Tips on being a better person...

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I'll start off with three :
1. Do unto other as you would want them to do unto you.
2. Take a shower everyday ( yes, this applies to you too Claude )
3. Eat well ( again same as above )

Let's hear some more tips; how 'bout it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Claude Whitacre
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    Originally Posted by discrat View Post

    I'll start off with three :
    1. Do unto other as you would want them to do unto you.
    2. Take a shower everyday ( yes, this applies to you too Claude )
    3. Eat well ( again same as above )

    Let's hear some more tips; how 'bout it.
    There are so many ways to define "A better person". I'll take it to mean one that has integrity and is loved.

    One of my favorite thoughts a quotes is "Be kind. For everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle". That may be the core of it all.

    In the last 33 years, my wife has shown me, by example, how to be a better person.

    She never insults anyone. She never laughs at anyone's expense. It would never occur to her to say anything that could possibly hurt another person's feelings.

    A better person.
    One Call Closing book

    What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
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      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      In the last 33 years, my wife has shown me, by example, how to be a better person.

      She never insults anyone. She never laughs at anyone's expense. It would never occur to her to say anything that could possibly hurt another person's feelings.

      A better person.
      As I noted in a past post, you hit the 'lottery' with Cheryl

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Claude Whitacre
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        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        As I noted in a past post, you hit the 'lottery' with Cheryl
        I was married to Cheryl for several years.
        I spent the day working with a young salesman, teaching him how to sell.

        After work, we stopped at a bar for a beer and had a chat.

        He had a wife and young daughter. Both quite wonderful.

        He told me that he had the best wife in the world.

        I asked him how many women he had "dated" in his life. One Her.

        Me? I had "dated" maybe 125 different women before I met Cheryl. I told him that she was the best wife in the world. were our reasons for this belief different?

        He said she was the best, because he had no other experience, so he couldn't be tempted to find someone better....because she was the best person he had ever been with.

        I told him that I had done an immense amount of "shopping", and knew from experience, that I wouldn't find a better mate.

        Different reasons to believe the same thing.
        One Call Closing book

        What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Frank Donovan
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    Originally Posted by discrat View Post

    1. Do unto other as you would want them to do unto you.
    The so-called "Golden Rule". I prefer what Nassim Taleb calls the negative golden rule, or silver rule:
    "Do not do to others what you would not like them to do to you." It has the advantage of preventing busybodies attempting to run your life.

    Other than that, I'd echo Claude's sentiments. Also:

    Don't judge (unless, you know, you're an actual judge. Then it's OK.).

  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
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    Originally Posted by discrat View Post

    1. Do unto other as you would want them to do unto you.

    but wat if u r a sado-masochist

    or wat if u r Jim Jones
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Claude Whitacre
      Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

      but wat if u r a sado-masochist

      or wat if u r Jim Jones
      I want to chime in here, because your question is a good one.

      Could you be a "Better person" if you were always alone on a desert island? If there were no animals at all?

      I think being a better person or worse person would no longer have any meaning.

      Why? There is nobody else (even animals) to be kind to..or mean to.
      Would being a sado masochist make you a bad person? In my view, no.

      It would depend on how you treated others. If you didn't inflict pain on anyone else (even inflict pain on them by hurting yourself), how could you be a better person?

      Jim Jones? Not killing everyone who loved you and believed in you...would be a start.

      By the way, what roles do we play?

      Is the thread about being a better Father? A better provider? A better brother or sister? A better citizen? A better soldier?

      "Better" is such an open word.

      I can only say that my own journey to self improvement includes (or included), trying to a better provider. thinking more clearly as I go on. Teaching what I know (as opposed to what I believe) to a younger generation.

      But at the core, is being a better husband. It's an ongoing journey.
      One Call Closing book

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Frank Donovan
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        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        Could you be a "Better person" if you were always alone on a desert island? If there were no animals at all?
        I think being a better person or worse person would no longer have any meaning.
        Why? There is nobody else (even animals) to be kind to..or mean to.
        Yes, "better" in that sense is dependent on context, first in relation to your immediate circle, and then to society at large.

        I suppose, looking at Robert's 3rd point (eat well), you could improve your skills if you were alone on an island. Hunting, fishing, planting, cooking, building, and so forth.

        And coming to terms with being on your own would be crucial - in fact, that shift in perspective might well make you a better person if or when you returned to civilization.

      • Profile picture of the author socialentry
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        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        Could you be a "Better person" if you were always alone on a desert island? If there were no animals at all?

        but wat if u take that time to carve out a bamboo sword and become a ninja
        • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
          Claude Whitacre
          Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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          Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

          but wat if u take that time to carve out a bamboo sword and become a ninja
          I'm going to play with your post.

          If you are going to carve out a bamboo sword, what are you carving it out with? I suspect that would maker a better weapon to practice with.

          How would sword practice make you a better person? When I used to train in Kung Fu, everyone in the advanced class pushed the idea that training made you a better person. But I never saw any evidence of that. Being trained may give you more confidence in certain situations, but make you a more worthy person? I never saw it.

          You assume that practicing by yourself would make you a Ninja. I know nothing about Ninja training, but I strongly suspect you need a good instructor if you want to learn anything.

          And why would being a Ninja make you a better person? Faster...maybe. but a better person?

          I see (in this thread ) that there are two interpretations to "A better person".

          1) Better in how we treat others.2) Better in how we improve ourselves to serve ourselves.

          Of course, it could be interpreted either way. I think it's interesting how we initially assume the meaning of the question.
          One Call Closing book

          What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
          • Profile picture of the author Dan Riffle
            Dan Riffle
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            Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

            I see (in this thread ) that there are two interpretations to "A better person".

            1) Better in how we treat others.2) Better in how we improve ourselves to serve ourselves.

            Of course, it could be interpreted either way. I think it's interesting how we initially assume the meaning of the question.
            If you improve how you serve yourself, you improve how you serve society. A self-sufficent individual requires less service from the whole.

            Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

            • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
              Claude Whitacre
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              Originally Posted by Dan Riffle View Post

              If you improve how you serve yourself, you improve how you serve society. A self-sufficent individual requires less service from the whole.
              I agree. I was talking about the different assumptions we make when we think about the idea of being a better person.

              When you said " A self-sufficient individual requires less service from the whole." my first thought was that one way to gauge worth is whether we deliver more to society than we take.

              I don't mean are we nice to others and contribute money to causes. I mean is society better for having us, or are we being a parasite on society.

              I have also noticed that people who deliver more than they take, see the world one way, and the takers see it another way. One way is how we feel about the word "obligation".

              Contributors to society (by providing more value than they take) see it as their obligation to be valuable. The takers feel that others are obligated to give to them... both financially, and emotionally,
              One Call Closing book

              What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
            • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
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              Originally Posted by Dan Riffle View Post

              If you improve how you serve yourself, you improve how you serve society. A self-sufficent individual requires less service from the whole.
              Claude has improved how he serves himself at all you can eat buffets. It makes him a bigger person.

              Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

              • Profile picture of the author Odahh
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                Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

                Claude has improved how he serves himself at all you can eat buffets. It makes him a bigger person.
                He is serving a purpose eating all the food not normal person should ever try eating.
              • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
                Claude Whitacre
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                Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

                Claude has improved how he serves himself at all you can eat buffets. It makes him a bigger person.
                Something I thought about, when thinking of this thread....and you mentioning buffets.
                When I was growing up, we were taught to eat everything on our plate. That turned into a habit I have to this day.

                If I get a "meal" on a plane, I eat it all. Mostly habit.

                But something I have noticed in buffets, or even when ordering in a restaurant.

                Some people order a lot, and eat little of it. Sometimes a few bites. That always struck me as strange. Wasteful.

                A couple of relatives are like that (on my side, not Cheryl's). We would go to a buffet, and they load up their plate, eat some of it, and then fill up another plate, while the first plate is uneaten. My first wife's kids used to do that, order several side dishes, and not eat much at all. Most of the food was uneaten.

                To me, that's careless and shows no respect for the value of things.
                I nearly always eat everything on my plate. But I just put on my plate what I know I'll eat.

                Food isn't free, someone spent time preparing it.
                One Call Closing book

                What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
                • Profile picture of the author discrat
                  Profile picture of discrat
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                  Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

                  , order several side dishes, and not eat much at all. Most of the food was uneaten.

                  To me, that's careless and shows no respect for the value of things.
                  I nearly always eat everything on my plate.
                  In the words of Gomer Pyle...."surprise, surprise, surprise"


                  Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

                • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
                  Profile picture of lanfear63
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                  Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

                  Something I thought about, when thinking of this thread....and you mentioning buffets.
                  When I was growing up, we were taught to eat everything on our plate. That turned into a habit I have to this day.

                  If I get a "meal" on a plane, I eat it all. Mostly habit.

                  But something I have noticed in buffets, or even when ordering in a restaurant.

                  Some people order a lot, and eat little of it. Sometimes a few bites. That always struck me as strange. Wasteful.

                  A couple of relatives are like that (on my side, not Cheryl's). We would go to a buffet, and they load up their plate, eat some of it, and then fill up another plate, while the first plate is uneaten. My first wife's kids used to do that, order several side dishes, and not eat much at all. Most of the food was uneaten.

                  To me, that's careless and shows no respect for the value of things.
                  I nearly always eat everything on my plate. But I just put on my plate what I know I'll eat.

                  Food isn't free, someone spent time preparing it.
                  I used to eat a plateful stacked and then go back and have a third as much again. Now I can just about manage an average plateful. Always leave a bit of room for desert though.

                  Their is a pretty good Chinese buffet very near to where I live. I buy a takeout box full and eat over two days. Works out cheaper than fast food.

                  That's done it, now I want Chinese. Thanks.

                  Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

                • Profile picture of the author Odahh
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                  Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

                  Something I thought about, when thinking of this thread....and you mentioning buffets.
                  When I was growing up, we were taught to eat everything on our plate. That turned into a habit I have to this day.

                  If I get a "meal" on a plane, I eat it all. Mostly habit.

                  But something I have noticed in buffets, or even when ordering in a restaurant.

                  Some people order a lot, and eat little of it. Sometimes a few bites. That always struck me as strange. Wasteful.

                  A couple of relatives are like that (on my side, not Cheryl's). We would go to a buffet, and they load up their plate, eat some of it, and then fill up another plate, while the first plate is uneaten. My first wife's kids used to do that, order several side dishes, and not eat much at all. Most of the food was uneaten.

                  To me, that's careless and shows no respect for the value of things.
                  I nearly always eat everything on my plate. But I just put on my plate what I know I'll eat.

                  Food isn't free, someone spent time preparing it.
                  Someone spent time preparing it but in a buffet that is what they are paid for no matter if it gets eaten or not.

                  I worked in a dining hall for4-5 months that fed homeless and poor people. A lot of food went in the dumpster or into a bucket that went to a farm and was fed to pig's.

                  I just put on my plate what I should eat . If I go to buffet it an occasion and I go to pricey one and eat the expensive stuff. And don't eat for a day after. Shrimp and sushi and lobsters and beers
                  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
                    Claude Whitacre
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                    Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

                    Someone spent time preparing it but in a buffet that is what they are paid for no matter if it gets eaten or not.
                    I get it. It's all in how you view other people's money.

                    I don't want to waste money. Even when it's someone else's money.

                    When I'm invited for a dinner at someone else's home. I may eat a little, I may eat a lot.

                    But what I don't do is leave a plate half eaten. Why? Because someone else could have eaten it...even as leftovers. But a half eaten steak is garbage. Even a steak you have taken a bite garbage. And a steak you didn't put on your plate is still a steak. Maybe not for me, but for somebody.

                    I think it may be that I'm a business owner, and always have been, so I identify with them even more than I do as a customer. If I owned a buffet, every plate full of uneaten food is money down the drain. I can't sell half eaten food. And that's how I think about it. I see it from the business owner's point of view.

                    It's not really a matter of right or wrong. But it's how I see the world.
                    One Call Closing book

                    What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
          • Profile picture of the author socialentry
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            Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

            I'm going to play with your post.
            just how much time do you actually spend pondering scenarios like training on a desert island to become a ninja?
            • Profile picture of the author Dan Riffle
              Dan Riffle
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              Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

              just how much time do you actually spend pondering scenarios like training on a desert island to become a ninja?
              Only when he's eating.

              Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

            • Profile picture of the author Odahh
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              Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

              just how much time do you actually spend pondering scenarios like training on a desert island to become a ninja?
              With as fast as he writes probably only as much time as you put in to most of the random bad people from history responses

              And as sarcastic as that sounds. I have seen him put many rather long responses up minutes after the post he was responding to went up . The take them back down soon after when he thinks about it
              • Profile picture of the author socialentry
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                Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

                With as fast as he writes probably only as much time as you put in to most of the random bad people from history responses
                They are not bad guys necessarily. I try my best to spread joy and happiness wherever I go so include people who do good deeds also.

                E.g. Genghis Khan was an early environmentalist.
                • Profile picture of the author Odahh
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                  Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                  They are not bad guys necessarily. I try my best to spread joy and happiness wherever I go so include people who do good deeds also.

                  E.g. Genghis Khan was an early environmentalist.
                  And a word of mouth marketing expert .and if the figures are true that like 20 percent of people in Asia are descended from him. He won that game
            • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
              Claude Whitacre
              Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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              Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

              just how much time do you actually spend pondering scenarios like training on a desert island to become a ninja?
              A few seconds longer than it took me to type.

              But, to be fair, I have thought of similar scenarios off and on for years.


              If we woke up as the only living people on Earth, how would Cheryl and I cope?

              I suspect that I would try to make her life seem as normal as possible, and deal with the rapid decline of roads, homes, utilities, cars, food sources.

              I honestly think she would still use turn signals and stop at stop signs.

              If something happened to her (in the empty world) I think I'd just end it. Why put off the inevitable in misery?

              But on a desert island? There is always hope of rescue.

              Sometimes I go through these scenarios as a way to determine my unconscious motivations and real values. We can hide quite a lot from ourselves.

              My response to your post was mostly in humor. I meant no insult.
              One Call Closing book

              What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
              • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
                Profile picture of lanfear63
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                Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

                A few seconds longer than it took me to type.

                But, to be fair, I have thought of similar scenarios off and on for years.


                If we woke up as the only living people on Earth, how would Cheryl and I cope?

                I suspect that I would try to make her life seem as normal as possible, and deal with the rapid decline of roads, homes, utilities, cars, food sources.

                I honestly think she would still use turn signals and stop at stop signs.

                If something happened to her (in the empty world) I think I'd just end it. Why put off the inevitable in misery?

                But on a desert island? There is always hope of rescue.

                Sometimes I go through these scenarios as a way to determine my unconscious motivations and real values. We can hide quite a lot from ourselves.

                My response to your post was mostly in humor. I meant no insult.
                Interesting premise. Given that everyone just vanishes leaving things as they are: You would have to get a load of solar panels for electricity and long life batteries, and grab an electric car or three. Gasoline only has a 2 year shelf life I think and a generator is noisy. As for food, fresh stuff in the supermarkets would quickly perish. So, obviously canned stuff. And, pay a visit to a depot that sells those 25 year shelf life stuff to survivalists. Consider getting seed packets and growing your own veggies. Water, you can collect from rain and filter it.

                Medical supplies of course but they have a shelf life.

                Grab every remaining dvd in stores as that would be your entertainment. Should last long enough.

                Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

                • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
                  Claude Whitacre
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                  Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

                  Interesting premise. Given that everyone just vanishes leaving things as they are: You would have to get a load of solar panels for electricity and long life batteries, and grab an electric car or three. Gasoline only has a 2 year shelf life I think and a generator is noisy. As for food, fresh stuff in the supermarkets would quickly perish. So, obviously canned stuff. And, pay a visit to a depot that sells those 25 year shelf life stuff to survivalists. Consider getting seed packets and growing your own veggies. Water, you can collect from rain and filter it.

                  Medical supplies of course but they have a shelf life.

                  Grab every remaining dvd in stores as that would be your entertainment. Should last long enough.
                  There is a Discovery channel series that explains what would happen if everyone just vanished. Life After People, I think it was called.

                  In a day or so, utilities would shut down. Food would spoil in refrigerators and supermarkets.

                  And in ten year many roads would be impassable. In 20 years, every yard and drive would be overgrown. Driving would be nearly impossible. Pets would soon turn feral.

                  In 1,000 years, almost all evidence that we were ever here would be lost. An occasional statue or bridge would survive longer.
                  One Call Closing book

                  What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
                  • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
                    Profile picture of lanfear63
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                    Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

                    There is a Discovery channel series that explains what would happen if everyone just vanished. Life After People, I think it was called.

                    In a day or so, utilities would shut down. Food would spoil in refrigerators and supermarkets.

                    And in ten year many roads would be impassable. In 20 years, every yard and drive would be overgrown. Driving would be nearly impossible. Pets would soon turn feral.

                    In 1,000 years, almost all evidence that we were ever here would be lost. An occasional statue or bridge would survive longer.
                    Yeah, saw that. They said Vegas would rattle on for a year or two thanks to the turbine dam, until it gets clogged. Grab a load of cash and gamble for no reason. Perhaps after 20,000 years you might see some blocks from the Hoover Dam, some of the pyramids, bits of the great wall of China and they talked about a man made structure out of exotic materials that might survive. The Earth Sat's and space station would have fallen to earth by then. Although the James Web telescope would still be up. Stuff we left on the Moon would still be there.

                    Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

              • Profile picture of the author socialentry
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                Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

                My response to your post was mostly in humor. I meant no insult.

                I took no offense, it's just you sometime respond in all seriousness about mandela effect and similar so I'm never sure if you're joking or not when you talk about subjects that are err... exotic.
  • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
    Profile picture of kenmichaels
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    Tips on being a better person...

    1) Help whoever needs it...whenever they need it
    2) Don't be the the solution
    3) Enjoy life...and hep the person next to you enjoy theirs

    Selling Ain't for Sissies!
  • Profile picture of the author Dan Riffle
    Dan Riffle
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    Within the realms of ethical or moral behavior, take responsibility for yourself and your actions. When caring for you and yours leaves time, help others.

    Or as my dad would say, "If you're going to ask for help, start with the mirror. And when you're done, go wash your mother's car."

    Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Claude Whitacre
      Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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      Originally Posted by Dan Riffle View Post

      Within the realms of ethical or moral behavior, take responsibility for yourself and your actions. When caring for you and yours leaves time, help others.

      Or as my dad would say, "If you're going to ask for help, start with the mirror. And when you're done, go wash your mother's car."
      My Dad used to tell me 'If you're going to ask anyone to help you move, they better always see you working harder than they are".
      One Call Closing book

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Jonathan 2.0
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    Great question discrat : )

    1. Before you judge a Person ― as it's been said ― "Walk a mile in their shoes." Essentially, try to understand their experiences, challenges, and thought processes. (Similar to "The Golden Rule.")

    2. Realise that failure, adversity, and heartache are all simply opportunities to learn something amazing that will really help you in Life.

    [Edit/Added=] Something else I would really recommend is developing/improving the following Character traits: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
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    Strike a work life family balance so that you can find time to do other things that bring you pleasure .
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Profile picture of Odahh
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    1 clean up after yourself or learn to not make a mess

    2 take care of all your needs you are personally able to so the help is there for those unable to or in greater need.

    3 give from your areas of strength and forgive so you can more easily remember the good things that happened.

    Different perspective is to have a world view that things overall are getting better and step into the flow of better. And cut free of the anchors of the less good past
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Kay King
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    This thread seems to be more 'what I think YOU should do to be better" than how "I can be better" - perhaps that is to be expected.

    Because I was raised to know right from wrong and to have a conscience....the only person I need to impress is myself. I know when I've fallen short - I know when I've done well or been a 'better person'. And, being honest, I know there are times when I could be 'better' but choose not to. We are always a work in progress.

    HumanKind - be both
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Kay King
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    Just stopped by a friend's FB page and saw this meme...timely....

    "Two principles for a happy life:
    1. Use things, not people.
    2. Love people, not things."
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
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    ... than whom?

    Whenevah we phrase this (supervalybyool Q) this way, we gonna run into all kindsa trouble.

    ... for whom gaht all kindsa ishoos also.

    So I would wanna posit WHEN WHOM as a genrly constructive savory.

    Bcs it is only in the moment when we can match dream of advance to trammel of the inevitable -- an' come out lookin' like we found a dollah in our panties.

    Whatevah "better" means, it has intrinsic WHENNESS of soul.

    Immediate & unreserved application of unfoldin' spirit into a void could be consoomed any moment by anythin'.

    A wish always to touch out sweet no mattah how much it's rainin'.

    An' there is no competition in such spirit.

    No stompin' down or cussin' out.

    Plateaux without hierarchy start with good heart.

    Plus also non-stoopid yardsticks.

    That any use to anywan?

    Gotta hope so, Sweetiepoppets.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Profile picture of Odahh
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    A business owners point view. The business owner has that wastage figured into the cost of the buffet. And if it is filler items you want on people's plates before they get to the expensive stuff . Pasta bread pizza. Eggs. Mashed potatoes. Fries baked potato.

    I think I have just watch the strictly dumpling , mark weiz , and best ever food review guys. Explain how to get the best value from a buffet. And explain how buffets fill people up on the lower price stuff. While these guy eat at the best buffets around the world.

    Typically the buffets are in hotels and many patrons end up renting rooms so people fill up and go slip into a food coma for a few hours in their room
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Kay King
    Profile picture of Kay King
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    Seems to me the best value you get from a buffet is when you eat the foods that YOU like in quantities that fill you up but don't make you feel stuffed and uncomfortable.

    I'm capable of reaching past the cheap potatoes to get some crab or shrimp....
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Profile picture of Odahh
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      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Seems to me the best value you get from a buffet is when you eat the foods that YOU like in quantities that fill you up but don't make you feel stuffed and uncomfortable.

      I'm capable of reaching past the cheap potatoes to get some crab or shrimp....
      The shrimp the sushi the lobster the tuna steak with a garlic aeoli sauce . Seafood buffets all the way.. anything else I get more value buying a meal eating part of it and taking the rest home for another meal.

      Ok now being a better person hmm
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Mark Singletary
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    Good points above.

    Several more from me:

    1. Take responsibility for yourself. Many/most/all of our problems are self-inflicted. But many of us put the blame on the government, greedy CEOs, the weather, our neighbor, our spouse, or other things. Figure out what the issue is and fix it. Don't play the blame game.

    2. Integrity and honesty matter. Be the same person no matter who you are with or who is watching. Don't be situational but base your life on principles that don't change.

    3. Be nice (to others including people of other than our own race, children, animals). I can't think of a reason to ever be a jerk. Whatever needs saying can be toned down or said in a different way. This also goes to things like cutting people off when driving or road rage.

    4. I think being a better person depends on the viewpoint and who's thinking it. For example, my wife may think I'm a pretty great guy in a lot of aspects but wishes I would bring home more $ so we can build our house. She may think I have the integrity part down pretty good, but she wishes I 'd learn how to replace those screens or handle the sink in the bathroom. My children may think I'm pretty cool in all this stuff, but they wish I'd go fishing with them or we had more trips like we used to before COVID. My volunteer job "boss" may wish I'd handle the paperwork better. Students in my classes may wish I'd spent more time preparing my lessons. So, #4 is to know what is important and is needed by the most important people in life, not just ourselves. I'm not saying be a people pleaser, all of those examples are relevant and would help me be a better person. I'm just saying know and consider other people's ideas about how I can be better.

  • Profile picture of the author Soumya Suman
    Soumya Suman
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    If you ask me I'll say:-
    1. Learn from your previous mistakes.
    2. Don't be mean to anyone.
    3. Eat well, Stay Healthy.
    4. Spread smiles.
    5. AT last but not the least, try to improve yourself everyday.

    That's my definition of being a better person.
  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
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    Eat your vegetables
    Keep your elbows off the table
    Help out any kitten in distress
    Help out others all you can
    Hoard Toilet paper
    And realize that Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World is a doc.

  • Profile picture of the author jeanr860
    Profile picture of jeanr860
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    As Nike always says... Just do it. If you want to be a better person then just be a better person. Own a business, donate to charity, help the homeless and the needy, pay for someone's gas at the gas station, offer to pay for someone's groceries if you can afford to, forgive thy enemies, learn to love, take a painting class, learn a new skill. The list goes on and on but these are just some of the things I do over and over when I can.
  • Profile picture of the author margaretli640
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    Give yourself a compliment. Take a few minutes every morning before you begin your daily routine to give yourself a compliment.
    Make no excuses
    Let go of your anger
    Forgive others
    Be honest and direct
    Be helpful
    Listen to others
    Act locally.
  • Profile picture of the author Serene Carmen
    Serene Carmen
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    Originally Posted by discrat View Post

    I'll start off with three :
    1. Do unto other as you would want them to do unto you.
    2. Take a shower everyday ( yes, this applies to you too Claude )
    3. Eat well ( again same as above )

    Let's hear some more tips; how 'bout it.
    Agree with all these add to the list:

    4. Put the toilet seat back down when you're done
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Profile picture of discrat
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      Originally Posted by Serene Carmen View Post

      Agree with all these add to the list:

      4. Put the toilet seat back down when you're done
      I am always reminded about that one

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Kay King
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    I never understood that one - if you 'leave it down' for her - shouldn't she 'leave it up' for you?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Profile picture of discrat
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      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I never understood that one - if you 'leave it down' for her - shouldn't she 'leave it up' for you?
      Kay, do I have you permission to quote this and have it framed and put directly above each of our toilets in our house ??

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

  • Profile picture of the author erwin game gratis
    erwin game gratis
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    Treat others the way you want to be treated.
    Do good to others, then others will do good to you.
  • Profile picture of the author nastiia khatsinskaya
    nastiia khatsinskaya
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    The only way to become a better person is to help people. Helping sincerely, not for money, to be able to listen to people.
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