. Who we associate with. What we read.
      Absolutely: I agree with that. Thanks. : )

      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      And by doing that we can change what goes into our brain. We can change the stimulus.
      Again: That's right. However we can also change/control our thoughts and thereby change our conditions and circumstances.

      discrat understood that. And it's something People have to experience for themselves to truly understand the power of it.

      P.S. A Viktor Frankl quote that I really like is: "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms -- to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      My guess is that 70% of everything I know to be true, isn't true at all. The reason we think things that aren't true is that we accept something as true, and then immediately build defenses against anything that disagrees with what we now believe.

      We cannot control what we think. We cannot control what we like. We cannot control how we feel.

      I'm certain that I'm right. But am I really right? I have no idea.
      The problem is trying to control things. In the complex world we live in the pilot of the plane only needs to know what he/ she needs to know to safely fly and land the plane weather the be on a runway or through an emergency landing.

      I may know a good amount about several things but I know enough to be aware of how little I really know. And the compounding facts that many truths are situational .

      I actually to not value forgiveness much anymore. If you list out why you are mad at most people for the non traumatic things in life. The majority of the time who they really where was different from who you imagined they where and it is you you are really angry at. Or you have a story that doesn't line up with what actually happened.

      When we get into trauma that is for professionals.

      We can't control but we can become aware of where the thoughts are coming from. What went into causing feeling. And through life experience and personal observations learn to avoid alter or protect ourselves from the effects of inputs..

      The closer one gets to an event the less free will they have as the number of choices they have declines.

      Blah blah
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    • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      My guess is that 70% of everything I know to be true, isn't true at all. The reason we think things that aren't true is that we accept something as true, and then immediately build defenses against anything that disagrees with what we now believe.

      It's just the way the brain works. It's instictual.

      We cannot control what we think. We cannot control what we like. We cannot control how we feel.

      What we can control is where we get ideas. Who we associate with. What we read.

      And by doing that we can change what goes into our brain. We can change the stimulus.

      And in that way, we can change what we think.

      I'm certain that I'm right. But am I really right? I have no idea.
      "I have no idea"

      True words

      Thinking long into the night can often be procrastination about something you need to do that worries you. Like dealing with government agencies. Not something you have control over. It often is about what if scenario's, things you did in your past that you wish you had done differently. A lot of it is worrying about something and replaying it, trying to make it easier and looking for easier and quick solutions. This sort of stuff takes up most of your thinking time.

      I don't recall sitting there thinking about solutions to global warming and world problems that much. These sort of things only come up immediately after you read about them, in conversation, or perhaps feel challenged in a post to give your thoughts. So you think, answer, or compartmentalize the article you have read for a later time. The thinking about it generally stops then. If you work an average job, then generally you switch off thinking about that when you leave each day, (unless something bad happens)

      People like Einstein however who's work was his passion, probably sat up night after night thinking about math problems. So then, your livelihood is all consuming to your thinking.

      Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

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    • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      My guess is that 70% of everything I know to be true, isn't true at all. The reason we think things that aren't true is that we accept something as true, and then immediately build defenses against anything that disagrees with what we now believe.

      It's just the way the brain works. It's instictual.

      We cannot control what we think. We cannot control what we like. We cannot control how we feel.

      What we can control is where we get ideas. Who we associate with. What we read.

      And by doing that we can change what goes into our brain. We can change the stimulus.

      And in that way, we can change what we think.

      I'm certain that I'm right. But am I really right? I have no idea.

      I hate a dream where I am doing mundane boring things that I would do in real life!

      But I love a lucid dream (where you realize it's a dream) where I can control anything and everything in it.

      Oh the fun!

      The brain is remarkable.
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  • Profile picture of the author Serene Carmen
    Similar to the quote?

    Watch your thoughts, they become words;
    watch your words, they become actions;
    watch your actions, they become habits;
    watch your habits, they become character;
    watch your character, for it becomes your destiny
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    As far as the solutions to climate change and other world problems created by the economic model of perpetual growth that has spread around the world.

    Just look around and that growth is slowing or already starting to shrink in places and everything going on is accelerating that.

    The system being built up as the old system breaks down will prove to be better for mostly everyone who survives
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  • I have a quite positive outlook that my husband stresses of how positive I can get at times.

    I believe that thoughts are powerful and when things are out of my hands, I don't stress about it anymore.
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    • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
      Originally Posted by Charlyne Masongsong View Post

      I have a quite positive outlook that my husband stresses of how positive I can get at times.

      I believe that thoughts are powerful and when things are out of my hands, I don't stress about it anymore.

      That is truly a blessing. Sometimes I let injustices linger. That is not healthy at all.

      Sometimes someone will do something so petty that just the pettiness itself makes me cringe.

      Because my mind tries to understand it and that is like another punishment.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rigpa
    HAHA! It's true. When I take the time to analyze my thoughts about 90% is the same thoughts repeated in different ways :-) :-)

    I don't THINK thoughts are powerful at all! It is the will and determination behind the thoughts that make things happen.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Rigpa View Post

      HAHA! It's true. When I take the time to analyze my thoughts about 90% is the same thoughts repeated in different ways :-)

      I don't THINK thoughts are powerful at all! It is the will and determination behind the thoughts that make things happen.
      I respectfully disagree with you wholeheartedly. Thoughts are extremely powerful. Have you heard of metacognition?? Thats where you analyze or think about what you are thinking about. Try doing that for a little while as an exercise and you then tell me Thoughts are not powerful.

      Resentment, fear , jealousy, anger , lack , etc..etc.. all revolve around Thoughts. You get rid of those negative Thoughts and you will have a happier Life.

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        I respectfully disagree with you wholeheartedly. Thoughts are extremely powerful. Have you heard of metacognition?? Thats where you analyze or think about what you are thinking about. Try doing that for a little while as an exercise and you then tell me Thoughts are not powerful.

        Resentment, fear , jealousy, anger , lack , etc..etc.. all revolve around Thoughts. You get rid of those negative Thoughts and you will have a happier Life.
        I will restate that and hopefully keep it simple learning to shut of the thought patterns that create fear jealousy and negative emotions and only dealing with those emotions when proper environmental based stimulus warrants it. Leads to a happier more enjoyable life.
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      • Profile picture of the author Rigpa
        I am not a thinking guy. According to the Myers Briggs test, I am a feeling type - which means I'm going for Intuition and what feels right. I can spend days thinking. It brings me nowhere...
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      • Profile picture of the author Rigpa
        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        I respectfully disagree with you wholeheartedly. Thoughts are extremely powerful. Have you heard of metacognition?? Thats where you analyze or think about what you are thinking about. Try doing that for a little while as an exercise and you then tell me Thoughts are not powerful.

        Resentment, fear , jealousy, anger , lack , etc..etc.. all revolve around Thoughts. You get rid of those negative Thoughts and you will have a happier Life.
        Practised meditation for 35 years and know how it is to watch thoughts arise, take form and disappear. They are only a wordy form of even deeper creativity that manifests itself far better when thought is not blocking.

        I am able to listen to uncreated non-physical music that plays somewhere outside my normal mind and I can reproduce what I hear as piano concerts and classical setups without being able to play any instrument or without being able to read or write a node sheet. Thought can't explain that (but they want to) and I can only do it when thoughts are bypassed.

        Besides - to me, emotions do not revolve around thoughts. Thoughts revolve around emotions. Simply because emotions came first in evolution. The thinking brain (Neo Cortex) is only 35.000 years old. The limbic brain, which houses our emotions is nearly a million years old.
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by Rigpa View Post

      It is the will and determination behind the thoughts that make things happen.
      I don't agree with anything talked about here.

      But...I think...there is something to the will.

      When I was a kid, I was really afraid of heights, and lightning.

      When I stood at the edge of a roof (for example) I would feel a tangible force, trying to pull my off the roof. And so my Dad would find me standing on the edge of our porch roof, just looking down. I was willing myself not to be afraid. I was fighting the urge to fall over the edge.

      Same with lightning. I would stand in front of the bay windows during a thunderstorm, making myself not afraid. It made me angry that I was afraid, when I didn't think I should be.
      One Call Closing book

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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      • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        I don't agree with anything talked about here.

        But...I think...there is something to the will.

        When I was a kid, I was really afraid of heights, and lightning.

        When I stood at the edge of a roof (for example) I would feel a tangible force, trying to pull my off the roof. And so my Dad would find me standing on the edge of our porch roof, just looking down. I was willing myself not to be afraid. I was fighting the urge to fall over the edge.

        Same with lightning. I would stand in front of the bay windows during a thunderstorm, making myself not afraid. It made me angry that I was afraid, when I didn't think I should be.
        "When I stood at the edge of a roof (for example) I would feel a tangible force, trying to pull my off the roof."

        That was me hiding below in the bushes with a box of freshly baked dounuts and a fan. It never quite worked though for some reason?

        Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

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      • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        I don't agree with anything talked about here.

        But...I think...there is something to the will.

        When I was a kid, I was really afraid of heights, and lightning.

        When I stood at the edge of a roof (for example) I would feel a tangible force, trying to pull my off the roof. And so my Dad would find me standing on the edge of our porch roof, just looking down. I was willing myself not to be afraid. I was fighting the urge to fall over the edge.

        Same with lightning. I would stand in front of the bay windows during a thunderstorm, making myself not afraid. It made me angry that I was afraid, when I didn't think I should be.


        I just used to jump from one city building roof to the other because I was James Bond.

        The movie "A Beautiful Mind" now that is a whole new ballgame in fantasy secret agent.
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  • Profile picture of the author mattlaclear
    Speaking of cognitive dissonance, we're all about to get a crash course on it I think. What people think they know is about to evaporate.

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  • Profile picture of the author AllanMungai
    Great one... "Don't believe everything you hear, even in your own head"... Thoughts is what differentiates the human species from the rest of the animal kingdom... You change your thoughts, your environment will change to reflect the changing man. Thanks again! Cheers
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  • Profile picture of the author Kathrilas
    Quite agree with your words, nevertheless it's pretty difficult for people not to believe in what they think. We're taught from the very childhood that we always have to listen to our thoughts and conscious. That's why we have such an establishment in our brain. Believe in everything you think. It take lots of time to understand that your brain often do some tricks with your conscious and it's quite difficult to determine in what we have to believe, but in what we shouldn't. I guess that people should learn how to control their thoughts in order to keep their mental and physical health strengthen.
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  • Profile picture of the author PrimeADS
    Sometimes people think too much, so the more thoughts are layered on top of each other (if you know what I mean), the less useful they become
    But again, this depends on the situation.
    But yes, sometimes you shouldn't believe everything you think, emotions, you know.
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  • Profile picture of the author UltraOne
    Firstly, I want to say an interesting topic. I am with you %100 that our thoughts, feelings, and actions are constantly changing in response to our life experiences.

    Over time, these changes can lead to significant alterations in our personalities. While some people may be resistant to change, it is often necessary in order to achieve our goals and create the lives we want for ourselves.

    If we want to change our personality, we must first become aware of the thoughts and patterns of behavior that are holding us back. Once we identify these negative thoughts and behaviors, we can begin to replace them with healthier alternatives.

    With time and effort, it is possible to change our thoughts, feelings, and actions, and ultimately our personalities. While the process of change can be difficult, it is often necessary and rewarding and this is based on my own experience.

    I hope that helps!

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  • Profile picture of the author gulam abbas
    When I was in school then my teacher said Don't believe everything that you see on Social Media. Now I always convey this message to everyone.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shaktiktilar
    So, let's start with the simple truth that everything that is happening in our life is a spontaneous thing and depends only on us, our actions, our decisions and so on. According to the science, there is no fate and people just try to justify particular situation in their lives with a reference to fate.

    As for the thoughts, I can admit the fact that thoughts regulate your behavior and mood every day. It's connected with the dopamine production and the production of many other hormones, which regulate our mood. I truly agree that everything you have now - is the result of your thinking. The thinking of billionaires differ from ordinary people because they have no mental borders. They are so stubborn that they are ready to live their life without anything in case something goes wrong, but they will finally reach thir objectives.

    Such a strong thinking is connected with the upbringing and only with it. Probably, couple of sessions with therapist may help you to get rid of these mental borders, but eventually everything depends on you.
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