Do You Look Into Your Ancestry?

42 replies
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I have to admit that I look into my ancestry quite a bit. It annoys my wife, so I keep it to myself at home. Some of the things I find don't seem to please my relatives much either. For example, I was amused that one of my great grandfathers was disowned by his family for marrying an actress (apparently not as well-regarded in the past as they may be now), but weirdly that is still a sore spot with some of my relatives. Others weren't pleased to learn from me that that we're descended from a British prisoner sent to Barbados in the 1600s.
  • Profile picture of the author dgridley
    I'm related to a few historic figures, including Clark of the Lewis & Clark Expedition, Robert the Bruce (seen Braveheart?), Reuel Gridley (he once pushed Mark Twain into the Mississippi river) and Captain Gridley of the battleship Olympia in the Battle of Manilla ("You may fire when ready, Gridley")..

    My dad and uncle were into genealogy quite a bit..
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    • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
      Originally Posted by dgridley View Post

      I'm related to a few historic figures, including Clark of the Lewis & Clark Expedition, Robert the Bruce (seen Braveheart?), Reuel Gridley (he once pushed Mark Twain into the Mississippi river) and Captain Gridley of the battleship Olympia in the Battle of Manilla ("You may fire when ready, Gridley")..

      My dad and uncle were into genealogy quite a bit..
      That is very cool lineage.

      I'm not sure if I'm related to anyone really famous like Bozo the Clown or whoever.

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  • Profile picture of the author Yoseff
    Thats a topic that interests me but I never seem to follow through with it. Keep seeing those ad's and think about signing up to see what I can find, what method did you use to research your family?
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    • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
      Originally Posted by Yoseff View Post

      Thats a topic that interests me but I never seem to follow through with it. Keep seeing those ad's and think about signing up to see what I can find, what method did you use to research your family?
      Various ways, including info from relatives, Internet searches, Mormon genealogical records (they have them, makes no difference if you're not part of LDS. My family never was), stuff my late father gathered (some of it paid for).

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      • Profile picture of the author ThomM
        I know a little about my ancestry.
        One of these days I'll have to go through some boxes I have stashed and start learning more.
        I have (in one of the boxes) my Grandfather's discharge papers from the Prussian Army and from what I can decipher fought in the second Schleswig war.
        That was on my fathers side, on my mothers side I know a little less.
        I know they where one of the first families to settle on Postenkil Mt.
        I also have an old framed photograph of my great-great grandfather Kendrick Bailey which was taken around 1863 I think.
        I've also got some letters written in German that my grandmother (on fathers side) received from a relative still in Germany just prior to WWII.

        So I think I have a good start to learn more, I just have to get all those letters and documents together.

        Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
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        As you are I was, as I am you will be
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  • The LDS logs are quite extensive - if you are in the US. I'm not sure how they go for the rest of the world...
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  • Profile picture of the author InWait
    According to the research I've done my ancestry on my dad's side goes back to an Irish clan that did rather well for themselves until they were defeated by the guy who would go on to become the first king of Ireland. And just a couple of counties over along a river was the clan that my mom's ancestry may have gone back to.

    Apparently I'm also loosely related to Millie Perkins, the actress who played Anne Frank in the '59 movie. I'm told she's my mother's, mother's cousin. Never met her though, I doubt I ever will, and I didn't even know until more recently. Besides, my mom's family (her and her parents I mean) were supposedly the black sheep of the family. I don't know why.

    When it comes to nationality the ones I know for sure are Irish, German, and French.
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  • Profile picture of the author mojojuju
    I am related to Ogg. He is cave man who invented wheel.


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  • I don't know if anyone would be interested in this...but I thought it was kind of cool - (ok, I'm a geek)
    Since you are into Ancestry...It's a free Human Genome Landmarks poster (24inx36in)
    It looks like this:

    Even shipping is free - here's where to request one...

    It'll give you an idea of how the puzzle is put together...

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5666070].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author KimW
      Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

      I don't know if anyone would be interested in this...but I thought it was kind of cool - (ok, I'm a geek)
      Since you are into Ancestry...It's a free Human Genome Landmarks poster (24inx36in)
      It looks like this:

      Even shipping is free - here's where to request one...

      It'll give you an idea of how the puzzle is put together...

      I requested one!

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      • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
        Originally Posted by KimW View Post

        I requested one!
        I tried to request one, but they don't deliver to Canada.

        Project HERE.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    3M ... um, are those your toes in the bottom of the picture? Nudity isn't allowed here you know.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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    • Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

      3M ... um, are those your toes in the bottom of the picture? Nudity isn't allowed here you know.
      - nope, pic was on site link...(when he said poster was 2 feet by 3 feet, I thought he meant the poster...not the poster posting the poster...)
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    My Mom's side is Cossack blue blood. My ancestors pillaged and plundered. They were fierce warriors. On my Dad's side, I only know that one parents relatives came from England with a coat of arms of 3 wild boars, and I've seen my great grandfather's Free Mason's sword.

    Now you know why I'm messed up.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
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    • Profile picture of the author AprilCT
      I haven't, but some day that will be one of my projects.
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  • Profile picture of the author Audrey Harvey
    My great-uncle had so much knowledge about our family, and he had lots of old photographs.Unfortunately, as sometimes happens, a family feud meant we didn't have access to any of it before he died. Being in Australia while he was in Scotland didn't help either.

    I'd love to trace my family tree, just out of interest. It takes a bit of time though, and I don't have a lot of that right now. Maybe when my kiddies are older...

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    I have some. It is definitely a fascinating subject.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    Yup. Found most of them hanging from the family tree.
    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      Myself, not so much, but my brother is into it deeply. He called and invited me to a site where all of the lineage is, but I guess I don't find it as exciting as he does, lol!

      So he calls me all the time and tells me interesting tidbits he finds.

      We have some colorful characters as well as explorers, civil and revolutionary war soldiers, and authors from way back. Closer to the present, we have an inventor of sorts. Actually my grandfather's great uncle invented some sort of pump and got a patent on it.

      I'm not so mechanically inclined, lol!

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  • Profile picture of the author MikeAmbrosio
    My wife traced back her lineage something like 8 generations or so. Much of her family are from parts of Europe that do not have computerized records that go back that far. You actually have to visit the churches, which kept the records. She's planning a trip in the next couple of years.

    Printed out, she has like 6 3" binders completely filled. She has some interesting characters in her family as well - although, she's found no connection to royalty (drats...).

    I have no desire to do that with my family history. My sister wants to, so I'll let her do it

    Are you protecting your on line business? If you have a website, blog, ecommerce store you NEED to back it up regularly. Your webhost will only protect you so much. Check out Quirkel. Protect yourself.

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  • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
    Yeah Mike,

    All of the above lineage is on my dad's side.

    We couldn't trace my mom's side though as her dad was Cherokee Indian and her mom is from what was then, Czechoslovakia, but now is two separate countries.

    My brother could only find the documents when she came to New York on the ship and nothing further.

    Funny thing is, she was Marinka Vrabelova (complete with the rolling rs) on the ship and given the name Mary Vrabel when she got off. I guess they Americanized her, haha!


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  • Profile picture of the author joshuaty2010
    Me too am also interested to look my ancestor. I find it interesting to fine, who knows i have a relatives that has been famous favor.
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  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    I always thought Robert the Bruce must have been schizophrenic. I'm Robert, no,I'm Bruce, No,I'm Robert THE Bruce......

    Anyway,before my father passed he was doing a lot of research into our family history.
    My uncle is suppose to have a patent on the closest thing to a perpetual motion machine to be developed yet.
    In our past, I have been told I have a relative that was a Judge and I have a relative that was hung as a horse thief.
    As it goes, when my father passed on ,my sister managed to take all his research and no one has seen it since.

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  • Profile picture of the author bailbondsguys
    My dad does a lot of genealogy and we found that we are related to some famous Cherokee people. I recommend everyone looking into their ancestry because it definitely helps to understand where we came from and our own family history.
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  • Geez...things must be slow at the Dept. of Energy

    That free poster I ordered above said it would take 4-6 weeks...I got it today!

    10 days -

    I wonder why they wouldn't ship to CN?
    You do have Teachers...and I would imagine DNA of some sort...:rolleyes:
    (although yours is clad in wool plaid, and I don't see a bacon gene, although I'm sure there's one here somewhere...everyone should have one of those.)

    Maybe it's a government thing...
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  • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
    Revolutionary soldiers here too, Ken.

    But I think the funniest thing is that my brother told me that I could be a Daughter Of The Revolution...Umm, me? Yeah right, I'm not the type, lol! Not gonna happen!

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    • Originally Posted by MissTerraK View Post

      Revolutionary soldiers here too, Ken.

      But I think the funniest thing is that my brother told me that I could be a Daughter Of The Revolution...Umm, me? Yeah right, I'm not the type, lol! Not gonna happen!

      What's wrong with be-in a Daughter Of The Revolution?

      What? :confused: Wrong Revolution?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5739062].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      Haha 3m and Ken!

      Boy did I have a response for both of you, but it seems no matter how I tried to phrase and rephrase them, umm, they were better left alone or I'd totally embarrass myself.

      But thanks for the laughs!


      PS. I guess leaving out the American part left that wide open, didn't it? haha!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Something to do with a dynasty between Germany and Poland.
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author ejb2059
    Being an adopted child, I have no true ancestory I can search but I have done research on the only family I've known & it's been very interesting ..

    One Uncle flew a Liberator bomber & flew 17 missions over Germany before being killed

    Another Uncle flew a fighter during the battle of Britain as a mamber of the RCAF ..

    Of course I've also found a few "skeletons" in the closets too LOL

    It's good to know where you come from but better to know where you're going
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    • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
      Originally Posted by ejb2059 View Post

      It's good to know where you come from but better to know where you're going
      Good line!

      Project HERE.

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  • Well, in either revolution mentioned, you wouldn't want to be known as a "Draft Dodger" :rolleyes:
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    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

      Well, in either revolution mentioned, you wouldn't want to be known as a "Draft Dodger" :rolleyes:
      We actually do have one of those in our family history, took off heading for Canada and never was heard from again.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tiffiney Cowan
    My aunt worked to put together a huge package of information about the Italian side of my family. One thing I learned is that our family is from a small town in Sicily. When my husband and I lived in Italy we made a point of visiting the town. It was amazing to walk the streets my great-grandparents walked, see the church they attended and meet some of the people of the town. It's such a small town that there isn't even a hotel, but a family put us up for the night. One of those experiences you never forget.
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    • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
      Originally Posted by Tiffiney Cowan View Post

      My aunt worked to put together a huge package of information about the Italian side of my family. One thing I learned is that our family is from a small town in Sicily. When my husband and I lived in Italy we made a point of visiting the town. It was amazing to walk the streets my great-grandparents walked, see the church they attended and meet some of the people of the town. It's such a small town that there isn't even a hotel, but a family put us up for the night. One of those experiences you never forget.
      I've got some Italian ancestry as well (I'm quite a mongrel). My father actually took a trip like yours in Italy, visiting the homeland of his ancestors (around Bologna, if I remember correctly).

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  • Profile picture of the author pooshda
    William Shakespeare is in my family tree which I have thought was pretty damn awesome since my Mother & Grandmother told me when I was a kid. This always made me a little bit more of a Shakespeare fan I think. I don't know if anyone else noteworthy is in my ancestry or not but I don't think you can Trump Shakespeare anyway.

    EDIT: ehhh.. now I am obsessively trying to trace this all back and get proof for myself, my family has told me this since I was a kid but I need to see the evidence for myself. I don't know a damn thing about tracing my Family back to the 1500's though. I checked out but I am thinking that I won't accomplish anything on my own in that 14 day trial period or really know what I am doing in the first place -- I might be better off getting someone to help me.
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    • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
      Originally Posted by pooshda View Post

      William Shakespeare is in my family tree which I have thought was pretty damn awesome since my Mother & Grandmother told me when I was a kid. This always made me a little bit more of a Shakespeare fan I think. I don't know if anyone else noteworthy is in my ancestry or not but I don't think you can Trump Shakespeare anyway.

      EDIT: ehhh.. now I am obsessively trying to trace this all back and get proof for myself, my family has told me this since I was a kid but I need to see the evidence for myself. I don't know a damn thing about tracing my Family back to the 1500's though. I checked out but I am thinking that I won't accomplish anything on my own in that 14 day trial period or really know what I am doing in the first place -- I might be better off getting someone to help me.
      Hmm. Someone could be related to William Shakespeare -- he could be in their family tree -- but it doesn't appear that he had any direct living descendants, at least according to this source:
      Does Shakespeare Have Any Living Descendants? &mdash;

      ...there are no direct descendants of William Shakespeare living today.<snip>
      There are, however, numerous descendants of Shakespeare's sister, Joan Hart, who are alive today and can claim some relationship to the great bard.

      This information was taken from the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. Life and work of Shakespeare - Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

      Read more: Does Shakespeare Have Any Living Descendants? -- Does Shakespeare Have Any Living Descendants? &mdash;

      Project HERE.

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      • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley
        Some of you will find this fascinating. Others will be irritated.

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        The Journey of man.

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      • Profile picture of the author pooshda
        Originally Posted by thunderbird View Post

        Hmm. Someone could be related to William Shakespeare -- he could be in their family tree -- but it doesn't appear that he had any direct living descendants...
        Well I was always told the relationship was to Ann Hathaway (his wife) so it would have been through marriage anyway. I'm just going on what my family has led me to believe my whole life though and I really want to check this out for myself. I guess it's not as cool if it's his wife but I still think it's pretty cool (assuming my family was telling me factual information) I can't really ask my Grandmother about it since she died in 1995 though.

        Thanks for the information by the way, this might help me get into the right direction... maybe it's his sister that I am related to but that's not as exciting to me. Kind of a bummer after believing this my entire life if it's not true... hmm...
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