Design Takes Talent

Profile picture of thunderbird
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16 replies
Efforts I was making at designing stuff for myself were futile. Just ugly, messy, and unprofessional looking. What a waste of time. What was I thinking? I'll go back to paying professional designers to design stuff for me.
#designing logos #ebook cover design
  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    Profile picture of Kurt
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    Yep...I often try to explain to people that while I have the tech knowledge to create a website, I don't have the artistic talent to make a great looking site. Web design is a mix of skill and talent.
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  • Profile picture of the author Roaddog
    Profile picture of Roaddog
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    Originally Posted by thunderbird View Post

    Efforts I was making at designing stuff for myself were futile. Just ugly, messy, and unprofessional looking. What a waste of time. What was I thinking? I'll go back to paying professional designers to design stuff for me.

    I agree Tbird, while I actually have some artistic talent. I have plenty of weakness too. Like writing is not a strong point.

    I'm not trying to say your a control freak, but I am. Unlike many psychiatric mumbo jumbo, I don't see being a 'control freak' as being a problem.

    The problem comes when you need to trust someone else to live up to your standards. Which IMHO, is hard to do sometimes.

    It is not possible to do everything in a competitive business these day's ( I shouldn't say not possible, because there are always special people around).

    But I found out the hard way in my construction business, that having good people with you is very important. (I almost layed myself out trying to do everything).

    The really hard part is finding simpatico and qualified people.

    It's not so much the delegating but finding someone I can delegate to.
  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    Profile picture of BloggingPro
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    I think design is an acquired taste. Yes some people are born designers. However, the common saying holds true here.

    "If you want to get better at something, just practice."

    For those who lack the talent, creativity and practice will get you by until you become talented.

    Did you know that the most sought after kicking coach in the NFL is a paraplegic? He's never kicked a football in his entire life, yet many of the top kickers in the NFL at one point or another have requested or received his coaching services.

    If that doesn't prove to you that you can do anything you want in this world, I'm not quite sure what will.
    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
      Dennis Gaskill
      Profile picture of Dennis Gaskill
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      Originally Posted by BloggingPro View Post

      I think design is an acquired taste. Yes some people are born designers. However, the common saying holds true here.

      "If you want to get better at something, just practice."
      I agree with you about practice, but I think maybe taste is an acquired taste, as well.

      Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    Daniel Evans
    Profile picture of Daniel Evans
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    Originally Posted by thunderbird View Post

    Efforts I was making at designing stuff for myself were futile. Just ugly, messy, and unprofessional looking. What a waste of time. What was I thinking? I'll go back to paying professional designers to design stuff for me.
    Even the best of designers have their ebb and flow of creativity. I've got a tide of awesome and moderately awesome.

    Drop me a message if you need design work.
  • Profile picture of the author EricDelano
    Profile picture of EricDelano
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    I agree too! It takes a certain combo of talent and hard work. But I believe in time and pressure. With time and pressure you can get things done!
  • Profile picture of the author dann12
    Profile picture of dann12
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    I agree with the statement too
    I myself has gone through this phase and when I hired a professional, all my deeds where solved !
  • Profile picture of the author wendhel70
    Profile picture of wendhel70
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    I would have to disagree. Though designing takes talent it really depends on how much time you have vs. how much money your losing. What I mean is why waste 10 hours designing a website when you have the budget to pay for the professionals to handle it for you.

    Skills beat talent anyday, if your serious about designing study day in and day out until you Master it and your lack of Talent will Grow. I personally like auto-pilot packages that has everything in a box for you!

    Who needs Talent! haha
    Smash The Competition! I'll Show You How!>Go<
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    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Profile picture of Kurt
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      Originally Posted by wendhel70 View Post

      I would have to disagree. Though designing takes talent it really depends on how much time you have vs. how much money your losing. What I mean is why waste 10 hours designing a website when you have the budget to pay for the professionals to handle it for you.

      Skills beat talent anyday, if your serious about designing study day in and day out until you Master it and your lack of Talent will Grow. I personally like auto-pilot packages that has everything in a box for you!

      Who needs Talent! haha
      I took my first web design class in 1996. What do you think, another 10-20 years or so?

      And for people that discount natural talent...Why not just take an art class at school, then be a famous artist and sell your painints for millions?

      I can create a decent looking site, using someone else's graphics, etc. But a real good webdesigner will create their own images and graphics.
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  • Profile picture of the author DesignDevelopment
    Profile picture of DesignDevelopment
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    Creativity is inborn, So let Designers do the part of creativity, they have the sense of knowing what people actually wants. Wasting your time in messing things you have no idea about is useless.
    JT Developers
    • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
      Profile picture of thunderbird
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      Originally Posted by DesignDevelopment View Post

      Creativity is inborn, So let Designers do the part of creativity, they have the sense of knowing what people actually wants. Wasting your time in messing things you have no idea about is useless.
      Design demands creativity, yes, but it isn't the only manifestation of creativity in the universe.Creativity takes many forms. Mixed martial artists have to be creative, as do entrepreneurs, as do internet marketers, as do writers. Creativity takes many forms. While there is often much overlap, one form of creativity doesn't necessarily translate well to another.

      Even in visual arts, being good at one kind of visual art doesn't always automatically mean that someone will be skilled at another kind of visual art. This is going to sound weird. I can draw and come up with odd surreal and abstract images. I can even draw and paint still lives, human figures, and animals. I can do really weird stuff and realistic stuff. That is not the same as design. I'm lousy at design. A friend of mine who draws comics for a living can't come up with the weird images I come up with, but I can't draw comics, not for the life of me.

      Writing demands creative and requires the ability to visualize, but often good writers commonly don't actually draw or paint well. Sure, some do. Someone who is very visually creative would actually have an advantage in writing screenplays which primarily tell stories by visual means, while dialog is only an accent to it. Yet, that same visually creative person might be lousy at rendering an actual visual depiction of what they imagined.

      Anyway, yak yak yak. I'm sure you know what I mean.

      Project HERE.

  • Profile picture of the author handy
    Profile picture of handy
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    There's great and cheap talent at Fiverr - so don't beat yourself up about it. I outsource most design stuff there.

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