Establishing The Internet Police as IMers?

by 18 replies
I love my vocation but hate the industry I work in! Everyday (no exaggeration) I come across dodgy dealers online. One of the niches I am in is prone to unscrupulous acts and as I do my research I come across more and more deception. I seriously go to sleep at night and just before I close my eyes, often I will say "Lord, why am I in such an unscrupulous industry?".

It bugs me and I see this behaviour not only in this niche but in many others as well. And by the way this is more in the MMO niche and affiliate marketing industry as a whole.

Managing this chaos is almost impossible... I get that! But what about an independant body that exists solely to uncover fraudulent acts online and bring them to book.

Is this possible... is it far fetched... can it be done? I dunno, maybe I am just venting but I will love to hear what other Warriors think. . . .
#off topic forum #establishing #imers #internet #police
  • If this is possible it would be amazing.

    It would take a lot of thinking in order to set everything up and you would also have to trust everyone who is in the organization or squad.

    I like the idea to take down scammers. It takes that one person to start it though.
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    • Yeah... Yeah... I know it is far out! But today just thinking about things makes me believe I (with others) CAN make a difference.
  • This industry definitely needs some of that. I just hope your enthusiasm would fire up others to track down scammers and to push others to clean up their acts. It's definitely possible, if only more people would be willing to take part.
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  • Banned
  • Imagine my rage when I found out somebody had copied ALL of my HubPages and put them on a MFA site. They should thank their lucky stars I didn't sue them. Well I've just quit my job and suing people like this looks an interesting business opportunity...
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  • The problem then becomes, do you want to spend all your time trying to clean up the industry? Or marketing your self and your business ethically and making a living?
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    • No, that is not what I was getting at. If the internet had little report button like you find on this thread that will make all the difference and btw it is not impossible to do.
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  • What about having a course or something that marketers would have to prove there worth and to be checked at intervals to ensure , this would also ensure anyone outside of this group would not be seen as professionals . It's would be like a professional body
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  • Why is there a need for such a thing? Its nothing but a bunch of people trying to be the first to get over on the other. The only "victims" are the ones who couldn't do it to the other first. Just exercise critical thinking and good decision making when doing business online and you'll reduce (not eliminate) the BS you run into.
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  • Banned
    Go ahead if that's what you want to do. Don't imagine there's much money in it. I prefer to spend my time working on my businesses.
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    • Hi,

      There are loads of industries with a much higher level of deceit, more powerful teams of operators with much greater finances, resources and experience.

      People who work in the car trade, law, insurance/banking, money lending, property, government or 1000 other trades would scoff at IMers complaining about 'dodgy dealers.'

      It's a global thing, probably because the problem lies within human beings in general, not internet marketing and humans are a global phenomenon.

      Whatever market you are in, the scammers provide an education that is particularly valuable. I realise that it's tiring and grinds good people down, but by getting over that and ignoring it to an extent, you have got one over on them and are a better, wiser, stronger person for doing so.

      Don't let 'em grind you down.
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  • Banned
    The problem is there's millions of dreamers willing to whip out a credit card.

    You can't save the world from itself.
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    • Hmmm,

      I see this as a potential "opening Pandora's box" type of thing.

      Who would be the "police"? What qualifications do they have? How much power would they have? Who would set up the "laws" of the thing? The government also has eyes on being the internet police so to speak, so I can quite easily seeing it ending up a complete train wreck for not only the scammers, but for honest marketers as well.

      Another thing to consider is that unfortunately some who are "perceived" to be scammers are quite wealthy and wield a lot of power. It could turn and end up having other people ruined on the other end. It's not something I would want a hand in, personally.

      Just sayin...

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Yeah, I don't see this working without a serious amount of organization and I think it'd be impossible to please everyone. Sort of like government.
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  • If people would quit screaming that "we need someone to monitor this for us" - we probably wouldn't need anyone to monitor anything for us.

    As the general population gets more needy - you are going to see more of this - and you can't clean up the general problems when much of it is being generated by greed and corruption at the top.

    The only way anything widespread can be cleaned up is by individuals acting to do so. People are responsible for themselves. If you are falling into scams - you have to ask yourself why. If you don't understand how to avoid scams, educate yourself. You, in the long run are the only one who can protect yourself.

    On the other end of the spectrum - if you are a marketer, rise above the riff raff. Be dedicated to excellence. If you aren't sure if you can master excellence, find out where you are lacking - and fix the problem. Be honest 24/7. When enough marketers master that idea, the scumbags don't have much breathing room.

    We are never going to fix "ANYTHING" by screaming for more regulation, more surveillance. Those "protections" always cause even larger problems up the line. If you want a better Internet - Be honest, be excellent. Join together with others that also want a better internet and strive to be the people that you would want to do business with. Spreading integrity and accountability is the only way you are ever going to fix anything in this world - and the NET is no exception.
    • [ 4 ] Thanks
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    • What an excellent reply Sal (and the other guys as well). Wow... you have opened so many avenues in the noggin that I cannot explain it. Personal satisfaction... knowing you lived and acted honestly and ethically and not bothering about the next persons wrongs is the solution. And that is what I got out of your and others comments.

      Thank You!

      PS: cute doggie (is that the same babe who had cancer?)
      • [1] reply
  • In the US we already have the FTC. Report the scammers. If they get enough complaints they'll investigate, and if they agree, they'll put a hurtin' on the scammer.

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  • 25

    I love my vocation but hate the industry I work in! Everyday (no exaggeration) I come across dodgy dealers online. One of the niches I am in is prone to unscrupulous acts and as I do my research I come across more and more deception. I seriously go to sleep at night and just before I close my eyes, often I will say "Lord, why am I in such an unscrupulous industry?". It bugs me and I see this behaviour not only in this niche but in many others as well. And by the way this is more in the MMO niche and affiliate marketing industry as a whole.