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Let`s go for a walk, but don't follow Dynamo Magician impossible!
this time he takes a walk down one of Los Angela`s is this done I wonder?

  • Profile picture of the author Doran Peck
    Doran Peck
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    Adobe after effects, paid actors, and editing.
    • Profile picture of the author highhopes
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      Originally Posted by Doran Peck View Post

      Adobe after effects, paid actors, and editing.
      Ha ha I like your answer, tis one of a non believer oh doubting one!

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      • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
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        Clearly he is using fine fishing line, or something like that, someone would have a serous problem doing that if his shoes were in some way sticking to the building, and as it seemed at the start something was supporting him from behind.

        I wouldn't buy that for a dollar!

        • Profile picture of the author highhopes
          Profile picture of highhopes
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          Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

          Clearly he is using fine fishing line, or something like that, someone would have a serous problem doing that if his shoes were in some way sticking to the building, and as it seemed at the start something was supporting him from behind.

          I wouldn't buy that for a dollar!

          Strange this levitation...he has appeared in front of that actress

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          • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
            Daniel Evans
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            Originally Posted by highhopes View Post

            Strange this levitation...he has appeared in front of that actress
            dynamo levitation leans back matrix trick. - YouTube
            Lean Shoes. Popularized (but more unkown back then) by Micheal Jackson:

            Patent News Blog: Celebrity Patents: Michael Jackson Anti-Gravity Lean Shoes (US Patent 5,255,452)

            The building walk isn't even slightly believable - even with wires. He's clearly walking on a horizontal plane. The crowd reaction is completely separete footage too with no attempt at all to even merge them together. Even David Blaines footage seen crowd & performer shots with the actors wearing similar clothing to those who were filmed earlier (reacting to something completely different).

            It's really all entrartaining but it shouldn't make anyone think too much about how it's achieved.
            • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
              Daniel Evans
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              On second thoughts I'm thinking he'd probably snap his leg at the chin if he used lean shoes leaning back to that extent on one leg.

              Actors and wires it is then...
            • Profile picture of the author highhopes
              Profile picture of highhopes
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              Originally Posted by Daniel Evans View Post

              Lean Shoes. Popularized (but more unkown back then) by Micheal Jackson:

              Patent News Blog: Celebrity Patents: Michael Jackson Anti-Gravity Lean Shoes (US Patent 5,255,452)

              The building walk isn't even slightly believable - even with wires. He's clearly walking on a horizontal plane. The crowd reaction is completely separete footage too with no attempt at all to even merge them together. Even David Blaines footage seen crowd & performer shots with the actors wearing similar clothing to those who were filmed earlier (reacting to something completely different).

              It's really all entrartaining but it shouldn't make anyone think too much about how it's achieved.

              going on this logic....maybe they laid the buildings flat so he was able to walk normally, then they got the spectators to lie down and so they appear to look up....hmmmm

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              • Profile picture of the author highhopes
                Profile picture of highhopes
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                Dynamo has the ability to levitate....see this guitar clip?


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                • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
                  Alexa Smith
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                  Originally Posted by highhopes View Post

                  Dynamo has the ability to levitate
                  That's one interpretation.

                  Another is that (just like generations of conjurers and illusionists before him who have performed variations of the very same stage tricks), he has the ability to use Adobe after effects, paid actors and editing, and/or their equivalents.

                  Originally Posted by highhopes View Post

                  ...see this guitar clip?
                  I saw it.

                  I learned different things from it from the things you learned, apparently.

                  There were people who believed that Uri Geller bent their keys and cutlery with supernatural powers, until a few dozen professional conjurers showed how they could all do the same things. And after that, there were even a few (very few) people who really were so suggestible that they'd developed deep beliefs in Uri Geller's supernatural powers, and as a result, on some level understood by psychologists, but not altogether by me, they somehow contrived not to believe any of the professional conjurers and others who could duplicate and demonstrate all his tricks without needing or claiming any "supernatural powers".

                  "Go figure!"

                  Our different reactions to that "guitar clip" say something about you and something about me, and not very much about the video itself, really.

         The Believing Brain: From Ghosts The Believing Brain: From Ghosts and...
                  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
                    Daniel Evans
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                    If the same clip was part of a movie no-one would bat an eyelid.

                    The only difference is, this is presented as real with the viewers relating and depending upon the audience to confirm to themselves it has an element of reality to it as part of an empathatic response.

                    In true reality what we witness is only the increasing power of computers.

                    RE: The guitar trick; Dynamo and Ian Brown are good friends so there's a bias right there.

                    Still, it's all good fun nonetheless.
                    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
                      Alexa Smith
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                      Originally Posted by Daniel Evans View Post

                      In true reality what we witness is only the increasing power of computers.

                      Originally Posted by Daniel Evans View Post

                      Still, it's all good fun nonetheless.
                      This is a good and healthy and reasonable way of looking at it.

                      I wish I could manage to look at it that way, myself. I'm afraid I honestly can't.

                      It really disturbs and offends and frightens me too much that there genuinely are some people (albeit perhaps very few) who actually believe this stuff and don't look at it just as entertainment.
                      • Profile picture of the author highhopes
                        Profile picture of highhopes
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                        Originally Posted by Daniel Evans View Post

                        It's more likely he walked on horizontal ground and was superimposed onto the building....

                        We need to be there and witness this marvel of magic ( trick if you like)

                        I saw the other guy David Blaine in his glass box hovering above the River Thames London a few years ago...~i was there on this occasion, but not a really dynamic trick just a trial of endurance over 30 days i think? But the witnesses you need to talk to.

                        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

                        That's one interpretation.

                        Another is that (just like generations of conjurers and illusionists before him who have performed variations of the very same stage tricks), he has the ability to use Adobe after effects, paid actors and editing, and/or their equivalents.

                        I saw it.

                        I learned different things from it from the things you learned, apparently.

                        There were people who believed that Uri Geller bent their keys and cutlery with supernatural powers, until a few dozen professional conjurers showed how they could all do the same things. And after that, there were even a few (very few) people who really were so suggestible that they'd developed deep beliefs in Uri Geller's supernatural powers, and as a result, on some level understood by psychologists, but not altogether by me, they somehow contrived not to believe any of the professional conjurers and others who could duplicate and demonstrate all his tricks without needing or claiming any "supernatural powers".

                        "Go figure!"

                        Our different reactions to that "guitar clip" say something about you and something about me, and not very much about the video itself, really.

               The Believing Brain: From Ghosts and Gods to Politics and Conspiracies---How We Construct Beliefs and Reinforce Them as Truths (9780805091250): Michael Shermer: Books
                        Bah! you load of non believers! you need to focus on the spiritual side of things. (Said with a gentle grin)

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                        • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
                          Daniel Evans
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                          Originally Posted by highhopes View Post

                          We need to be there and witness this marvel of magic ( trick if you like)

                          I saw the other guy David Blaine in his glass box hovering above the River Thames London a few years ago...~i was there on this occasion, but not a really dynamic trick just a trial of endurance over 30 days i think? But the witnesses you need to talk to.
                          As you state yourself though, this isn't the same circumstance. One is based on endurance over 30 days in plain view in a public place televised daily; the other is a 30 second skit which supposedly defies the laws of physics. With that in mind, you'd probably have trouble even sourcing a true witness for the latter as opposed to an actor which they are more likely to be or someone who's simply fooled on location by invisible props.

                          Originally Posted by highhopes View Post

                          Ok talking about knowing someone who has witnessed this, you have to take note when someone you know like my friends uncle was a volunteer for a levitation trick. It was a local show in a small town. He was told to lie over 4 chairs with a plank on top of them. One by one the magician took the chairs away starting from the end, until there was only one chair left supporting his head! His body stayed horizontal. I know the family and the uncle swears there was not any support during the act. Only that he felt fuzzy headed during the process.
                          These folk are solid believable people. As with all these magic tricks you need to be there to witness them or experience them your selves, otherwise it is just a set-up from the point of view of the skeptics.
                          Levitations tricks are common. People walking down 100ft buildings not so much so there's quite a difference in contrast here too.

                          If the participant did truly feel they were levitating with little or no support and possessed the clincher of the "fuzzy head" afterwards it's likely they have been hypnotised pre-performance to believe. This ensues that the participants reactions are genuine and mostly importantly, that the trick isn't revealed. The participant won't recall the reality of the trick nor the hypnotism itself.

                          That's an extreme. Usually a stooge will be employed.

                          Magic tricks aren't as they once were. Most traditional tricks have been revealed by The Masked Magician program and similar. You can usually work out many other tricks by piecing knowedlge together from those programmes. Magic stores stock a whole range of props which you can readily by to replicate those smaller street tricks that once amazed people.

                          Note nowadays however, that magic tricks are taken to the absolute extreme. As mentioned previously, that's no coincidence. It's simple advancement in technology and media and the necessity to go one step further to impress people who have otherwise seen it all before. Those extremes require exteme measures which reflectively demand unethical methods of presentation inclusive of actors, stooges, wires, mirrors, hidden props, CGI and camera trickery.

                          I'm sure you'd agree that if anyone could defy gravity they wouldn't keep their skills and knowledge within the confines of a magic trick.

                          There has to be some tongue in cheek in some of these responses I'm sure, but that's my 2 cents (with a spring loaded flap in them so a cigarette can pass through)....
              • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
                Daniel Evans
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                Originally Posted by highhopes View Post

                going on this logic....maybe they laid the buildings flat so he was able to walk normally, then they got the spectators to lie down and so they appear to look up....hmmmm
                It's more likely he walked on horizontal ground and was superimposed onto the building....
  • Profile picture of the author MoneyMagnetMagnate
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Riffle
    Dan Riffle
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    With that headline I was expecting (hoping for) something completely different.

    Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Profile picture of tagiscom
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      Strange this levitation...he has appeared in front of that actress
      Yep, he is clearly using a leg arch of some kind that probably supports his back as well, funny he didn't move the other leg???

      Like it was bolted down to the pavement in some way! :confused::confused::confused:

      "Still wouldn't buy that for a dollar!"

    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Alexa Smith
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      Originally Posted by Dan Riffle View Post

      With that headline I was expecting (hoping for) something completely different.
      Same here. I was wondering why a ClickBank thread would have been moved to the Off Topic forum.
  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    Profile picture of DWaters
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    The first video has nothing to do with "fishing line". It is all done with a computer and the propwe software to produce that video. It was no all that well done and he was never standing at the top edge of that building.
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    • Profile picture of the author Don Schenk
      Don Schenk
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      Originally Posted by DWaters View Post

      The first video has nothing to do with "fishing line". It is all done with a computer and the propwe software to produce that video. It was no all that well done and he was never standing at the top edge of that building.

      A while back there was a video of a guy "walking on water" as he appeared to cross the Thames.

      Again he was chromakeyed in, and all the people watching were hired actors to "play the part."

      As others have said, it is the same thing here.

      • Profile picture of the author highhopes
        Profile picture of highhopes
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        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        I assure you they're just a set-up whether or not there's a skepchick there to watch them, and whether the skepchick who's there (or not) on any given occasion knows exactly "how it was done" or not. The fact that I've seen 5 different conjurers do that same trick on TV tells me that. I recognise and acknowledge and accept that it doesn't tell you that, but as I said in the first place, all we can learn from that is something about a difference between you and me, not anything about "the laws of gravity".
        You can`t assure anyone Alexa, simply because you imprint your own belief without any proof. ( like i do the opposite) it is a point of view for or against! Like some people don`t believe in the ethereal world, spirits, ghosts, etc. points of view based on having not experienced such events.
        Keep your mind open, there will be a person walking down buildings in a town near you one day!

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        • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
          Alexa Smith
          Profile picture of Alexa Smith
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          Originally Posted by highhopes View Post

          You can`t assure anyone Alexa, simply because you imprint your own belief without any proof.
          Sorry, but when there's a video showing someone walking down the side of a 100-foot building, or someone walking across the River Thames, and ten people tell you that all these things are well known digital/other tricks, you can't dismiss their opinions because they're held "without any proof".

          The law of gravity is on our side.

          No equivalent to that is on your side.

          You are the one who needs "proof". :p

          If you don't have it, you don't have it. Nobody's criticising you for that. You're free to believe whatever you want to believe. But if you start criticising others for not having "proof" that these things are phony, I assure you that I'm not going to be the only one who openly laughs at that. Surely you're intelligent enough to understand that it's only the fact that these tricks are designed and set up so that when they're broadcast, it isn't possible for people to have "proof" in any individual case, that makes them what they are in the first place?

          Any time you decide you're willing to broaden your perceptions of reality, I strongly recommend this: The Believing Brain: From Ghosts The Believing Brain: From Ghosts and...
  • Profile picture of the author highhopes
    Profile picture of highhopes
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    Originally Posted by Daniel Evans View Post

    It's more likely he walked on horizontal ground and was superimposed onto the building....
    Originally Posted by Daniel Evans View Post

    If the same clip was part of a movie no-one would bat an eyelid.

    The only difference is, this is presented as real with the viewers relating and depending upon the audience to confirm to themselves it has an element of reality to it as part of an empathatic response.

    In true reality what we witness is only the increasing power of computers.

    RE: The guitar trick; Dynamo and Ian Brown are good friends so there's a bias right there.

    Still, it's all good fun nonetheless.
    Ok talking about knowing someone who has witnessed this, you have to take note when someone you know like my friends uncle was a volunteer for a levitation trick. It was a local show in a small town. He was told to lie over 4 chairs with a plank on top of them. One by one the magician took the chairs away starting from the end, until there was only one chair left supporting his head! His body stayed horizontal. I know the family and the uncle swears there was not any support during the act. Only that he felt fuzzy headed during the process.
    These folk are solid believable people. As with all these magic tricks you need to be there to witness them or experience them your selves, otherwise it is just a set-up from the point of view of the skeptics.

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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Alexa Smith
      Profile picture of Alexa Smith
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      Originally Posted by highhopes View Post

      As with all these magic tricks you need to be there to witness them or experience them your selves, otherwise it is just a set-up from the point of view of the skeptics.
      I assure you they're just a set-up whether or not there's a skepchick there to watch them, and whether the skepchick who's there (or not) on any given occasion knows exactly "how it was done" or not. The fact that I've seen 5 different conjurers do that same trick on TV tells me that. I recognise and acknowledge and accept that it doesn't tell you that, but as I said in the first place, all we can learn from that is something about a difference between you and me, not anything about "the laws of gravity".
  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Burritt
    Jeff Burritt
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    I work out so my stomach will defy gravity
  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    Profile picture of DWaters
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    the Law of Gravity = Proof

    I though of this earlier today when I was out back walking accross my swimming pool!
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    • Profile picture of the author highhopes
      Profile picture of highhopes
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      Originally Posted by Daniel Evans View Post

      As you state yourself though, this isn't the same circumstance. One is based on endurance over 30 days in plain view in a public place televised daily; the other is a 30 second skit which supposedly defies the laws of physics. With that in mind, you'd probably have trouble even sourcing a true witness for the latter as opposed to an actor which they are more likely to be or someone who's simply fooled on location by invisible props.

      Levitations tricks are common. People walking down 100ft buildings not so much so there's quite a difference in contrast here too.

      If the participant did truly feel they were levitating with little or no support and possessed the clincher of the "fuzzy head" afterwards it's likely they have been hypnotised pre-performance to believe. This ensues that the participants reactions are genuine and mostly importantly, that the trick isn't revealed. The participant won't recall the reality of the trick nor the hypnotism itself.

      That's an extreme. Usually a stooge will be employed.

      Magic tricks aren't as they once were. Most traditional tricks have been revealed by The Masked Magician program and similar. You can usually work out many other tricks by piecing knowedlge together from those programmes. Magic stores stock a whole range of props which you can readily by to replicate those smaller street tricks that once amazed people.

      Note nowadays however, that magic tricks are taken to the absolute extreme. As mentioned previously, that's no coincidence. It's simple advancement in technology and media and the necessity to go one step further to impress people who have otherwise seen it all before. Those extremes require exteme measures which reflectively demand unethical methods of presentation inclusive of actors, stooges, wires, mirrors, hidden props, CGI and camera trickery.

      I'm sure you'd agree that if anyone could defy gravity they wouldn't keep their skills and knowledge within the confines of a magic trick.

      There has to be some tongue in cheek in some of these responses I'm sure, but that's my 2 cents (with a spring loaded flap in them so a cigarette can pass through)....
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      Sorry, but when there's a video showing someone walking down the side of a 100-foot building, or someone walking across the River Thames, and ten people tell you that all these things are well known digital/other tricks, you can't dismiss their opinions because they're held "without any proof".

      The law of gravity is on our side.

      No equivalent to that is on your side.

      You are the one who needs "proof". :p

      If you don't have it, you don't have it. Nobody's criticising you for that. You're free to believe whatever you want to believe. But if you start criticising others for not having "proof" that these things are phony, I assure you that I'm not going to be the only one who openly laughs at that. Surely you're intelligent enough to understand that it's only the fact that these tricks are designed and set up so that when they're broadcast, it isn't possible for people to have "proof" in any individual case, that makes them what they are in the first place?

      Any time you decide you're willing to broaden your perceptions of reality, I strongly recommend this: The Believing Brain: From Ghosts and Gods to Politics and Conspiracies---How We Construct Beliefs and Reinforce Them as Truths (9780805091250): Michael Shermer: Books
      Sorry your answers are not good enough.....not so long ago they thought the visible universe , planets, stars were all there was to solid matter, now they know that these things are just a small percentage of the matter representing our universe....but they cannot prove this in the real sense, only detect that there is something out there invisible dark matter, because this agrees with their latest equations.

      well my friends there are powers that be we do not are not ready to accept this, nor will you ever be, because your minds are closed off to the real reality of the nature of things.

      One day you may see the light brothers and sisters!

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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
        Daniel Evans
        Profile picture of Daniel Evans
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        Originally Posted by highhopes View Post

        Sorry your answers are not good enough.....not so long ago they thought the visible universe , planets, stars were all there was to solid matter, now they know that these things are just a small percentage of the matter representing our universe....but they cannot prove this in the real sense, only detect that there is something out there invisible dark matter, because this agrees with their latest equations.
        What "detection" or equations tell us that the performance televised on a magic show might indeed be the first proof of a person defying gravity? Those factors would define your onus and validate your analogy.

        well my friends there are powers that be we do not are not ready to accept this, nor will you ever be, because your minds are closed off to the real reality of the nature of things.

        One day you may see the light brothers and sisters!
        Isn't the claim that people are closed minded, without knowing enough about them, closed minded within itself?

        What is the "real reality" that we are accused to be oblivious to that can be demonstrated conclusively to prove us otherwise?

        If this "reality" were so apparent, then wouldn't the issue of gravity be less of a conundrum to scientists and a segue for you to readily provide clear reasonings?

        At it's current standing, the discussion doesn't suggest anyone to be "seeing a light" above that of posessing mere imagination...
  • Profile picture of the author michaelh73
    Profile picture of michaelh73
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    Has to be wires, and some form of editing to the video
    • Profile picture of the author highhopes
      Profile picture of highhopes
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      Originally Posted by michaelh73 View Post

      Has to be wires, and some form of editing to the video
      I can understand that people think reality is the physical world in the sense science dominates all reasoning....that`s fair enough, some of us in the face of science are a bit nutty, Dan LOL.

      Having first hand experience in the ethereal world my belief spectrum has gone up a few notches in to another mode.
      Invisible forces exist, some we know of with scientific proof, electricity, wind, etc. Others we know nothing about, only the effects.

      Today's science knows only one way to achieve real levitation which does not require energy input and the levitation can last forever. It makes use of diamagnetism, an intrinsic property of many materials relating to their ability to expel a portion, even if for a minute, of an external magnetic field. Electrons in such materials rearrange their orbits slightly so that they expel the external field. As a result, diamagnetic materials repel and are repelled by strong magnetic fields. Is this the true answer to levitation, or just the possibility and belief of those who don't believe?

      I don`t know Dan. It really is a simple yes or no belief or non belief in the existence of invisible powers that can be tapped into by some humans.

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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
        Daniel Evans
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        Granted, science isn't the be all and end all. Current science can be incorrect. Science might not apply to other dimensions that may exist. Like you, I've experienced many things (and I don't say that lightly) which aren't considered "normal" within the boundaries of our supposed science.

        My findings however can't be argued or posed in discussion with a firm standing since the onus is for me to assign proof to my claim which, in most cases, I can't do either for the fact that there's simply no proof or the explanation can't be articulated within a language which, like "science", is also a restrictant.

        The only suggestion I was putting forward was that if any finding of that nature were to come about, the likelyhood of a young lad on a magic show being the person to do it is slim to nil for more reasons that one.

        We know levitation can be achieved by simple opposing magnets. A person levitating however is another matter entirely. To have an open mind is one of the healthiest qualities a person can have but there needs to be an element of logic present within the context of being open minded as contradictive as that may sound. Intuition can be sharpened to see beyond plastic fallacies to findings more valuable.

        To misquote Terence McKenna: "If you cast out your nets, make sure you bring back some fish".
        • Profile picture of the author highhopes
          Profile picture of highhopes
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          (Quote) The only suggestion I was putting forward was that if any finding of that nature were to come about, the likelyhood of a young lad on a magic show being the person to do it is slim to nil for more reasons that one.(unquote)

          From the outside and in our western way of thinking this is perhaps expected from people. It is a trick, the audience are paid actors, etc. But in the East and places like Africa, this is not uncommon and accepted within the community. They have a higher spiritual plain perhaps, their minds are not polluted by materialism, business and all things that diminish spirituality itself.
          I know you are more scientific in your way of thinking Dan, fair enough.
          But examples abound from all over the world of this mysterious phenomena, this one from Africa. Note the film crew and reporters. why would this shaman use trickery? He is not paid to do tricks, he is a bridge between the spirits and the tribe he represents.

          African shaman performing levitation, page 1

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  • Profile picture of the author AntonA
    Profile picture of AntonA
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    Yeah they be paid actors, if you ever watch full compiled videos, say a good 4 years of there work all in one video, you will recognize the same people helping him with the tricks as years before lol

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