The thankyou button: My proposal

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Recently, I have been reading a few old threads, and new threads, and have seen one common issue:

People get a tad bit upset with some warriors, when they spend the time to help those warriors out, and the warriors show no appreciation. (IE, they don't even use the thankyou button, and some don't even go so far as to say thankyou).

I would have to think that some just don't see that button there...Maybe they overlook it, because really...why do they ever have to look to the very bottom right hand side of a post? Since we read English from left to right, it's not something I would immediately expect someone to notice or pick up on.

So what I am proposing then is a system like this:

New warriors have to thank someone at least once before they can PM, alongside having 50 posts.

And they should be keen enough to figure out how to thank someone, and it will at least teach them how to use the "thanks" button, and will also SHOW them where it is in the first place.

After all, isn't this forum about giving back? Why not make people learn how to give by at least starting with a thank you?
  • Profile picture of the author SEOExpert104
    I totally agree, I've seen many threads, this problem is spread on every single forum, people don't either say thanks... or they don't use the thanks button.
    I think 1 thank is really low, maybe 5 ? But I think then the members will thank anyone, even if it's not useful, we should find a solution for this.
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  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    Stupid idea.
    If someone is thanking someone because they are forced to then the thank you is totally meaningless.

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    • Profile picture of the author ab420
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      Stupid idea.
      If someone is thanking someone because they are forced to then the thank you is totally meaningless.
      I have to agree with this. I'd rather never be thanked then have people forced into thanking me when they don't really want to.
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      • Profile picture of the author acrasial
        Originally Posted by ab420 View Post

        I have to agree with this. I'd rather never be thanked then have people forced into thanking me when they don't really want to.

        One thank at least teaches warriors that there is in fact a "thanks" button. I find that a a lot more USEFUL than a useless posts with 1-5 words MAX thanking someone, or just saying "sure that was good tip" lol.

        It would also help out with people who love posting the same things which were already SAID and mentioned in the previous answers/responses. It could effectively implement a system wherein it does not WORK LIKE THIS:

        Sample thread title:

        How to check for plagiarism?

        Sample responses:

        poster #1: Copyscape is the best, and they explain why.

        Poster #2: Copy scape definitely

        Poster #3: Yup copyscape

        Poster #4: i use copyscape

        Poster #5: Isnt copyscape the one?

        Poster #6: Copyscape checks it

        Poster #7: Use copyscape

        In a scenario like this (which IS EVERYDAY on this forum!), the thanks button could EASILY be used so that the same damn answer is not repeatedly posted 50,0000,00000000000 times.

        I DO NOT therefore think that this button is useless. IF a question is already answered, with a simple response, why does everyone else go in there repeating the same damn answer, with the same simple response.

        They don't even make an effort to bring the thread further, or discuss their answer, they simply just repeat what a few others have already answered in order to increase the post count.

        I for one and sick and tired of always seeing that kind of brainless thing going on here, and if that makes ME stupid, then so be it, I am stupid for being sick and tired of lazy people who can't even take the time to at least add some input.

        I for one and SICK AND TIRED of ignorant people who come here and drain other warriors for tips and advice, and can't even at least show some appreciation or anything in return, and then come back later asking the same damn question in another form, somewhere else.

        I for one ALSO do not appreciate always having to skim through all of this just to see what is actually going on

        AND FINALLY< I FOR ONE do not enjoy reading other warriors calling out these people for this in other threads, when they do all of the above, because it's not me calling out these individuals specifically, it's other warriors!

        So if that makes me stupid FOR CONSTANTLY NOTICING SOMETHING SO DAMN OBVIOUS ON THIS FORUM, then so be it that I actually have some eyes!

        It's got nothing to do with making people thank when they don't want to. Some people DO WANT TO, and say "thanks" as a response, and don't even know the button is there, so I proposed this idea to help new comers know the button exists.

        Maybe they can use the THANKS BUTTON in the TEST FORUM, and that can be part of the rule of joining the forum. THEN there will be no useless thanks going on YOUR account, or MINE, and then everyone knows the button exists, and then when someone doesn't press thanks, you can TRULY know that they really didn't want to thank you, when you spent the better half of the day mentoring them and explaining to them what to do.

        I guess I am the stupid one here. I stand with my IDEA STILL.

        AND HONESTLY, if someone doesn't want to be the least bit appreciative on a forum, where they are getting other people who may have better things to do, to help them....

        When they are getting successful internet marketers to take time out of their day to help them....

        When they are also getting all of this for free?

        If someone CANNOT EVEN APPRECIATE THAT, then honestly, the people this forum is attracting are not the kind of people I would prefer to be interacting with.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Motley
    You can't legislate manners.
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  • Profile picture of the author jazbo
    Why do you care if someone pushes a thank you button? If you helped them with your answer, then cool, why the need to have a little badge saying "oh look I am sooo helpful"?

    Sorry to be dismissive, but I just think its massaging ego's.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sumit Menon
    Well most of the times the thank you button is used just to point that you agree with a certain arguement made by someone or when someone says something funny.

    Like, when you look at Kim's post above, you know that Michael, Tina and me agree with what he said.This helps when you're looking at a really long thread where you can't read every stupid thing.

    Other than that Thank Yous are just irrelevant. But, I do thank anyone who helps me because it's easier than replying the same.

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  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    Well, I wasn't asking everyone to agree with me here either, but Sumit made another good point: it also gives people the chance to actually stop and think, instead of just posting the same answer over and over and over in a thread just to increase their post count.

    It also can't be a "stupid idea", when it was OTHER warriors who were complaining about it in other threads to begin with.

    And as mentioned, some people don't even know that the button exists to begin with. It can save them from being embarrassed when other warriors start arguing god knows what about them or in relation to them all because they didn't say thankyou or use the thankyou button.
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  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    "It also can't be a "stupid idea", when it was OTHER warriors who were complaining about it in other threads to begin with."

    Um, yes it can, the concept doesn't change from one person posting it to another. Its a stupid idea no matter who said it.

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    • Profile picture of the author ThomM
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      "It also can't be a "stupid idea", when it was OTHER warriors who were complaining about it in other threads to begin with."

      Um, yes it can, the concept doesn't change from one person posting it to another. Its a stupid idea no matter who said it.
      Now that's just stupid:rolleyes:

      The hell with a thanks button.
      I want an idiot button

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  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    I want the groan button!

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Motley
    i didnt use the thanks button because the post was useful, im just afraid she'll pop a bloodvessel if i didnt.
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  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    I'm really confused now as to what her point is. Is it still to MAKE people use the thanks button?
    Acrasial, if minor things like this are stressing you out, you might want to take some anger management classes.

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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    The thanks button isl located right beside the quote and reply buttons, it is not invisible. People see the button. If they are confused, they will ask about it.

    If you are "helping" people, instead of worrying about buttons - check your pm box. The people who have really felt helped by my idiocy usually pm me and tell me so - and often ask more questions. Now THAT is a heartfelt thank you if you ask me and it really means something to me when I get one.

    As far as the thank you button - I have made some very inane jokes in this forum and have had the thank you button hit in profusion for the laugh. Sure it was nice to get the thanks, but would it really have mattered in the long run? They could take that button right off the forum and even people who don't have 50 posts yet have another button to hit to thank you for a good's called the "REPLY" button and anyone who is a member can use it. It's the difference between receiving a hallmark greeting and receiving a personal note of thanks, so you should look to replies for deep gratitude and thanks, not the thanks button, in the first place.

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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      It's the difference between receiving a hallmark greeting and receiving a personal note of thanks, so you should look to replies for deep gratitude and thanks, not the thanks button, in the first place.

      Thanks for the response, HeySal.
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      • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
        The only people who are confused about the thanks button are those with fewer than five posts because they can't see it yet.

        The type of things you profess to be "sick of" is not going to change - no matter how many buttons are added or how many new rules people come up with. It happens on any forum that has a good amount of members and you aren't going to change that.

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        • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell

          If you are so sick of stuff you see happening in this forum which you've only been a member of for a few short months, then I suggest that you find another forum more to your liking. In the greater scheme of things, the debate over the position of a "thank-you" button or the use of it is so petty when there are so many more important things to focus on.

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          • Profile picture of the author Kay King
            If you don't know about the thank you button - maybe it's because you are so busy trying to post to get your links seen that you haven't looked closely at the forum.

            Little things - like reading the rule stickies - tend to help people do things right.

            Most who complain about not being thanked - haven't written much worth thanking them for. It's only a courtesy or an "I agree" thing - so worrying about it or trying to change the rules on a forum you don't own is silly.

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  • Profile picture of the author ECS-Links
    Hey acrasial,

    I could only see the "Thank you" button after my 5th post, so here you go, I sent you my first official "thank you"

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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      That was nice, Elizabeth. Everyone kind of shut up after your post. (Must be that professional-looking microphone. Heh.)
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      • Profile picture of the author ECS-Links
        Originally Posted by ZigZag View Post

        That was nice, Elizabeth. Everyone kind of shut up after your post. (Must be that professional-looking microphone. Heh.)
        Hey ZigZag

        Yeah, that's just my good old head piece - pic taken at work.
        BTW, what is the spiritual meaning (if any) for your Avatar pic?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1927679].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
          Well I have to be honest, I chose my avatar because it looked kind of cool. (Haha.)

          Then I read something about it being a trinity symbol and for some reason I liked it. You're right, Lisa, it's called a Triuetra and meanings include:

          Spirit, Mind, Body
          Father, Son, Holy Ghost
          Mother, Father, Child
          Past, Present, Future
          Power, Intellect, Love
          Creator, Destroyer, Sustainer
          Creation, Preservation, Destruction
          Thought, Feeling, Emotion
          Mother, Maiden, Crone
          Other world, Mortal world, Celestial world
          "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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      • Profile picture of the author KimW
        Originally Posted by ZigZag View Post

        That was nice, Elizabeth. Everyone kind of shut up after your post. (Must be that professional-looking microphone. Heh.)
        Actually I just think that everything that needed to be said, was.

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        • Profile picture of the author acrasial
          Originally Posted by KimW View Post

          Actually I just think that everything that needed to be said, was.
          Yeh just look at all of the "thankyou's" in favor of my "opposition". LOL, if this were a government, I'd be a very very very tiny minority, "squeaking" my way through the political a tiny little mouse.

          I just think the thank-you's here say it all! No need to repeat everything too, like you said. Horse was flogged, now people want to know about Zig Zag's avatar!
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  • Profile picture of the author sarah-anne
    huh! I guess you two are done arguing. That's great at least people now here are aware that there is a thank you button if they want to show some gratitude to the others.
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  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

    ... when they spend the time to help those warriors out, and the warriors show no appreciation. (IE, they don't even use the thankyou button, and some don't even go so far as to say thankyou).

    Funny you should talk about this.
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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by KenThompson View Post


      Funny you should talk about this.

      Yup, So help me out. 1000$ To my paypal account.
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      • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
        Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

        Yup, So help me out. 1000$ To my paypal account.
        I think you missed my point.

        You're too young to have such a short memory. lol.

        But that's cool. (I mean the thing you're missing.)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1928916].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author acrasial
          Originally Posted by KenThompson View Post

          I think you missed my point.

          You're too young to have such a short memory. lol.

          But that's cool. (I mean the thing you're missing.)
          I am missing part of my brain, literally. So my memory cannot be retained for very long. Where that part of my brain one knows. Will it come back? I hope so, let's hope sometime soon, because now I'm missing my brain, and the point!

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  • Profile picture of the author Andie
    I know Zig's avatar looks alot like the sign from the Charmed series...
    'cept the centers didn't overlap on that one..
    they were witches, and Wiccan I believe
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  • Profile picture of the author gamesrebel
    But people would be just forced to say thank you. It will not be real at all. If the users are really thankful they will anyhow thank the user who has helped them.
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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by gamesrebel View Post

      But people would be just forced to say thank you. It will not be real at all. If the users are really thankful they will anyhow thank the user who has helped them.

      Is there a thank limit on here? I was just trying to thank you for that post, and now all of the "thank" buttons have disappeared. HUH...never knew this forum limits gratitude!

      What I'm talking about at least makes people aware of it, and as I said further down, they could be directed to use the button in the TEST forum, that way nothing it's just showing them the functions of the forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Instead why can't we just grab some beers and have a IM summer party?

    No ties allowed?

    I thank You for that!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by Fernando Veloso View Post

      Instead why can't we just grab some beers and have a IM summer party?

      No ties allowed?

      I thank You for that!!!
      We live in different countries Where would this party be? I don't drink either...

      But seriously, I just discovered there is a thank limit on this forum...literally...the button has disappeared now! LOL so much for an "attitude of gratitude" LOL!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    Don't drink? Maybe you need to.

    About the forum: if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by Lisa Gergets View Post

      Don't drink? Maybe you need to.

      About the forum: if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
      It is literally broke on my end right now. The "thanks" button has disappeared, because I thanked some people in this thread....I guess there is a limit!

      Also, how does impairing oneself benefit the forum?
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    I can drink without "impairing" myself, that's how. Also, maybe try taking things a biiiiiiit less literally.

    And yes, there is a thanks limit. Your button will likely show up again in 24 hours.
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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by Lisa Gergets View Post

      I can drink without "impairing" myself, that's how. Also, maybe try taking things a biiiiiiit less literally.

      And yes, there is a thanks limit. Your button will likely show up again in 24 hours.
      What is the number for the thank limit? 10?

      I will also say no to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and tattoos That's just a personal preference.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    Zig's avatar, if I'm not mistaken, is a Celtic symbol called a Triquetra, and it symbolizes the three goddess lifestages, Maiden, Mother, and Crone.
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  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    No, sorry, we took a secret vote and removed your Thanks button.
    If you behave for the next 24 hours we might give it back.

    By the way, I don't drink or smoke either, though I do have a tat!

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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    I have several tatts. But no tramp stamp, thank GOD.
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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by Lisa Gergets View Post

      I have several tatts. But no tramp stamp, thank GOD.
      It's just painful for me. The idea of a needle constantly piercing your skin....ick! And then it's always there as well...and people will ask about it if it's in a public place where they can see it, and if it's not in a public place, what is the point of getting it too, if one can't really see it themselves either.

      Just like those tramp stamps. That is an area of my body, which, last time I checked, I can only see when I am looking into the mirror turned at a funny angle.

      It's only for others, it's a show for others then, to get attention, those kinds of things. And if I am going to do something for a show, I have more preferable ways of doing it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    The pain of it is part of the attraction...and the addiction, as anyone who enjoys getting tatts would probably agree.
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  • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
    As far as I'm concerned, hitting the Thanks button is like giving a compliment.

    If you feel the need to fish for compliments (i.e. ask people to hit the thanks button), you're annoying. If we're OBLIGATED to compliment someone (i.e. hit the thanks button), well that's a bitch.

    If you (you as "in general" not you specifically) don't like how things are run, there's the door...

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    • Profile picture of the author ThomM
      Originally Posted by Lisa Gergets View Post

      I have several tatts. But no tramp stamp, thank GOD.
      The pain of it is part of the attraction...and the addiction, as anyone who enjoys getting tatts would probably agree.
      At 15 or so tats and NO TRAMP STAMP:rolleyes: I concur with both your statements

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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by moneysoapbox View Post

      If we're OBLIGATED to compliment someone (i.e. hit the thanks button), well that's a bitch.
      I have been noticing that there is a lot of swearing going on in this forum lately, as well. Also, I'm not sure how a female dog has anything to do with being obligated to compliment someone.

      But heck, if a person is going to spend their time asking others for help, but they weren't raised with any manners what-so-ever, then perhaps I would not expect them to even THINK they EVER owed anyone any form of gratitude what-so-ever.

      But that is my opinion....oh and if I have a problem with things, apparently there is a door.

      So now we have female dogs and doors...well I'll just kick the doggy out the doggy door's time for him to go potty anyways!
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  • Profile picture of the author jonsjon
    There's no Thank you button?
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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by jonsjon View Post

      There's no Thank you button?

      I wish there was a "read" button too now.
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  • Profile picture of the author ECS-Links
    Jonsjon, you can't see the "Thank You" button due to low post count. You will be able to see it and use it after 5 posts.

    ZigZag, that for the explanation, I agree it's cool

    Acrasial, is there any benefit of having a lot of thank you's, apart of the obvious appreciation?

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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by ECS-Links View Post

      Jonsjon, you can't see the "Thank You" button due to low post count. You will be able to see it and use it after 5 posts.

      ZigZag, that for the explanation, I agree it's cool

      Acrasial, is there any benefit of having a lot of thank you's, apart of the obvious appreciation?


      No, this thread is just taking things overboard. But I revised my "suggestion" further down in this thread, stating that new warriors could be made to simply have to use the thankyou button in the test forum, apparently after their first 5 posts.

      That way they know it's there, as I have noticed some people don't even know its there in the first place, and ask frequently about it, and some want to ask but think it's a dumb question.

      I figured that could help solve the issue there of "where the thankyou button" is.

      It's not about thanking every single person for every single thing, it was simply ORIGINALLY about just making people aware that the button does in fact exist.

      My original suggestion was to get everyone to thank someone, somewhere, and as mentioned, if warriors don't even have one thing to thank someone else for, what kind of forum is this, and what kinds of people are being attracted here?

      So that was my argument, which the majority here have disagreed with and called a "stupid" idea. And instead, they want a "groan" button, so that they can complain whenever they see something like this suggested.

      Also, I can't fix the forum, I can't try and change that was also suggested here, so you know, why even discuss it any further? The idea is not welcome here, it's a stupid idea, and we don't need to be suggesting that people should be thanking manners are not something we can enforce.

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      • Profile picture of the author ECS-Links
        Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

        My original suggestion was to get everyone to thank someone, somewhere, and as mentioned, if warriors don't even have one thing to thank someone else for, what kind of forum is this, and what kinds of people are being attracted here?

        Well, I think this was nice of you, and it would have been better if the "Thank you" button was available from the 1st post.

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  • Profile picture of the author peepin2me
    Freedom is such a nice thing
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