7.5 Hours of Power Cuts per day! No Electricity -> No productivity :(

30 replies
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I live in the state of 'Tamil Nadu' in India.

There is acute power shortage in our state because there is a large group of people fighting against the commencement of a nuclear power plant which costed the govt. nearly $3 bn USD for construction. Anyway, this is what the media tells us. (see)

Power cut from 9am to 12pm - 3 hours.
Again from 3pm to 6pm. - 3 hours
Again 2 x 45 mins cuts - one in the evening and one in the night.

Avg outside temperature here is 40+ deg. Celsius.

I have an UPS with 3 hours backup. But it will not give 3 hours again with a 3 hour charge cycle.

No A/C - only fan runs in UPS.

They say that the power problem should go away by 2013... but only GOD knows.

I try not to blame the circumstances for my lack of productivity - but I can't not blame it.

What would you do?

#> #cuts #day #electricity #hours #power #productivity
  • Profile picture of the author Victoralexon

    Move to another state?
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  • Profile picture of the author drewcpappas
    Sorry to hear that. Really am. Good luck in the future
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  • Profile picture of the author vishalduggal
    I recommend to move to some cool state in India. LOL! How can you live in 40+ environment with no electricity?
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
    Originally Posted by Deepak Media View Post

    What would you do?
    Honestly? In that heat? I have no idea but I do seriously feel for you.

    I know over here we take things like electricity and water so much for granted I think it'd be like armageddon here if we had that. I think it's a testimony to people like you, how well you handle it.

    I'm sorry I can't offer any constructive advice, other than to buy a generator (assuming you can get one) but I do wish you the best of luck with this. The fact you're keeping as calm as you are shows you have what it takes to do very well.

    Good luck and if I can help at all feel free to PM me.

    Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author Paramvir Jakhar
    purchage a good quality of inverter
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Thompson
    The guy who said "move to another state" ... honestly that's a GOOD idea if it fits your personal situation. You have to think of all possible solutions.

    Alternatives are:

    1) Make your own power - can you put a solar cell up? Expensive, but hey you gotta think of everything!

    2) More UPS backup so you can go longer and cycle between them

    3) UPS + laptop (which has its own battery) and do offline work around power outage cycles.
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  • Profile picture of the author KirkMcD
    Originally Posted by Deepak Media View Post

    What would you do?
    Not whine about it on a marketing forum, that's for sure.
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    • Profile picture of the author Deepak Media
      Originally Posted by KirkMcD View Post

      Not whine about it on a marketing forum, that's for sure.
      Easier said than done. You wouldn't have experienced 1 hr power cut in a day.
      Digital Marketing Author | Speaker | Consultant

      Read my Blog: DigitalDeepak.com

      @ Bangalore, India.
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    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      Originally Posted by KirkMcD View Post

      Not whine about it on a marketing forum, that's for sure.

      Perhaps this would be better in off topic, either way, I'm sure the OP would give a right arm to live in your neck of the woods and perhaps you should be grateful you live where you do?

      No disrespect but it's hardly convenient for him.

      One thing I might do though, seeing as the electric only goes off for just 45 mins at night and it's cooler then, why not shift your sleep pattern and work at night and sleep more by day? It'd take a bit of getting used to but it may help, or just work part of your day at night.

      Kirk - If you're living where those hurricanes just hit, I take that back.

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author AmandaT
    Try to find more methods for backup power like Chris said above.

    We have 2-3 day power outages a dozen or more times a year during the winter here... so we have several backup power sources so we can keep heat going off and on through the power outages.
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    Originally Posted by Deepak Media View Post


    I live in the state of 'Tamil Nadu' in India.

    There is acute power shortage in our state because there is a large group of people fighting against the commencement of a nuclear power plant which costed the govt. nearly $3 bn USD for construction. Anyway, this is what the media tells us. (see)

    Power cut from 9am to 12pm - 3 hours.
    Again from 3pm to 6pm. - 3 hours
    Again 2 x 45 mins cuts - one in the evening and one in the night.

    Avg outside temperature here is 40+ deg. Celsius.

    I have an UPS with 3 hours backup. But it will not give 3 hours again with a 3 hour charge cycle.

    No A/C - only fan runs in UPS.

    They say that the power problem should go away by 2013... but only GOD knows.

    I try not to blame the circumstances for my lack of productivity - but I can't not blame it.

    What would you do?

    You know WHY you are having the problem, right? All your electric engineers are coming here as programmers. SERIOUSLY, that is what many of those I interviewed studied to be.

    Yeah, india tried to grow too fast, and the way some wiring is, you should be happy you even have electricity.

    What I would do is get ANOTHER 3hr UPS, and save up for more, because they may not last long, insulate the home better, and try to keep it sealed for at least 2.5 hours into the power outages. At least they are planned!

    Do you guys even have isolated circuits for A/C, etc? It can draw a LOT of power.

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  • Profile picture of the author GT
    The problem is demand for power and that is not going to improve much as the population in your country increases.

    I like the suggestions to find alternative back-up power sources (like solar), and to change your daily habits so you do computer work at night when it is cooler and there is less demand on the power supply.


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  • If you can possibly afford it, or scrape it together, you could get a backup laptop, or to build or get an alternate UPS backup - storage batteries and inverter, power generator (but then there is fuel to worry about),...solar - wind - hydro wheel...necessity is the mother of invention. This is a tough one. -

    People could rent or share energy time or their UPS's...if you are in a city or township.

    I am sure there are others in your area looking to solve this problem...and there are probably others looking to exploit it -
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    • Profile picture of the author GT
      Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

      If you can possibly afford it, or scrape it together, you could get a backup laptop, or to build or get an alternate UPS backup - storage batteries and inverter, power generator (but then there is fuel to worry about),...solar - wind - hydro wheel...necessity is the mother of invention. This is a tough one. -

      People could rent or share energy time or their UPS's...if you are in a city or township.

      I am sure there are others in your area looking to solve this problem...and there are probably others looking to exploit it -
      Great ideas! This could be a business opportunity for an enterprising individual, or perhaps members of a community could do it as a co-op project: pool their money to buy the necessary equipment, then sell access to the power to others.


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      * Follow Me On Twitter ===> MyPowerSite <===| gtbulmer | StarrBizzcom

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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Deepak - unfortunately, as small as India is, you have a population (over 1 billion!) that is so far over carrying capacity that it's a wonder this is the first you are seeing of problems of limited resources. Your problems there are just beginning. Trust me on that one, and be warned that electricity is just the first of it. You may well want to take the suggested advice and just get the heck out of there now before they get any deeper.

    As for immediate solutions - are there any internet cafes or libraries or other public resources close enough that you can get to them but running on an alternative shut down schedule so you can do some online work when your own area is shut down? Seriously, other than working on a laptop during down time, that is the only solution I can think of.

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  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    i would gladly suffer an inconvenience of a few hours power cut to avoid a nuclear power plant in my country

    keep up the good work

    pity there was no consultation before it started

    um nuclear? i thought india was not a signatory to the non proliferation treaty

    is that similar to iran?
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  • Profile picture of the author ShayB
    Originally Posted by Deepak Media View Post


    I live in the state of 'Tamil Nadu' in India.

    There is acute power shortage in our state because there is a large group of people fighting against the commencement of a nuclear power plant which costed the govt. nearly $3 bn USD for construction. Anyway, this is what the media tells us. (see)

    Power cut from 9am to 12pm - 3 hours.
    Again from 3pm to 6pm. - 3 hours
    Again 2 x 45 mins cuts - one in the evening and one in the night.

    Avg outside temperature here is 40+ deg. Celsius.

    I have an UPS with 3 hours backup. But it will not give 3 hours again with a 3 hour charge cycle.

    No A/C - only fan runs in UPS.

    They say that the power problem should go away by 2013... but only GOD knows.

    I try not to blame the circumstances for my lack of productivity - but I can't not blame it.

    What would you do?

    One of the things I would suggest - if it's possible with the heat and your schedule - is to nap during the down times. You have to sleep anyway. Why not rest while you have no chance to work?

    Second - some type of solar power source if you can swing it. I know that solar power generators aren't too expensive here, but they may be out of your price range. Not sure. Shipping may also be an issue.

    Here they have solar powered camping equipment that can be used for things such as charging laptops, cell phones, etc.

    Here is another thought - if you have a solar power source (generator, etc.) you might also be able to make some extra money by providing neighbors a way to charge/use their devices during these down times. Perhaps even eventually having several solar powered generators may be a goal. Not sure if that's a practical idea, but it's a thought.
    "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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  • One more consideration if you are not doing it already...(you probably are)

    Put all your important and backup information into a cloud, or docs in email drafts, flash and portable drive, so you can easily access it from another available terminal with a power source when necessary...

    And as suggested before - see if you can community power pool, maybe from an available internet cafe, or facility that can be accessed by all - after all, the internet cafe is down for the count when power is off as well...this way, they still have an opportunity to make business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    It's hard to help without knowing more info.

    Is wind power an option?

    Can you find a couple of old car batteries and recondition them, then charge them at night when there's far less demand for electricity? A couple of batteries should run a PC and small fans for a few hours.

    Can you buy/build a couple of solar panels and have a place to put them?

    Can you take a nap during one of the outages or do things not related to computers?

    Me...I'd probably look into getting a trickle charger, a couple of deep cycle batteries and a DC/AC invertor, and just charge the batteries during off-peak hours, but not sure of your budget or how expensive they are where you live.
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    • Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

      It's hard to help without knowing more info.

      Is wind power an option?

      Can you find a couple of old car batteries and recondition them, then charge them at night when there's far less demand for electricity? A couple of batteries should run a PC and small fans for a few hours.

      Can you buy/build a couple of solar panels and have a place to put them?

      Can you take a nap during one of the outages or do things not related to computers?

      Me...I'd probably look into getting a trickle charger, a couple of deep cycle batteries and a DC/AC invertor, and just charge the batteries during off-peak hours, but not sure of your budget or how expensive they are where you live.

      That's what I'm talking about also...12 volt from cars, and motorcycles
      etc. can be charged and used in storage - spare batteries can be swapped out, and charged in the vehicles while they are running...etc., you just have to babysit the voltages, or jump start.
      I have not tried, but I imagine a laptop could be powered by even a small motorcycle battery for quite some time - consider all 12volt storage options, that can be put in series...
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    Also, you can try to get (or make) something like this and use rechargable batteries:

    Amazon.com: Small Fan & Mini-Air Conditioner: The...Amazon.com: Small Fan & Mini-Air Conditioner: The...
    I haven't tried it, but it gets pretty good reviews.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    If you're asking what "would you do" in regards to your IM work, I'd plan everything I want to get done while the power was down so I'd be able to get as much done as possible when it's on. I'd concentrate on the essentials rather than long term projects.

    Is this in all of India? If not, maybe you can plan your work really well and go to another location where there is power for a couple days a week until things settle down.

    Or, maybe you can change your sleeping habits for a while so you're awake longer when the power is on and sleep more when it's off.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    I have the perfect solution to get your PC running.
    • 5 stationary bicycles
    • 1 TV
    • 1 Video game console + video games
    • 1 power inverter
    • 1 electric motor
    • 1 PC

    Here's why it will work.

    If the entire town has no electricity, all the kids in town will want to watch tv, or play video games on tv.

    Hook all the stationary bicycles up to the electric motor, get 5 kids to pedal, If two or three kids slack on pedaling or changing riders you'll have two backup peddlers.

    Run the PC from the inverter that powers the TV/game.

    You'll have every single kid in your town waiting in line to pedal, I mean play video games or watch tv.

    The video below is the basic idea, only the bicycle needs to be geared better to reduce the amount of rotations on the bicycle sprocket.

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  • Great idea! Now...if you can find a local racing team to come over and train - you've got it going on...get about six of those going
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    • India's panel price crash could spark a solar revolution

      Solar power has always had a reputation for being expensive, but not for much longer. In India, electricity from solar is now cheaper than that from diesel generators. The news - which will boost India's "Solar Mission" to install 20,000 megawatts of solar power by 2022 - could have implications for other developing nations too.

      Recent figures from market analysts Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) show that the price of solar panels fell by almost 50% in 2011. They are now just one-quarter of what they were in 2008. That makes them a cost-effective option for many people in developing countries.

      ECOBUDDHISM :: A Solar PV Revolution in India?
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Like many have said here... I would work at night. Its cooler and there are less outages. Thats the first thing that seems like it would make sense , if you can sleep in the heat during the day that is. If you arent planning on moving, then the longer you work with this inconvenience the more tolerable it will become and the more little ways you will find to work around it.

    Until you are prosperous enough to just rise above the whole situation, just try to keep your eyes on your next goal in all waking hours, until you move past this period in your life... Be proud of yourself for working through sweat, and discomfort... and see it as your marketing animal instinct coming out... Work your way out of it.

    Yes this sucks. We do empathize. No doubt.

    Now, if you dont dream of moving somewhere else, then I dont know what to say about hope for the future. I hope you want to move, for your sake.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      I don't see any viable immediate alternative to working at night - as a marketer you can do that, can't you?

      It sounds to me like they are making this as difficult as possible - probably to bring the minds of the dissenters into accepting the new power source.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Let's put it in perspective:

      India is about half the size of the USA, it's population is
      almost 5 x greater.
      And the infrastructure seems to be woefully inadequate,
      seems like the authorities are facing a daunting task.
      And with projections that India's population will just about
      double by 2050, if the government does not take drastic action
      to improve infrastructure i think it won't matter which state you
      move to...

      As to your immediate solution, Mmmmmmmm.
      If you have the funds:
      .1 Move to a another location
      .2 Install solar power
      .3 Buy a generator
      .4 Get a UPS with greater runtime

      Anyway, hope you get sorted, must be very frustrating not having power when you need it...
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
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    • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
      Originally Posted by l@ttemonarck View Post

      you should buy generator
      And hire someone to guard it 24/7 :confused:
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