I'm new here & a request

Profile picture of Roadmaster
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
3 replies
Hello everybody, I am new to this forum.

I'm not new to the Internet in general, though. I've worked as a webmaster since 2001, so my technical skills are pretty solid. And I also have a general understanding of the sponsor-affiliate relationship and how the whole system works, but I don't know the details.

I hope I will learn a ton of useful things on this forum. The forum looks very professional and people seem to be quite friendly and willing to help newbies.

I thought I would do well by promoting physical products, because I've always wanted to do that. I think that people generally perceive physical products to have more value than electronic books or services. Also, physical products cannot be pirated. Add to that that I like the health and fitness themes/niches in general, so I guess it won't be too hard for me to write about them.

I am very intrerested in going through Dan Brock's Deadbeat Super Affiliate course for marketing physical products and I'd like to purchase it.

Unfortunately, they use Clickbank for payments and Clickbank doesn't have my country on the list of available countries. So I can't buy the course with my credit card.

Does anyone here have a Moneybookers account? Because I could send you $47 (which is the price of the course plus $10 from me for the hassle) via Moneybookers and you could buy Dan Brooks' course for me using your data. Then you would tell me the username and password so that I can actually access the course.

Could anyone help me with this? I don't see any other way to obtain that course. I'd really like to kick off with something concrete and Dan Brock's course looks like a solid strategy for marketing physical products.
  • Profile picture of the author Martin2010
    Profile picture of Martin2010
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes sure, i'm willing to give you my very personal details so you can access the account

    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
      Tina Golden
      Profile picture of Tina Golden
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      You might try contacting Dan to explain your situation and see if he can work out an alternate payment method for you.

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      • Profile picture of the author Roadmaster
        Profile picture of Roadmaster
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by TMG Enterprises View Post

        You might try contacting Dan to explain your situation and see if he can work out an alternate payment method for you.


        I already contacted his support stuff, and they told me that for the time being they can only use Clickbank, but that they might add some alternative payment method in the future. It's not for sure, though.

        Anyway, posting such a request here on the public forum was probably a mistake. I will contact a friend of mine who lives in the USA and he'll hopefully manage to get me the membership. It's very hard to start in this business when important payment processors such as Clickbank and Paypal don't accept your country.

        The first reply in this thread was quite unnecessary and puerile IMHO. I couldn't care less about your personal data. I'm here to learn internet marketing, not to abuse someone's personal data. Sigh.

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