Mainstream Media Icon Andrew Breitbart Is Dead

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Activist Andrew Breitbart was beloved by the New York Times and mainstream corporate news media outlets. Founder of Big Journalism and co-founder of Huffington Post, he was a master of media manipulation and "editing" of the truth from different angles, generating and profiting from controversy. Internet marketers could learn a lot from him. Andrew Breitbart played the media like string puppets:
Andrew Breitbart memorialized on floor of Congress -

In Memoriam: Andrew Breitbart, 1969 - 2012
  • Profile picture of the author MoneyMagnetMagnate
    Profile picture of MoneyMagnetMagnate
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    Mainstream Media Icon?

    Don't you mean mainstream media loathing conservative?

    His celebrity came from touting the Mainstream Media and Hollywood as a lionized left-wing puppet...not as a "Mainstream Media Icon"...

    I guess the GOP and Fox sees it differently.

    I read Breitbart's columns, and though I did not always agree (I sometimes did) with his points of view, he always presented them with great lucidity, and candor. But I cannot say I agree with all of the above paragraph...perhaps beloved by corporate news, but not entirely by mainstream news...(imo)

    Even the Huff did not give him an obit as celebratory as that congressman, and he was the co-founder...

    In passing, as in life, his job will still be to create controversy...

    He did die young though, at 43, of natural causes...we will await the conspiracy theorists...
    • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
      Profile picture of thunderbird
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      Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

      Mainstream Media Icon?

      Don't you mean mainstream media loathing conservative? <snip>
      Loathe, no. They were his bread and butter and actually on the same team. They often had drinks together. The mainstream media loved him and he loved the mainstream media. They fed off of each other with the faux conflicts, and Breitbart's stories and videos (creative editing jobs) circulated in the mainstream media unchecked and unexamined.

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      • Profile picture of the author MoneyMagnetMagnate
        Profile picture of MoneyMagnetMagnate
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        Originally Posted by thunderbird View Post

        Loathe, no. They were his bread and butter and actually on the same team. They often had drinks together. The mainstream media loved him and he loved the mainstream media. They fed off of each other with the faux conflicts, and Breitbart's stories and videos (creative editing jobs) circulated in the mainstream media unchecked and unexamined.
        I used that reference line from the story was primarily the "icon" that looked out of place, but I see where you were going now, and many media outlets were played for fools... (still are) by not fact checking. (as they should be)
        Many are famous for it. "A lie is just as good as the truth, if you can get someone to believe it"

        Or to paraphrase GW Bush, paraphrasing Lincoln: "You can fool some of the people all of the time, - and those are the one's you want to concentrate on"*

        Many adversaries and sparring partners in print and media are friends behind the scenes...

        It always reminds me of that line in Citizen Kane..."You provide the prose, I'll provide the War" -
        (it's out of context, but can apply to adversarial journalism)

        *You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
        - Abraham Lincoln
  • Profile picture of the author TLTheLiberator
    Profile picture of TLTheLiberator
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    He really did a job on that lady from the Dept. Of Agriculture.

    Everybody and I mean everybody fell for that one.


    "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. -- Mark Twain

    • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
      Profile picture of thunderbird
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      Originally Posted by TLTheLiberator View Post

      He really did a job on that lady from the Dept. Of Agriculture.

      Everybody and I mean everybody fell for that one.

      They also totally fell for those badly chopped-up videos, edited to give the illusion that a guy dressed in pimp attire walked into ACORN offices when he never wore pimp attire in those offices. How they fell for an obvious edit job exposes how useless and gullible the mainstream media has become. Thank you, Andrew Breitbart, for exposing this so nakedly.

      It really revealed how centralized news has become, sort of like fast food distribution points and food (or news) pre-made and ready to stick in the microwave oven. Just as fast food outlet don't examine or alter the ingredients, and serve to customer as is, news is disseminated as is without examination or fact-checking, maybe with a cursory rewrite the way internet marketers do with PLR articles. That would be why the mainstream media accepted and broadcast Andrew Breitbart's deceptively edited videos as is. Investigative journalism in the mainstream media is moribund, while the primarys sources of original investigative journalism are freelance journalists and bloggers.

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      • Profile picture of the author MoneyMagnetMagnate
        Profile picture of MoneyMagnetMagnate
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        Originally Posted by thunderbird View Post

        They also totally fell for those badly chopped-up videos, edited to give the illusion that a guy dressed in pimp attire walked into ACORN offices when he never wore pimp attire in those offices. How they fell for an obvious edit job exposes how useless and gullible the mainstream media has become. Thank you, Andrew Breitbart, for exposing this so nakedly.

        It really revealed how centralized news has become, sort of like fast food distribution points and food (or news) pre-made and ready to stick in the microwave oven. Just as fast food outlet don't examine or alter the ingredients, and serve to customer as is, news is disseminated as is without examination or fact-checking, maybe with a cursory rewrite the way internet marketers do with PLR articles. That would be why the mainstream media accepted and broadcast Andrew Breitbart's deceptively edited videos as is. Investigative journalism in the mainstream media is moribund, while the primarys sources of original investigative journalism are freelance journalists and bloggers.
        It has become the era of the "Definite Maybe"

        Where no one wants to be scooped, so they all rush to air with little or nothing...

        Once the calmer observers see the ruse for what they are, they are not really fooled -

        And the ones who jumped into the fray initially offer no apology for their actions, but seek to take credit, as would someone "planting a flag"on a it is now their territory, and scream "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!", when exposed.

        A perfect example was recently with Whitney Houston's death - where networks broke into programming to report: "Whitney Houston has just died...we don't know how, where, or why...we will bring you further updates as they happen" (:confused::confused

        My favorite was always the old ad men who would come up with crazy april fools type stories, and "leak" them, to see who would actually buy manipulation at it's core.

        It was quite surprising and amazing, when people would call in to find out where they could purchase a "Spaghetti Tree" of their very own...

        As PT Barnum is quoted as saying: "There's a sucker born every minute"

        And as WC Fields said: "Never give a sucker an even break"
  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Profile picture of HeySal
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    "....wait for the conspiracy theorists...."

    So finding out that an extremely controversial news person who died fairly young and suddenly of "natural causes" was actually offed because of something he knew or was about to say would be unusual? Grain of salt. Either way this one goes, I won't be the least surprised.

    Condolences to his family and friends.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
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  • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
    Profile picture of thunderbird
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Dennis Gaskill
    Profile picture of Dennis Gaskill
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    Love him or hate, the man was smart and courageous.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

  • Profile picture of the author MoneyMagnetMagnate
    Profile picture of MoneyMagnetMagnate
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    Man! That Rolling Stone headline is cold!

    Like Dennis said, love him or hate him, but "Death of a Douche"?

    I mean, they weren't exactly buddies...but no love lost on Taibbi ?

    Pretty vitriolic stuff for an obit...I guess he figured he would get the same in return...

    "But he also had enough of a sense of humor to appreciate why someone like me shouldn’t bother to pretend I’m sad he’s dead. He wouldn’t, in my place."

    I'm guessing they won't be asking him for a eulogy...

    (besides...I thought they were saving that headline for Limbaugh...)
  • Profile picture of the author Patrician
    Profile picture of Patrician
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    Yes it is ironic 'judge not lest ye be judged' is so true.

    If you have a point a view that is valid, but you deliver your message in a condescending, judgmental, nasty way - nobody hears the message and they just think you are a douche bag - and you probably are.

    Ironic also that they thump on the Book that tells them exactly not to do what they do.

    Ironic that while these idiots do not know how to communicate the country goes to hell in a handbasket because 'the people' don't get the message and support the delusion in their ignorance.

    Not ironic that Agent Provocateurs are representative of the "Maya" or Illusion perpetrated by the
    'father of Lies' (the Evil).


    "This is how the world ends, this is how the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper"
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    Michael Ten
    Profile picture of Michael Ten
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    That is tragic! He is so young.
  • Profile picture of the author Patrician
    Profile picture of Patrician
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    Very good point Thom -

    I watched 'JFK' movie the other night with Kevin Costner - and that was one really glaring point made by a (secret) former military officer -

    Before Oswald was even booked (he had just been taken into custody) the newspapers in New Zealand (they are a day ahead of US) already had a two page story about his biography and life history up to the point where he became the assassin.

    I thought that was one of the most compelling points that spoke to a government/media conspiracy.

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