Dear Twilight Fangirls...

Emily Meeks
Profile picture of Emily Meeks
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13 replies
Dear Twilight Fangirls,

You have the freedom to like whatever book series you'd like. On that same note, others also have the same freedom to choose NOT to like this series.

Twilight Sucks Forum - The Twihard Attack Directory

This is absolutely unacceptable.

It's not just one or two incidents. I can't believe a CHILDREN'S BOOK would be the cause of multiple attacks, or even attempted murders.

Personally, I've never read the series, I kept a friend company to watch the first movie because her sister was a fan, and I'm not feeling the love. It's okay - for a children's book - but this has gotten way out of hand.

Do you think you're doing Stephenie Meyer ANY favors for your behavior? In all reality, you're generating bad publicity for the creator of your beloved Edward.

You can flame forums all day if you want, I don't care. That doesn't give you the right to hurt another human being for having a different opinion.

Thank you all and have a nice day,

  • Profile picture of the author Maddi
    Profile picture of Maddi
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    Funny things is I had a huge argument or rather a debate on my friends facebook page as his status was 'love twilight, love new moon' and someone starting going 'dude thats gay dude thats gay' and the others started supporting it.
    I must say it was quite funny when it started but it rather turned out to be more or less a nightmare of an argument cos in the end everyone was just trying to beat the other person down and posting stuff that was not at all related to the topic.

    Funny how people can't respect the difference of opinion and would go to great lengths of extreme just to prove (to themselves) that they are right.
  • Profile picture of the author KimPup
    Profile picture of KimPup
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    Sorry, are you saying the twilight series has caused suicides??
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    • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
      Emily Meeks
      Profile picture of Emily Meeks
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      Originally Posted by KimPup View Post

      Sorry, are you saying the twilight series has caused suicides??
      Not quite, no one's said anything about suicide till this point.

      In a nutshell, a lot of Twilight fans have taken it to physical violence against others for disagreeing with them, including strangulation, hitting with baseball bats and attempted drowning (at an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL no less)

      It's a great cause for concern.

      In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

  • Profile picture of the author KimPup
    Profile picture of KimPup
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    hhmmm, just read a bit in the forum you posted...don't get the lingo....explain in a nutshell would ya...I just got my granddaughter a ****load of new moon products!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
      Emily Meeks
      Profile picture of Emily Meeks
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      Originally Posted by KimPup View Post

      I just got my granddaughter a ****load of new moon products!!
      If it's not Twilight, it'll be the next craze. Don't worry about returning anything - so long as your granddaughter understands that other people are entitled to their opinions as well, things will be fine.

      In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

  • Profile picture of the author KimPup
    Profile picture of KimPup
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow, ya don't even think about things till somene brings it to your attention!! Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author powderme
    Profile picture of powderme
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    Twilight Fangirls ...I'm really confused?! because of the movie there's an incident of murders done by a little girl?:confused:
    • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
      Emily Meeks
      Profile picture of Emily Meeks
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by powderme View Post

      Twilight Fangirls ...I'm really confused?! because of the movie there's an incident of murders done by a little girl?:confused:
      The link takes you to a forum.

      There are numerous threads started by people who do NOT like Twilight.

      They stated their opinions, or otherwise conveyed their opinions to people who happened to LIKE Twilight.

      In response, these Twilight fans retaliated, often in physical violence.

      These are SEPARATE INCIDENTS - Twilight fans attacking people who don't like Twilight. Just a few of the many occurances:

      A few were cursed out.
      A couple were pushed down a flight of stairs.
      Another was beaten with a baseball bat in Walmart.
      One had her ankle broken when pushed against a wall.
      A fifth grader was nearly drowned in a toilet bowl.
      One girl almost had her eye gouged.
      Another nearly had her throat slit.

      ON. And ON. And ON.

      These aren't organized incidents. These are Twilight fangirls of all ages, from elementary school to college, exerting physical violence on others for disagreeing with them.

      In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

  • Profile picture of the author ecoverartist
    Profile picture of ecoverartist
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    This reminds me of all the people who were nuts about Harry Potter a few years ago.
  • Profile picture of the author Sancho Sanches
    Sancho Sanches
    Profile picture of Sancho Sanches
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    What is that they say about the fairer gender?

    Geesh. And over a freaking movie.

    You wanna see some nuts and dumb as rocks idiots go look at imdb.

    One of my pass times is trolling there and pissing off most people because they repulse me so much.

    It's hella-fun.
  • Profile picture of the author nazhuz
    Profile picture of nazhuz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Twilight fans girl is like sick! they will read the novel all night long. yerkk!
  • Profile picture of the author Slin
    Profile picture of Slin
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    I don't read twilight at all.

    But I don't get it, do you really think the majority of the fans would ever hurt anyone? Sounds more like some psychos.

    Heck some kid got stabbed over a PS3 a few years back (or whenever) some people are just psycho.
    • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
      Emily Meeks
      Profile picture of Emily Meeks
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Slin View Post

      I don't read twilight at all.

      But I don't get it, do you really think the majority of the fans would ever hurt anyone? Sounds more like some psychos.

      Heck some kid got stabbed over a PS3 a few years back (or whenever) some people are just psycho.
      Of course this is just a collection of sporadic incidents, but the fact that someone would get so riled up over this in the first place...

      In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

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