After multiple calls to corporate numbers, emailing their vice president, media relations, corporate offices, I just received a phone call.
It was from an Executive Escalations Agent, and he let me know he has personally reviewed my account and deemed that I am not "high risk" as they previously thought, and that all limitations have been lifted from my account and my account has been noted as not to be limited again.
See: A little effort goes a long way.
I will be writing a brief guide on how to get through to companies like this, what I did, what you can do if this happens, the steps I took.
My account is unlimited, money has been returned, and permanently associated with an agent that I can personally call if anything happens in the future.
Edit: 4/27, 3:11 PST
*** Attention Warriors ***
I've started a website dedicated to bringing this all to light. If there are some of you that have been affected by PayPal, any lawyers in the community that would like to help other Warriors, or anybody that wants to be a part or help out, feel free to check in on the domain periodically.
Bear with me, I'll be getting everything set up over the next 48 hours.
Access the website here: www DOT FightPaypal DOT com
(Do not link directly to it so board crawlers don't end up there)
Also: I've started a Skype group. Add me at brenden.clerget and I can add you to the Skype group.
Hopefully this turns into something that ends up bringing everything to light.
Original message:
Never thought I'd see the day. I run a legitimate offline business with paying offline clients, and sell legitimate products...
They called me this morning and apparently I missed it because my phone was off, so they limited my account. They said they would have a senior agent contact me once I had it escalated to that status after multiple calls to their support people and not to worry, it was routine.
Now I get an email, without a phone call, outside of normal operating hours, saying that my account has been closed and they're holding my money for 180 days.
I'll keep everybody updated, but my lawyer has already been notified and notarized some documents to fax them in the morning.
I smell it all hitting the fan tomorrow morning, I'm going to rain hell on them like never before. I've heard of people getting in trouble for breaking terms of service, but I haven't broken any terms of service, nor do I scam people, and my refund rates are less than 2%....
So - anybody experienced this with positive outcomes? If not, I guess I have a precedent to set.
Time to make some changes PayPal, or get sued... for FARRRRRR more than what you've withheld from me.
I fought the PayPal and... ______ won....
P.S. If I can be of any assistance in your "Off" or "On"- line sales and marketing please PM me or email at WinnersChoice-Warrior@yahoo.com . Old Dog
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