It doesn't take much to have a good world these days ...

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You know just a few simple pleasantries and some sincerely kind words among people goes a long way.

I was reminded of that today...

I was getting my grocery order curbside at HEB here in San Antonio. The deliverer was a young girl in her early 20s. She asked how I was doing and how my Christmas went. And said she hoped I had a good New Years. It was small talk but very genuine.

I really appreciated it because rarely do the grocery deliverers carry on a nice conversation like this.

I think if we had more people like this young lady, the World would be a better place to live!

Anyway, have a happy New Years warrior OT forum ,
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Kay King
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    Interesting - I had something similar just a couple hours ago. I went to Wal-Mart for some pet supplies....and a young man (18-20?) stocking the pet section asked if I was having a good day and if my holiday was good. We talked for a few minutes - he was interested AND interesting.

    The WalMart I go to is in a university town - it's not your usual Wally mart with the weird folks (but there is one of those 15 minutes away). The employees are almost always friendly but this guy was unusual and made my day!

    It doesn't cost anything to be kind.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
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      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      It doesn't cost anything to be kind.
      Maybe I should not bring this up and jeopardize the good vibes of this thread but I think what made this run in with the young lady so refreshing was an experience I had last week.

      It was another young lady at an apartment complex I was delivering groceries to. When I entered the kobby the young lady who I assume was a leasing agent started to shake het head at me and in a rude manner told me I was parked wrong. So I I was polite and told her I would move it. So I did and came back in the lobby.

      As I was entering the lobby my phone rang out for another H-E-B order and I a fumbled with my phone just a little bit trying to answer it. Well the next thing I hear is this woman laughing real loud in a mocking way at me. Like I was some kind of clumsy three stooge character. I was taken back. Hadn't heard of such mockery since my teenage years in high school. Anyway, I played nice and just went about my business. And wished her a Merry Christmas.

      But Like you said Kay, it does not cost to be kind. However some people never learn
      • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
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        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        Maybe I should not bring this up and jeopardize the good vibes of this thread but I think what made this run in with the young lady so refreshing was an experience I had last week.

        It was another young lady at an apartment complex I was delivering groceries to. When I entered the kobby the young lady who I assume was a leasing agent started to shake het head at me and in a rude manner told me I was parked wrong. So I I was polite and told her I would move it. So I did and came back in the lobby.

        As I was entering the lobby my phone rang out for another H-E-B order and I a fumbled with my phone just a little bit trying to answer it. Well the next thing I hear is this woman laughing real loud in a mocking way at me. Like I was some kind of clumsy three stooge character. I was taken back. Hadn't heard of such mockery since my teenage years in high school. Anyway, I played nice and just went about my business. And wished her a Merry Christmas.

        But Like you said Kay, it does not cost to be kind. However some people never learn
        I have a leasing office at the front of my apartment complex. I rarely visit except to pick up the odd package or make an inquiry. I have been in my apartment for several years. All the people there know me by name and are always friendly, helpful and courteous. The complex is large and hundreds of people live there.

        No idea how they treat delivery drivers though.

        Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Claude Whitacre
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        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        But Like you said Kay, it does not cost to be kind. However some people never learn
        When someone is rude to me (almost never), I'm kind to them. Always polite. Never showing anger.

        Why? Because that's how adults act towards other people's children that act up.

        I don't mean acting subservient to them. But acting the way someone in power acts toward someone who is harmless.

        Several days ago, I was walking in a parking lot and someone drove by me yelling at me about Moving my fat ass. Maybe they were just in a hurry, or were in a bad mood.
        Who knows? Who cares?

        I turned to him and smiled, and said "Oh, Hi!. So good to see you again".

        Why? Because he's nobody to me. Nothing.

        When you let someone know they are bothering you, it's a way to let them know that you see them as a threat.

        When I'm polite to everyone, even if they are rude, or even angry, it's not because I'm afraid of what they might think, it's because I don't see any of them as a threat.
        One Call Closing book

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
  • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
    Profile picture of lanfear63
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    I may have mentioned it before, but I no longer drive and just surpassed my 100th Uber trip and it was emailed to me that the Uber drivers had given me a 5 star rating as a passenger, nice touch.

    I find nearly all Uber drivers to be very friendly, courteous and chatty (bar one or two who are quiet or don't speak English that well) It's a case of life story in both directions, chats about medical health, you name it. I got some food from the store a few weeks back and the driver helped me to my door with it.

    Nothing like the taxi drivers I had experienced in the past. The service is also efficient and fast and they show up when the app says they will. I often have to wait no more than 5 minutes when ordering one.

    Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

  • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
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    I like to view the plethora of Near Death Experiences on YT, often they follow a recognizable pattern, especially if your going to be going back. Usually you get to meet a higher being or particular deity that you subscribe too (whatever floats your boat) who explains a few things and possibly gives you a tidbit about the future of mankind.

    But, the one described below is really quite different than the rest and comes from a woman who died for 20 (Earth based time) minutes, it's pretty different from the norm.

    "She basically says theirs just a "source", and that source created all things material like universes, the big bang etc, because, it, itself is non material and had no notion about all ways of being, like emotions and a gamete of other situations are like when being played out under various material or semi material conditions. So the source itself is not all seeing and all knowing. So it makes and sends out various aspects of itself, like souls to occupy bodies in these random material scenarios. You and I are individuals (souls) that are from the source and eventually will just merge with it again having nothing else to learn or report back on to add to it's knowledge base.

    So, you may have but one mission in each incarnation, say to experience greed or compassion for example, either on Earth, or in some other situation. While occupying bodies, we are never anything less or more than animals, (but if humans, a bit more refined) with base animal instincts and not expected to behave in a civilized way so no judgement or hell to go to. So everything living, if just an insect or a cat, dog, or us has a purpose to exist as a corporal being. Laughably, she was reminded, that yes, study the chosen aspect of course, but also, have as much fun with it as you like.

    Why this is refreshing, is that no one will probably ever know what really caused the big bang or what came before it, so, if you have a source that did, but not a God. And then, what it creates is random but could also be like a random simulation that is actually real. The source itself could equally be just a powerful alien mind energy.

    It is not a source of intelligent design, it is a source of experimentation. So, the above covers for me, both sifi, science and spirituality. And the learning process for the source could actually go on forever.

    The fact that the Earth, may be uninhabitable within 70 years is of no consequence to the source as it's random experiments, and not made to be controlled in any way. We will just go elsewhere for the next one.

    This woman also said on the way down a tunnel (which more resembled a dark, damp railway tunnel) to her destination where their were 5 friends waiting for her, she received what she could only describe as this knowledge and remembrances of all of her previous existences in the material universe, of which their were many, and it was like a download into her mind. A bit computer like"

    Well, what popped out from what she said (aside from the other things about Life after death etc) was the bit about us just being Animals with animalistic instincts. We are just that, though a little more refined than most. So are we really expected to be nice to each other or eventually achieve that refinement?

    Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Mark Singletary
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    Being nice, smiling, asking about others, etc. doesn't cost anything but does make the world a little better place.

    I try to be nice about politicians too. So many people on both sides of the aisle mock every flaw of the candidate they oppose. I don't like laughing at people, even presidents, who have trouble every so often because they are human beings. I will attack their policies and record but try to not mock or be cruel when they do things that I've done such as having trouble holding a glass of water or walking up/downstairs.

    Just be nice. Give the benefit of the doubt. Help others when you can. Smile. If we all tried to do more of that, we might solve some problems and divisions and, in the end, have a better world for all of us.

    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
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      Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

      Being nice, smiling, asking about others, etc. doesn't cost anything but does make the world a little better place.

      I try to be nice about politicians too. So many people on both sides of the aisle mock every flaw of the candidate they oppose. I don't like laughing at people, even presidents, who have trouble every so often because they are human beings. I will attack their policies and record but try to not mock or be cruel when they do things that I've done such as having trouble holding a glass of water or walking up/downstairs.

      Just be nice. Give the benefit of the doubt. Help others when you can. Smile. If we all tried to do more of that, we might solve some problems and divisions and, in the end, have a better world for all of us.


      So we cannot discuss politics unless we are a moderator?

      Is that the rule here now???
      • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
        Mark Singletary
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        Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

        So we cannot discuss politics unless we are a moderator?

        Is that the rule here now???
        Who is discussing politics? Not me, it's against the rules. Moderators don't have special rules just for them. But religion, politics, etc. are part of the world and as part of the world, saying one of those type words in passing is NOT the same as discussing the topic itself.

        It's like discussing hacking is not allowed here, as an example. But writing the word is not a problem. Growth hacking. Life hacks. And many more. Look at the context.
        • Profile picture of the author Monetize
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          • Profile picture of the author discrat
            Profile picture of discrat
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            Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

            Nope. Rules are rules, and the rule is that it is strictly prohibited
            to discuss politics, not that it's okay to discuss politics, but only
            in passing.

            "Political and religious topics are strictly prohibited. Repeatedly
            posting such topics will constitute a ban."

            You are great at modifying rules to fit your purpose, in the same
            way that you make up rules that don't even exist.


            Yup. It's rules for thee but not for me and we make them up as
            we go along.

            You are a HYPOCRITE. And a maker upper of rules.
            What the heck ?? Who peed in your
            cheerios today lol
  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
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    All it takes is 1 person to start a chain reaction .
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
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    Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

    When someone is rude to me (almost never), I'm kind to them. Always polite. Never showing anger..
    Adorability is a dish best served Claude, I guess.

    Less'n he IS an ACTSCHWL Psychopath.

    Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

    I may have mentioned it before, but I no longer drive and just surpassed my 100th Uber trip and it was emailed to me that the Uber drivers had given me a 5 star rating as a passenger, nice touch.
    As yr natchrl Princess, I can confoim forya that a decent 22.3 ain't outta ordah on a good day for the fkrs.

    Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

    Interesting - I had something similar just a couple hours ago. I went to Wal-Mart for some pet supplies....and a young man (18-20?) stocking the pet section asked if I was having a good day and if my holiday was good. We talked for a few minutes - he was interested AND interesting.
    Ain't zackly no expoit here, but YOUNG + MAN + 18-20 always gets me flappin' in the store like I could toss aside all natchrl restraint.

    Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

    So we cannot discuss politics unless we are a moderator?

    Is that the rule here now???
    What is your Two??

    Originally Posted by Jamell View Post

    All it takes is 1 person to start a chain reaction .
    TWO is the minimum numbah for anythin' myootyooly sweetsy.

    From here, you gotta figure how to pulse the prussise sentiment without dilootin' out all stoopid.

    Originally Posted by discrat View Post

    You know just a few simple pleasantries and some sincerely kind words among people goes a long way.
    Encouragement vs Discouragement.

    The debate looms large before our very own eyes.

    Gotta be a bitch fulla heart, I guess -- or where'n the innah turmoil encompasses evrywan?

    Thing is, our evry next step is a rignl moment.

    Feels same, but nevah ain't.

    An' evry world-to-be fulla our next steps forward.

    Question is: you dancin' or kickin'?

    All I know is, bein' on the Smoochie sidea the Caahsmaahs steada the sharpen-blades-to-cut-thru-armor viewpoint, I dowin' K in the genrl pulse areah.

    KISS ON HEART, always.

    & naht simply bcs OPTSCHWAAHNS CRAP.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Kay King
    Profile picture of Kay King
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second gotta figure how to pulse the prussise sentiment without dilootin' out all stoopid.

    And right there lies the conundrum.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Kay King
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    Nope. Rules are rules, and the rule is that it is strictly prohibited
    to discuss politics, not that it's okay to discuss politics, but only
    in passing.
    Says you - but you are not a moderator, nor an admin, nor the owner who chooses the mods and admins. Rudeness to moderators is not acceptable. We don't play control games here.

    Enough already - you are better than that.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
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      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Says you - but you are not a moderator, nor an admin, nor the owner who chooses the mods and admins. Rudeness to moderators is not acceptable. We don't play control games here.

      Enough already - you are better than that.

      I'm not being rude at all.

      I am simply expressing a concern about why rules don't
      seem to apply to certain people, or why the mods make
      up rules when it suits them.

      Right is right, and wrong is wrong.

      Either answer me or don't, but don't try to silence me by
      telling me I'm not a mod, I have never tried to be one, it
      doesn't even interest me.

      I am however, a long time member, in good standing,
      and I deserve better than this from you, that's for sure.
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Kay King
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    Hey Robert - what was your favorite Holiday gift or meal or activity?

    My fave was a bracelet to track a sea turtle....he's been banded or whatever they do and I have a QR code that will track where he is and where he's been.

    My daughter-in-law got a turtle tracker, too.....I think we're going to race but not sure the turtles will cooperate. Clearly, it doesn't take a lot to entertain me.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
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      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Hey Robert - what was your favorite Holiday gift or meal or activity?

      My fave was a bracelet to track a sea turtle....he's been banded or whatever they do and I have a QR code that will track where he is and where he's been.

      My daughter-in-law got a turtle tracker, too.....I think we're going to race but not sure the turtles will cooperate. Clearly, it doesn't take a lot to entertain me.
      Hey Kay,
      I think going to 54th street grille and eatery 3 times in 5 days for Happy hour with my wive and daughters was one of the most cherished memories I will hold for this holiday season. We really pigged out on 1/2 priced appetizers ( including nachos and artichoke dip and wings) and sipped on these huge frozen Margaritas ( for my wife and I ) They were heavenly !! But overall just well spent family time

      Also I think for the first time in many years we stayed home for Christmas in San Antonio which was a breath of fresh air and a nice experience for our children. That was special for them.

      Btw , That is really unique and neat about the turtle trackers. I could see that being very entertaining!
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
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      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Hey Robert - what was your favorite Holiday gift or meal or activity?

      My fave was a bracelet to track a sea turtle....he's been banded or whatever they do and I have a QR code that will track where he is and where he's been.

      My daughter-in-law got a turtle tracker, too.....I think we're going to race but not sure the turtles will cooperate. Clearly, it doesn't take a lot to entertain me.
      I actually think this is a brilliant idea...

      a little crazy, but brilliant. It's one of those things that catches obviously it has this holiday season.

      I'm everyone tracking the same turtle...or is this several turtles people are tracking?
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Mark Singletary
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    Kay, that turtle tracker sounds so cool. Since I live on the Pacific, I wouldn't ever get anything done because of sitting on the shore tracking my buddy and waiting for him/her to make a port call to see me. LOL

    Because of life, we didn't even do a dinner at home or anything this year. We'll make it up later, though.

    The part of Asia I live in is known as a very friendly (for the most part) place. It has an extremely low crime rate. And the breathtaking, beautiful scenery, wonderful food, and more make it a pretty nice world even if people aren't nice sometimes.

    One of the core parts of their culture is the importance of building and improving interpersonal relationships as much as possible. Kids are taught from an early age about respect, manners, etc. at a much deeper level than it is in the US from my experience. That makes things easier too.

  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
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    It does not hurt to hold a door open for someone, saying hello, good morning, or thank you with a smile. Most people have good intentions, a little bit goes a long way. A lot of issues are self-centeredness or me-first attitudes. A fast-paced modern society compounds some of those issues. Anybody can help make the world better. Some of the things listed above are a good place to start. Plus volunteering or donating money to your favorite charity can make a difference. Have a Happy New Year everyone!
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Profile picture of discrat
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      Hey guys ,
      Just getting ready for New Year's Eve. We are not going out but just chilling and relaxing at home. Iam going to the store to get milk duds, skittles, sour patch, and Mike and Ike candies. Get a whole bunch of them put them in some kitchen bowls and spread them out on the kitchen table along with Pizza Hut pizza dinner box and Hot wings.

      It's going to be a big chow down along with some mixed cocktails me and my wife are making to ring in the new year.

      Anybody else have plans for New Year's Eve ??
      • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
        Profile picture of lanfear63
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        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        Hey guys ,
        Just getting ready for New Year's Eve. We are not going out but just chilling and relaxing at home. Iam going to the store to get milk duds, skittles, sour patch, and Mike and Ike candies. Get a whole bunch of them put them in some kitchen bowls and spread them out on the kitchen table along with Pizza Hut pizza dinner box and Hot wings.

        It's going to be a big chow down along with some mixed cocktails me and my wife are making to ring in the new year.

        Anybody else have plans for New Year's Eve ??
        It would appear this thread has revealed a lot about your eating habits, lol. Three restaurant meals in one week and now the junk food you have mentioned above. And don't tell me: "This is for the kids". Please be up at 6am for a 5 mile run on New Years day. Or else.

        Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
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    yes that is a very informative story, we need more people like this

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Kay King
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    Several turtles - quite a few actually. I think there are other species that can be tracked as well. The real beauty of it is that these are charitable organizations that support wildlife and cleaning of the oceans, AND a good cause.

    no sale or affiliate link here - but the site is pretty interesting. I think these would be great gifts for kids, too.

    Not all the 'tracking' sites are legit but fahlo is - and the list of causes they support is impressive.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Kay King
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    Turtle details - this is really fun...

    My turtle is a loggerhead that was rescued off the Florida keys last February. She was exhibiting symptoms of red tide exposure - was treated for weeks at a wildlife center and then a monitor was added to her shell and she was released. She was also given a name - Shenandoah.

    Since her release she has traveled more than half way up the coast of Florida on the Gulf side.

    I've had fun with this - I think kids would absolutely love it - what a teaching tool! Reading about loggerheads I learned they filter waste as part of their eating habits and thus help clean the oceans. who knew?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
  • Profile picture of the author Paykassmacom
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    people are kind in fact
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Claude Whitacre
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      Originally Posted by Paykassmacom View Post

      people are kind in fact
      Originally Posted by Paykassmacom View Post

      The world is cruel
      I feel that it's my job to clear up what you mean.

      You see, folks.....we humans are a kind lot. The reason we are so kind, is that every night, our meanness and cruelty drain from our body and is absorbed in the ground.

      After a few hundred thousand years, all this accumulated cruelty has reach a tipping point. This cruelty is now escaping through volcanic vents, and is evaporating into our atmosphere. This contained cruelty is now causing minor earth quakes, acid rain, and whooping cough.

      Our accumulated cruelty is now to blame for UFO sightings and ghosts.

      Ghosts are simply made up of our ancient cruelty, with a little marshmallow for taste.

      All of this "Earth is cruel, but we are kind" theory is completely the documentary Ghostbusters Two.

      You're welcome.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
      • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
        Profile picture of lanfear63
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        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        I feel that it's my job to clear up what you mean.

        You see, folks.....we humans are a kind lot. The reason we are so kind, is that every night, our meanness and cruelty drain from our body and is absorbed in the ground.

        After a few hundred thousand years, all this accumulated cruelty has reach a tipping point. This cruelty is now escaping through volcanic vents, and is evaporating into our atmosphere. This contained cruelty is now causing minor earth quakes, acid rain, and whooping cough.

        Our accumulated cruelty is now to blame for UFO sightings and ghosts.

        Ghosts are simply made up of our ancient cruelty, with a little marshmallow for taste.

        All of this "Earth is cruel, but we are kind" theory is completely the documentary Ghostbusters Two.

        You're welcome.
        One of your less sound theories, but thank you for your kind words

        Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

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