Kids call bus monitor "fat" until she cries and they still don't stop

by GMT
208 replies
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This is really sad, these kids insult this poor woman and don't stop

warning video has a lot of profanity

Some quotes

"Kid: You're so fin poor you fat ***.
Old Lady: I try to live by. I try, and it's really hard.

Update: so anonymous found the kids names, addresses etc...and now cops are involved. Also reddit started a donation drive for this woman so she can take a vacation, it's already at 10k!(the woman makes about 15k total a year) Everytime I refresh page it increases!

Lets Give Karen -The bus monitor- H Klein A Vacation! -- Indiegogo


Klein said the comment that hurt the most was when the kids said "you're so ugly your kid should kill themselves." Her son took his life 10 years ago.
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    While the video is disgusting, she really had no business in that job. A real bus monitor should be keeping those punks in line.Don't get me wrong,I have a lot of sympathy for her,but she was obviously in way over her head there.Whoever put her on that bus as a monitor should be called to explain his/her actions.She was probably qualified to be a monitor on an elementary school bus,but not on this one.On the bus it looks like they needed a corrections officer.You sure this wasn't a juvenile detention bus?

    As far as the kids, I hope that what you reported as them being identified and the cops are involved are true. Everyone that opened their mouths and/or touched the lady needs a good 6 months in juvie.

    Hope their parents are proud too. Great kids they are bringing up.

    Great educational system we have going too. When I was growing up and anyone acted like that they would have gotten off the bus and gone stright to the vice principals office to have a meeting with the "board of education",which was about a foot and a half long.

    For all those that don't believe in disciplining children....enjoy,this is what you get.

    By the way, the video is 10 minutes long, I sat through about a minute and a half.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6465673].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GMT
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      While the video is disgusting, she really had no business in that job. A real bus monitor should be keeping those punks in line.Don't get me wrong,I have a lot of sympathy for her,but she was obviously in way over her head there.Whoever put her on that bus as a monitor should be called to explain his/her actions.She was probably qualified to be a monitor on an elementary school bus,but not on this one.On the bus it looks like they needed a corrections officer.You sure this wasn't a juvenile detention bus?

      As far as the kids, I hope that what you reported as them being identified and the cops are involved are true. Everyone that opened their mouths and/or touched the lady needs a good 6 months in juvie.

      Hope their parents are proud too. Great kids they are bringing up.

      Great educational system we have going too. When I was growing up and anyone acted like that they would have gotten off the bus and gone stright to the vice principals office to have a meeting with the "board of education",which was about a foot and a half long.

      For all those that don't believe in disciplining children....enjoy,this is what you get.

      By the way, the video is 10 minutes long, I sat through about a minute and a half.
      While I respect your opinion, i'm going to have to disagree, from what I read she's 68 and has been working for the school for 20 years. What I got fromthe video was she really cared for the kids she was monitoring and even tried to talk to them like normal people while they continued to insult her etc...Also her losing her own son years prior obviously was still very painful for her.

      I do agree however those kids need discipline, but I think the way the woman handled all that was completely fine, the fact she could endure the way she did really touched my heart. If that were your kid insulting her, I doubt you'd want her flipping out, or whatever, but that's my guess, is best left to the parents to discipline properly, though personally I would have told the principle yeah. I too only watched a few minutes of it.

      Also according to this these are *maybe* special needs kids, so now makes more sense.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6466289].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        the kids said "you're so ugly your kid should kill themselves." Her son took his life 10 years ago.
        And aren't those kids' parents proud? Rude brats.

        What I want to know is what happened (if anything) to the kids.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
        what it is instead of what you think it should be.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6466336].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          What I want to know is what happened (if anything) to the kids.
          They're going nowhere fast. (Unless they start growing up.) Many of them never do.
          "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6466623].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author KimW
        Originally Posted by GMT View Post

        While I respect your opinion, i'm going to have to disagree, from what I read she's 68 and has been working for the school for 20 years. What I got fromthe video was she really cared for the kids she was monitoring and even tried to talk to them like normal people while they continued to insult her etc...Also her losing her own son years prior obviously was still very painful for her.

        I do agree however those kids need discipline, but I think the way the woman handled all that was completely fine, the fact she could endure the way she did really touched my heart. If that were your kid insulting her, I doubt you'd want her flipping out, or whatever, but that's my guess, is best left to the parents to discipline properly, though personally I would have told the principle yeah. I too only watched a few minutes of it.

        Also according to this these are special needs kids, so now makes more sense.
        You are new here so first something I think you need to do is be specific on which part you disagree with.

        Of course, you are entitled to disagree,but that doesn't change the fact that at her age she should be with kids she can handle. I didn't say she shouldn't have a job.

        As far as you saying they are "special needs" children,that doesn't mean a thing so,contrary to what you are saying ,it makes less sense. Being a special needs child does not excuse either poor upbringing or bad behavior.
        If that was my kid bahving like that I would give my blessing to take a belt to their behind. But how many kids do you have?
        I have 3 daughters, and only once did I ever have to spank any of them.
        As a matter of fact,the majority of the time just my voice being raised was enough to get them to get back in line.

        I have sympathy for the woman, I have none for the kids or their parents.

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        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          Kim -

          She was a bus driver for years according to reports - and the incident involved 3-4 students (7th and 8th graders).

          She said she was so angry she wanted to hit them and kept a low profile because she knew she couldn't come back at them. The incident began before the recording started...or the brats deliberately did it to get a video.

          That, to me, is the saddest part. We have to have monitors to control kids at an age where they should know how to behave...yet the monitors don't have the right to take any action against such kids.
          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
          what it is instead of what you think it should be.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6466421].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GMT
          Originally Posted by KimW View Post

          You are new here so first something I think you need to do is be specific on which part you disagree with.

          Of course, you are entitled to disagree,but that doesn't change the fact that at her age she should be with kids she can handle. I didn't say she shouldn't have a job.

          As far as you saying they are "special needs" children,that doesn't mean a thing so,contrary to what you are saying ,it makes less sense. Being a special needs child does not excuse either poor upbringing or bad behavior.
          If that was my kid bahving like that I would give my blessing to take a belt to their behind. But how many kids do you have?
          I have 3 daughters, and only once did I ever have to spank any of them.
          As a matter of fact,the majority of the time just my voice being raised was enough to get them to get back in line.

          I have sympathy for the woman, I have none for the kids or their parents.
          My accounts new here yes, but i've lurked on this forum prior to that off and on for awhile. In terms of what you said that I disagree with, most of it to be honest no hard feelings though, I've read a number of your posts in the past, you sound like a great guy and are interesting to listen to, but let me elaborate. In terms of kids she can't handle, I felt she was handling them fine, they were safe and if push came to shove i'm sure she would of protected them.

          It's a very tricky thing when you're dealing with others kids, there's a million ways she could of responded to their behavior but most of which would have probably upset someones parent. I think her gentle approach was especially appropriate if they are indeed special needs kids because the typical "raise your voice" or that type of thing, that a normal kid would understand, may of not worked with them, in fact could of made it worse on them.Who knows what psychological issues they suffer from(again i'm not sure as her post was from 2010 and could of been talking about a different set of kids).

          This woman's 20 years experience, albeit most of that not as a monitor I still think gives her the upper hand in regards to what she's qualified for or not.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6466432].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by GMT View Post

        Also according to this these are *maybe* special needs kids, so now makes more sense.
        SPECIAL NEEDS? WHAT does that mean!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?

        Physically disabled? NO WAY, makes NO sense!
        Mentally disabled, as in retarded? NO WAY, makes NO sense!

        Psychotic, or some such? GREAT, THROW THEM IN JAIL or something! Why bother even teaching them?

        Special needs!?!?!!?!?!? YEAH RIGHT! And I have a bridge in Brooklyn to lease you!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6467630].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    You see this kind of thing happening almost every week now (Kids behaving like barbarians).
    What values are these kids being taught at home?
    Like the saying goes "Kids are our future" pretty bleak future if you ask me...
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6466428].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GMT
    50k has already been raised! This is great I hope it continues and this lady can retire. You can watch donations fly in, in link in my first post.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6466665].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    did you edit your post? I could have sworn it was mentioned that back in a different time all it took was a look in the mirror from the bus driver to get the kids in line.
    If you didn't,then maybe I'm just going nuts.

    If you disagree with 99% or 100% of my post, thats fine, I rarely hold grudges or take things personally, I just didn't know what part to focus my response to.

    One thing for sure is we definitely seem to disagree on most everything on this subject.
    Being a bust driver for X number of years doesn't change the fact that she couldn't handle the kids to me,yet you feel she did a good job.The fact that they drove her to tears,according to the post,I didn't watch the video long enough to see it, is proof enough to me that she couldn't. And that isn't an insult or anything either, I could probably have handled those kids when I was in my 30s or 40s,but I'll be the first to admit at my age now I couldn't in the way I feel they deserve,which again,would have been an immediate trip to the principal's office for a spanking,if it was still allowed in school. There is a difference between what I think I am qualified to do and what I really am qualified to do. 20+ years experience or not.
    As far as the possibility of hurt upsetting someones parents, too bad. They need a wake-up call just as much as the kids do.

    the answer to your question:"What values are these kids being taught at home?" = none.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6466708].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    BTW I agree with Kim. She did NOTHING! So she shouldn't be there. If people want to create trouble, they should be forced to stay in back away from others, and get sanctions.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6467641].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Those kids should be suspended from school, that's just messed up.

    I hope that lady gets that donation money ($107,000 so far).
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6468126].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    She didn't handle it right. She should have had the driver turn straight around and go back to the school where the Principle would call the parents and tell them to retrieve their children. The kids should have been kicked off the bus for a week or two with the threat of permanent suspension of bus privileges if they pulled any further insolence. Just because they aren't allowed to beat the tar out of them doesn't mean that they can't just tell them they will not have the privilege of being where they act like barbarians.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6468547].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
    ok here is my stupid question of the day... when did they start putting adults
    on buses ( other then the driver ) to keep the kids in check ?

    and why?

    Selling Ain't for Sissies!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6468577].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author KimW
      Originally Posted by kenmichaels View Post

      ok here is my stupid question of the day... when did they start putting adults
      on buses ( other then the driver ) to keep the kids in check ?

      and why?
      As to when,I can't say.I can see it for elementary kids because they are still learning acceptable behavior (to an extent) and might want to switch seats, play around with their friends and other activities that could be a problem.

      As far as the why, well nowadays I think the video is a good example of that,they just had the wrong monitor.

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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6469468].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
        Originally Posted by KimW View Post

        As far as the why, well nowadays I think the video is a good example of that,they just had the wrong monitor.
        I must be getting old. If my brothers or i acted even 1 tenth of what those kids
        did to an ADULT.

        We would have gotten our asses whupped... hard. my dad was NOT abusive
        but he was not some one to mess with either, he taught us boys how to act
        my mom taught our sisters.

        we new exactly where that line in the sand was drawn for acceptable behavior
        and we were not going to cross it.

        Its videos like that, that prove, making it illegal to back hand or discipline your child, was just the wrong move.

        FEAR stops a lot of STUPID.

        Selling Ain't for Sissies!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6469578].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author KimW
          Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

          The school bus should be to get the students safely home! If people want to fight or do THIS garbage, they should be told "Unless you stop and apologize, I can't do my job! If I can't do my job, I will simply take you to the principals office, and drive MYSELF home! You can get suspension, get held back*, etc.... Maybe you will cry about this for the rest of your life about why you can't have a good job*". The SCHOOL should be to TEACH in safety! If the students don't, they should say much the same as the bus driver.

          NOW, WHY did I have the asterisks there? Schools DON'T do their job! They WON'T hold people back, and people are fighting to have the worse jobs leach income from the economy so they APPEAR to be higher paying. It REALLY takes from other places and causes inflation.

          If schools did their jobs, and all was done as here, the schools should just tell parents that complain.... "YOUR job is to raise your kids to be the best they can be! You have chosen to have US help in part of that endeavor. Your kids have chosen to go against us, so we punished them. If you feel that we aren't being MORE than reasonable, GO SOMEPLACE ELSE!"!

          Steve, you are right.
          I have a daughter that needed to be held back because the school system wouldn't teach her properly. I literally had to fight to have her held back so she would be moving on to the next level with the educational skills she needed for the next grade. This "no child left behind" is total BS.

          Originally Posted by kenmichaels View Post

          I must be getting old. If my brothers or i acted even 1 tenth of what those kids
          did to an ADULT.

          We would have gotten our asses whupped... hard. my dad was NOT abusive
          but he was not some one to mess with either, he taught us boys how to act
          my mom taught our sisters.

          we new exactly where that line in the sand was drawn for acceptable behavior
          and we were not going to cross it.

          Its videos like that, that prove, making it illegal to back hand or discipline your child, was just the wrong move.

          FEAR stops a lot of STUPID.
          There is a MAJOR difference between abuse and discipline.
          Seems a lot of sheeple,er,I mean people don't seem to understand that.
          It seems nowadays the military is the only place that is "officially sanctioned" to teach discipline,and by then its too late.

          If I misbehaved at home, I usually had 2 choices, belt or a switch from the yard.

          If I misbehaved at school, I didn't have a choice. It was the "board of education" wielded by the vice principal.

          When I was growing up and my generation was saying how they wanted to change the country,I didn't realize at the time they meant by destroying everything America once stood for.

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          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6469834].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Kay King
            Yes, Kim - I edited as I thought I was "going on" too much:p But here's the long version:

            I used to ride the school bus to my Grandparent's home a couple times a week. The driver's name was Cecil and he was a little guy in his 50s.

            I'm not sure what made us behave - but we knew we were not allowed to be too rowdy. Cecil would literally stop the bus - look in the review mirror at the kid making the noise...and the kid would shut down immediately.

            I think it's the lack of consequences in part - so many parents seem to think kids teach themselves manners (they don't) and excuse poor behavior or rationalize it. They want to sue if anyone else makes their kid act like a rational human being.

            We had a kid named Larry who did one day Cecil stopped the bus and made Larry get off and walk home. It was about 25 degrees outside and he was about a mile from home. I'd guess Larry was about 12 at the time. He behaved on the bus after that.

            Today, Cecil would be vilified online and fired from his job - back then it was considered "discipline" and took care of the problem.

            But the story of that incident with Larry (and a couple other kids through the years) is WHY a look in the rearview mirror from Cecil was enough to quell a troublemaker. We knew he was serious.
            Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
            One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
            what it is instead of what you think it should be.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6469927].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Halcyon
              Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

              Today, Cecil would be vilified online and fired from his job - back then it was considered "discipline" and took care of the problem.
              I need to know the turning point. What was the catalyst that took us from adults being in charge to kids having the right to behave like jackals?
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6470000].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author KimW
                Originally Posted by Halcyon View Post

                I need to know the turning point. What was the catalyst that took us from adults being in charge to kids having the right to behave like jackals?
                When instead of the good for the many outweighs the good for the few was reversed and it became the good for the few outweighs the good of the many. :rolleyes:

                Or another way of putting it when we decided letting the squeaky wheels get the grease was easier than standing up to them.

                or maybe even number 3,when so many people decided they were afraid to go against "political correctness" because it would made them look bad.

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              • Profile picture of the author HeySal
                Originally Posted by Halcyon View Post

                I need to know the turning point. What was the catalyst that took us from adults being in charge to kids having the right to behave like jackals?
                UN human rights treaties. People don't realize how these treaties ditch out our sovereignty when mixed with corporate instead of constitutional law.

                When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
                Beyond the Path

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6471822].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author KimW
              Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

              Yes, Kim - I edited as I thought I was "going on" too much:p But here's the long version:

              I used to ride the school bus to my Grandparent's home a couple times a week. The driver's name was Cecil and he was a little guy in his 50s.

              I'm not sure what made us behave - but we knew we were not allowed to be too rowdy. Cecil would literally stop the bus - look in the review mirror at the kid making the noise...and the kid would shut down immediately.

              I think it's the lack of consequences in part - so many parents seem to think kids teach themselves manners (they don't) and excuse poor behavior or rationalize it. They want to sue if anyone else makes their kid act like a rational human being.

              We had a kid named Larry who did one day Cecil stopped the bus and made Larry get off and walk home. It was about 25 degrees outside and he was about a mile from home. I'd guess Larry was about 12 at the time. He behaved on the bus after that.

              Today, Cecil would be vilified online and fired from his job - back then it was considered "discipline" and took care of the problem.

              But the story of that incident with Larry (and a couple other kids through the years) is WHY a look in the rearview mirror from Cecil was enough to quell a troublemaker. We knew he was serious.
              That was the main thing I was looking for,because I referenced it and then it was
              Growing up it was the same for us, Just as the Captain is the master of his ship, the driver was the master of the bus,and rules were enforced.

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              • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
                That is the most despicable, deplorable behavior I have ever seen and I worked in the school district for 3 years!

                I wanted to jump right in through my monitor and grab that foul mouthed ignorant punk by his ear squeezing as tightly as I could and maneuver his little butt right up the isle to the front of the bus! I would then demand the school be radioed so they would be prepared for juvenile delinquent incoming. I'd make sure the parents were called and have him repeat everything he said to that poor woman in front of his parents.

                What the heck was the bus driver doing? Back in my day, at the first sign of that type of behavior, the bus driver would pull over and wait for the behavior to stop. On the way to school, if we ended up late, the principal knew why and the offender was dealt with accordingly.

                If on the way home, then all of the other kids were on the offending kid because no one wanted to be delayed from all of our after school activities. And trust me, we kids could give the idiot a whole lot more grief than the bus driver ever could.

                Anyway, after the incident, the kid was suspended from riding the bus and it now became the parents' problem in having to drive the brat themselves or to find them an alternative ride to school.

                What has become of the good old days?

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6470201].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    The school bus should be to get the students safely home! If people want to fight or do THIS garbage, they should be told "Unless you stop and apologize, I can't do my job! If I can't do my job, I will simply take you to the principals office, and drive MYSELF home! You can get suspension, get held back*, etc.... Maybe you will cry about this for the rest of your life about why you can't have a good job*". The SCHOOL should be to TEACH in safety! If the students don't, they should say much the same as the bus driver.

    NOW, WHY did I have the asterisks there? Schools DON'T do their job! They WON'T hold people back, and people are fighting to have the worse jobs leach income from the economy so they APPEAR to be higher paying. It REALLY takes from other places and causes inflation.

    If schools did their jobs, and all was done as here, the schools should just tell parents that complain.... "YOUR job is to raise your kids to be the best they can be! You have chosen to have US help in part of that endeavor. Your kids have chosen to go against us, so we punished them. If you feel that we aren't being MORE than reasonable, GO SOMEPLACE ELSE!"!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6469525].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Halcyon
    Jackel is the only word I could think of to describe these kids.

    Many kids don't contemplate, they just follow the leader and when the leader starts circling, it's difficult for the other kids to stand up for what's right.

    Not making excuses, just stating the facts of playground sociology.

    Delusional parents tend to ignore playground sociology and say "not my kid" but if kids aren't taught how to handle themselves in this situation, it's so easy for them to get caught up in the fever of the moment.

    Thanks for posting this. Personally, I had to refrain from issuing preemptive punishment just in case my kids were even THINKING about participating in something like this. but instead I used it as a teaching moment.

    I let my oldest watch a part of it to make sure that he understood that this kind of attack on ANYONE is wrong. I also took the opportunity to explain what I would do if I found out that he was behaving this way.

    I also sent the link to the PTA president, I think it should be added to the anti-bullying education. A little educating goes a long way. But if all else fails I'm not above issuing a little Mom's Justice.

    Mom's Justice - The Cure for all playground sociology.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6469686].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6470112].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author KimW
      Originally Posted by Ernie Lonardo View Post

      Sorry but you people wanted political correctness? You wanted to get with the times. Everything old is bad... Well this is what you get for not seeing the larger picture. It's too late to go back, will just get worse I'm afraid.

      Some parents are just as bad as the kids they raise...not to mention all the outside influences that corrupt them.

      I don't have the right answer to fix all this, I wish I did.

      Once you unleash the genie from the bottle, it's pretty much impossible to put it back.
      Not completely true at all Ernie,you just managed to post before I finished mine. "while some of "us people" wanted PC, there are a good many that didn't and still don't.
      But you are right about some things,some of the parents are as bad if not worse than their kids. Probably the parents are they same people that pushed being PC,because it takes all responsibility as adults and parents off of them.

      Maybe it will get worse before it gets better,but unlike you,I don't think its too late. I actually think more and more people are finally opening their eyes to what is going on.

      Even as a magician I can't put that genni back in the bottle by myself, but with the help of you and you and you and you, together wwe all can.

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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6470202].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        I just heard a pile of psychobabble on CNN regarding this particular news story.

        The psychologist agreed that parents of the kids involved should be called out - but then rationalized that these nasty kids

        don't know the consequences of their actions - they're young
        they are impressionable
        peer pressure makes them do this
        they aren't mature enough to understand the mores of society
        and more bull hockey

        Then he went into the old saw of how the kids see bullying and don't know not to mimic that behavior. More bull hockey. Kids aren't stupid - they are quick to learn what they can get by with. They are equally fast in learning where the behavior "lines" are drawn if anyone bothers to draw those lines.

        He says the kids need counseling to show them the errors of their ways. In my opinion - a good whack would do the same thing quicker.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
        what it is instead of what you think it should be.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6470319].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author seasoned
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          I just heard a pile of psychobabble on CNN regarding this particular news story.

          The psychologist agreed that parents of the kids involved should be called out - but then rationalized that these nasty kids

          don't know the consequences of their actions - they're young
          they are impressionable
          I heard this garbage when I was even 7, and probably younger. ***I*** knew the consequences, etc.... The average baby learns them fairly quickly. I didn't believe it THEN! I was told it would change, etc.... GUESS WHAT FOLKS!!!!!!! It NEVER did. And some of the most childlike are even older than I am! BESIDES, it is a STUPID ARGUMENT! It makes NO sense because what you are saying is:

          "We can't give them consequences, because they don't know that there are any"

          peer pressure makes them do this
          they aren't mature enough to understand the mores of society
          and more bull hockey
          AGAIN, we let the BAD ones do it because of some magical force, and then forgive the "good" because they are following the bad. HUH!?!?!?!?

          Then he went into the old saw of how the kids see bullying and don't know not to mimic that behavior. More bull hockey. Kids aren't stupid - they are quick to learn what they can get by with. They are equally fast in learning where the behavior "lines" are drawn if anyone bothers to draw those lines.
          RIGHT ON!

          He says the kids need counseling to show them the errors of their ways. In my opinion - a good whack would do the same thing quicker.
          In other words, HE has not seen the consequences, so we must pay him to do some magic and THEN he will let us show them the consequences he hasn't even seen.


          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6471523].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    Terra, (And Kenmichaels),
    Thinking a bit more about it, I can understand why, besides the reasons I already mentioned, they might need monitors. Traffic and roads are not the same as they were when we were growing up. as an example, a two lane road the my bus used to take ,one lane in each direction, is now a 6 lane road. I would rather have the bus driver concentrating on the safe delivery of the kids than having to deal with the bad behaving ones.
    In the short time I watched the film,the camera didn't move much, but even I have a hard time believing every child on that bus was in on the abusive behavior. Who knows, maybe I am wrong,but I'd like to think at least some of them were raised right.

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    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      See Kim,

      That's part of the problem. Of course we want our bus drivers concentrating on driving safely, but having noisy, rowdy, rambunctious morons carrying on is a distraction to the bus drivers and puts everyone in jeopardy.

      Also, the kids know which bus drivers will ignore it to focus on safety and thus are the ones that raise the ruckuses.

      I truly believe if names were taken in and reported resulting in suspension of bus privileges, a whole lot of it would stop.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6470361].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    you called that right.It is psychobabble. Interestingly enough that is a term used to describe telling someone what they want to hear, aka PC.

    If he is licensed,it should be pulled. Too bad any idiot can take a few classes and call himself almost anything nowadays.

    And the tv stations will put anyone on the air,because they don't care about facts anymore,they just want the ratings aka advertiser dollars.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6470355].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    I've been pretty long winded in this thread,but the only point I was trying to make was that I could see a reason for bus monitors now because the driver has a lot more to concentrate on and shouldn't have to worry about being distracted to deal with badly behaving kids.

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    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      I've been pretty long winded in this thread,but the only point I was trying to make was that I could see a reason for bus monitors now because the driver has a lot more to concentrate on and shouldn't have to worry about being distracted to deal with badly behaving kids.
      That's cool, Kim!

      At our age being able to be long winded is a blessing. :p

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6470526].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author waterotter
    She says she will not quit her job! Police are investigating this incident. There are two similar videos of Karen Klein being harassed.

    District officials called in police, Klein and the bus driver. An investigation was launched. Police questioned students.
    Klein says she doesn't want the kids to face criminal charges. She has a much bigger heart than I'll ever have!

    Story here: Fundraising goes viral for victim of school bus taunting

    I remember in the late 80s discussing the future of our kids and the fact they will never have enough juvie detention centers to house them all if they didn't get the train back on track real quick.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6471490].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
      Originally Posted by waterotter View Post

      She says she will not quit her job! Police are investigating this incident. There are two similar videos of Karen Klein being harassed.<snip>
      She finds riding on the bus in the mornings with special needs kids rewarding and meaningful, but has to ride with the hoolgian middle school kids in the afternoon. I even saw an eloquent statement she made on behalf of special needs kids. It sickens me that someone with such a kind heart would be repeatedly harassed in the most cruel and vicious of ways by those little turd-blossoms in the afternoon -- that video was not just showing an isolated incident.

      I just copied and pasted this below to show Karen Klein's kindness and share her wisdom:

      "Children with special needs don't have an illness, so there is no cure, and it's not contagious. They want what we all want - to be accepted. Most of you won't copy and paste this, but will you do it and leave it on your status for at least an hour? It's Special Education Week and this is in honor of all the kids who need a little extra help and understanding

      Karen Klein"

      Project HERE.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6471606].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author waterotter
        Originally Posted by thunderbird View Post

        She finds riding on the bus in the mornings with special needs kids rewarding and meaningful, but has to ride with the hoolgian middle school kids in the afternoon. I even saw an eloquent statement she made on behalf of special needs kids. It sickens me that someone with such a kind heart would be repeatedly harassed in the most cruel and vicious of ways by those little turd-blossoms in the afternoon -- that video was not just showing an isolated incident.

        I just copied and pasted this below to show Karen Klein's kindness and share her wisdom:

        "Children with special needs don't have an illness, so there is no cure, and it's not contagious. They want what we all want - to be accepted. Most of you won't copy and paste this, but will you do it and leave it on your status for at least an hour? It's Special Education Week and this is in honor of all the kids who need a little extra help and understanding

        Karen Klein"
        TB, having worked for the Board of Ed, teaching and working in the Special Ed Dept., I can certainly appreciate where she is coming from.

        There is much reward when you can make a difference in just one student.

        When She refers to "special needs", here in Canada, that usually accounts for students with a disability of sorts and those kids would attend a special school for their education.

        The students I worked with were severe behavior problem students. I'm guessing the kids on the bus fall under that same category.

        Kudos to Ms. Klein for her hard work and wanting to make a difference.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6471852].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          I just saw the comment by the father of one of the kids involved. According to him, they've received threats, etc - and he said he thinks his son has "suffered enough" since his face was shown on the video.

          Really? No words of apology or anger at his son - only a "me" attitude. No seeming interest in his child's bad behavior at all from this guy.

          There will not be criminal charges as this lady asked that the kids NOT be prosecuted.

          My prediction is the rudeness these kids thought would make them look "tough" will end up backfiring on them with peers.
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          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6471887].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author KimW
      Originally Posted by waterotter View Post

      She says she will not quit her job! Police are investigating this incident. There are two similar videos of Karen Klein being harassed.

      Klein says she doesn't want the kids to face criminal charges. She has a much bigger heart than I'll ever have!

      Story here: Fundraising goes viral for victim of school bus taunting

      I remember in the late 80s discussing the future of our kids and the fact they will never have enough juvie detention centers to house them all if they didn't get the train back on track real quick.
      I never saw anyone say she should quit her job,did someone ask her about that?

      Says she doesn't want the kids to face charges? One of the few times I'm glad the police make that call and not her. They deserve to face charges.

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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6471829].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author waterotter
        Originally Posted by KimW View Post

        I never saw anyone say she should quit her job,did someone ask her about that?

        Says she doesn't want the kids to face charges? One of the few times I'm glad the police make that call and not her. They deserve to face charges.
        Kim, I was referring to comments made elsewhere suggesting she would be able to retire with the money that has been raised. Sorry!

        I also would like to see the students charged. I would also like to see their parents held accountable.

        When I was a kid, our parents were held accountable for our actions. That's basically what I was referencing when I made mention of multiple juvie centers in the future.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6471911].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author KimW
          Originally Posted by waterotter View Post

          Kim, I was referring to comments made elsewhere suggesting she would be able to retire with the money that has been raised. Sorry!

          I also would like to see the students charged. I would also like to see their parents held accountable.

          When I was a kid, our parents were held accountable for our actions. That's basically what I was referencing when I made mention of multiple juvie centers in the future.
          Jody, for the "quitting her job" part, I was just wondering if I had missed something,because I myself did say she wasn't qualified to be on the bus,that she needed to be on a bus with younger kids.
          But in some ways the money she is getting does upset me,but she probably could retire with it.

          I would like to see both the kids and parents held responsible also. While the kids are obviously out of control,the parents are not blameless.And as Kay has commented,it appears that at least some of the parents want to deny both his childs responsibility and any of his own.

          When I was a kid both the parents and myself were accountable for my actions. If I screwed up not only would I have consequences at school if it was there,but also have more when I came home. People worked together as Sal says it should be.

          But while Sal may be right that is how it should be, we have to get the power back to ourselves to be able to do that,and until we get that power back,we still have to work within the system,which in this case means police involvement. But also need to remember that sometimes police involvement means no involvement at all.

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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    Raised of $5,000 Goal
    30 days left

    /\ she would have to be odds on to make 1 million dollars before time expires if not become a multi millionaire ( if funds are donated as indicated )
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6471587].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GMT
      Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

      ( if funds are donated as indicated )
      The donation site itself has said they're going to make sure she gets every dime, even though the guy who started it seems completely legit. It's annoying he took down his paypal though, he's hurting the potential by doing that, he needs to get a paypal back up or hurry up and switch to karens details.

      It's at $331,509!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6473176].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author danr62

    As a parent of two kids that aren't yet school aged, this distresses me a bit.

    I mean, I really have to send my kids out into the world with these mongrels?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6471663].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    I don't want to see the kids face charges either. I want to see their parents go postal on them and the school toss them out on their butts for a few weeks. It's complete bull sh** to have the law involved in something that should be between the school, parents, and kids. Gov intervention is exactly where the problem is coming from. The more we allow gov intervention into what should be our own responsibility and privilege, we're going to see things continue to decay.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6471890].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      I don't want to see the kids face charges either. I want to see their parents go postal on them and the school toss them out on their butts for a few weeks. It's complete bull sh** to have the law involved in something that should be between the school, parents, and kids. Gov intervention is exactly where the problem is coming from. The more we allow gov intervention into what should be our own responsibility and privilege, we're going to see things continue to decay.
      I agree to a degree.

      For instance, as Kay said, the father of one of the kids had no interest in teaching his child right or wrong and this is happening all over. That is why gangs of kids are killing each other and innocent victims in the streets in broad daylight.

      There does come a point when intervention is needed, and laws are required. I do agree with too much government intervention in some things is a huge problem. But crime is crime and breaking the law is breaking the law. These kids need to learn accountability somewhere since they aren't from home.

      If parents would just do their jobs correctly, we wouldn't even be in this mess!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6471928].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author HeySal
        Originally Posted by MissTerraK View Post

        I agree to a degree.

        For instance, as Kay said, the father of one of the kids had no interest in teaching his child right or wrong and this is happening all over. That is why gangs of kids are killing each other and innocent victims in the streets in broad daylight.

        There does come a point when intervention is needed, and laws are required. I do agree with too much government intervention in some things is a huge problem. But crime is crime and breaking the law is breaking the law. These kids need to learn accountability somewhere since they aren't from home.

        If parents would just do their jobs correctly, we wouldn't even be in this mess!

        Without gov intervention where they shouldn't have been intervening, people would not be afraid to discipline their children. When you can go to jail for even simple discipline, if you have a problem kid you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. Let people raise their OWN freaking kids and you would know which ones need to have intervention and which ones are just "legally harassed" themselves.

        When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
        Beyond the Path

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6471962].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author waterotter
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      I don't want to see the kids face charges either. I want to see their parents go postal on them and the school toss them out on their butts for a few weeks. It's complete bull sh** to have the law involved in something that should be between the school, parents, and kids. Gov intervention is exactly where the problem is coming from. The more we allow gov intervention into what should be our own responsibility and privilege, we're going to see things continue to decay.
      Sal, it would be nice if this scenario were allowed to play out. Unfortunately, the powers to be took those rights away from parents thus allowing for parents to be charged by their own children.

      I agree this is complete bull sh*t.

      Fortunately, we still have some parents who can think for themselves and deal with their kids accordingly. We also have a whole other generation that are not equipped to handle their kids and don't seek help in doing so. We also have the remainder of parents who plain just don't give a sh*t - let society raise them, but if they do wrong, we'll sue their asses off.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6471975].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    That's funny, Jody. When I was a teen - around 16 - 17, I threatened to run away a few times. My mother calmly told me: "If you run away, do not expect to come home again. If you are caught, you will live in a government run institution or juvie until you are old enough to live on your own. So you make up your mind real well if it is as bad here as you want to whine about."

    That worked. It worked real well.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6471938].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    One of the few times I'm on the complete opposite side of you Sal, this is exactly when the kids need to be charged. This isn't some harmless little prank where they,contrary to the pxychobabblist said,didn't know the consequences,all they didn't know was that they were going to get caught. Maybe you are right that in a normal world that this should have been able to be handled between the school,the parents and the kids, but our society has tied the hands of the school,if they even want to act,and the lkids parents,if they actually cared about teaching their kids something. The fact is we don't know if wither are even interested in doing anything.

    As far as there being no charges filed because the lady doesn't want any,that is also BS. The fund should have a stipulation on it, no consequences for the juvies,no fund for the lady. As has been pointed out,this was not her "special ed" bus. There should be a special edition of Scared Straight just for the kids that were involved in this.

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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Exactly, Kim. We need to TAKE the power back. It's time to demand the Dept of Ed be dissolved and take our children back. If we continue to act like slaves - we will continue to be slaves. Our gov is telling us that THEY own our children. That is crap. They are taking authority that they were never intended to have and it's time that parents got together and told them to "take a flying f*** at a rolling donut". Maybe a few abuse of authority - or other class action suits against them would put our leaders heads back in correct perspective. Instead we have people going along with the system that is making us the the #1 litigating country on earth.

    How bout this for a plan if the gov wants to dictate EVERYTHING -- you raise your own kids and if they strike out 3 times, you get sterilized. If you aren't going to be a parent, you aren't going to be allowed to breed.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6472134].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author waterotter

    I would like to see both the kids and parents held responsible also. While the kids are obviously out of control,the parents are not blameless.And as Kay has commented,it appears that at least some of the parents want to deny both his childs responsibility and any of his own.

    When I was a kid both the parents and myself were accountable for my actions. If I screwed up not only would I have consequences at school if it was there,but also have more when I came home. People worked together as Sal says it should be.

    But while Sal may be right that is how it should be, we have to get the power back to ourselves to be able to do that,and until we get that power back,we still have to work within the system,which in this case means police involvement. But also need to remember that sometimes police involvement means no involvement at all.
    As per my other response directly above yours.

    If the students cannot be charged, I suggest the School Board implement a summer program for students that misbehave.

    Once a student has racked up enough points, s/he is automatically is enrolled for the entire summer in summer school. The educational programs offered could be in the form of a boot camp for misbehaved kids.

    I would go as far as starting a community garden and having the students tend to it. No, this is not slave labor, simply a reprimand for bad behavior.

    If they learn something from it, maybe they would enjoy a summer of freedom the following year.

    As for the parents, if their kid ends up in summer school, they are automatically required to attend parenting classes etc. If their kid has misbehaved enough to require the punishment, then they need to understand how to deal with the behaviors in the future.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6472151].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author waterotter
    Dang Sal, I was typing when you just posted. My response would still be the same as my post above - so yes, let take back the power.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6472159].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ecoverartist
    Where is the FEAR in all this? When I was in school (and I'm sure a lot of people my age and older will agree), even if you didn't get punished for something you did at school, word WOULD get out and you would damn sure get punished at home -- far worse than what any school officials would do.

    Having taught in the public education system, you don't see that anymore. We're too afraid of damaging our precious little snowflakes' psyches.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6472263].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author waterotter
      Originally Posted by ecoverartist View Post

      Where is the FEAR in all this? When I was in school (and I'm sure a lot of people my age and older will agree), even if you didn't get punished for something you did at school, word WOULD get out and you would damn sure get punished at home -- far worse than what any school officials would do.

      Having taught in the public education system, you don't see that anymore. We're too afraid of damaging our precious little snowflakes' psyches.
      Fear? There is none. The exception being students who've had good parents who have done their job right, thus their kids know there will be consequences for their actions from their parents if they do get into trouble.

      So called "Experts" have been conditioning us for years regarding our children's fragile mental state and what they consider to be abuse. The Government simply reinforced the notion by instating laws prohibiting parents from parenting their children as they pleased.

      When I was a kid, if I got into trouble at school, the first thing they did was call home and tell my parents. That was fear enough for me . This doesn't seem to be the case anymore.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6472376].message }}
      • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6472524].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
        Originally Posted by waterotter View Post

        Fear? There is none. The exception being students who've had good parents who have done their job right, thus their kids know there will be consequences for their actions from their parents if they do get into trouble.

        So called "Experts" have been conditioning us for years regarding our children's fragile mental state and what they consider to be abuse. The Government simply reinforced the notion by instating laws prohibiting parents from parenting their children as they pleased.

        When I was a kid, if I got into trouble at school, the first thing they did was call home and tell my parents. That was fear enough for me . This doesn't seem to be the case anymore.
        Exactly Jody!

        The one time one of my kids threatened to call the authorities on me, I picked up the phone and offered it to them telling them the number they needed to dial was simply 911 all the while calmly explaining that making false emergency calls was illegal with consequences of juvy time or a fine or both. However, if they felt I was breaking the law, then it was their duty as a good citizen to place the call and report me.

        They stomped off yelling, Just forget it! And it never happened again.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6472961].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Everyone keeps saying the lady handled this wrong, thing is If that bus was stopped, chances are the camera would have also stopped filming (evidence).

    Don't take this the wrong way, but that video is what's getting the lady a $280,000 donation with 29 days to go.

    Hopefully she does get that much money & doesn't have to work on a school bus in a shi##y environment.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6472335].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author waterotter
    WOW, this restores some of my faith in humanity!

    Raised of $5,000 Goal

    29 days left.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6472557].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by waterotter View Post

      WOW, this restores some of my faith in humanity!

      Raised of $5,000 Goal

      29 days left.
      It's defiantly moving up:

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6472768].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6472975].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author waterotter
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      If I had started that fund and then found out she was unwilling to take any action against those participating, I'd donate that money to a good charity.
      Kim, I don't understand your reasoning. As far as disciplinary action, the school is doing that.

      I'm not saying I agree with her decision to not have the kids charged. She is however a Grandmother and a Mother who has been through a lot in life. Maybe she has learned a few lessons along the way(?)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6473042].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    As you noticed, I deleted my post.
    I feel exactly how I stated in that post though.
    But let me say this, what happened was disgusting in my opinion,but when you are a victim and choose to do nothing, a lot of my sympathy wains.
    It will send a message to kids though, we can do it again, nothing is going to happen.
    Instead she could stand up and say I am not going to let this happen to other senior citizens like myself.Instead I am going to stand tall and send a message that says just because I'm old doesn't mean you can abuse me and not have any consequences.
    I see your statement that the school is going to handle it. Lets revisit the school in a month and see exactly what they did. Maybe they will get two weeks suspension? To a kid with that kind of behavior thats called a vacation.
    As far as her being a Grandmother and a Mother, I'm a Grandfather times 4 and Father times 3,and I've learned a few things along the way too maybe?

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6473111].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GMT
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      but when you are a victim and choose to do nothing, a lot of my sympathy wains.
      If you watch some of her inteviews the woman is not weak, shes strong, shes just very kind hearted and intelligent. Had she did what most would have, it's possible she could of been fired and probably needed her job. Also she mentioned this happened during one of the last few school days before summer so there was no point in reporting it because nothing would happen anyway. I think the woman acted completely appropiate and I'm so happy all the money and love is being out poured to her, because she deserves all of it. Also this video will probably spark many parents to have a talk with their kids about how not to act, which is a great thing for everyone, kids, adults, everyone.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6473210].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author KimW
        Originally Posted by GMT View Post

        The donation site itself has said they're going to make sure she gets every dime, even though the guy who started it seems completely legit. It's annoying he took down his paypal though, he's hurting the potential by doing that, he needs to get a paypal back up or hurry up and switch to karens details.

        It's at $331,509!
        He had a good chance of having his PayPal account shut down and assest frozen. You should know that.

        Originally Posted by GMT View Post

        If you watch some of her inteviews the woman is not weak, shes strong, shes just very kind hearted and intelligent. Had she did what most would have, it's possible she could of been fired and probably needed her job. Also she mentioned this happened during one of the last few school days before summer so there was no point in reporting it because nothing would happen anyway. I think the woman acted completely appropiate and I'm so happy all the money and love is being out poured to her, because she deserves all of it. Also this video will probably spark many parents to have a talk with their kids about how not to act, which is a great thing for everyone, kids, adults, everyone.
        Again, you are entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.
        Obviously our definitions of weak and strong differ,as ,like you said in one of your previous posts,our opinions on the whole situation.

        You're not changing yours and I'm not changing mine.
        Matter of fact yours are just reinforcing mine.
        But that's what makes America great.

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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6473301].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GMT
          Originally Posted by KimW View Post

          He had a good change of having his PayPal account shut down and assest frozen. You should know that.
          He said in the updates he was making phone calls to news agencies no reason he couldn't call up Paypal and let them know what he was doing so that they didn't shut him down. I can't imagine they don't know by now anyway, I do know he swapped Paypal accounts to someone elses name which turned out to be a company he owns, but I think he took that down too IDK.

          Originally Posted by KimW View Post

          Obviously our definitions of weak and strong differ,as ,like you said in one of your previous posts,our opinions on the whole situation.
          It's true they do, but I personally think it's very easy to get mad at someone, yell,'s much harder to endure like she did, so for me, she's stronger than most.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6473324].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author waterotter
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      As you noticed, I deleted my post.
      I feel exactly how I stated in that post though.
      But let me say this, what happened was disgusting in my opinion,but when you are a victim and choose to do nothing, a lot of my sympathy wains.
      It will send a message to kids though, we can do it again, nothing is going to happen.
      Instead she could stand up and say I am not going to let this happen to other senior citizens like myself.Instead I am going to stand tall and send a message that says just because I'm old doesn't mean you can abuse me and not have any consequences.
      I see your statement that the school is going to handle it. Lets revisit the school in a month and see exactly what they did. Maybe they will get two weeks suspension? To a kid with that kind of behavior thats called a vacation.
      As far as her being a Grandmother and a Mother, I'm a Grandfather times 4 and Father times 3,and I've learned a few things along the way too maybe?

      "I want the boys punished, but I don't know how,'' Klein told Matt Lauer on TODAY Thursday. "It made me feel really terrible, but I will get over it. I've gotten over everything else."
      "We can say that students found to be involved face strong disciplinary action,'' Greece Central School District Assistant Superintendent Deborah Hoeft told reporters Wednesday.
      The School Board called the police to begin with. That in itself tells me they will take this matter seriously and issue appropriate punishment.

      I wonder if the viral affect this video has taken on has somewhat overwhelmed Ms Klein. She has been thrust into the limelight.

      Maybe some good can come of this and bullying will take a front seat and be dealt with now. It's been prevalent in schools for ages, yet nothing was being done.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6473340].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author LarryC
        From the article about this incident:

        << In interviews, Klein described her tormenters "regular, normal kids" and said that "one on one, they're OK."

        "Just don't get a bunch of them together. That's when the trouble starts," she said. >>

        This is perhaps the most disturbing thing about the whole case. These probably aren't even considered problem kids. Even the tones of their voices doesn't sound that aggressive -it's more casually amused, like they're commenting on a movie or video game. This shows the degree to which dehumanization has occurred in some people, even at an early age. I have to say, it makes me glad I don't have kids.

        And I have to agree with Kim, that this woman is obviously not right for the job. It isn't being kind to sit there and listen to this -it's encouraging it. She deserves sympathy, but she also needs to retire or be placed in a less hostile environment.
        Content Writing, Ghostwriting, eBooks, editing, research.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6473396].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author KimW
        Originally Posted by waterotter View Post


        The School Board called the police to begin with. That in itself tells me they will take this matter seriously and issue appropriate punishment.

        I wonder if the viral affect this video has taken on has somewhat overwhelmed Ms Klein. She has been thrust into the limelight.

        Maybe some good can come of this and bullying will take a front seat and be dealt with now. It's been prevalent in schools for ages, yet nothing was being done.

        I already knew everything in this post. I was just stating that my faith in the powers that be actually taking action is less than yours.
        Personally I hope you are right and I am wrong and some appropriate actions are taken.
        Like I said, lets try to remember to revisit this situation in a few months and see what actual follow through occurs.

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  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    Calling Paypal sometimes works,sometimes doesn't,but the fact is its his choice and for someone that is doing what he is,I find it strange that your criticizing him for that.

    I am talking about her actions after the incident,not during. Or,her lack of action to be more specific.
    To sit there and take it during that specific time might show her intelligence maybe but not necessarily strength.

    Anyway, I don't really have anything more to say on this subject.

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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    I agree with Sal AND Kim to a degree. The "department of education" is part of the PROBLEM! I have said that in one way shape or form for DECADES! It is a JOKE! Name ONE thing they really do to further education. Even ONE! I bet you couldn't.

    If you gave them truth serum, and asked them what their goal REALLY was, they would say to get more money. They don't care AT ALL about kids or education. Give them more money, and they will squander most of it on their friends.

    If immigration/aliens were reduced, people weren't paid to have kids, the deficits dropped, and the internet was used to do what the promise of TV once was, costs could be cut to practically NOTHING, productivity could shoot up, poverty would be decreased, we could OBLITERATE the DOE, and similar things, AND have a FAR smarter population.

    But #1 would hurt the income of a =bunch of thieves! #2/#7 would hurt kickbacks to their accomplices, #3/#6 would help the US, etc... so I guess that will never happen. IRONIC! They CLAIM the internet is a game changer, but won't use technology that is 100% out there and being used, and could be FREE!!!!!!! IMAGINE, that could save TRILLIONS a year. HECK, just in college text books, we might be talking like $120 per student period.

    OH, and that would cut down DRASTICALLY on car accidents, deaths, and pollution!

    ANYWAY, schools LOVE fights! I don't know why, but they do. Bullies and their parents don't care EITHER! I would like to see jail time for everyone from the kid to the principal, and the parents. But THAT won't happen!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6473906].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    It's up to $402,279 & still going...
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    Though it is from a person some here hate, I thought he spoke well. I cleaned up the religious content:

    It’s probably one of the more shocking and disturbing videos you’ll see all year – a bus monitor who is bullied to tears by the very children she is supposed to be chaperoning. It’s a sad statement on our culture when children are filled with such bile and hatred that they could do that to another person. When Glenn says he wants to restore America to a simpler time, traditional time – he is ridiculed for wanting to go back to the days of “Jim Crow” or the impossible perfection of “Leave it to Beaver”. But the truth is he is speaking of a time where our country still had family values and people weren’t so cruel to one another. Because if this is where ... “progress” has brought America, everyone can agree it’s not where the country should be headed.

    “I can’t even listen to it. I can’t even listen to it. They’re just, all they’re saying to her is you’re so fat, you’re so ugly, they’re poking her. This is a woman, what, 60 years old?” Glenn when he heard just a portion of the audio.

    “While things were obviously far from perfect in the 1950s, we have come so far on many fronts, some of them really good, some of them not so positive. We have lost our way as a society,” Glenn explained.

    “Let’s start here. A busload of middle schoolers, these are 12‑ and 13‑year‑old kids. There’s no way that they would have been brazen enough, nasty enough, callous enough to continue the onslaught like this against an elderly woman for ten full minutes in the 1950s. Oh, I know there were problems in the 1950s, but look how we have fixed most of those problems and at the same time gone in the opposite direction. Secondly, even if they would have been, the driver would have slammed on the brakes at some point, gotten out of his seat and administered some old‑fashioned ass‑whoopin’ with these 12‑year‑old kids. If not the driver, I do believe there would have been at least a student or two among the 30‑plus on board who had the guts and the decency to stop or at least try to stop it,” he continued.

    “The kids in this video are dead inside. There are a ton of factors that have contributed to this slide. Maybe TV, movies, music, video games that desensitize, lack of the nuclear family unit, both parents now outside the home, no one raising the kids except the government, the schools not being able to have any kind of control, the “not my kid” mentally, the fact that every kid now has an attorney. I don’t know what’s gone into this toxic mix.”

    “But let me ask you this: ... Has our scholastic standing worldwide improved or degraded? Are our kids better behaved? Are they happier, or are they more tragic, more prone to suicide, and more, almost completely out of control? Are schools safer or much, much more dangerous than they were? These kids don’t even see another human being,” he said.

    “This poor woman had nowhere to go, nothing she could say. She just said, ‘If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.’ That’s all she said. And she didn’t even have one ally on the bus, not one person. Not one of these kids had the courage of their conviction to say, ‘What is that?’ We don’t think that there is anybody on the bus who had any conviction. Nobody felt badly about it. No remorse. No mercy.”

    Glenn said that these kids have gotten to the point where they don’t even see other people as people. They can’t look beyond themselves, and compared that mindset to Americans who turned a blind eye when the Japanese were sent to camps during World War 2 or the Germans sent the Jews to concentration camps. This, Glenn said, is how those kinds of atrocities start to happen – when people stop having empathy and kindness and instead are filled with selfishness and hatred.

    “How much happens in our kids’ lives that is a completely different culture? Our kids are schizophrenic. Our kids live in one culture and then they come home and they live in another culture. And you endorse their culture at school every time you turn on the TV. Because you’re watching it and you think, ‘This is crazy. Well, my kids know better.’ No, they don’t. That’s the culture they’re immersed in all day long. You’re endorsing that culture.”

    “So what do we do? How do we prepare our kids that when they see something like this happening, they make sure they have the integrity, the humanity to do their best to stop it? Love them, be with them, meet with them weekly, one on one....

    “We have to accept the responsibility for our own children. We have to correct the misconceptions that they have,” he said.

    Regardless of where these kids learned this behavior, parents have to take responsibility and teach them that there are consequences to their actions. Parents have to make sure their kids are loved and that they have a strong sense of values.

    “Maybe then we can return to the decency of Mayberry without the ugliness of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’.”
    BTW Did you hear? MAYBERRY is fashioned after a REAL place!!!!! Mount Airy, North Carolina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6474495].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Kim -

      She explained her lack of action in an interview today - and I think she was right.

      She said she would have been fired had she shouted at the kids or touched them to discipline them. She said she tried to look out the window and ignore them and try to get by until the bus stopped.

      What could she have done? She did try to say some things but didn't help. Did she have to use foul language, too? What would happen to her if she smacked back at the kid who kept poking her in the side?

      Put a bus monitor on board with the physical capability to put those kids back in their seats and shut them up - and the parents of the kids will be suing for "abuse". That's how it works these days.

      Maybe what is needed is to require parents to ride as bus monitors if their kid has caused trouble.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6474573].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author KimW
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        Kim -

        She explained her lack of action in an interview today - and I think she was right.

        She said she would have been fired had she shouted at the kids or touched them to discipline them. She said she tried to look out the window and ignore them and try to get by until the bus stopped.

        What could she have done? She did try to say some things but didn't help. Did she have to use foul language, too? What would happen to her if she smacked back at the kid who kept poking her in the side?

        Put a bus monitor on board with the physical capability to put those kids back in their seats and shut them up - and the parents of the kids will be suing for "abuse". That's how it works these days.

        Maybe what is needed is to require parents to ride as bus monitors if their kid has caused trouble.
        I've explained by lack of action I said after the event,not during. I've said numerous times I never watched more than a couple of minutes of the video, so I don't know what she did or did not do during the verbal assault.

        Edit: I also have to ask,if she has no power or authority,what exactly is her job and responsibility?
        Why is she even there?

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        • Profile picture of the author seasoned
          Originally Posted by KimW View Post

          Edit: I also have to ask,if she has no power or authority,what exactly is her job and responsibility?
          Why is she even there?
          GOOD QUESTION! A LOT of times when things start to get worse some monitoring is requested. They either forget about, or later cause, the lack of authority. This EXACT thing happens ALL OVER! People are asked to monitor things they have almost no control over or knowledge about.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6476385].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TLTheLiberator
      Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

      Though it is from a person some here hate, I thought he spoke well. I cleaned up the religious content:

      BTW Did you hear? MAYBERRY is fashioned after a REAL place!!!!! Mount Airy, North Carolina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      He's hated for good reason - he's truly earned it.

      IMHO Mr. Beck should not be included in any conversation about decent people, decent times and decent things - anything decent.


      "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. -- Mark Twain

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6476637].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by TLTheLiberator View Post

        He's hated for good reason - he's truly earned it.

        IMHO Mr. Beck should not be included in any conversation about decent people, decent times and decent things - anything decent.

        No he hasn't. You aren't humble, and you clearly DIDN'T read that post though it is VERBATIM, outside of where he brought in the 50th aniversary of no prayer, and the part where he said you should pray with your children, feed their spirit, etc... Like I said, to keep it free of religion. What he said would have been fine for a jew, chrsitian, catholic, mormon, jehovahs witness, or moslem!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478849].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author HeySal
          Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

          No he hasn't. You aren't humble, and you clearly DIDN'T read that post though it is VERBATIM, outside of where he brought in the 50th aniversary of no prayer, and the part where he said you should pray with your children, feed their spirit, etc... Like I said, to keep it free of religion. What he said would have been fine for a jew, chrsitian, catholic, mormon, jehovahs witness, or moslem!

          When a person is thinking logically - it doesn't matter who the voice of reason comes from. If it is a good solid statement it is a good solid statement. Not liking who said it is just a way for people who can't manage objective thought processes to lash out at something irrelevant about a statement.

          In other words - give it up and go on with life. There are some minds that are incapable of being reached.

          When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
          Beyond the Path

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6479042].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author seasoned
            Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

            When a person is thinking logically - it doesn't matter who the voice of reason comes from. If it is a good solid statement it is a good solid statement. Not liking who said it is just a way for people who can't manage objective thought processes to lash out at something irrelevant about a statement.

            In other words - give it up and go on with life. There are some minds that are incapable of being reached.
            I seem to be out of thanks. 8-( You are certainly RIGHT! That is why I posted it. I even said that people may hate the guy, but it was right on.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6479086].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author HeySal
              Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

              I seem to be out of thanks. 8-( You are certainly RIGHT! That is why I posted it. I even said that people may hate the guy, but it was right on.

              I might not have agreed with the parts you left out - but the quote as you quoted it was good. Same with Alex Jones - I hear people just rant every time they see something is from him.......but those same people never go back and say "oops, guess the dude was right" when things pan out that he was spot on. He's "controversial" so anything he says is dissed, right or wrong. People need to look at merits of the issue rather than whose taking what side on the issue. That's why we are in the damned position to be in a thread about this freaking topic in the first place. Really. If they had told the gov to go shove when they should instead of worrying that some radical said something, we'd be in far less trouble as a nation than we are now.

              When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
              Beyond the Path

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6479917].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    Not sure who you are saying is hated, but I've known for years Mayberry was fashioned after Mount Airy.

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    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      Not sure who you are saying is hated, but I've known for years Mayberry was fashioned after Mount Airy.
      I'm guessing maybe Glenn Beck from the Glenn mentioned in the article and the clue Steve gave, "religious stuff".

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6474567].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author seasoned

    Terra nailed it. Funny Terra, I didn't really notice he spoke about prayer, etc... in regular articles. I just removed that, since everything else is stuff I doubt people would complain about. I replaced the two areas mentioning prayer and faith with "...".

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6474689].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mafai44
    I would love to **** these kids up until no end just to teach them a lesson these little ****ers. So angry after watching that bullying.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6474819].message }}
    • You know - I've not read all these posts, and I may have jumped in at the middle of this story as I have only read the main points...

      And I'm ready for the name-calling (haters gotta hate :p) as a devil's advocate...

      But I am failing to see how some mean little kids calling a thin-skinned fat old lady fat is worth a $400,000 "gift vacation" :confused:

      There are a lot of needy people in this world who could benefit from that kind of dough...

      I'm sorry this lady was called names, it wasn't nice, or right, and the kids should be reprimanded -

      but 400K (and counting?) ? Are you kidding me?

      If people can raise this kind of money for things like this, how much could be raised for other causes perhaps a bit more needy? And how many scam artists are going to start preying harder on the sympathetically gullible?

      I know some response may be "you give to who you want to give to, and I'll give to who I want to give to"...but going on 1/2 a million dollar "vacation fund" because someone hurt your feelings sounds a little silly and excessive to me - (jmo)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6475118].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author yukon
        Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

        You know - I've not read all these posts, and I may have jumped in at the middle of this story as I have only read the main points...

        And I'm ready for the name-calling (haters gotta hate :p) as a devil's advocate...

        But I am failing to see how some mean little kids calling a thin-skinned fat old lady fat is worth a $400,000 "gift vacation" :confused:

        There are a lot of needy people in this world who could benefit from that kind of dough...

        I'm sorry this lady was called names, it wasn't nice, or right, and the kids should be reprimanded -

        but 400K (and counting?) ? Are you kidding me?

        If people can raise this kind of money for things like this, how much could be raised for other causes perhaps a bit more needy? And how many scam artists are going to start preying harder on the sympathetically gullible?

        I know some response may be "you give to who you want to give to, and I'll give to who I want to give to...but going on 1/2 a million dollars because someone hurt your feelings sounds a little silly and excessive to me - (jmo)

        If I was a betting man, I would say that everyone that has made a donation has probably been picked on by a bully at some point in their life (who hasn't).

        I'm sure the people making donations feel a connection & the money helps deal with their own past.

        I hope that didn't sound like DR. Phil.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6475141].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author seasoned
          Originally Posted by yukon View Post

          If I was a betting man, I would say that everyone that has made a donation has probably been picked on by a bully at some point in their life (who hasn't).

          I'm sure the people making donations feel a connection & the money helps deal with their own past.

          I hope that didn't sound like DR. Phil.
          You might be right, but I am not donating to that. And nobody paid ME to put up with it. She DOES get a salary for putting up with it. And $15K for NOTHING is a LOT!!!!!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6476183].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

        You know - I've not read all these posts, and I may have jumped in at the middle of this story as I have only read the main points...

        And I'm ready for the name-calling (haters gotta hate :p) as a devil's advocate...

        But I am failing to see how some mean little kids calling a thin-skinned fat old lady fat is worth a $400,000 "gift vacation" :confused:

        There are a lot of needy people in this world who could benefit from that kind of dough...

        I'm sorry this lady was called names, it wasn't nice, or right, and the kids should be reprimanded -

        but 400K (and counting?) ? Are you kidding me?

        If people can raise this kind of money for things like this, how much could be raised for other causes perhaps a bit more needy? And how many scam artists are going to start preying harder on the sympathetically gullible?

        I know some response may be "you give to who you want to give to, and I'll give to who I want to give to"...but going on 1/2 a million dollar "vacation fund" because someone hurt your feelings sounds a little silly and excessive to me - (jmo)
        You are certainly right there! I work a LOT harder than she, and make a LOT more than see, and ***I*** haven't been able to save that much! I have ALSO endured worse punishment even as a kid. And yet SHE gets like 27 TIMES her yearly salary? She wll likely live less than 25 years. ALSO, 3% interest on this, that she could EASILY and safely make, is about $12,000 a year. BTW for $12,000 you could have an INCREDIBLY nice long world vacation.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6476167].message }}
  • Hey - a bully beat me up in the 5th grade - start me up a vacation fund...he hurt my feelings too...he made my nose bleed, and he made fun of my curly hair that wasn't very nice...

    I still carry the 'scars'...I thinks a nice 500K would make me feel a whole lot better :rolleyes:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6475193].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

      Hey - a bully beat me up in the 5th grade - start me up a vacation fund...he hurt my feelings too...he made my nose bleed, and he made fun of my curly hair that wasn't very nice...

      I still carry the 'scars'...I thinks a nice 500K would make me feel a whole lot better :rolleyes:

      You can laugh about it, be sarcastic, whatever, but I'm sure that's why the money is growing so fast.

      My point was, more people are bullied at some point in their life than homeless people or starving people (in US).

      People react ($$) when they think they're part of something.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6475256].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

      Hey - a bully beat me up in the 5th grade - start me up a vacation fund...he hurt my feelings too...he made my nose bleed, and he made fun of my curly hair that wasn't very nice...

      I still carry the 'scars'...I thinks a nice 500K would make me feel a whole lot better :rolleyes:
      SAME HERE!!!!!! A gang of three kids once hit me in the eye, I got a black eye, and hit my head against the lockers and TRED the concrete. There was NO reason. ANOTHER gang of three, who were TWICE my size, LITERALLY, threatened to break my back if I didn't pay them $.50, which I didn't even think I had. They DID go away no richer. Luckily, they didn't carry out their threat. As an adult, one guy threatened to deck me. I have NO idea why! Another didn't like the fact that I told his wife that she did ENOUGH after she claimed to help me. Hey, it WAS the truth. If I wanted to insult her, I could have done FAR worse.

      And HEY, they found that they could make my name sound like something that is VERY useful! HECK, the world might be VERY different without that material! Anyway, they found a product that would NOT have been able to have been made without that product. They started making it out of that product because the old material was needed for WWII!!!!!! So WWII might have been LOST without that useful product! Don't ask me WHY that product wasn't used in WWII for that item, since they all are NOW! YEP, it was invented before I was born, and is just as important today. If it were made by someone in my family(apparently it wasn't), I would be PROUD!

      BUT, they associated my last name with one of hundreds of THOUSANDS of products that was made with it, and tormented me with THAT!

      BTW on the ONE vacation I took, I had to save the $6000 MYSELF! BTW I had over $4000 left after my 3 week vacation.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6476249].message }}
  • The sarcasm comment hurt my feelings too - send me more money -
    (jk) No, as you pointed out, almost EVERYbody has been there at one point or another...fine, empathise, feel compassion - you want to feel better? do some community service, go volunteer at your local food kitchen - be a big brother or big a camp counselor at a camp for challenged kids...send the lady a gift certificate for a spa weekend - heck, send her to Jenny Craig if she wants (personally, I don't think she is that overly large at all)...but don't give her $500,000 dollars...

    I sincerely hope the lady does something constructive with the overwhelmingly generous donations...

    I think what made her cry, ultimately, was the general idea that these kids could be so stupidly cruel, not just to her personally - but to anyone...that is what hurt her feelings...

    Karen Klein Bullies Apologize: Boys Express Their Regret On Anderson 360 (VIDEO)
    Karen Klein Bullies Apologize: Boys Express Their Regret On Anderson 360 (VIDEO)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6475289].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
      Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

      The sarcasm comment hurt my feelings too - send me more money -
      (jk) No, as you pointed out, almost EVERYbody has been there at one point or another...fine, empathise, feel compassion - you want to feel better? do some community service, go volunteer at your local food kitchen - be a big brother or big to blind people. be a camp counselor at a camp for challenged kids..send the lady a gift certificate for a spa weekend - send her to Jenny Craig if you want...but don't give her $500,000 dollars.

      I sincerely hope the lady does something constructive with the overwhelmingly generous donations...

      Karen Klein Bullies Apologize: Boys Express Their Regret On Anderson 360 (VIDEO)
      Karen Klein Bullies Apologize: Boys Express Their Regret On Anderson 360 (VIDEO)
      Why do you care how much people give her? What possible business is it of yours? What business is it of yours what she does with it, constructive (in your opinion) or not?

      I hope she 'constructs' a bigass house and lives out the rest of her life without want of money.

      I don't see anywhere that this lady asked for money, unlike your first sentence whine. Unless I'm totally mistaken, someone else set it up.

      The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.

      Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6475368].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
    I'll lay odds that before too much longer, someone in some government position is going to come up with some way to deprive this lady of the majority of the money that is being collected for her.

    Whether it's too much or not enough is not for any of us to say. It is what it is, and people who continue to give have a pretty good idea of the amount that has accumulated - and yet they continue to give.

    I think a lot of people, especially the ones contributing, recognize that the focus on 'kids first' has gone way 'round the bend, past the point of sanity.

    The bus driver didn't turn the bus around and take the kids back because he probably would've gotten fired over it.

    The lady was probably scared to stand up for herself - or she had a sense of decency that said that giving back what you're getting isn't necessarily the right reaction.

    There are no consequences for bad behavior in schools - except for some of the most inane stupid PC dumbass things like scissors in your backpack or having a bottle of aspirin.

    Propriety demands that I stop here. That and the looming spectre of Maxwell's silver hammer on the 'take a vacation' button

    The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.

    Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6475352].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by SteveJohnson View Post

      I'll lay odds that before too much longer, someone in some government position is going to come up with some way to deprive this lady of the majority of the money that is being collected for her.
      ALREADY DONE! like 20% right off the top for TAX!

      Whether it's too much or not enough is not for any of us to say. It is what it is, and people who continue to give have a pretty good idea of the amount that has accumulated - and yet they continue to give.
      Who knows? Still, it is interesting that people don't react the same to money from a lot of jobs.

      I think a lot of people, especially the ones contributing, recognize that the focus on 'kids first' has gone way 'round the bend, past the point of sanity.

      The bus driver didn't turn the bus around and take the kids back because he probably would've gotten fired over it.

      The lady was probably scared to stand up for herself - or she had a sense of decency that said that giving back what you're getting isn't necessarily the right reaction.

      There are no consequences for bad behavior in schools - except for some of the most inane stupid PC dumbass things like scissors in your backpack or having a bottle of aspirin.

      Propriety demands that I stop here. That and the looming spectre of Maxwell's silver hammer on the 'take a vacation' button
      Say the truth. PC has said that kids are considered MORONS, and such MORONS are treated like bob was in "road to morocco", as I recall. He acted like a blithering idiot in a marketplace, and was thus allowed to take food, etc... for FREE.

      OH, don't blaming them for damage, theft, abuse, etc.... After all "they are only kids! They don't know any better.". OR the famous "Boys will be boys"!

      This ALSO means that dults are not allowed to TOUCH them! Even speaking harshly can be punished.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6476325].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    They were poking her? There's a hell of a lot of difference between being mouthy and taking it physical. That kid needed his ass put back in his seat and when he starts poking on people that he is taunting - that is legal grounds to grab his ass and seat it. Those "special needs" kids sound like their special need is a freaking cage.

    Seems like Glen is right - those things are not human children. Scientists say that humans are splitting into two species. Seems like these are members of the degenerated sapiens species.

    As far as the apologies - I'm betting there's parents standing behind them with clubs - PC or not. I imagine they are furious.

    People HAVE to stop being afraid to do the right and logical thing just because our government has become a den of terrorists. Do what is right - if you are fired, at least you still own yourself. There will be others that respect that enough to give you work. You can get back up from being knocked down -- but it's pretty hard to stand up when someone else owns you. You HAVE to own yourself. Nothing will get better until people start realizing and acting on that principle.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6475408].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TimPhelan
      Today's kids are just as good/bad as they were in the past. This incident just happened to be recorded and this is a story just because it got on youtube. Here's a story about a bus driver tormenting an autistic boy. Does this mean we can draw similar conclusions about today's adults? Umm, which are us.

      Trial for autistic boy allegedly tormented by bus driver opens -
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6475484].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

        Today's kids are just as good/bad as they were in the past. This incident just happened to be recorded and this is a story just because it got on youtube. Here's a story about a bus driver tormenting an autistic boy. Does this mean we can draw similar conclusions about today's adults? Umm, which are us.

        Trial for autistic boy allegedly tormented by bus driver opens -
        I doubt anyone is saying otherwise! HELL, those idiot kids grew up and had THESE! But it wasn't accepted before so they didn't display as much, fewer kids were affected, etc...

        Hey, this has been a pet peeve of mine SINCE DAY ONE! Someone recently was shocked when he saw a seminar about "patent trolls". I have spoken about those for YEARS here! THOSE people are lazy bullies! ICSALM, but I won't...

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6476358].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author KimW
        Originally Posted by SteveJohnson View Post

        Why do you care how much people give her? What possible business is it of yours? What business is it of yours what she does with it, constructive (in your opinion) or not?

        I hope she 'constructs' a bigass house and lives out the rest of her life without want of money.

        I don't see anywhere that this lady asked for money, unlike your first sentence whine. Unless I'm totally mistaken, someone else set it up.
        Well, he has just as much right to comment on it as you do. Isn't America great? His reasons are his and your reasons are yours. I personally agree with him. As far as his first sentence whine, in case you couldn't tell,that was sarcasm.
        She didn't ask for the money? Well,let's see her turn it down or donate it to those more needy.I bet she doesn't.
        I watched the Anderson Cooper video.Seems Southwest Airlines is getting on the free publicity ride,giving her and 10 people she chooses an all expense paid trip to Disneyland.

        Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

        Today's kids are just as good/bad as they were in the past. This incident just happened to be recorded and this is a story just because it got on youtube. Here's a story about a bus driver tormenting an autistic boy. Does this mean we can draw similar conclusions about today's adults? Umm, which are us.

        Trial for autistic boy allegedly tormented by bus driver opens -
        Absolutely incorrect.

        Kids today are NOT just as good or bad. They are much worse.
        Lets see,we have 10 and 12 year olds killing 4 and 5 years old just because they want to see what it feels like?
        I doubt this "just happened" to be recorded, I bet the recording of it was planned,that's why he was in the perfect place to film it.
        This is another indication of the total lack of morals and values these kids have. Recordings like this are not "chance" they plan them,they do them,then they post them on FB and other social media/video sharing sites to show how badass they are.

        By the way, there was a recent story and thread on here about the father that sent his son to school with a hidden camera to record the abuse he was getting from the teacher and her aide. There was a big uproar about that too,Was the appropriate action taken then also? No,last update I got she wasn't fired just moved to a different school,but NJ did enact a law because of it.( Once again making laws instead of using common sense) but no one said all teachers were bad.So your example of the bus driver doesn't fly.
        And by they way,today's adults might be you,but it certainly isn't me.Today's adults are my kids raising families, and I can guarantee you that if any of their kids were caught doing anything like that while I am still alive they will wish they hadn't.
        I know ALL kids aren't bad,ALL adults don't berate autistic children, etc etc,but those that do need to be dealt with appropriately.

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        • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
          Originally Posted by KimW View Post

          Kids today are NOT just as good or bad. They are much worse.
          Lets see,we have 10 and 12 year olds killing 4 and 5 years old just because they want to see what it feels like?
          I doubt this "just happened" to be recorded, I bet the recording of it was planned,that's why he was in the perfect place to film it.
          This is another indication of the total lack of morals and values these kids have. Recordings like this are not "chance" they plan them,they do them,then they post them on FB and other social media/video sharing sites to show how badass they are.

          By the way, there was a recent story and thread on here about the father that sent his son to school with a hidden camera to record the abuse he was getting from the teacher and her aide. There was a big uproar about that too,Was the appropriate action taken then also? No,last update I got she wasn't fired just moved to a different school,but NJ did enact a law because of it.( Once again making laws instead of using common sense) but no one said all teachers were bad.So your example of the bus driver doesn't fly.
          And by they way,today's adults might be you,but it certainly isn't me.Today's adults are my kids raising families, and I can guarantee you that if any of their kids were caught doing anything like that while I am still alive they will wish they hadn't.
          I know ALL kids aren't bad,ALL adults don't berate autistic children, etc etc,but those that do need to be dealt with appropriately.
          I'll take the Glenn Beck route and say,

          Amen to that, Brother!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6476482].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
          Originally Posted by KimW View Post

          Well, he has just as much right to comment on it as you do. Isn't America great? His reasons are his and your reasons are yours. I personally agree with him. As far as his first sentence whine, in case you couldn't tell,that was sarcasm.
          She didn't ask for the money? Well,let's see her turn it down or donate it to those more needy.I bet she doesn't.
          I watched the Anderson Cooper video.Seems Southwest Airlines is getting on the free publicity ride,giving her and 10 people she chooses an all expense paid trip to Disneyland.
          Of course I could tell it was sarcasm. Well - envy disguised as sarcasm.

          Why should she turn it down? Why should she donate it to anyone? It's her choice. It is, or soon will be, her money, to do with what she wants.

          But there seem to be a lot of people who would like to force this woman into doing with the money what they think she should do with the money. And sooner or later, someone with a little bit of misplaced authority will find a way to do that.

          Should people who win a lottery donate it all to someone 'more needy'? It isn't fair that someone who bought a $1 ticket on a whim should win millions while people who spend tens or hundreds of dollars a week on tickets should walk away with nothing.

          Yeah, I get it - the proportion is all wrong here. Had this fundraising stopped at a grand or two, nobody would be saying much of anything. But it hasn't, and now it's big enough that our species' core emotions of jealousy and envy are rearing their ugly heads.

          The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.

          Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."

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          • Profile picture of the author Kay King
            What I see happening in this thread is so typical of our society.

            This lady didn't ask for the attention or the money. She is not the bully - she is not the problem - she is not to blame. She doesn't owe anything to anyone. This will make her life easier - and I'm happy for her.

            I predict within a week the media will turn against her as people decide THEY know how she should spend the money - or whether she "deserves" it.

            The story will become about the "poor children" who were so harshly disciplined because the "monitor" didn't "do her job". Balderdash! The kids are brats - they apologized because they were forced to.

            They don't respect the lines of common decency because they've never had any painful (for them) consequences for their actions.

            I hope she enjoys the hell out of the money she's getting. I think the donations are a symbol of how sick many of us are at what passes for "educational facilities" today. It's like a vote against bullying and bad behavior.

            Sal - the special needs kids are on the morning bus this lady rides. She has to ride the middle school bus of "normal" kids in the afternoon.
            Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
            One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
            what it is instead of what you think it should be.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6477386].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author TimPhelan
          So that's your evidence kids are worse now? One kid who killed a 5 year old for no reason? OK, here's a few from years past:

          *Jesse Pomeroy was 14 when he was arrested in 1874 for the horrific murder of a four-year-old boy. He was quickly labeled “The Boston Boy Fiend.” His horrible trek had begun three years earlier with the sexual torture of seven other boys. For those crimes, Pomeroy was sentenced to a children’s reform school but was released early. Not long after, he mutilated and killed a 10-year-old girl who came into his mother’s store. A month later, he kidnapped 4-year-old Horace Mullen, took him to a swamp outside town and slashed him so savagely with a knife that he nearly decapitated him. Because of his strange appearance (he had a milky white eye) and his previous abhorrent behavior, he was under suspicion. When he was shown the body and asked if he’d done it, he responded with a nonchalant, “I suppose I did.” Then the girl was found buried in his mother’s cellar and he confessed to that murder, as well. He was convicted and sentenced to death. Following a public outcry against condemning children to death, his sentence was commuted to forty years of solitary confinement.

          * In 1964, when Edmund Kemper was 15, he shot his grandparents, killing them both. He had been planning his repulsive act for some time and had no regrets later. The California Youth Authority detained him in Juvenile Hall so that they could put him through rigorous series of tests administered by a psychiatrist. Because the results suggested that he was a paranoid psychotic, he was sent to Atascadero State Hospital for treatment. There he learned what others thought about his crime and worked hard to make his doctors believe that he had recovered. Although he was considered a sociopath, he worked in the psychology lab to help administer the tests to others. In the process, he learned a lot about other deviant offenders. Kemper was released after another five years and remained under the supervision of the Youth Authority. His doctors recommended that he not be returned to his mother’s care, but the Youth Authority ignored this. After Kemper murdered and dismembered eight women over the next five years, these same doctors affirmed his insanity defense. In fact, even as he was carrying parts of his victims around, a panel of psychiatrists judged him to be no threat to society.

          *Mary Bell was convicted of strangling a young boy, Martin Brown, on May 25, 1968, the day before her 11th birthday. She was, as far as anyone knows, alone on this occasion. On July 31, 1968, Mary and her friend (Norma Bell – no relation to Mary) took part in the death, again by strangulation, of three-year-old Brian Howe. Police reports concluded that Mary Bell had gone back after killing him to carve an “N” into his stomach with a razor, this was then changed using the same razor but with a different hand to an “M”. Mary Bell also used a pair of scissors to cut off bits of Brian Howe’s hair and part of his genitals.
          Originally Posted by KimW View Post

          Absolutely incorrect.

          Kids today are NOT just as good or bad. They are much worse.
          Lets see,we have 10 and 12 year olds killing 4 and 5 years old just because they want to see what it feels like?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6480811].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author seasoned
            Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

            So that's your evidence kids are worse now? One kid who killed a 5 year old for no reason? OK, here's a few from years past:
            SO, you want to fund a HUGE study going back THOUSANDS of years to plot a line with some ARBITRARY measure to show that bad people ALWAYS existed and for THAT you will berate Kim for your understanding of what he meant? Do me a favor. YOU go off and use YOUR money. PIG OUT! HAVE AT IT! And we can kill THREE birds with one stone!!!!!!

            Did bad kids ALWAYS exist? OF COURSE! HECK, the BIBLE talks about them! EVEN if you didn't believe ANY of it, the fact that someone wrote it down means THEY thought about it! They wrote it as FACT and it was TAKEN as FACT, so BILLIONS of people thought it was possible. SO, it WAS! So it probably happened. OK, simple logic, and I practically PROVED this has been going on for thousands of years! But go ahead with your study, on the parameters I laid out.

            The FACT is, whether you want to accept it or not, that evil comes in some waves....

            The FIRST is either relatively innocent, stupidity, or downright EVIL!

            Some of the downright evil stuff will NEVER be stopped! Some people would happily DIE a PAINFUL death for the CHANCE at the thrill. Such people are rather RARE! It is likely 1 in many thousands! And MOST will restrain THEMSELVES for one reason or another

            Most of the other stuff can be stopped or SEVERELY curtailed.

            Think about it!

            1. Peer pressure for a group.
            2. Dares
            3. People trying to get others to change.
            4. Just to try
            5. Maybe some in that very first group, that HAD restrained themselves, seeing that there aren't any repercussions, may do what they always wanted to.

            How many kids have MURDERED simply because they KNEW that, as kids, they wouldn't be affected for life?

            Things HAVE gotten worse there. In some areas, things are almost as bad as the mobsters in their heyday. YEP, more evidence going back DECADES!

            did Kim know all this? You can bet he did!

            Don't forget to fund that study!

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6481604].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TLTheLiberator
    I didn't watch the whole video...

    As long as a kids did not put their hands on her or threaten her in any way the criminal justice system is out of the question.

    She should have simply threatened to get the principle and their parents involved and if the kids came from decent homes, I bet that would have stopped the brats in their tracks.


    "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. -- Mark Twain

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6476585].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      Originally Posted by TLTheLiberator View Post

      I didn't watch the whole video...

      As long as a kids did not put their hands on her or threaten her in any way the criminal justice system is out of the question.

      She should have simply threatened to get the principle and their parents involved and if the kids came from decent homes, I bet that would have stopped the brats in their tracks.

      TL, one or two of the kids were poking her with their finger and with their yearbook. So there was physical contact, but not with great force.

      I mean they didn't smack or punch or kick her, but still, totally unacceptable in my book!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6476603].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author KimW
      Originally Posted by TLTheLiberator View Post

      I didn't watch the whole video...

      As long as a kids did not put their hands on her or threaten her in any way the criminal justice system is out of the question.

      She should have simply threatened to get the principle and their parents involved and if the kids came from decent homes, I bet that would have stopped the brats in their tracks.

      Then you watched about maybe a minute,because I only watched about 2 minutes and a kid did put his hand on her.

      I'm not even going to comment on the rest. :rolleyes:

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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6476612].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by TLTheLiberator View Post

      I didn't watch the whole video...

      As long as a kids did not put their hands on her or threaten her in any way the criminal justice system is out of the question.

      She should have simply threatened to get the principle and their parents involved and if the kids came from decent homes, I bet that would have stopped the brats in their tracks.

      I'm sure a lawyer could use that video that went viral on the net as enough evidence to win a court case, If anything for slander.

      A person doesn't have to physically touch another person to get sued.

      BTW, the kids did threaten her If you listen closely to the audio in the OP video, I won't say what they said since it was nasty.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478048].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TLTheLiberator
    deleted and moved to a more appropriate section of this thread.


    "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. -- Mark Twain

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6476602].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      Originally Posted by TLTheLiberator View Post

      IMHO Mr. Beck should not be included in any conversation about decent people, decent times and decent things.

      Apparently you didn't read the article Steve quoted by Mr. Beck. Like him or not, he was absolutely correct!

      But let's please not make this thread about him.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6476611].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    Interesting,you were asked to not make this about him yet you still do...

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    • Profile picture of the author TLTheLiberator
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      Interesting,you were asked to not make this about him yet you still do...

      Steve included Beck's "enlightened" thoughts on the issue and I commented on Beck.

      I wonder who slipped in the notion that...

      ... the left is responsible for this horrible behavior into Beck's comments, Steve or Mr. Beck?

      Who's responsible for that attempt to blame people on the left for the behavior of those kids on the bus????

      I have no more to say on that subject.


      "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. -- Mark Twain

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6476745].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
        Originally Posted by TLTheLiberator View Post

        I have no more to say on that subject.

        Thank you!

        Please keep your promise.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6476766].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by TLTheLiberator View Post

        Steve included Beck's "enlightened" thoughts on the issue and I commented on Beck.

        I wonder who slipped in the notion that the left is responsible for this horrible behavior into Beck's comments, Steve or Mr. Beck?

        I have no more to say on that subject.

        Like IK said, NOT humble! ALWAYS a jab! I didn't add or change ANYTHING, outside of replacing phrases with "...". I removed the ONE reference he made, that I guess you referred to. Sorry. Ouch.

        And ***WHY*** would I have a reason to say any such thing were from him when I did it? Think about it.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478891].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lori Kelly
    I'd last about two seconds as a bus driver or a monitor.
    And I wouldn't be the one crying.

    This type of thing happens every day all across the US (and probably other countries as well).

    The problem that I see is the parents.

    Parents don't parent.

    I volunteered at the school for a reading class. Apparently the kids thought this time would be a free-for-all. Since I was not getting paid and in my opinion, not bound by the rules of not being able to discipline, I let the kids know up front how things were going to work. When they misbehaved I simply used a stern voice and told them to sit down and shut up or they could leave. It worked. And you know, they didn't hate me or show resentment. It was the opposite. They liked me. And showed me respect.

    My son gets bullied on a regular basis.

    One of the kids brought a knife on the bus and threatened my kid. My kid didn't want to tell me about it because he knows I do things a lot different than most parents.

    The next day after the knife incident, I stood at the bus stop and asked if I could ride. Nope. Against the rules. Too bad. I was looking forward to that bus ride.

    I met with the principal and discussed what action was going to be taken.
    The kid who brought the knife got a two week vacation from school.

    When the trouble-making kid returned to school, he was pissed off at my kid and my kid's friends. Mr. Trouble Maker threatened to bring a gun and blow off heads. That's nice. Elementary school and gun threats. If the parents cared, I would have met with them (I already met them and knew it would be a waste of time), but as is the common problem, the parents couldn't care less.

    So off we go again the school to meet with the principal.

    And another vacation for the kid.

    If my kid was one of the bullies, I'd parent. I'm not a perfect parent and I'm not sure I'm doing this "right" but I'm doing the best I can. The first thing that would happen is a loss of all "privileges". No tv, computer, phone, etc. A good ol' grounding/restriction. For a really long time.

    Next would be a trip to juvy where I'd pre-arrange a nice little tour and an overnight visit.

    But you see I don't believe it would down to that for our family because my kid knows that there are consequences for inappropriate behavior.

    There's also teaching that you show compassion to others - the golden rule.

    And the deal about a kid being able to bring up charges against parents for using punishment. That's BS for starters and if my kid brought charges against us, that would be fine. He could spend his life in the system - the same system that gave him the opportunity to press charges against his parents.

    [Sorry for the rant. I just meant this to be a short post but my fingers kept moving.]
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    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      I can relate, Lori, and I commend you!

      My son is gifted and so needless to say, he was different and the subject of bullying.

      When I was offered the job in the school district after having a show down with the board of education, heh, heh, I jumped on it.

      When it came to my attention that my son was being bullied, I did take matters into my own hands, job be darned!

      One situation arose after my son's kitten somehow escaped the house and was hit by a car right at the foot of the driveway. To make matters worse, it happened on Valentine's Day.

      My son is very sensitive and wears his heart on his sleeve. Anyway, apparently during school, something reminded him of the horrible incident and he began to cry. He was in fourth grade at the time. When asked what the matter was, he relayed what had happened.

      So a group of bullies made up a song and started singing it to the tune of "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" with the following lyrics:

      Kitty got run over by a mack truck, trying to run away from (my son's name)...

      I was livid! After recess, this group was walking down the hall and I called over the leader of the bully pack. He said that whatever I had to say, could be said in front of his friends. I told him to trust me, he didn't want them to hear it. So he came over to me while the rest of them waited.

      I said, "So you think your friends think you're so tough? What do you think they would think if I told them the day you broke your arm on the playground, you kept crying, I want my mommy, I want my mommy? So help me, if you or any of your buddies taunt my son again, I will personally tell each and every one of them what you said. They'll think you're a little sissy and things will never be the same for you."

      His eyes got as big as saucers and he replied, "I'll take care of it, Mrs. Kern."

      For the rest of the school year neither he nor his friends ever taunted my son again. There were other incidents where I pulled kids aside too, and gave them simple little threats. I need an evil smiley, lol!

      You want to know the funny thing though? Those kids could have reported me and I could have lost my job, but none of them did. They no longer bothered my son and actually started calling out, Hi, Mrs. Kern, when they saw me in the hall and the biggest shocker of all was that they began calling me "The Cool Mom"

      A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6477178].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by MissTerraK View Post

        I was livid! After recess, this group was walking down the hall and I called over the leader of the bully pack. He said that whatever I had to say, could be said in front of his friends. I told him to trust me, he didn't want them to hear it. So he came over to me while the rest of them waited.

        I said, "So you think your friends think you're so tough? What do you think they would think if I told them the day you broke your arm on the playground, you kept crying, I want my mommy, I want my mommy? So help me, if you or any of your buddies taunt my son again, I will personally tell each and every one of them what you said. They'll think you're a little sissy and things will never be the same for you."

        His eyes got as big as saucers and he replied, "I'll take care of it, Mrs. Kern."
        BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! If you can do it, that is the PERFECT thing to say! And he *******HAS******** to continue to taunt your son because, if he doesn't, the others will consider that PROOF that you have something against him! OBVIOUSLY, he dropped the ball!

        Of course, if he HAD taunted your son, the others may STILL believe. I guess he didn't want to chance it!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6479021].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
          Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

          BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! If you can do it, that is the PERFECT thing to say! And he *******HAS******** to continue to taunt your son because, if he doesn't, the others will consider that PROOF that you have something against him! OBVIOUSLY, he dropped the ball!

          Of course, if he HAD taunted your son, the others may STILL believe. I guess he didn't want to chance it!

          Steve, I'm not sure what he told the other boys who were waiting for him in the pack, and frankly, I don't care, lol!

          But I did see him talking to them as I continued down the hall, and their heartless bullying stopped immediately.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6479058].message }}
    • Originally Posted by SteveJohnson View Post

      Why do you care how much people give her? What possible business is it of yours? What business is it of yours what she does with it, constructive (in your opinion) or not?

      I hope she 'constructs' a bigass house and lives out the rest of her life without want of money.

      I don't see anywhere that this lady asked for money, unlike your first sentence whine. Unless I'm totally mistaken, someone else set it up.
      I think Kim is right, on our right to agree to disagree on things, Steve, but you are correct in that she certainly did not ask for or expect this kind of sympathetic outpouring from people - she is as surprised as anyone...and much of what I wrote was sarcastic, (the points about volunteering were not ) but only to point out how crazy this response is. It opens up the huge can of worms where kind, caring, and sympathetic people will be besieged by "boo-hoo" causes that will muddy the waters of genuine concerns. The initial request on the donation site for this was $4000 - they got $400,000...crazy? In a word - yes. Is there a place for compassion, sympathy and kindness in the world? You're damn right there is...but we should also be responsive to where that kindness is best put to use. And hey, a trip for 10 people for 3 days all expenses paid is not a bad deal...if you don't mind waiting in lines at Disneyworld.

      Originally Posted by Lori Kelly View Post

      I'd last about two seconds as a bus driver or a monitor.
      And I wouldn't be the one crying.

      This type of thing happens every day all across the US (and probably other countries as well).

      The problem that I see is the parents.

      Parents don't parent.

      I volunteered at the school for a reading class. Apparently the kids thought this time would be a free-for-all. Since I was not getting paid and in my opinion, not bound by the rules of not being able to discipline, I let the kids know up front how things were going to work. When they misbehaved I simply used a stern voice and told them to sit down and shut up or they could leave. It worked. And you know, they didn't hate me or show resentment. It was the opposite. They liked me. And showed me respect.

      My son gets bullied on a regular basis.

      One of the kids brought a knife on the bus and threatened my kid. My kid didn't want to tell me about it because he knows I do things a lot different than most parents.

      The next day after the knife incident, I stood at the bus stop and asked if I could ride. Nope. Against the rules. Too bad. I was looking forward to that bus ride.

      I met with the principal and discussed what action was going to be taken.
      The kid who brought the knife got a two week vacation from school.

      When the trouble-making kid returned to school, he was pissed off at my kid and my kid's friends. Mr. Trouble Maker threatened to bring a gun and blow off heads. That's nice. Elementary school and gun threats. If the parents cared, I would have met with them (I already met them and knew it would be a waste of time), but as is the common problem, the parents couldn't care less.

      So off we go again the school to meet with the principal.

      And another vacation for the kid.

      If my kid was one of the bullies, I'd parent. I'm not a perfect parent and I'm not sure I'm doing this "right" but I'm doing the best I can. The first thing that would happen is a loss of all "privileges". No tv, computer, phone, etc. A good ol' grounding/restriction. For a really long time.

      Next would be a trip to juvy where I'd pre-arrange a nice little tour and an overnight visit.

      But you see I don't believe it would down to that for our family because my kid knows that there are consequences for inappropriate behavior.

      There's also teaching that you show compassion to others - the golden rule.

      And the deal about a kid being able to bring up charges against parents for using punishment. That's BS for starters and if my kid brought charges against us, that would be fine. He could spend his life in the system - the same system that gave him the opportunity to press charges against his parents.

      [Sorry for the rant. I just meant this to be a short post but my fingers kept moving.]
      I am with you on that first sentence Lori - I was under the impression a bus monitor is there to keep the first sign of this kind of taunting from the kids, I would have asked the bus driver to pull over, and started kicking ass and taking was stated by many, and the victim, individually they might be somewhat 'good' kids...but in a pack mentality things can get out of hand real fast - as the lady said..."I know where they live".
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6477311].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
        Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

        I think Kim is right, on our right to agree to disagree on things, Steve, but you are correct in that she certainly did not ask for or expect this kind of sympathetic outpouring from people - she is as surprised as anyone...and much of what I wrote was sarcastic, (the points about volunteering was not) but only to point out how crazy this response is. It opens up the huge can of worms where kind, caring, and sympathetic people will be besieged by "boo-hoo" causes that will muddy the waters of genuine concerns. The initial request on the donation site for this was $4000 - they got $400,000...crazy? In a word - yes. Is there a place for compassion, sympathy and kindness in the world? You're damn right there is...but we should also be responsive to where that kindness is best put to use. And hey, a trip for 10 people for 3 days all expenses paid is not a bad deal...if you don't mind waiting in lines at Disneyworld.
        I *do* get it. This is all out of balance. Yeah, I'm a little envious, too.

        But my point was (which I didn't make very well, wish I was a better wordsmith) that while we all have opinions on what she should or shouldn't do with all that money, in the end it doesn't concern us.

        There are people here on the forum who could use a good chunk of it, and there are people in need everywhere. I'm not blind to that, nor unsympathetic. Hell, I've been in situations where it would have been nice to have been the recipient of a fraction of what this lady is getting.

        But in the end, it's none of my business what she does with it.

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        • Originally Posted by SteveJohnson View Post

          I *do* get it. This is all out of balance. Yeah, I'm a little envious, too.

          But my point was (which I didn't make very well, wish I was a better wordsmith) that while we all have opinions on what she should or shouldn't do with all that money, in the end it doesn't concern us.

          There are people here on the forum who could use a good chunk of it, and there are people in need everywhere. I'm not blind to that, nor unsympathetic. Hell, I've been in situations where it would have been nice to have been the recipient of a fraction of what this lady is getting.

          But in the end, it's none of my business what she does with it.
          Points well taken - all points true

          (But I still think people should send me money...after all, that bully did make fun of my curly hair :p...and it's time I got my hair back :rolleyes: )
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6477596].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by Lori Kelly View Post

      I'd last about two seconds as a bus driver or a monitor.
      And I wouldn't be the one crying.
      I have ALREADY spoken here about MY experiences like that. I MIGHT do it for my best friend, and would for my own child, but NEVER AGAIN for a group or someone elses.

      This type of thing happens every day all across the US (and probably other countries as well).

      The problem that I see is the parents.

      Parents don't parent.
      Todays laws don't ALLOW parenting! HECK, that father that used the laptop, that he gave his daughter, for TARGET practice got a lot of guff for it! He was just carrying through on a threat. Maybe NEXT time she will see he is SERIOUS!.

      I volunteered at the school for a reading class. Apparently the kids thought this time would be a free-for-all. Since I was not getting paid and in my opinion, not bound by the rules of not being able to discipline, I let the kids know up front how things were going to work. When they misbehaved I simply used a stern voice and told them to sit down and shut up or they could leave. It worked. And you know, they didn't hate me or show resentment. It was the opposite. They liked me. And showed me respect.
      You were lucky! But one reason they treat some so bad is because they know they are 100% SAFE! YOU broke the mold, and caused them to rethink that equation. A GOOD kid, or one at the final chance, would likely do what they did with you. OTHERS mighjt act WORSE!

      My son gets bullied on a regular basis.

      One of the kids brought a knife on the bus and threatened my kid. My kid didn't want to tell me about it because he knows I do things a lot different than most parents.

      The next day after the knife incident, I stood at the bus stop and asked if I could ride. Nope. Against the rules. Too bad. I was looking forward to that bus ride.
      WOW! Bullies have a culture PREPARED for such things! The threat is that, if parents are brought in, they will turn up the heat and even ridicule the kid, ESPECIALLY if it happens to be male. They can do this because THE SCHOOL DOESN'T CARE!

      I met with the principal and discussed what action was going to be taken.
      The kid who brought the knife got a two week vacation from school.
      He might have LIKED that!

      When the trouble-making kid returned to school, he was pissed off at my kid and my kid's friends. Mr. Trouble Maker threatened to bring a gun and blow off heads. That's nice. Elementary school and gun threats. If the parents cared, I would have met with them (I already met them and knew it would be a waste of time), but as is the common problem, the parents couldn't care less.
      YEP, that is part of the fall back.

      So off we go again the school to meet with the principal.

      And another vacation for the kid.

      If my kid was one of the bullies, I'd parent. I'm not a perfect parent and I'm not sure I'm doing this "right" but I'm doing the best I can. The first thing that would happen is a loss of all "privileges". No tv, computer, phone, etc. A good ol' grounding/restriction. For a really long time.

      Next would be a trip to juvy where I'd pre-arrange a nice little tour and an overnight visit.

      But you see I don't believe it would down to that for our family because my kid knows that there are consequences for inappropriate behavior.

      There's also teaching that you show compassion to others - the golden rule.
      You sound like a good parent. A ****LOT**** of people have probably NEVER heard of the golden rule! It is also a part of the judeo christian faith. I once went with a friend to a synagogue and a woman obviously upset the rabi when she INTENTIONALLY modified it. Heck, the parable of the good amaritan even spoke against such changes.

      And the deal about a kid being able to bring up charges against parents for using punishment. That's BS for starters and if my kid brought charges against us, that would be fine. He could spend his life in the system - the same system that gave him the opportunity to press charges against his parents.
      Yeah, but usually OTHERS bring the charges. 8-(

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478997].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mojojuju
    For young people, the moral of the story here is that if they want to make a difference in the life of a poor senior citizen, they should simply taunt her on a bus and post a video of it on the internet. As a result of this, she will receive a large sum of money. This is how you help people, kids. Go and call grandma a fatass - she deserves the money more than anybody else!


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6477147].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lori Kelly
    Oh Terra, that must have been a really difficult time for your son.

    I admire your parenting style. Good for you pulling that kid aside and reminding him of that incident. And it's cool that they respect you and think you're a cool mom. You stood up for your kid.

    Everyone or least the majority of people (kids included) want to be accepted. When normal things don't work, it seems they turn to the bully behavior to get the admiration they are looking for.

    I think it was Jonathan 2.0 who said "kids are our future." The scary part is that the kids are their future. We'll be gone. I can't imagine what kind of a society they will be living in.
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    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      Originally Posted by Lori Kelly View Post

      Oh Terra, that must have been a really difficult time for your son.

      I admire your parenting style. Good for you pulling that kid aside and reminding him of that incident. And it's cool that they respect you and think you're a cool mom. You stood up for your kid.

      Everyone or least the majority of people (kids included) want to be accepted. When normal things don't work, it seems they turn to the bully behavior to get the admiration they are looking for.

      I think it was Jonathan 2.0 who said "kids are our future." The scary part is that the kids are their future. We'll be gone. I can't imagine what kind of a society they will be living in.
      Thanks Lori.

      It really was hard for him, especially since his older sisters were well liked and athletic, getting accolades all of the time, while his talents were more scholastic and in art.

      While other little boys were talking about baseball and trucks, he was talking about how many species of snakes there were in each state with artwork demonstrations and naming off all the states and their capitols.

      That really is a scarey thought indeed. We think society is horrible now? Just wait til their generation is in control of things!

      I'm kind of glad I'll be gone, lol!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6477463].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    What is happening in this thread? I don't understand what you mean is typical of our society.
    We are having a civil discussion of differences of opinions.
    I see people discussing a matter for the most part amicably.
    Only one person has tried to derail it so far that I have seen.

    As far as SteveJohnson, I see you missed the point entirely of my post.
    They were all counterpoints to your comments to 3M.

    I feel sorry for the elderly woman.
    I lose some of that sympathy when I see her say she is not taking any action against the kids.
    She should never have been in that position on that bus in the first place.
    As I said before,its my opinion at that age she should be monitoring elementary children.
    I have never said what she should or should not do with the money.
    I have said I don't think she deserves what has been donated.
    Call me callous, but I DO know people that need and deserve it and have gone through much much more than she did.
    Of course this is all my opinion and everyone is welcome to disagree, I'm still going to like you and consider most of you friends.

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  • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
    It seems to me that Karen Klein has been taking abuse for a long time and the videos were just a reflection of that. I don't think the money will erase the pain she has endured, but I hope she uses it to enjoy her life rather than suffering more bullying from people trying to lay guilt trips on her.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478016].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author waterotter
    @Kim - Karen Klein is a 23 year veteran. She had a job to perform, maybe she didn't have a choice in her duties. Many jobs are like that, you suck it up or you quit or you get fired. We don't know what her options were.

    We don't know if she has a husband, and if so is he bringing a paycheck home or collecting his social security? Could she afford to quit/retire even if she wanted to?

    Maybe Karen had to work to make ends meet. And kudos to her should she continue to work.

    My best friends' dad died last Monday, in the hospital full of bone cancer. He was 81 years old. Until the week before, when he was admitted to the hospital, he was out collecting scrap metal, still working five-six days a week as his pension didn't provide enough for him to live on. So-much-so that he had to leave his apartment and move in with his nephew just to get by.

    Getting old isn't a bed of roses for many. There are countless seniors who should be sitting at home, enjoying their retirement. The reality is just the opposite though.

    I personally find your statement very callous. You are also comparing apple to oranges.

    I think these kids are in for more than they bargained for:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478179].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    you're entitled.
    You are also comparing apple to oranges.
    I don't know what you are addressing though as it has nothing to do with my post.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478428].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author waterotter
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      you're entitled.
      You are also comparing apple to oranges.
      I don't know what you are addressing though as it has nothing to do with my post.
      It has everything to do with the next post, posted by you. I am most certainly not comparing apples to oranges, never have in this thread.

      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      I feel sorry for the elderly woman.
      I lose some of that sympathy when I see her say she is not taking any action against the kids.
      She should never have been in that position on that bus in the first place.

      As I said before,its my opinion at that age she should be monitoring elementary children.
      I have never said what she should or should not do with the money.
      I have said I don't think she deserves what has been donated.
      Call me callous, but I DO know people that need and deserve it and have gone through much much more than she did.

      Of course this is all my opinion and everyone is welcome to disagree, I'm still going to like you and consider most of you friends.
      Originally Posted by waterotter View Post

      @Kim - Karen Klein is a 23 year veteran. She had a job to perform, maybe she didn't have a choice in her duties. Many jobs are like that, you suck it up or you quit or you get fired. We don't know what her options were.

      We don't know if she has a husband, and if so is he bringing a paycheck home or collecting his social security? Could she afford to quit/retire even if she wanted to?

      Maybe Karen had to work to make ends meet. And kudos to her should she continue to work.

      My best friends' dad died last Monday, in the hospital full of bone cancer. He was 81 years old. Until the week before, when he was admitted to the hospital, he was out collecting scrap metal, still working five-six days a week as his pension didn't provide enough for him to live on. So-much-so that he had to leave his apartment and move in with his nephew just to get by.

      Getting old isn't a bed of roses for many. There are countless seniors who should be sitting at home, enjoying their retirement. The reality is just the opposite though.

      I personally find your statement very callous. You are also comparing apple to oranges.

      I think these kids are in for more than they bargained for: Karen Klein's school bus bullies receive death threats - CBS News
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478547].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mojojuju
    I'm amazed at the amount of donations that have poured in for this woman.

    Last I've checked, it was at $534,616.

    That's great and all. Once she gets that money, it's all hers and the tax man's. Not hatin' on her or anything.

    I just think it's inappropriate.

    Again, not hatin' on Karen for it. Good for her.

    It's just that there's Kirstin, who's trying to raise money on that same site. Kirstin would just like $10,000 to afford expenses related to brain surgery. So far, people have donated $218 of the $10,000 needed.

    Kirstin is a person who needs brain surgery to fix a problem from a previous surgery which is causing her pain.

    There's also a little boy on that site whose family is trying to raise money in his battle against leukemia and they've raised only $150 of their $20,000 goal. Battle against leukemia -- Indiegogo

    Not hatin' on the bus monitor. I just think it's absurd.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478509].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by mojojuju View Post

      I'm amazed at the amount of donations that have poured in for this woman.

      Last I've checked, it was at $534,616.

      That's great and all. Once she gets that money, it's all hers and the tax man's. Not hatin' on her or anything.

      I just think it's inappropriate.

      Again, not hatin' on Karen for it. Good for her.

      It's just that there's Kirstin, who's trying to raise money on that same site. Kirstin would just like $10,000 to afford expenses related to brain surgery. So far, people have donated $218 of the $10,000 needed.

      Kirstin is a person who needs brain surgery to fix a problem from a previous surgery which is causing her pain.

      There's also a little boy on that site whose family is trying to raise money in his battle against leukemia and they've raised only $150 of their $20,000 goal. Battle against leukemia -- Indiegogo

      Not hatin' on the bus monitor. I just think it's absurd.
      It's like I said earlier, I think people donating money to this lady think they have some type of connection with the lady that was bullied.

      No offense to any other cause, but the majority of the US population will never personally deal with leukemia or brain surgery. The majority of people in the entire world have most likely been bullied at some point in their life (again, who hasn't).
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478594].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author KimW
        Originally Posted by yukon View Post

        It's like I said earlier, I think people donating money to this lady think they have some type of connection with the lady that was bullied.

        No offense to any other cause, but the majority of the US population will never personally deal with leukemia or brain surgery. The majority of people in the entire world have most likely been bullied at some point in their life (again, who hasn't).
        No offense Yukon, but brain surgery and leukemia are real life threatening issues.
        Bullying may be a social issue that needs to be dealt with,but it is in no way comparable to the other issues you raised.
        As you yourself said, who hasn't been bullied?

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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478729].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author yukon
          Originally Posted by KimW View Post

          No offense Yukon, but brain surgery and leukemia are real life threatening issues.
          Bullying may be a social issue that needs to be dealt with,but it is in no way comparable to the other issues you raised.
          As you yourself said, who hasn't been bullied?
          I wasn't trying to downgrade any other problems that people have.

          I'm not picking any sides or anything, it is what it is, nobody wants to see anyone suffer, still the majority of people in this world have most likely been bullied & have experienced the problem first hand.

          Chances are low that the majority of people will have to experience a life threatening disease or other major health problem.

          I'm not in any way saying the bullied lady is any better than anyone else, just that more people can personally relate to her problem (being bullied).

          The more that donation $$ grows, the more people want to be a part of it, because now the focus is partially on the money (news, etc...).

          Another thing is the fact that, the lady could just have easily been anyone's own grandmother, nobody in their right mind wants to watch a grandmother be abused by punk kids, it's just wrong.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478934].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    You know Mojo, I'm not either.
    I actually don't hate on 99.999% of any living things.
    I'm just saying the same thing you are basically.
    But people are going to take it the way they want.
    And if I see something I don't feel is right,I'm going to say so.

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  • Profile picture of the author waterotter
    @Yukon - I agree with your post. There are so many organizations out there that people donate to on a daily basis. These organizations represent a large number of people who are in need of their assistance.

    Last I looked, bullying wasn't one of them.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478631].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      Okay, here's a thought piggybacking off what Yukon said.

      Bullying is a sign of the times pointing at the degradation of society. People feel helpless in changing the way society has become. A story comes along where someone is negatively effected by societal degradation such as this case of bullying and now they have found a way to lash out at society's failures, buy donating and helping the victim to overcome them. They're talking with their money, saying -Take that you little ________s! (fill in the blank)

      Whereas, as sad as it is, brain surgery and leukemia aren't viewed as the end results of societal degradation and so those people just aren't as moved by it.

      What do you think?

      It's the only reason I can come up with why so many donated to the poor bullied grandmother and not the poor woman and child needing medical funding assistance.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478721].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author KimW
        Originally Posted by MissTerraK View Post

        Okay, here's a thought piggybacking off what Yukon said.

        Bullying is a sign of the times pointing at the degradation of society. People feel helpless in changing the way society has become. A story comes along where someone is negatively effected by societal degradation such as this case of bullying and now they have found away to lash out at society's failures, buy donating and helping the victim to overcome them. They're talking with their money, saying -Take that you little ________s! (fill in the blank)

        Whereas, as sad as it is, brain surgery and leukemia aren't viewed as the end results of societal degradation and so those people just aren't as moved by it.

        What do you think?

        It's the only reason I can come up with why so many donated to the poor grandmother and not the poor woman and child needing medical funding assistance.

        Dammit Terra,again you posted while I was still many words a minute do you type,anyway?

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        • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
          Originally Posted by KimW View Post

          Dammit Terra,again you posted while I was still many words a minute do you type,anyway?
          Sorry Kim!

          I'm not sure how fast I type as I haven't taken a timed test in eons! :p

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478789].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author madison_avenue
          The kids voices sounded 'well to do', middle-class and articulate. These were well fed and well resourced kids. The lady seemed to look poorer than them, not very well educated. In a way the bullying was worse because they thought they could get away with it, they felt superior, because they were picking on a poor, unassertive woman without the wherewithal or influence to make them pay for their behaviour. There would be no consequences from this weak woman, or so they thought.

          Often poorer people put on weight because they fill up with cheap calories, and can't afford the lean meat, fish and fresh vegetables you need to have a healthy diet.

          I doubt they would have picked on an articulate, assertive woman teacher even if she were fat.

          I have not seen even kids with really deprived backgrounds bully an adult like this, working class parents tend to teach their kids to respect adults.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478805].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author waterotter
            Originally Posted by madison_avenue View Post

            The kids voices sounded 'well to do', middle-class and articulate. These were well fed and well resourced kids. The lady seemed to look poorer than them, not very well educated. In a way the bullying was worse because they thought they could get away with it, they felt superior, because they were picking on a poor, unassertive woman without the wherewithal or influence to make them pay for their behaviour. There would be no consequences from this weak woman, or so they thought.

            Often poorer people put on weight because they fill up with cheap calories, and can't afford the lean meat, fish and fresh vegetables you need to have a healthy diet.

            I doubt they would have picked on an articulate, assertive woman teacher even if she were fat.

            I have not seen even kids with really deprived backgrounds bully an adult like this, working class parents tend to teach their kids to respect adults.
            Are you living in 2012? That sure is a whole lot of generalizing there. :confused:
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478900].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author madison_avenue
              Originally Posted by waterotter View Post

              Are you living in 2012? That sure is a whole lot of generalizing there. :confused:
              Not really generalising, you will find the statistics bear this out working class people tend to be more overweight than middle-class ones. And it's due to the high costs of good quality food like lean meat. Processed foods tend to be cheaper and are also tasty because of the added salt and sugar. If you have a low income they are an obvious choice.

              I don't say all working class people, many are very slim. But in this case of bullying I feel it was a factor , a low income blue collar worker woman who was overweight and seen as easy prey for bullying from a group of middle-class youngsters.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478952].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author KimW
                Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

                No he hasn't. You aren't humble, and you clearly DIDN'T read that post though it is VERBATIM, outside of where he brought in the 50th aniversary of no prayer, and the part where he said you should pray with your children, feed their spirit, etc... Like I said, to keep it free of religion. What he said would have been fine for a jew, chrsitian, catholic, mormon, jehovahs witness, or moslem!

                Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

                Like IK said, NOT humble! ALWAYS a jab! I didn't add or change ANYTHING, outside of replacing phrases with "...". I removed the ONE reference he made, that I guess you referred to. Sorry. Ouch.

                And ***WHY*** would I have a reason to say any such thing were from him when I did it? Think about it.

                Steve, you should know this by now.

                Originally Posted by yukon View Post

                I wasn't trying to downgrade any other problems that people have.

                I'm not picking any sides or anything, it is what it is, nobody wants to see anyone suffer, still the majority of people in this world have most likely been bullied & have experienced the problem first hand.

                Chances are low that the majority of people will have to experience a life threatening disease or other major health problem.

                I'm not in any way saying the bullied lady is any better than anyone else, just that more people can personally relate to her problem (being bullied).

                The more that donation $$ grows, the more people want to be a part of it, because now the focus is partially on the money (news, etc...).

                Another thing is the fact that, the lady could just have easily been anyone's own grandmother, nobody in their right mind wants to watch a grandmother be abused by punk kids, it's just wrong.
                You may very well be right, the social conscience in a group setting does make people want to be a part of something bigger than themselves,and maybe the bullying is the catalyst to make these people feel more self esteem.

                As far as anyone watching an elderly lady being abused like that,again you are right.In my very first post I said I could only watch a couple of minutes.
                I found it disgusting. But I also find it just as bad when she says she doesn't want the kids to have any consequences for their actions,and seems severla think I'm a bad guy. So be it,I can live with it.

                As far as this:
                "Chances are low that the majority of people will have to experience a life threatening disease or other major health problem."

                They are statistically higher than you probably realize. I know nothing about your heritage but I do know what groups are more likely to get renal disease than others,and I can tell you what other diseases it can cause you to have.

                Originally Posted by madison_avenue View Post

                Not really generalising, you will find the statistics bear this out working class people tend to be more overweight than middle-class ones. And it's due to the high costs of good quality food like lean meat. Processed foods tend to be cheaper and are also tasty because of the added salt and sugar. If you have a low income they are an obvious choice.

                I don't say all working class people, many are very slim. But in this case of bullying I feel it was a factor , a low income blue collar worker woman who was overweight and seen as easy prey for bullying from a group of middle-class youngsters.
                There is some generalization but I agree with you. And a large group of your statements are borne out by reports.

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              • Profile picture of the author Kay King
                Kim is the last person here I would refer to as "callous" - he's not that at all.

                My own comments about "typical" referred to what I see happening in the media and in this thread in a way - the news changes from "poor woman" to "does she deserve this" - and the question doesn't apply.

                I agree the money raised is almost obscene at this point - over half a million dollars. But it's not money she asked for - no one here has any idea how she will spend it.

                It's an outpouring of money that shows clearly how many people identify with the juvenile problem shown in the film. It's like "thanks" on the forum given to say "I agree with you"...but it's coming from the entire online community.

                It's not a class warfare issue nor can it be generalized by how the middle class behave and the poor behave. That doesn't apply either.

                It's human to look at such a sum of money and think "it would be better spent here or there" or to think "others need it more than she does" - but it's not our call. It's not our money to give or take and not our place to decide how she should spend it or whether she needs it.

                I think it's heartwarming that so many people wanted to express their outrage by donating. It's good to know people don't think this behavior is acceptable. I expect in many families there will be discussions with kids about this type of behavior and that's a good thing.
                Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
                One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
                what it is instead of what you think it should be.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6479039].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    I know exactly what I wrote and nothing you are posting has anything to do with it Jody.

    She is a 23 year veteran of what? Her job or military? I don't have a clue what you are talking about.

    Again, there is nothing in your post that addresses what I wrote.But I will address your statements even though they are not about my post:

    @Kim - Karen Klein is a 23 year veteran.
    Already addressed that above.

    "She had a job to perform, maybe she didn't have a choice in her duties. Many jobs are like that, you suck it up or you quit or you get fired. We don't know what her options were."

    I didn't say she shouldn't HAVE a job or IF she had a choice. I didn't say SHE chose it, I said she had no business in that position and that's a stone cold fact.If someone else put her there,that's their bad. Not Hers,not mine, but it is the truth as I see it.

    "We don't know if she has a husband, and if so is he bringing a paycheck home or collecting his social security? ?"

    What does having a husband have to do with it? I never mentioned a husband. But again,I never said she should or needed to quit. But,your putting things that had nothing to do with any post I have made in this thread.

    "Could she afford to quit/retire even if she wanted to?"

    That's has been discussed in several articles.The answer is easy to find.

    "My best friends' dad died last Monday, in the hospital full of bone cancer. He was 81 years old. Until the week before, when he was admitted to the hospital, he was out collecting scrap metal, still working five-six days a week as his pension didn't provide enough for him to live on. So-much-so that he had to leave his apartment and move in with his nephew just to get by."

    I'm sorry your best friends dad died. The fact is that most peoples pension doesn't cover enough to live on. My disability check doesn't cover enough to live on.
    My mother,who is 88 doesn't have enough to live on. And she probably won't be around much longer either. As a matter of fact, my older brother has been depleting his pension to keep my mothers bills paid. Nobody is alone in this situation.

    "Getting old isn't a bed of roses for many. There are countless seniors who should be sitting at home, enjoying their retirement. The reality is just the opposite though."

    Preaching to the choir, though again, my post had nothing on this subject except saying she was placed in a position,whether by choice or not,she should never have been in. earlier in the thread I said the same thing and gave reasons.

    "I personally find your statement very callous. You are also comparing apple to oranges."

    As I said before, you are entitled. But you are the one comparing apples and oranges.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478669].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author waterotter
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      I know exactly what I wrote and nothing you are posting has anything to do with it Jody.

      She is a 23 year veteran of what? Her job or military? I don't have a clue what you are talking about.

      Again, there is nothing in your post that addresses what I wrote.But I will address your statements even though they are not about my post:

      @Kim - Karen Klein is a 23 year veteran.
      Already addressed that above.

      Yes Kim, if you had read the article accompanying the post you would know it was her job. She started as a bus monitor and was a former bus driver.

      "She had a job to perform, maybe she didn't have a choice in her duties. Many jobs are like that, you suck it up or you quit or you get fired. We don't know what her options were."

      I didn't say she shouldn't HAVE a job or IF she had a choice. I didn't say SHE chose it, I said she had no business in that position and that's a stone cold fact.If someone else put her there,that's their bad. Not Hers,not mine, but it is the truth as I see it.

      As far as I know, it's the employer that dictates your position and duties, not the other way around. So, if Karen was in a position that she had no business being in, I would think it appropriate for her employer to take proper action if needed. They must feel she is suited to the position since she has been an employee for 23 years.

      "We don't know if she has a husband, and if so is he bringing a paycheck home or collecting his social security? ?"

      What does having a husband have to do with it? I never mentioned a husband. But again,I never said she should or needed to quit. But,your putting things that had nothing to do with any post I have made in this thread.

      "Could she afford to quit/retire even if she wanted to?"

      I'm just questioning if she had the means to be able to retire or was she working to supplement a pension. After all, if she is not suited for the job she is in, and no other position is available, she is out of a job period.

      That's has been discussed in several articles.The answer is easy to find.

      Yes, she said she doesn't want to quit.

      "My best friends' dad died last Monday, in the hospital full of bone cancer. He was 81 years old. Until the week before, when he was admitted to the hospital, he was out collecting scrap metal, still working five-six days a week as his pension didn't provide enough for him to live on. So-much-so that he had to leave his apartment and move in with his nephew just to get by."

      I'm sorry your best friends dad died. The fact is that most peoples pension doesn't cover enough to live on. My disability check doesn't cover enough to live on.
      My mother,who is 88 doesn't have enough to live on. And she probably won't be around much longer either. As a matter of fact, my older brother has been depleting his pension to keep my mothers bills paid. Nobody is alone in this situation.

      Thanks for the condolence, Kim.

      Just stating some cold hard facts here. It's not a pretty picture for those who rely on a social security pension. You have obviously witnessed this first hand also.

      "Getting old isn't a bed of roses for many. There are countless seniors who should be sitting at home, enjoying their retirement. The reality is just the opposite though."

      Preaching to the choir, though again, my post had nothing on this subject except saying she was placed in a position,whether by choice or not,she should never have been in. earlier in the thread I said the same thing and gave reasons.

      Not preaching at all, just stating reality in 2012 - back to my earlier post, her employer dictates her responsibilities, not you nor I.

      "I personally find your statement very callous. You are also comparing apple to oranges."

      As I said before, you are entitled. But you are the one comparing apples and oranges.
      Kim, I have been discussing the topic on hand - the bullying of Karen Klein. You have brought your disability into this discussion. Sorry, You are the one doing the comparing.

      We will have to agree to disagree.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6478876].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    I did read the article.
    But here in the states we call Military people veterans,not civil employees.

    Someone thinking they are suited and actually being suited are two different things.

    You're questioning if she had the means? I believe that was in the same article you questioned if I read. But I may be wrong,I may have read it elsewhere. Either way, it is answered numerous places.

    Getting back to your statement, I know employers dictate positions. Never was in dispute and I have said several times in several threads it was there poor decision ,never blamed her, but just as you said, just stating a fact.

    Jody, I too have been discussing the issue and facts. Except for saying I receive a disability check,where have I brought my health issues into this discussion? I have scrolled up and reread numerous posts to see if I did and don't remember but am not finding anywhere. As a matter of fact I have intentionally tried to leave it out as some might have felt it was self serving,so please,show me.

    As far as making the wrong comparisons, Some, like the veteran statement is cultural difference but not all.

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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    The reason the money is pouring in is that people are using dollars to "vote". This type of action has become extremely too prevalent and when children take to terrorizing adults - it's gone hella too far. Yet she kept her chill and acted appropriately to allow herself to keep a job that at her age must be needed, and to keep the discipline to the families, which are owning up to it well, and out of the hands of the government. This woman deserves the "votes" she is getting - because it's not just for her. It's a statement that says we are all just sick to death of this kind of **** and want our parenting rights back and away from the DOE and from Perverted Uncle Sam.

    People are free to use their money any damned way they want to. To say that one donation is inappropriate and another is not is not lucid thinking. You can't tell people they HAVE to give to any particular cause. People, most likely for the reason I just gave, want to fund this woman. So there nothing anyone else has to say about it. It is NOBODY'S place to say that people are acting "inappropriately". Don't like it - tough sh**. I'd dare someone to tell me that I'm donating inappropriately when I chose my charities. While this one might tilt heads a bit - it's the people's choice if they open their purses for her. You don't get to dictate where the dollar from their hand goes.

    There are a LOT of causes and people donate to ALL of them regularly. How many times have you donated to the Cancer Society -- yet they have actually been caught at the game of suppressing real cures.......because once there is a cure that foundation is history and the high paid people at the top are NOT going to let their jobs go away. There's a lot of charities like that. There's no danger to polar bears either according to the scientists that actually monitor them - yet there are charities out there insisting they are dying off and in danger. SO - who's right about giving their money where? Who are any of us to decide what our neighbors do with their money? Is this a dictatorship with thousands of self-proclaimed dictators running around? Maybe THAT is how we lose our freedom. Everyone thinks that everyone else is not living right if they do something they wouldn't do.

    I've been in dire straits before and some donations would have been totally awesome and really a relief. Just because I didn't get them doesn't mean I will dis this woman for what she is getting. More power to her. I hope she blows at least $50K on just fun, treats for her and her hubby -- just because. Likewise - it doesn't matter if the reason people throw their money at her is because "f*** you is why". It's hers now to do with as she pleases so everyone needs to get over it.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6479026].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author seasoned

    I know about the jabs. I react when I probably shouldn't. GEEZ! I guess he feels that I HATE GB(though that is illogical and not true, and he clearly feels I LOVE him), and GB is on this forum(I DOUBT it, and I certainly don't even think he is), and that I was trying to get him in trouble. Again, illogical. Then again, he is likely trying to accuse me of such subterfuge to make me appear even WORSE. I think I have a winner THERE!

    Oh well, I removed that reference. It DOES reference progress, but those, that are for those laws, HAVE openly declared it progress.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6479073].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    Thanks come and go,but good friends are forever.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6479165].message }}
    • High school students develop app to fight bullying -

      Students at a Connecticut high school developed an app they hope will curb bullying, CNN affiliate WTIC reported. Users can use the app to report bullying they've experienced, even as a witness. The information is anonymous, but goes to administrators, who can look for common threads and patterns in what's reported. The app was designed by students at Metropolitan Business Academy in New Haven, Connecticut, who said they saw it as a way for kids to help other kids.

      High school students develop app to fight bullying – Schools of Thought - Blogs
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6480002].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author waterotter
    @Kim, my apologies Kim. I misread this statement, and took to mean you need it and have gone through........:

    I have said I don't think she deserves what has been donated.
    Call me callous, but I DO know people that need and deserve it and have gone through much much more than she did.
    @Kay, I didn't refer to Kim as callous, I said:

    I personally find your statement very callous. You are also comparing apple to oranges.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6479197].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    I understand Jody and no harm done.
    I didn't mean that for myself. As I said,I intentionally tried to keep my own issues out of the discussion because I could see some thinking it was self serving.
    As far as myself goes, I have always been grateful for the help and support those here have given me over the years.
    And I have and still will try to pay it forward.
    I am not going to make this thread about me or my issues.
    We can all think and have the beliefs we want,and though I ussually say that's what makes America great, I'll add Canada to that!

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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned

    THANKS. Yeah, I have heard some REALLY weird things out there. Jekyll island, for example, sounds like a ridiculous myth, but is proven fact. So is area 51. The black bird... The eximer laser... HECK, one time COMPUTERS seemed like myths. And YEAH, GB and AJ have said some WEIRD things that have panned out.

    NOW, some say that some leaders are reptilian humanoids from outer space. Is THAT real? Probably not. Does it matter? I mean if some people with alien ideas are here to destroy us because of war, or to get something, isn't that ENOUGH to be concerned about? So maybe a person is only 50% correct. If that 50% is material, that is ENOUGH reason to listen.

    BTW about the tin hats. The idea was to keep people out of our brains to keep secrets secret, and keep our identities. Was THAT true? I doubt it. There WAS a rumor about people with rays that could disrupt peoples thinking and attitudes. THAT is possible. STILL, the FACT is that they now have chips that hold keys to our identities and finances that can be read from several feet away. HOW far? WHO KNOWS? They were originally only supposed to work up to a foot, but can easily work several. The chips are in credit cards, debit cards, various ID cards, and passports, and SOME have had them put in their bodies! They are also in CARS in several ways. Apparently phones and computers now have similar things. The solution? A FOIL COVER! AGAIN, does it matter if the reason is slightly different?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6480186].message }}
  • Don’t Take That Money, Bullied Bus Lady
    - Adrian Chen
    When Anderson Cooper asked Karen Klein, the now famous bullied bus monitor, if she ever expected the outpouring of support that has so far raised over half a million dollars for her, she responded: "No, never. I mean I don't feel like I've done anything, you know." The fact that Klein didn't do anything to deserve it is just one of many reasons why she should decline the money raised in her name.

    A fundraiser on the crowd-sourcing site IndieGogo has currently raised $567,068 for Karen Klein, the Upstate New York bus monitor who was filmed being brutally harassed by a bunch of ****head kids. Now the windfall is overshadowing the harrowing video that sparked it. The story of the bus monitor has turned from heartrending tragedy to uplifting miracle, thanks to the internet. Everyone wins, right?

    Continued: Don't Take That Money, Bullied Bus Lady
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6480435].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      I think it's a wonderful example of the power of The Internet.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6480454].message }}
      • Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

        I think it's a wonderful example of the power of The Internet.
        Well I can certainly agree with that - the majority of us here are involved in this type of activity every day, and could only dream of this type of viral response to a campaign...I may be one of the very few here, who have not generated a simple viral 500,000 dollar campaign in under a week! :rolleyes:

        I'm very jealous...I think you should all share with me :p
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6480593].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
          Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

          I'm very jealous...I think you should all share with me
          Lol. Be cool. Cool stuff spreads like wild fire.
          "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6480598].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author catcat
    Although I can see many good points being raised here, I think that if I had to undergo kidney dialysis for many years and had to see friends losing a battle or barely holding onto straws, some due to lack of money, that I may be seeing things in a different way.

    Just sayin'.

    It would be hard for me to witness this amount of money going to a healthy woman that could most likely sustain herself into retirement while I was witnessing people losing their lives due to lack of coin.

    I do not see that because I haven't experienced it. I think if I did though, I'd probably be kind of upset, even knowing that she has the right to this money and that people have the right to give it to her.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6480650].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
      Originally Posted by catcat View Post

      Although I can see many good points being raised here, I think that if I had to undergo kidney dialysis for many years and had to see friends losing a battle or barely holding onto straws, some due to lack of money, that I may be seeing things in a different way.<snip>
      I'm more annoyed by the money squandered on parades, security, and pomp for the inbred Family's royal visits.

      Project HERE.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6480665].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      The article makes Chen seem like an idiot to me.

      But in taking the money she's inviting an obnoxious level of scrutiny for the rest of what will surely be a very dull life.
      Psycho babble from someone unqualified to be babbling. The author has no idea what the woman's life is like and no basis to assume her life is "dull". Who donated - or why they did it - is equally none of Chen's business.

      Discussing an event like this can be entertaining - presuming to tell one of the people involved what they "should" do is my definition of "obnoxious".

      That's the kind of idiocy I'd been hoping not to see.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6480679].message }}
      • Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        The article makes Chen seem like an idiot to me.
        Quote: But in taking the money she's inviting an obnoxious level of scrutiny for the rest of what will surely be a very dull life.
        Psycho babble from someone unqualified to be babbling. The author has no idea what the woman's life is like and no basis to assume her life is "dull". Who donated - or why they did it - is equally none of Chen's business.

        Discussing an event like this can be entertaining - presuming to tell one of the people involved what they "should" do is my definition of "obnoxious".

        That's the kind of idiocy I'd been hoping not to see.
        That also seemed to me, to be a particularly acerbic line as was unnecessarily judgemental...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6480693].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    No Tim, that's not my "evidence" that's called an example.
    I give 1 example,you give 3,and that makes your argument the stronger one?
    Where is your evidence that they are no worse?
    I'll bet you can't provide any.
    But I also bet if you pull the government statistics from one of the years of your examples and compare them to any within the last 5 years,or even match year by year,say pull 1974 and match it with 2004, I'm pretty sure that the records will indicate what I said was more in touch with reality than what you said.
    Crime like you gave as examples were not common place like crimes by kids these days are. You want more examples? We have had kids killing over tennis shoes, we have elementary,middle,and high school kids sneaking weapons into the school with intent to harm,and sadly way too many have succeeded.
    I really don't need to go on.
    All you have to do is open your eyes to see what I am saying.
    So what are we talking about? Oh yeah,kids that bullied an elderly woman.
    Which if it happened when I was growing ,well it wouldn't have happened.The jocks on the bus would not have let it

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6481664].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TimPhelan
      Kim, you said my post was "absolutely incorrect" but you don't have any of those statistics you are asking me to come up with. It's your opinion against mine basically. I think today's media, including social media, takes something like this and exposes it to millions. If it wasn't for that video camera and youtube we wouldn't be talking about this. I'm also pretty sure, can't prove it though, that in the past young kids have bullied senior citizens.

      By the way, I wasn't "berating" you as Steve suggested. Just presenting a different opinion. Perhaps I should have put a smiley face after the sentence about evidence so my intent of the post
      was better understood. :/ <<<< "disappointed I didn't use a smiley smiley"

      By the way, I would think examples are forms of evidence.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6482653].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author HeySal
        Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

        Kim, you said my post was "absolutely incorrect" but you don't have any of those statistics you are asking me to come up with. It's your opinion against mine basically. I think today's media, including social media, takes something like this and exposes it to millions. If it wasn't for that video camera and youtube we wouldn't be talking about this. I'm also pretty sure, can't prove it though, that in the past young kids have bullied senior citizens.

        By the way, I wasn't "berating" you as Steve suggested. Just presenting a different opinion. Perhaps I should have put a smiley face after the sentence about evidence so my intent of the post
        was better understood. :/ <<<< "disappointed I didn't use a smiley smiley"

        By the way, I would think examples are forms of evidence.
        Well of course you need your smilies. It's just ashame that we have a limited edition. How can we tell when people are idiots or just fooling around without the smilies? I'd like one that moons people.

        When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6490557].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author yukon
          Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

          Well of course you need your smilies. It's just ashame that we have a limited edition. How can we tell when people are idiots or just fooling around without the smilies? I'd like one that moons people.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6490671].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author KimW
          Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

          Well of course you need your smilies. It's just ashame that we have a limited edition. How can we tell when people are idiots or just fooling around without the smilies? I'd like one that moons people.
          PM me and I will give you a link to one of my forums that has more smileys than you can moon in a life time ( no,its not the onther one you joined before).

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          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6491808].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      Which if it happened when I was growing ,well it wouldn't have happened.The jocks on the bus would not have let it
      Not sure about that...I was one of those "jocks" and I'm pretty sure I would have been busy taking Seasoned's lunch money.
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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6524980].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

        Not sure about that...I was one of those "jocks" and I'm pretty sure I would have been busy taking Seasoned's lunch money.
        WPW. I don't even recall which of us is older. Still, I didn't take lunch money to school. If I had, I wouldn't let anyone else know. Sorry!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6527791].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author pronto
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6482695].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      it is no cool to be fat
      Not cool to be stupid, either, but clearly it happens.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6482703].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      Originally Posted by pronto View Post

      it is no cool to be fat
      It's not cool to post drive by one liners that are pointless and really aren't pertinent to the threads they're posted in, but uncool people seem to still do it. :rolleyes:

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6482715].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author KimW
        First,Steve,even though I didn't quote you,I did know that.

        Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

        Kim, you said my post was "absolutely incorrect" but you don't have any of those statistics you are asking me to come up with. It's your opinion against mine basically. I think today's media, including social media, takes something like this and exposes it to millions. If it wasn't for that video camera and youtube we wouldn't be talking about this. I'm also pretty sure, can't prove it though, that in the past young kids have bullied senior citizens.

        By the way, I wasn't "berating" you as Steve suggested. Just presenting a different opinion. Perhaps I should have put a smiley face after the sentence about evidence so my intent of the post
        was better understood. :/ <<<< "disappointed I didn't use a smiley smiley"

        By the way, I would think examples are forms of evidence.
        Tim you should know by now that I love to make over the top responses!

        Of course,I addressed the camera before,I think it was planned,not an accident,they WANTED it to be posted video sharing sites.
        As far as the statistics,nope,I didn't get any but I didn't say you needed to either,just said I'd be willing to bet they would prove my statementif someone did pull them.
        I wasn't feeling attacked either,we've talked to long sometimes in agreement,sometimes in disagreement to take any of it personally,so no worries.
        And I can agree that examples could be a type of evidence,but 1 by me or even 3 by you would not,I don't think, be considered conclusive evidence.

        Originally Posted by pronto View Post

        it is no cool to be fat
        You can't fix stupid. (besides,he is a spammer that won't be here long.That's my prediction.)

        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        Not cool to be stupid, either, but clearly it happens.
        Dang, I should have saved my stupid line for Kay's post, I really meant to.Heck,I'm gonna use it again.
        Kay,give the poor guy a break,after all you can't fix stupid.

        Originally Posted by MissTerraK View Post

        It's not cool to post drive by one liners that are pointless and really aren't pertinent to the threads they're posted in, but uncool people seem to still do it. :rolleyes:

        He's done that numerous places that I've seen so far,also have reported his account for SPAM.

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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6482790].message }}
  • Did bad kids ALWAYS exist? OF COURSE! HECK, the BIBLE talks about them!
    Umm, yeah...Cain and Abel? You can't get much earlier than apparently kids were bad from the get go...:rolleyes:

    (*is this considered a 'drive-by' snarking? )

    btw: Somebody should do a remake of "The Bad Seed"...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6482852].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    Yeah, I tried VERY hard to lose weight. In a few months, I lost about 40 pounds! I was ON MY WAY. Through an interesting quirk of fate, no fault of my own, I gained every blasted pound back. It is actually harder to lose the weight now. I actually don't eat that much, and eat less than many even recommend.

    Some people have various problems that make them gain weight even QUICKER than I do, and women typically have a HARDER time losing, so it is kind of dumb to push her like that. Kids require a LOT more calories per pound if they do NOTHING, and generally do a lot more physical activity, and their endocrine systems are OPTIMAL. They are all amped up between about 8 and 20 and ESPECIALLY between 11 and 16, so they have NO idea what such problems are like.

    Now MOST people usually wouldn't really think of me as FAT, but a bit over 30% of americans are, according to BMI, at LEAST as bad as I am. ALMOST 30% of british people are.

    MMM as I recall, they DID! Didn't mccauley caulkin star in a remake?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6484307].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TimPhelan
      Why don't you post a photo Steve and we'll all give you an honest answer about that?
      Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

      Now MOST people usually wouldn't really think of me as FAT
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6485398].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

        Why don't you post a photo Steve and we'll all give you an honest answer about that?
        Now why would I really care WHAT you think. I especially don't care about anything YOU say. SEE, the emphasis of the word DOES clarify the meaning! I was going by what people said about me, and widely published statistics. I have called MYSELF fat, and the statistics I used put me in that category.

        The ONLY reason why I mentioned it was because I am saying that I know how she feels, even though I haven't been taunted by it., know the problem, and it is a popular one. Roughly 30% is a minority, but still an awfully big one.

        BTW I also emphasized the word FAT in that post.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6486184].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author TimPhelan
          You are such a bully! I'm simply heartbroken and devastated.
          Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

          Now why would I really care WHAT you think. I especially don't care about anything YOU say.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6490589].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
            Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

            You are such a bully! I'm simply heartbroken and devastated.
            It appears that the dawgpound is too...

            The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.

            Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6490622].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author TimPhelan
              Umm... Huh? Anyone else get this or is it just me who can't decipher this? Steve, are you related to Steve (Seasoned )?
              Originally Posted by SteveJohnson View Post

              It appears that the dawgpound is too...
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6496958].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
                Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

                Umm... Huh? Anyone else get this or is it just me who can't decipher this? Steve, are you related to Steve (Seasoned )?
                Gawd no! LOL

                You linked to a smilie image hosted at - the image address is

                All *I* am seeing is an anti-hotlinking image, not the smilie. That's why I said they weren't happy, or whatever it is I said.

                I can see what the smilie is supposed to be by looking at the page source in Firebug, but even following the actual link causes to serve the anti-hotlinking image

                The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.

                Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6496995].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author TimPhelan
                  Haha. OK, that makes sense. Although I wonder why I see the smiley and you don't. Weird.
                  Originally Posted by SteveJohnson View Post

                  I can see what the smilie is supposed to be, but even following the actual link causes to serve the anti-hotlinking image
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6497010].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
                    Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

                    Haha. OK, that makes sense. Although I wonder why I see the smiley and you don't. Weird.
                    Maybe they wanted to embarass you, and defeat hacking schemes, and the best way to do THAT is to use a cookie or IP address to determine that YOU had seen the correct picture, and return THAT. That way, had this been a whole site, you would have wasted ALL your time only to find, perhaps MONTHS later, that your site had such links on it, and you drove business to THEIR site.

                    But why am I trying to explain this to YOU? You wouldn't understand me anyway.

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6500771].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author TimPhelan
                      Good point Steve. Even I can understand that.

                      Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

                      Maybe they wanted to embarass you, and defeat hacking schemes, and the best way to do THAT is to use a cookie or IP address to determine that YOU had seen the correct picture, and return THAT. That way, had this been a whole site, you would have wasted ALL your time only to find, perhaps MONTHS later, that your site had such links on it, and you drove business to THEIR site.

                      But why am I trying to explain this to YOU? You wouldn't understand me anyway.

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6500818].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
                    Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

                    Haha. OK, that makes sense. Although I wonder why I see the smiley and you don't. Weird.
                    Most likely because you were on their site when you found it and your browser cached it. Nothing more sinister than that.

                    Most anti-hotlinking is done at the server level, but it only works if the image isn't already in your browser cache. Once the cached image expires or you clear the browser cache manually, you'll see what the rest of us see.

                    The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.

                    Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6525135].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author KimW
                  Originally Posted by SteveJohnson View Post

                  Gawd no! LOL

                  You linked to a smilie image hosted at - the image address is

                  All *I* am seeing is an anti-hotlinking image, not the smilie. That's why I said they weren't happy, or whatever it is I said.

                  I can see what the smilie is supposed to be by looking at the page source in Firebug, but even following the actual link causes to serve the anti-hotlinking image
                  Yeah,I figured it was the same thing, And they were berating the OP for "stealing" their bandwidth. But nowadays thats pretty pathetic.

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                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6501907].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author madison_avenue
    If anyone wants to lose weight, and understand the reasons why so many people are overweight. Have a look at the video: Sugar:The Bitter Truth, by Dr Robert Lustig, it's on youtube, he explains the reasons, with science.

    The Paleo diet is one I have been looking at and it looks logical, but I would not stick to it rigidly, Mat Lallonde a biochemist has interesting things to say about it, have look on youtube,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6486014].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by madison_avenue View Post

      If anyone wants to lose weight, and understand the reasons why so many people are overweight. Have a look at the video: Sugar:The Bitter Truth, by Dr Robert Lustig, it's on youtube, he explains the reasons, with science.

      The Paleo diet is one I have been looking at and it looks logical, but I would not stick to it rigidly, Mat Lallonde a biochemist has interesting things to say about it, have look on youtube,
      Yeah, we KNOW! MOST are overweight because of having diets that are relatively high glycemic, or high calorie, and not having enough activity to burn it off. That is ESPECIALLY true if they don't get enough protein. That is far from a mystery, and never really was a mystery. over 40 years ago I heard perhaps the ONLY TV program in my area to discuss nutrition, and that was one thing that ALWAYS came up. Of course, some are predisposed to that, or have illnesses that make things WORSE.

      So what is MY problem? I was in a work environment with a LOT of cigarette smoke, and ended up drinking soda like there was no tomorrow. Eventually, I got hungry for a snack and into the habit of getting things off a truck, and the only thing *I* would touch had empty calories. I LOVED my job so I was there early and stayed late, and my boss was harsh, so I often couldn't leave. I went from someone MOST would call thin, to overweight.

      It seems whenever I am in a situation to lose weight, something goes wrong, etc... So that hurts being able to keep on it. The last time I lost weight, and I lost a LOT fast, by the way, I was on a VERY high protein low fat, low carb, diet.

      BTW in a way, I am actually HAPPY that where I work, every other week, now is SO huge that I have to walk about 4 blocks to get from the parking lot to my seat. There is even an obstacle course, that may be like a block, to get to the nearest snacks. It looks almost like a forest, complete with trees and uneven land, and that is why they have stones unevenly placed at different angles to get to the snack area at the other side. It is probably like 3 blocks to the cafeteria, because it is so large. Still, many of the people there are NOT thin, and most of them look worse than I do, so I have little hope of THAT helping. 8-( At least I should FEEL a bit better.

      Thanks for your concern, but I was just empathsizing with the woman, and explaining why it is ESPECIALLY bad that they taunt her like that. HECK, she could have cushings, or some similar disorder.

      BTW want to have a HINT of how bad I am, and how many are the same way, with REAL facts? I tried going to a store for fat people. It is hard to find ANYTHING my size, and I never did find any pants that small. I go to a regular store, but they APPEAR to often not have my size. My waist is just a few inches larger than their most popular size. I recently spoke to a couple people that stocked those stores, and they said that whenever they come in, they are snapped up QUICKLY!

      So you can see that a LOT of people are heavier than I am, I am a few inches smaller than before the market switches over, and a lot of people are roughly the size I am. Now that woman would have had an easier time finding things at the store for bigger people, ar least if women had the same basic clothing problems.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6486242].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author madison_avenue
        Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

        Yeah, we KNOW! MOST are overweight because of having diets that are relatively high glycemic, or high calorie, and not having enough activity to burn it off. That is ESPECIALLY true if they don't get enough protein. That is far from a mystery, and never really was a mystery. over 40 years ago I heard perhaps the ONLY TV program in my area to discuss nutrition, and that was one thing that ALWAYS came up. Of course, some are predisposed to that, or have illnesses that make things WORSE.

        So what is MY problem? I was in a work environment with a LOT of cigarette smoke, and ended up drinking soda like there was no tomorrow. Eventually, I got hungry for a snack and into the habit of getting things off a truck, and the only thing *I* would touch had empty calories. I LOVED my job so I was there early and stayed late, and my boss was harsh, so I often couldn't leave. I went from someone MOST would call thin, to overweight.

        It seems whenever I am in a situation to lose weight, something goes wrong, etc... So that hurts being able to keep on it. The last time I lost weight, and I lost a LOT fast, by the way, I was on a VERY high protein low fat, low carb, diet.

        BTW in a way, I am actually HAPPY that where I work, every other week, now is SO huge that I have to walk about 4 blocks to get from the parking lot to my seat. There is even an obstacle course, that may be like a block, to get to the nearest snacks. It looks almost like a forest, complete with trees and uneven land, and that is why they have stones unevenly placed at different angles to get to the snack area at the other side. It is probably like 3 blocks to the cafeteria, because it is so large. Still, many of the people there are NOT thin, and most of them look worse than I do, so I have little hope of THAT helping. 8-( At least I should FEEL a bit better.

        Thanks for your concern, but I was just empathsizing with the woman, and explaining why it is ESPECIALLY bad that they taunt her like that. HECK, she could have cushings, or some similar disorder.

        BTW want to have a HINT of how bad I am, and how many are the same way, with REAL facts? I tried going to a store for fat people. It is hard to find ANYTHING my size, and I never did find any pants that small. I go to a regular store, but they APPEAR to often not have my size. My waist is just a few inches larger than their most popular size. I recently spoke to a couple people that stocked those stores, and they said that whenever they come in, they are snapped up QUICKLY!

        So you can see that a LOT of people are heavier than I am, I am a few inches smaller than before the market switches over, and a lot of people are roughly the size I am. Now that woman would have had an easier time finding things at the store for bigger people, ar least if women had the same basic clothing problems.

        Hi Steve,

        It's true a relatively high glycemic food intake gives you high blood sugar causing the body to release insulin. I recently watched the Robert Lustig video, and most shocking was the part about high fructose corn syrup and how it was added to almost all processed foods and soft drinks.

        Lustig also says you don't have to go on a high protein low fat diet to lose weight, fat is not as bad for you as it has been hyped up as. It's better to have more fat in your diet than more carboyhrate or sugar.

        A lot of these soft drinks also have a lot of salt, about 6 teaspoons per serving which makes us more thirsty. He says drink water or milk only.

        I have been eating more of a plaeo diet but not as strict and have lost 12 pounds and now in normal weight. I don't find it easy to keep the weight off, but it seems to be working for now!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6486730].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hydride
    I'm new here, but...dafuq? What do any of these recent replies have to do with the old bus monitor? Forums will be forums...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6490711].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author KimW
      Originally Posted by hydride View Post

      I'm new here, but...dafuq? What do any of these recent replies have to do with the old bus monitor? Forums will be forums...
      This is OFF Topic forum...that should be enough to answer your question.

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  • Profile picture of the author waterotter
    The punishment has been announced. I think it's fair and appropriate.

    The students have been suspended for one year.

    According to the school district the parents of all four boys are on board with this decision.

    Furthermore they are prohibited from riding the school bus for a year.

    Each student will attend an alternative program at the district re-engagement center. From there they need to perform 50 hours of community service with senior citizens.

    The students will also be required to complete a formal bullying prevention program.
    Source: Greece students involved in bullying school bus monitor suspended from school for one year |
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6524660].message }}
    • [quote=waterotter;6524660]The punishment has been announced. I think it's fair and appropriate.
      The punishment has been announced. I think it's fair and appropriate.

      Quote: The students have been suspended for one year.

      According to the school district the parents of all four boys are on board with this decision.

      Furthermore they are prohibited from riding the school bus for a year.

      Each student will attend an alternative program at the district re-engagement center. From there they need to perform 50 hours of community service with senior citizens.

      The students will also be required to complete a formal bullying prevention program.
      Is this the Senior Citizen they're going to get? :p

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6525062].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
      Originally Posted by waterotter View Post

      The punishment has been announced. I think it's fair and appropriate.
      I don't think the anti-bullying program is going to have any impact. Programs like that presuppose that the participants actually care about the feelings of other people...

      I'm surprised that there (so far) haven't been lawsuits filed against the victim by a bottom-feeding attorney asserting that the families of the perps are entitled to a chunk of the money in the sympathy fund, on the grounds that had the perp children acted as they did, the sympathy fund would not exist.

      The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.

      Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6525184].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author KimW
        Originally Posted by SteveJohnson View Post

        I don't think the anti-bullying program is going to have any impact. Programs like that presuppose that the participants actually care about the feelings of other people...

        I'm surprised that there (so far) haven't been lawsuits filed against the victim by a bottom-feeding attorney asserting that the families of the perps are entitled to a chunk of the money in the sympathy fund, on the grounds that had the perp children acted as they did, the sympathy fund would not exist.
        I would think she would have to agree on a lawsuit.And she clearly doesn't.

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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6525811].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
          Originally Posted by KimW View Post

          I would think she would have to agree on a lawsuit.And she clearly doesn't.
          It would be one or more of the families that would bring such a suit, against her. Regardless, that was just my cynicism about human nature rearing its head :rolleyes:

          The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.

          Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6525868].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author KimW
            Originally Posted by SteveJohnson View Post

            It would be one or more of the families that would bring such a suit, against her. Regardless, that was just my cynicism about human nature rearing its head :rolleyes:
            Ah, I misunderstood.
            That part isn't over yet I bet.I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if you are right.

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            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6526529].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    The students have been suspended for one year.
    They probably don't care!

    Furthermore they are prohibited from riding the school bus for a year.
    I hope that is a year when they need it.

    Each student will attend an alternative program at the district re-engagement center.
    I hope they don't like it.

    From there they need to perform 50 hours of community service with senior citizens.
    Now THAT could be punishment!

    The students will also be required to complete a formal bullying prevention program.
    Probably an overpaid bully that will just go through the motions! DON'T expect much!

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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6525149].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author fitnesslover1
    This is really sickening. poor lady. I woulda knocked those kids out and not felt bad about it.

    Visit for nutrition and fitness topics including the safety of tap water consumption, the hormonal response to exercise, and and other health articles.

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  • Profile picture of the author kevinmartinjr
    Woah, that kid deserves a 3 hour whooping
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  • Profile picture of the author Debbie235
    It was really sad to see this. These kids really need to learn some manners. What's even worse is that these kids seem to come from good families. I hope she complains to the school authority or to the parents.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6841998].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Tessa Holmes
      I hope everybody knows what happened later with this woman and kids. There was fundraising done for her by some folk from Canada and she end up getting 700000 check. Money were donated by people who were feeling bad for her after watching this 'bullying' video. She can retire now and go to some good vacation. Boys who were bullying her were suspended for a year from school.
      It is pretty inspiring to see that this women got good payoff for this incident.
      It keeps reminding me about the power of Internet and what can it do.
      It kind of makes me think what can it do for your business as well if it set up right.
      I will try to post a link below to the article. If link would not show up in some reason, just Google it and check for updates of this story.

      NEWSTALK 1010 - IN-DEPTH RADIO :: Bullied Woman Picks Up Cheque - Local News :: Local News Stories
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  • Profile picture of the author Jessie Stevens
    This is exactly the reason why I asked my parents to take me out of school and homeschool me. I finished 2 years early putting me 2 years ahead of my "peers". I couldn't stand the kids any longer. I was almost blown up with a fire cracker and the school did nothing. They told my parents to call the police and make a report. They did and the police told them to complain to the school. I couldn't take the abuse any longer. There were other instances too.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7038283].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author thunderbird - Teen Idol, BREJ, joins forces with Karen Klein Anti-Bullying Foundation to help spread social media
    Karen Klein, the globally recognized bus monitor from upstate New York has now joined forces with 15 year old Universal Music Group recording artist, BREJÉ and his No Bullies™ program (Campaigns | brejemusic) to help spearhead a national anti-bullying campaign to end cyber bullying. The aim is to collectively help develop resolutions for this global epidemic one state, then one country at a time.

    Project HERE.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7041091].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mojojuju
    Does anybody know if these anti-bullying programs actually work? I have my doubts, but would like to know if anybody has some solid research to back up the idea that these anti-bullying programs are effective.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7041710].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
      Originally Posted by mojojuju View Post

      Does anybody know if these anti-bullying programs actually work? I have my doubts, but would like to know if anybody has some solid research to back up the idea that these anti-bullying programs are effective.
      I ran an anti-bullying campaign when I was in school. I would visit the homes of bullies and beat them up. It was a very effective program.

      (That was a joke, sort of. Based on a true story)

      Project HERE.

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