Manny Pacquiao Beaten By Tim Bradly!

Profile picture of TLTheLiberator
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All time great Manny gets upset by upstart Tim Bradly last night in Vegas.

I didn't see the fight but...

I hear Manny hit Tim at least 100 times more than Tim hit Manny - according to Punchstats, but that doesn't matter when you're using a round by round scoring system.

Was Manny robbed??

I remember the Brits painting Vegas red for almost a week (drunkenly falling out of elevators etc.) but dejectedly leaving town claiming them and their fighter, (I think it was Lennex Lewis)...

... was robbed.

What on Earth really happened??

Was Manny robbed??

All The Best!!

  • Profile picture of the author teamfive
    Profile picture of teamfive
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    Manny had more landing punches than bradley..
    I really hate the results on that fight..
  • Profile picture of the author TLTheLiberator
    Profile picture of TLTheLiberator
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    "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. -- Mark Twain

  • Profile picture of the author TLTheLiberator
    Profile picture of TLTheLiberator
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    I think a rematch was built into the contract.

    "I'm going to make a lot of money on the rematch, but this was outrageous."

    -- Bob Arum, fight promoter

    "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. -- Mark Twain

  • Profile picture of the author flowbee77
    Profile picture of flowbee77
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    Originally Posted by TLTheLiberator View Post

    I think a rematch was built into the contract.

    "I'm going to make a lot of money on the rematch, but this was outrageous."

    -- Bob Arum, fight promoter
    I am not a Manny fan or even a boxing fan. Saw this at a sports club with some friends and even I knew that this was a horrible decision. The judges must have had some sort of agenda.

    The marketer in me though thinks that this could be intentional, either by the sport to bring attention to it (even negative) or by Arum or Manny (maybe they see this as a way to draw in Floyd), esp. given the last quote you just gave regarding Arum.
  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    Profile picture of Adie
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    Robbery of the century. Arum's plan to make more money on the rematch is on the right track... Unless Arum retire as a promoter, the sport of boxing continue to loss it's credibility..

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  • Profile picture of the author magiclouie
    Profile picture of magiclouie
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    Not even a close...,,

    • Profile picture of the author TLTheLiberator
      Profile picture of TLTheLiberator
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      Originally Posted by magiclouie View Post

      Not even a close...,,

      Total punchstat numbers don't matter when you're using a round by round scoring system.

      Most rounds will be a 10-9 unless a fighter gets knocked down then most of the time the judges will score the round 10-8.

      What if Bradley beat Manny 7 rounds to 5 rounds?

      If you give the winner of each round a 10-9, Bradly would win the fight by 2 points on all judges scorecards.

      Sometimes the punchstat numbers don't tell the whole story.

      But I have not heard one person say that Bradly won the fight and the verdict was just.

      All The Best!!


      "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. -- Mark Twain

      • Profile picture of the author magiclouie
        Profile picture of magiclouie
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        Originally Posted by TLTheLiberator View Post

        Total punchstat numbers don't matter when you're using a round by round scoring system.

        Most rounds will be a 10-9 unless a fighter gets knocked down then most of the time the judges will score the round 10-8.

        What if Bradley beat Manny 7 rounds to 5 rounds?

        If you give the winner of each round a 10-9, Bradly would win the fight by 2 points on all judges scorecards.

        Sometimes the punchstat numbers don't tell the whole story.

        But I have not heard one person say that Bradly won the fight and the verdict was just.

        All The Best!!

        Have you seen the fight?

        But anyway, thanks for your info...,
      • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
        Profile picture of thunderbird
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        Originally Posted by TLTheLiberator View Post


        But I have not heard one person say that Bradly won the fight and the verdict was just.
        That one person would be in the minority. The general consensus is that Manny clearly won -- dominated -- the fight and that two of the judges in the controversial split decision victory messed up, while the judge who had Manny winning got it the most right.

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  • Profile picture of the author magiclouie
    Profile picture of magiclouie
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    Even Bradley himself implied after the fight, "I'll have to look at the tape to see if I won." That comment simply shows that he knows he did not win. This is the worst decision I've ever seen and for me, any small bit of credibility that boxing had goes out the window.

    Take a look at the compubox numbers.
  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    Profile picture of hardraysnight
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    i will say it

    bradley won the fight yesterday

    in 1000 years bradley will still be the winner

    live with it
  • Profile picture of the author Rojak Moon
    Rojak Moon
    Profile picture of Rojak Moon
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    Geez... considering all the great fights he's had now this happens. Oh well, let's wait for a rematch.
  • Profile picture of the author dallas playboy
    dallas playboy
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    Teddy Atlas called it right. The fix was in. "That's what's wrong with the profession, we
    still have MOB influencing big fights. "
  • Profile picture of the author MoneyMagnetMagnate
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    I'm not suggesting...merely throwing it out on the table...could it have anything to do with Manny's recent "personal opinions"?

    Again, just speculation...

    *I would have to see the fight to tell, but 94 hits more, and even a split decision, would normally favor the champion, not the contender...
  • Profile picture of the author Clintin
    Profile picture of Clintin
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    I watched that fight and I had Manny winner 11 rounds out of 12. I watched the fight at Hooters and that place even went crazy. Mayweather has been telling everyone that Bob Arum is a snake, and he told Manny to leave Arum but he didn't listen. The rematch will not make a lot of money, what Arum is trying to do is replace Mayweather vs Manny with Mayweather vs Bradley.

    After watching the fight I don't believe Bradley is ready for Mayweather, or was he ready to fight Manny. They was in there banging but Manny clearly won that fight to a lot of people.


  • Profile picture of the author oldwarrioruser1
    Profile picture of oldwarrioruser1
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    My girl and her family are filipino.. you can imagine the reaction around the house
  • Profile picture of the author jpboxersox
    Profile picture of jpboxersox
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    Manny lost because of the 3 blind mice...yes even jerry roth who had it 115-113 for pac. I had it 117-111 for Pacman. Bradley did pretty good going backwards for 12 rds for having two bad After the fight Bradley told arum "I tried my best and couldn't beat him" Give Manny props for acting proffessional after the fight. In November its going to be Jones jr vs griffin 2....Pacman doesn't wanted it to go 12
  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    Profile picture of garyv
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    Same promoter for both fighters? You may as well be watching WWF. The only problem is that they didn't make the predetermined outcome believable enough.

    I'll stick with watching UFC and other MMA fights.
    • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
      Profile picture of thunderbird
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      Originally Posted by garyv View Post

      Same promoter for both fighters? You may as well be watching WWF. The only problem is that they didn't make the predetermined outcome believable enough.

      I'll stick with watching UFC and other MMA fights.
      Does the UFC have different promoters for different fighters? I thought it was the same promoter for every fighter.

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      • Profile picture of the author MoneyMagnetMagnate
        Profile picture of MoneyMagnetMagnate
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        Whodunit? Conspiracy theories in Pacquiao-Bradley decision

        Apparently, some are saying the re-match was slated before the fight even started?
      • Profile picture of the author garyv
        Profile picture of garyv
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        Originally Posted by thunderbird View Post

        Does the UFC have different promoters for different fighters? I thought it was the same promoter for every fighter.
        Generally the fighters will be members of different "teams" that have sponsors, and the teams will promote the fighters.

        I have seen controversial officiating of UFC fights also, but it's much easier to spot the setup when you have promoters like Don King or Bob Arum who make it obvious the benefit of throwing a fight.

        If you're going to fool me, I'd rather be blissfully ignorant of it.

        What pisses me off is that even though it's quite obvious the fight was rigged - they'll still have a re-match and fool millions into watching it again. They've turned a great boxer like Manny Pacquiao into a high paid organ grinder's monkey.
        • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
          Profile picture of thunderbird
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          Originally Posted by garyv View Post

          <snip>They've turned a great boxer like Manny Pacquiao into a high paid organ grinder's monkey.
          Manny Pacquiao dominated the match and fought a great fight. He wasn't being any organ grinder's monkey. Teddy Atlas would be more qualified than me in saying if any rotten stuff went on behind the scenes, and he suggested a lot but didn't in any way imply that Manny didn't fight an honest fight. Manny fought a real fight.

          As for the UFC, I've followed it for a long time. It used to be pretty crazy with no weight classes and fighters fighting several opponents in one tournament until there was only one man left standing, David vs Goliath type matches (the "David" usually won), etc. It is certainly different now, lol.

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  • Profile picture of the author glock92
    Profile picture of glock92
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    manny should have won
  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    Profile picture of garyv
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    I fully believe that Manny Pacquiao fought what he thought was an honest fight. But the organ grinders around him set the stage and the outcome.

    I didn't mean to imply that Manny himself was being dishonest. I have no way of knowing that. But if the outcome is already preordained, then Manny just becomes a puppet in a show.

    It would have been nice to of had a knockout. That's another thing I like about UFC - the TKO percentage is higher. And you're right, it was very rough and unorganized in the beginning. But now the fighting is very technical - and for me highly entertaining to watch.
  • Profile picture of the author bibs
    Profile picture of bibs
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    I think that we were robbed..Not Manny or Tim. Lol. Some says its a set up because they're really going for the rematch.

    For me, Manny should have won the match.

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