**** another one 6.8 whats going on in Japan?

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GFZ Potsdam - Earthquake Bulletin for event gfz2011mdxuGFZ Potsdam - Earthquake Bulletin for event gfz2011mdxu

GFZ Potsdam - Earthquake Bulletin
F-E Region: Near East Coast of Honshu, Japan
Time: 2011-06-22 21:50:52.6 UTC
Magnitude: 6.8
Epicenter: 142.28°E 40.01°N
Depth: 29 km
Status: A - automatic
  • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
    Do you know what is H.A.A.R.P.? If not, i suggest you start doing some research.
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    • Profile picture of the author bravo75
      I am aware of HAARP. I am also aware that it makes no sense whatsoever for them to weather-nuke Japan. You'd think they would do Iran or Syria in first.

      Originally Posted by Devid Farah View Post

      Do you know what is H.A.A.R.P.? If not, i suggest you start doing some research.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Oh noes... WF is turning GLP?

    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    What's going on in Japan? It's sitting on tectonic plate boundaries. There are always a lot of quakes in Japan -- just people are noticing right now because of that major blast a few months ago.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
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    • Profile picture of the author QuickSurf
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      What's going on in Japan? It's sitting on tectonic plate boundaries. There are always a lot of quakes in Japan -- just people are noticing right now because of that major blast a few months ago.
      I don't understand what people don't understand about "plate tectonics".... plates move, they have for millions of years, there are always earthquakes... hundreds and thousands per day, some too small to feel but still register and others larger.

      Earthquakes happened before, they happen today, and they will happen in the future.... pretty simple to grasp
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4120261].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
        Originally Posted by QuickSurf View Post

        I don't understand what people don't understand about "plate tectonics".... plates move, they have for millions of years, there are always earthquakes... hundreds and thousands per day, some too small to feel but still register and others larger.

        Earthquakes happened before, they happen today, and they will happen in the future.... pretty simple to grasp
        Well, there's that, but the fact that Donald Trump just renewed his Celebrity Apprentice show is just too close for comfort with these latest quakes.

        I'm sensing a connection. You heard it here first...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4120329].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author HeySal
        Originally Posted by QuickSurf View Post

        I don't understand what people don't understand about "plate tectonics".... plates move, they have for millions of years, there are always earthquakes... hundreds and thousands per day, some too small to feel but still register and others larger.

        Earthquakes happened before, they happen today, and they will happen in the future.... pretty simple to grasp
        What people don't understand --- most people aren't geologists. Not everyone is into earth science -- but everyone is concerned about disasters - and they KNOW what those are. Put those facts together with a media who will eat their young to make people think something really abnormal is going on and it's not a wonder that people don't understand. I'm getting pissed off at the media reporting this **** actually. Mag 5 quakes aren't killers. They produce structural damage and are sizable enough to make people wet themselves who are standing around epicenters. There is no reason for them to exploit these for news.

        The Japanese know they are in a quake zone and they build their structures to withstand shakes. Even in a mag 9 - the worst of the damage was from the wall of water that buried their coastline.

        Bravo - not ditching you for posting it....... Just telling it like it is. You don't need to worry about mag 5 quakes.

        What I've been watching lately is a whole hella bunch of very light quakes - 1 - 3 mags. Too light to feel but happening with incredible frequency right now. That can go either way and is a bit disturbing. Either something big is under stress and about to let go somewhere soon or the earth is finishing a major bout of repositioning. I've noticed more deep quakes again. There's still a lot going on at the 10 and 35 km level that they were happening at en mass earlier this year - but there are more deeper ones going on again. I'm watching the Cascadia Zone - that one bothers me - a lot.

        When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
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        • Profile picture of the author QuickSurf
          Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

          What people don't understand --- most people aren't geologists. Not everyone is into earth science -- but everyone is concerned about disasters - and they KNOW what those are. Put those facts together with a media who will eat their young to make people think something really abnormal is going on and it's not a wonder that people don't understand. I'm getting pissed off at the media reporting this **** actually. Mag 5 quakes aren't killers. They produce structural damage and are sizable enough to make people wet themselves who are standing around epicenters. There is no reason for them to exploit these for news.

          The Japanese know they are in a quake zone and they build their structures to withstand shakes. Even in a mag 9 - the worst of the damage was from the wall of water that buried their coastline.

          Bravo - not ditching you for posting it....... Just telling it like it is. You don't need to worry about mag 5 quakes.

          What I've been watching lately is a whole hella bunch of very light quakes - 1 - 3 mags. Too light to feel but happening with incredible frequency right now. That can go either way and is a bit disturbing. Either something big is under stress and about to let go somewhere soon or the earth is finishing a major bout of repositioning. I've noticed more deep quakes again. There's still a lot going on at the 10 and 35 km level that they were happening at en mass earlier this year - but there are more deeper ones going on again. I'm watching the Cascadia Zone - that one bothers me - a lot.
          Yeh I would not want to be living on the west coast right now.... that entire seaboard is looooooong overdue for a big one. And pretty much the quakes have been almost in a circle in the ring of fire..... except the western usa.

          They just released this too: Report Sounds Alarm About San Andreas Quake - WSJ.com
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          • Profile picture of the author Kurt
            Originally Posted by QuickSurf View Post

            Yeh I would not want to be living on the west coast right now.... that entire seaboard is looooooong overdue for a big one. And pretty much the quakes have been almost in a circle in the ring of fire..... except the western usa.

            They just released this too: Report Sounds Alarm About San Andreas Quake - WSJ.com
            It isn't just the west coast that needs to be concerned, as the New Madrid caused the largest known earthquake in US history...And it runs down the middle of the US.

            New Madrid Seismic Zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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            • Profile picture of the author HeySal
              Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

              It isn't just the west coast that needs to be concerned, as the New Madrid caused the largest known earthquake in US history...And it runs down the middle of the US.

              New Madrid Seismic Zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
              Kurt - that one will be fun, too *heavy sarcasm*

              That's a fault, not a plate boundary -- in other words instead of just shaking things to hell and back - one side can drop - a lot - real fast. Middle regions can collapse, too, but I've not done any real research on that fault so not sure if there is inhabited land between the sides of the fault.

              Central Oregon has a fault that one side collapsed to the tune of 2,500 feet in a matter of seconds - it was a hella long time ago - but think of a fault now as populated as some of the areas are collapsing like that in a quake.

              When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
              Beyond the Path

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              • Profile picture of the author Kurt
                Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

                Kurt - that one will be fun, too *heavy sarcasm*

                That's a fault, not a plate boundary -- in other words instead of just shaking things to hell and back - one side can drop - a lot - real fast. Middle regions can collapse, too, but I've not done any real research on that fault so not sure if there is inhabited land between the sides of the fault.

                Central Oregon has a fault that one side collapsed to the tune of 2,500 feet in a matter of seconds - it was a hella long time ago - but think of a fault now as populated as some of the areas are collapsing like that in a quake.
                Lots and lots of people (Memphis for one), unlike the last time which was 1810-11.

                That quake actually changed the course of the Mississippi and pushed part of Kentucky into Missouri. There's a strange geogreaphical quirk in that a part of Kentucky is pretty much surrounded by Missouri, and it was caused by the New Madrid.

                Look at these two maps of Kentucky. Pay special attention to the little "dot" off the very SW tip of Ketucky. It looks like a little dot, but it's actually part of Kentucky that was moved into MO when the course of the Mississsippi changed during the New Madrid.

                Map of Kentucky Cities - Kentucky Road Map
                Kentucky State Map - Cities, Roads, Counties, Rivers, Lakes, Topo

                The zone had four of the largest North American earthquakes in recorded history, with moment magnitudes estimated to be as large as 8.0, all occurring within a three-month period between December 1811 and February 1812. Many of the published accounts describe the cumulative effects of all the earthquakes (known as the New Madrid Sequence); thus finding the individual effects of each quake can be difficult. Magnitude estimates and epicenters are based on interpretations of historical accounts and may vary.

                New Madrid Seismic Zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                I've heard estimates as high as 8.6 for the New Mardrid quakes.
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                • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
                  Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

                  I've heard estimates as high as 8.6 for the New Mardrid quakes.
                  Yep, when it happens, it won't be pretty.

                  A lot of people have never heard of the New Madrid quakes of the 19th century, but they were pretty amazing.

                  The big concern for a present-day quake is that people simpky aren't prepared in that region of the country because they don't have frequent quakes.

                  Building codes won't hold up to a "big one", and to my knowledge (and I admit I could be wrong here) it IS going to be a big one. My guess is that we would easily feel it here in SE Wisconsin.

                  A bit off topic, but another natural disaster a lot of people haven't heard about is the Peshtigo Fire. It was devastating, and may have received more press...had it not happened on the same day as the Chicago Fire.

                  How bad was the Peshtigo Fire? To date it has the highest death toll of any single fire in U.S. history.

                  Peshtigo Fire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  "Ich bin en fuego!"
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    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      What's going on in Japan? It's sitting on tectonic plate boundaries. There are always a lot of quakes in Japan -- just people are noticing right now because of that major blast a few months ago.
      THANKS! I was going to say something like THEY JUST HAD A BIG QUAKE, so I guess they are being given a reprieve. <7 in japan? From what I hear, that is NOTHING. There IS a reason why they are called tsunamis! That is a JAPANESE word! WHY? Because they tend to originate in JAPAN! They happen often enough that they are WELL KNOWN! It is said that when that major quake happened, the bay was like DRY! It was EMPTIED of all its water! The disaster did NOT happen because of the earthquake! It didn't even happen because of the water moved by the earthquake! It happened when that missing water, leaving an open pit, came rushing BACK!

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  • Profile picture of the author bravo75
    Chew my head off. All I did was start a thread about an earthquake in Japan. No Haarp, No Fema camps, just a quake. Maybe I titled the thread incorrectly.
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    • Profile picture of the author Drakuul
      Originally Posted by bravo75 View Post

      Chew my head off. All I did was start a thread about an earthquake in Japan. No Haarp, No Fema camps, just a quake. Maybe I titled the thread incorrectly.

      As long as there's someone willing to bring forth news, there will always be someone to belittle it with a "been there, done that" kind of remark.
      As for the quake, first I heard of it. Been at work all day. Thanks for bringing it up -- I'm off to go check it out...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4120387].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author bravo75
        No shortage of smart-arses here.:rolleyes:

        Originally Posted by Drakuul View Post

        As long as there's someone willing to bring forth news, there will always be someone to belittle it with a "been there, done that" kind of remark.
        As for the quake, first I heard of it. Been at work all day. Thanks for bringing it up -- I'm off to go check it out...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4120414].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
      Originally Posted by bravo75 View Post

      Chew my head off. All I did was start a thread about an earthquake in Japan. No Haarp, No Fema camps, just a quake. Maybe I titled the thread incorrectly.
      No,no. Your title was fine.

      I apologize bravo. My mistake. I shouldn't have mention it.

      Forget it, ok?

      Have a great day!

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