The NAACP Pretends That Sugary Soda Is a Civil Rights Issue

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The NAACP Pretends That Sugary Soda Is a Civil Rights Issue

Is this a health issue, or an issue aimed at minority grocers?

Opinion? Thoughts?

Does Bloomberg have a right to control the size of sodas at any one time to reduce perceived health risks?

Or is he just a soda popper...
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    They can't figure out the math? Buy two drinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author taskemann
    Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

    The NAACP Pretends That Sugary Soda Is a Civil Rights Issue

    Is this a health issue, or an issue aimed at minority grocers?

    Opinion? Thoughts?

    Does Bloomberg have a right to control the size of sodas to reduce perceived health risks?

    Or is he just a soda popper...
    NO ONE have the right to decide what I should put in my body! Soda, smoke, bacon, pizza, burgers, cake, lutefisk or akavit - It's not your business. And what if it's dangerous to me? That's not your business either because I rather want to live a happy short life than a long and boring life with stupid regulations to follow all the time. And Mr. Bloomberg should have no right to control the size of sodas, that's the market's task to do and not a politician.

    How can someone VOTE on somebody that want to take away your freedom and decide how you should live? I don't get it.

    If I had ruled the world (something I will do one day), there would only be ONE law. And that law would be:

    "You must be kind and nice to others and show respect. You can't hurt them, you can't make them fear you in any way, you can't steal something from them that's not yours or try to take away or limit their freedom in any way. But beyond that you can do what the heck you want. This applies just as much to authorities and officials as it applies to the general population.

    As a human being, you have the right to:

    -Own your own property/properties and build what you want on them.
    -Do what you want with your own body. You have the right to, for example, prostitute yourself or use drugs.
    -Own your own firearm/firearms.
    -Protect yourself if your life, your family's life or if your property is in danger.
    -Say or write anything about anything you want only if it doesn't violate this law.
    -Own your own car/cars or any other motorised vehicles. This do also apply for boats and aviation.
    -Start any business/company you want that doesn't involve anything that violate this law (for example slavery). And you have the right to market yourself or the business/company how you want only if it doesn't violate this law.

    -Spend your money on what you want or trade your items for what you want"

    And paying tax will of course be voluntary when I'm in office. But I'm not going to call it tax, I will call it for "Donations to The Government". Because if I don't do a good job, I don't deserve any money from the people either.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by taskemann View Post

      NO ONE have the right to decide what I should put in my body! Soda, smoke, bacon, pizza, burgers, cake, lutefisk or akavit - It's not your business.
      It's others' business if you live on a different course of unnecessary antibiotics every month, because that significantly increases the chances of your incubating mutant, antibiotic-resistant bacteria and infecting people with them. And that's not the only example. Some things that you can consume do (in various ways) have effects on other people's health and well-being, and that gives them legitimate concerns. Just saying.
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  • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
    This is an issue that can unite NAACP and Novo Nordisk, the world's largest producer of insulin.

    Project HERE.

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    • Profile picture of the author AprilCT
      This is like slicing a bologna very thin, one slice at a time until the bologna is gone. Think of that as your freedoms slipping away. What right any politician has to regulate the size of soft drinks is beyond my comprehension. What makes this difficult for people in New York is that the price of two regulation-size soft drinks is likely imcomparably a lot more than one single large drink. Now, how much you want to bet that the price of the smaller soft drink goes up to make up the profit margin lost on the larger drink?

      Why should a 6'6" 280-pound man be regulated into the same size soft drink as a young kid could order?

      One size does not fit all.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7645636].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
        Originally Posted by AprilCT View Post

        Think of that as your freedoms slipping away. What right any politician has to regulate the size of soft drinks is beyond my comprehension.
        What's beyond my comprehension is why people keep electing little dictators like him. :confused:

        Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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        • I understand the comments listed - I posted this because it would illicit and incite a discussion in several areas. So in that 'respect', I want to play devil's advocate for a moment to address a few. These are not necessarily my opinions, they are just responses which may be one a "devil's advocate" may have...

          Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

          Want to hear a secret? Almost EVERY moving creature LIKES SUGAR! Bees, Ants, Rats, bears, Dogs, Humans, etc... ALL LIKE SUGAR! Plants don't need it since they make their own. HOW could this be considered a racism issue?

          And YEAH, unfortunately, I, a WHITE, like sugar. 8-(

          Sugar is energy, and most of the animals you cite, use it for just that - energy (even some/most humans) however, a lot of humans (especially in this country) are, for lack of a better word, addicted to it - because almost everything we eat nowadays contains some form of glucose, fructose, or other conglomerated sweetener that does not necessarily process in the human body - natural sugars? There is an epidemic now of diabetes in this country that was not here 30 years ago, and it is only going to get worse at the rate it is going. Fast food, and soft drink companies, as well as fructose corn syrup and similar concoctions are turning this country into the fat people we saw depicted in the cartoon movie WALL-E. It seems to come down to re-education and/or control. Sugar addicts are addicts - and what do they finally have to do with addicts to prevent them from harm to themselves and society? Re-education and/or control.

          Originally Posted by taskemann View Post

          The "racism hunters" can find racism everywhere. They always try to find "racism" somehow, somewhere, everywhere. Racism will not cease until those who are trying to search for it and find it one day ends with it.
          The racism cited in the story deals with the Major Beverage companies (ie: Coke/Pepsi) using these minority groups with heavy checks to illicit a 'race card' - they are only there as a Trojan Horse.

          Originally Posted by AprilCT View Post

          This is like slicing a bologna very thin, one slice at a time until the bologna is gone. Think of that as your freedoms slipping away. What right any politician has to regulate the size of soft drinks is beyond my comprehension. What makes this difficult for people in New York is that the price of two regulation-size soft drinks is likely imcomparably a lot more than one single large drink. Now, how much you want to bet that the price of the smaller soft drink goes up to make up the profit margin lost on the larger drink?

          Why should a 6'6" 280-pound man be regulated into the same size soft drink as a young kid could order?
          One size does not fit all.
          One size certainly does not fit all - that is true - but a 6'6" 280-pound man is not regulated into the same serving size as a young kid per se - he - or even the small child for that matter, can purchase more than the maximum size by purchasing two, or more, if they choose to - but have you ever seen a little kid, say 5,6,7,8 running around with a 32oz, or even a 64oz drink in their fat little hands? do you honestly think, acting as a responsible parent, that that could be 'healthy' for them?

          Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

          What's beyond my comprehension is why people keep electing little dictators like him. :confused:
          He may be trying a radical way of cubing the onset of obesity in his city, but many cities have also curbed smoking almost everywhere except your own car or home - this is essentially to the concerns of second-hand smoke - but a nation of diabetics and unhealthy obese people can only overtax a healthcare system that is not only now overtaxed, but over exploited by the unhealthy who choose to be, at the expense of the unhealthy who have no choice to be.

          We can make our own choices - or we can be forced into someone else making them for us...we still have a choice.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7646227].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author seasoned
            Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

            I understand the comments listed - I posted this because it would illicit and incite a discussion in several areas. So in that 'respect', I want to play devil's advocate for a moment to address a few. These are not necessarily my opinions, they are just responses which may be one a "devil's advocate" may have...
            I do that every time, but watch it, or one day you may NEED that disclaimer!

            Sugar is energy, and most of the animals you cite, use it for just that - energy (even some/most humans) however, a lot of humans (especially in this country) are, for lack of a better word, addicted to it - because almost everything we eat nowadays contains some form of glucose, fructose, or other conglomerated sweetener that does not necessarily process in the human body - natural sugars? There is an epidemic now of diabetes in this country that was not here 30 years ago, and it is only going to get worse at the rate it is going. Fast food, and soft drink companies, as well as fructose corn syrup and similar concoctions are turning this country into the fat people we saw depicted in the cartoon movie WALL-E. It seems to come down to re-education and/or control. Sugar addicts are addicts - and what do they finally have to do with addicts to prevent them from harm to themselves and society? Re-education and/or control.
            That is why I said "I ***UNFORTUNATELY*** liked sugar". As for Wall-e, the MAIN reason they were fat was because they were in space will no real recreation, and given the ability to go ANYWHERE without using their legs, etc... BUT, POINT MADE!

            The racism cited in the story deals with the Major Beverage companies (ie: Coke/Pepsi) using these minority groups with heavy checks to illicit a 'race card' - they are only there as a Trojan Horse.
            They should maybe have talked to the ACLU or something. It would have made more sense.

            In MALL COP, the protagonist(A person that WANTED to be a regular cop, but was EXTREMELY diabetic) saved HIS life and thus saved everyone elses life, by eating a piece of candy! Diabetes is NOT a problem with sugar, as so many think, but a problem with REGULATING sugar! In fact one medical term to describe it is HYPOGLYCEMIA(LOW BLOOD SUGAR). SO, unfortunately, though sugar can burn out the regulation(cause diabetes), and can cause a lot of the most severe symptoms of diabetes, IT MAY BE NEEDED! What if that mall cop DIDN'T have sugar candy? He could have gone into a diabetic coma, and all the hostages could have DIED!

            One size certainly does not fit all - that is true - but a 6'6" 280-pound man is not regulated into the same serving size as a young kid per se - he - or even the small child for that matter, can purchase more than the maximum size by purchasing two, or more, if they choose to - but have you ever seen a little kid, say 5,6,7,8 running around with a 32oz, or even a 64oz drink in their fat little hands? do you honestly think, acting as a responsible parent, that that could be 'healthy' for them?
            I once drank a LOT of soda. I drank SO much that my last boss started giving it to me for FREE and THEN, when he found out how much I was REALLY drinking, decided to STOP!

            I wasn't fat though! I was actually SKINNY! I gained the weight later through other things.

            We can make our own choices - or we can be forced into someone else making them for us...we still have a choice.
            As I said earlier, if a COMMUNITY has ****A**** choice made for them, it could be DEADLY! GRANTED I used a movie to illustrate, as YOU did, but it is REAL! Hypoglycemia - PubMed Health

            The problem is that insulin slows down how sugar is used. If you don't have enough insulin, sugar can be used too quickly, and then you need more SUGAR. At some point, even complex carbs won't be good enough. This is ALSO why people aren't just given a dose of insulin and told DO THIS.... NO, they are given GUIDELINES and SELF DOSE! WHY? Because it is governed by WHAT they eat and WHEN.

            And sugar is certainly NOT THE cause of diabetes. It may be a contributing factor, but is not THE cause. If it were, many kids would get diabetes, and many adults wouldn't. Yet that isn't the case. I have a family history of diabetes and STILL don't have it. I take in enough sugar though. And I DO test! I have had my A1c tested several times, had blood sugar tested, and sometimes check myself. As I said, I like sugar, and have a family history.

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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    Want to hear a secret? Almost EVERY moving creature LIKES SUGAR! Bees, Ants, Rats, bears, Dogs, Humans, etc... ALL LIKE SUGAR! Plants don't need it since they make their own. HOW could this be considered a racism issue?

    And YEAH, unfortunately, I, a WHITE, like sugar. 8-(

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7645708].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author taskemann
      Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

      Want to hear a secret? Almost EVERY moving creature LIKES SUGAR! Bees, Ants, Rats, bears, Dogs, Humans, etc... ALL LIKE SUGAR! Plants don't need it since they make their own. HOW could this be considered a racism issue?

      And YEAH, unfortunately, I, a WHITE, like sugar. 8-(

      The "racism hunters" can find racism everywhere. They always try to find "racism" somehow, somewhere, everywhere. Racism will not cease until those who are trying to search for it and find it one day ends with it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7645736].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Young Financier
        Originally Posted by taskemann View Post

        The "racism hunters" can find racism everywhere. They always try to find "racism" somehow, somewhere, everywhere. Racism will not cease until those who are trying to search for it and find it one day ends with it.
        Finding racism is a highly profitable business, so it isn't going anywhere anytime soon until either today's whites understand that they owe blacks nothing and/or blacks stop looking to use race as a crutch when they don't get their way. And yes, this is a black man saying this.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7647415].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

      Want to hear a secret? Almost EVERY moving creature LIKES SUGAR! Bees, Ants, Rats, bears, Dogs, Humans, etc... ALL LIKE SUGAR! Plants don't need it since they make their own. HOW could this be considered a racism issue?

      And YEAH, unfortunately, I, a WHITE, like sugar. 8-(

      Sounds like a case of felinism! All cats are unique in that they don't have a sweet tooth.
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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7646101].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

        Sounds like a case of felinism! All cats are unique in that they don't have a sweet tooth.
        I didn't know that! I tried to pick animals, and insects, that I KNEW liked sweet stuff.

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  • *note - True, I used Diabetes as a blanket term to describe an obesity problem in this country - there are many other causes for obesity, (diabetes being one of the results, and many stages of them, both high/hyperglycemia, and low/hypoglycemia) so an unhealthy diet is created, and obesity can be some of those results. There are many thin people who are unhealthy as well, so this was not intended to target 'fat' people - those it is fairly obvious to anyone that the number of large people is getting larger. This can lead to other serious illnesses as all the drug commercials we see on TV can attest to, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and kidney failure. (and apparently, erectile dysfunction )
    Perhaps when Sal wrote. "bovine deification", instead of "bovine defecation", it was more a Freudian slip than she may have we are becoming 'the fatted calf' for the false idols of Big Pharma and the HMO's...who are there for both cause and effect.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Most often, obesity is the cause of type 2 diabetes - not the other way around. I've known several people who have "cured" their diabetes by losing 50 or more pounds and adopting a healthier lifestyle. They have been able to stop taking meds and blood sugar has stabilized.

      We love to focus on "bad foods" and reasons for obesity but you can eat fast food or donuts or drink sodas and remain at a good weight and stay health....if you do it sparingly!

      People are stuffing their faces. Microwave ready-to-serve meals and fast foods and restaurant buffets have something in common - they require no prep from the diner.

      When you prepare a meal at home, the sensory experience is different. You give thought to the food as it is being cooked, you have the experience of scents and sight before you begin to eat. I think the lack of sensory food experience makes a difference in consumption - but just my theory.

      Packaged foods are designed to open and consume and they add salt and sugars and other ingredients to make them palatable. I believe the convenience factor is as damaging as the calorie content.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7647808].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        Most often, obesity is the cause of type 2 diabetes - not the other way around. I've known several people who have "cured" their diabetes by losing 50 or more pounds and adopting a healthier lifestyle. They have been able to stop taking meds and blood sugar has stabilized.

        We love to focus on "bad foods" and reasons for obesity but you can eat fast food or donuts or drink sodas and remain at a good weight and stay health....if you do it sparingly!

        People are stuffing their faces. Microwave ready-to-serve meals and fast foods and restaurant buffets have something in common - they require no prep from the diner.

        When you prepare a meal at home, the sensory experience is different. You give thought to the food as it is being cooked, you have the experience of scents and sight before you begin to eat. I think the lack of sensory food experience makes a difference in consumption - but just my theory.

        Packaged foods are designed to open and consume and they add salt and sugars and other ingredients to make them palatable. I believe the convenience factor is as damaging as the calorie content.
        It's well known that being fat makes you less sensitive to insulin, and THAT can burn out your system faster. So let's say it can CONTRIBUTE! It isn't THE cause either!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7648241].message }}
  • U.S. Health Worse Than Nearly All Other Industrialized Countries | Alternet

    U.S. citizens suffer from poorer health than nearly all other industrialised countries, according to the first comprehensive government analysis on the subject, released Wednesday.

    And yet - We 'supposedly' have the best health care?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7653259].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

      U.S. Health Worse Than Nearly All Other Industrialized Countries | Alternet

      U.S. citizens suffer from poorer health than nearly all other industrialised countries, according to the first comprehensive government analysis on the subject, released Wednesday.

      And yet - We 'supposedly' have the best health care?
      WRONG TENSE! HAD!!!!!! NOW, it is transitioning. Apparently, they are starting some things, but the first stage was/is always set to start 2014! The SECOND stage in 2019. The SHTF BY the third stage, probably, which is in 2024. As for seniors on "medicare"? They THOUGHT they wouldn't be affected. Most WILL! My father, for example, THINKS he is on medicare. He ISN'T! IT is due to be TERMINATED, and is the 712B cut people have talked about! It is called Medicare ADVANTAGE. Oh well, it will be interesting to see where it all goes.

      As for the poorer health, a lot of other markets wait for us to try things out and, if they fail, they BAN them. And other things, they may be more restrictive about. Granted, some things are adopted elsewhere before the US but even THEY usually have a good history behind them. ALSO, cultures are different in other areas. It IS known as the old world for a reason.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7653448].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        We 'supposedly' have the best health care?
        The best system for insurance companies, for profit medical facilities, pharmaceuticals, the rich and the very poor. Everyone else is pretty much toast.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7653456].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

      And yet - We 'supposedly' have the best health care?
      Undeniably you have some of the best health care available in the world, there. The proportion of people who have access to it, however, is another matter altogether.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7653627].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author HeySal
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        Undeniably you have some of the best health care available in the world, there. The proportion of people who have access to it, however, is another matter altogether.
        I think MMM is in America (US). We DO NOT have the best health care or even near it...anymore. We rank around 37th.

        While it's nobody's business how much of any food you eat - it is the FDA's responsibility to make sure that our food is not poisonous. Anyone who drinks soda with aspartame in it has a death wish or is completely unaware of the poison they are ingesting. Fructose is no picnic either. These items should not be in soda and nobody should be drinking ANY size of a drink with fake sugar in it. It should be banned completely. In fact aspartame WAS banned - but when the company that makes it is owned, in part, by Donald Rumsfeld (also part owner of Tamiflu) it doesn't matter what's in it - it only matters that the company makes big bucks.

        Sean - it's incredible to me that in the year 2013 people still play the race game. I've never owned a slave and most blacks I know have never been to Africa. We need to stop using lables - African-American, Mexican-American and so forth. We're all just Americans and it's time to get over it all. Can you imagine what life would have been like for me during the cold war if I'd called myself a Russian-American? Holy cow.

        When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
        Beyond the Path

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7653735].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author seasoned
          Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

          I think MMM is in America (US). We DO NOT have the best health care or even near it...anymore. We rank around 37th.

          While it's nobody's business how much of any food you eat - it is the FDA's responsibility to make sure that our food is not poisonous. Anyone who drinks soda with aspartame in it has a death wish or is completely unaware of the poison they are ingesting. Fructose is no picnic either. These items should not be in soda and nobody should be drinking ANY size of a drink with fake sugar in it. It should be banned completely. In fact aspartame WAS banned - but when the company that makes it is owned, in part, by Donald Rumsfeld (also part owner of Tamiflu) it doesn't matter what's in it - it only matters that the company makes big bucks.

          Sean - it's incredible to me that in the year 2013 people still play the race game. I've never owned a slave and most blacks I know have never been to Africa. We need to stop using lables - African-American, Mexican-American and so forth. We're all just Americans and it's time to get over it all. Can you imagine what life would have been like for me during the cold war if I'd called myself a Russian-American? Holy cow.
          OK, THAT I can fully agree with. But I didn't actually look at this as the health care system. although it affects it.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7654407].message }}
  • This may be of interest to many of you - the mix of medicine and mobile - Health Care? There's an app for that...iDoctor: Could a smartphone be the future of medicine? Video Player
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7653750].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author HeySal
      Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

      This may be of interest to many of you - the mix of medicine and mobile - Health Care? There's an app for that...
      iDoctor: Could a smartphone be the future of medicine? Video Player
      Very interesting. What will happen to all those poor pharmaceutical companies with all the advertisements for dangerous drugs that say "ask your doctor if [a dangerous drug you saw on TV that shouldn't even be approved by the FDA] is right for you."

      When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
      Beyond the Path

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7653806].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Williams
    I love the fact that, in a city fighting a losing battle with crime, corruption, unemployment, and more, they have instead focused their attention on more important matters ...

    Like soda pop.

    One thing is for sure though. If the healthcare system becomes mandatory, you can count on more insane laws like this coming down the pike for all of us.

    To be honest, I'd gladly opt out of the whole shebang. I'd solemnly swear never to call 911 or visit a doctor again if it meant I could live a life free of grandmotherly politicians trying to get me to eat my peas.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7653894].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author HeySal
      Originally Posted by Jeff Williams View Post

      I love the fact that, in a city fighting a losing battle with crime, corruption, unemployment, and more, they have instead focused their attention on more important matters ...

      Like soda pop.

      One thing is for sure though. If the healthcare system becomes mandatory, you can count on more insane laws like this coming down the pike for all of us.

      To be honest, I'd gladly opt out of the whole shebang. I'd solemnly swear never to call 911 or visit a doctor again if it meant I could live a life free of grandmotherly politicians trying to get me to eat my peas.
      In Oregon there's a bill to make cigarettes available by doctors prescription only. The current controversial health care bill makes it legal for a doctor to refuse you if you are not doing exactly as told, too - which means if they prescribe a drug you won't take, they will refuse to treat you at all - for anything.

      The more people they get to back them on the extremes like this - the wider the door opens for them to be able to control every bit of your life. You will eat what and when told, take any drug you are told to, drink what you are told to, exercise how and when told to........the list goes on. This is very frightening stuff if people are awake enough to follow the progression of bills.

      When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
      Beyond the Path

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7654339].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

        In Oregon there's a bill to make cigarettes available by doctors prescription only. The current controversial health care bill makes it legal for a doctor to refuse you if you are not doing exactly as told, too - which means if they prescribe a drug you won't take, they will refuse to treat you at all - for anything.
        GREAT! So, at one point in the hospital, I would have to deny myself ice cream, and get a stroke, or they wouldn't help me! Do I have the permission to make one of them a slave, another a dedicated unpaid chofer, and sue the pants off the hospital and drive them into bankruptcy to START TO APPROACH compensation for the possible repercussions from the brain damage they INTENTIONALLY caused?

        The more people they get to back them on the extremes like this - the wider the door opens for them to be able to control every bit of your life. You will eat what and when told, take any drug you are told to, drink what you are told to, exercise how and when told to........the list goes on. This is very frightening stuff if people are awake enough to follow the progression of bills.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7654446].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jeff Williams
        Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

        In Oregon there's a bill to make cigarettes available by doctors prescription only. The current controversial health care bill makes it legal for a doctor to refuse you if you are not doing exactly as told, too - which means if they prescribe a drug you won't take, they will refuse to treat you at all - for anything.

        The more people they get to back them on the extremes like this - the wider the door opens for them to be able to control every bit of your life. You will eat what and when told, take any drug you are told to, drink what you are told to, exercise how and when told to........the list goes on. This is very frightening stuff if people are awake enough to follow the progression of bills.
        Wow, I hadn't heard of the Oregon bill yet. I suspect similar laws at the state level are already being proposed across the country. And, in the end, they'll probably go over as well as Prohibition did in the '20's or the ever changing drug laws did in the '60's - '80's.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7655230].message }}
        • Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

          In Oregon there's a bill to make cigarettes available by doctors prescription only. The current controversial health care bill makes it legal for a doctor to refuse you if you are not doing exactly as told, too - which means if they prescribe a drug you won't take, they will refuse to treat you at all - for anything.

          The more people they get to back them on the extremes like this - the wider the door opens for them to be able to control every bit of your life. You will eat what and when told, take any drug you are told to, drink what you are told to, exercise how and when told to........the list goes on. This is very frightening stuff if people are awake enough to follow the progression of bills.
          Originally Posted by Jeff Williams View Post

          Wow, I hadn't heard of the Oregon bill yet. I suspect similar laws at the state level are already being proposed across the country. And, in the end, they'll probably go over as well as Prohibition did in the '20's or the ever changing drug laws did in the '60's - '80's.
          I don't know how I could have missed that either - that's a pretty radical proposal! Why, just the sheer number of lawyers conglomerating alone could cause global warming with all the hot air! Watch for major ozone changes in Oregon!

          Who introduced that bill?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7657524].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by Jeff Williams View Post

      I love the fact that, in a city fighting a losing battle with crime, corruption, unemployment, and more, they have instead focused their attention on more important matters ...

      Like soda pop.

      One thing is for sure though. If the healthcare system becomes mandatory, you can count on more insane laws like this coming down the pike for all of us.

      To be honest, I'd gladly opt out of the whole shebang. I'd solemnly swear never to call 911 or visit a doctor again if it meant I could live a life free of grandmotherly politicians trying to get me to eat my peas.
      They are NOT fighting a losing battle! Those "fighting a battle against crim, corruption, unemployment" ARE almost always CORRUPT! They ENCOURAGE crime, which of course occurs because of the corruption ANYWAY, and they raise taxes that, with other things, increases unemployment. WHY? So they get more money, a bigger pension, more contacts, and FEIGN doing something for the press and election time.

      I've actually thought about even becoming amish, to get out of the whole deal!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7654428].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jeff Williams
        Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

        They are NOT fighting a losing battle! Those "fighting a battle against crim, corruption, unemployment" ARE almost always CORRUPT! They ENCOURAGE crime, which of course occurs because of the corruption ANYWAY, and they raise taxes that, with other things, increases unemployment. WHY? So they get more money, a bigger pension, more contacts, and FEIGN doing something for the press and election time.

        I've actually thought about even becoming amish, to get out of the whole deal!

        Could be some truth to that, you know. But, I wouldn't foresake all and break out the suspenders and nappy beard just yet. Half of what city leaders do and say are solely for the purpose of keeping their job.

        In fact, this whole NAACP-Hispanic Federation-Bloomberg issue sounds like a dupe. A way for all parties to show their constituents just how hard they are working on their behalf. But, whether the law sticks or not, I doubt either side really cares. They just want to impress those they supposedly serve and keep their current positions.

        I just wish lawmakers would quit trying to implement statutes in the name of better health. Alcohol and painkillers can destroy both the brain and liver and I don't see any rush on their part to do away with them anytime soon. Although, I'd like to see 'em try. :rolleyes:

        Truth is, Bloomberg will try to create as many laws as his most financially generous supporters are willing to pay for and the NAACP will create as many "skirmishes" as they can in order to solicit more donations. That's how it works. It's always about money and keeping power.
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        • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
          Originally Posted by Jeff Williams View Post

          Alcohol and painkillers can destroy both the brain and liver and I don't see any rush on their part to do away with them anytime soon.
          No, indeed.

          Fortunately, in many cases.

          Licensing, approving and legitimizing new products is and always has been different from the regulatory processes pertaining to existing products, though. If alcohol were undiscovered and came on to the market this year, for the first time, there's little question that in most countries of the world it would never get a product licence (remember that its benefits would also not be known and proven, in those circumstances). And I think nobody could seriously question that the same would also be true of cigarettes, of course.

          It's strikingly similar to ClickBank's product approval process (and actually for some very similar reasons, too): there are (unfortunately) plenty of products with non-FTC-compliant sales pages already listed and still available, but they're still (correctly) turning down new applications with grotesquely non-FTC-compliant sales pages.

          Complete consistency of approach is, as in many other aspects of everyday life, a chimera.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7656263].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author seasoned
            Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

            No, indeed.

            Fortunately, in many cases.

            Licensing, approving and legitimizing new products is and always has been different from the regulatory processes pertaining to existing products, though. If alcohol were undiscovered and came on to the market this year, for the first time, there's little question that in most countries of the world it would never get a product licence (remember that its benefits would also not be known and proven, in those circumstances). And I think nobody could seriously question that the same would also be true of cigarettes, of course.

            It's strikingly similar to ClickBank's product approval process (and actually for some very similar reasons, too): there are (unfortunately) plenty of products with non-FTC-compliant sales pages already listed and still available, but they're still (correctly) turning down new applications with grotesquely non-FTC-compliant sales pages.

            Complete consistency of approach is, as in many other aspects of everyday life, a chimera.
            Soda isn't a new product! In FACT, COKE is COKE today because alcoholic beverages WERE made illegal. A key ingredient that was in coke needed a solvent to be done well, the solvent they used? WINE!!!!!! Pemberton's French Wine Coca - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            So that kind of refutes both ends of the argument. Sugar is easier and safer to make than wine, so I wonder how an outright ban would work anyway.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7656527].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
              Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

              Soda isn't a new product!
              Noooo, indeed ... didn't mean to imply that! Apologies for the ambiguity in meaning.
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          • Profile picture of the author Jeff Williams
            Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

            If alcohol were undiscovered and came on to the market this year, for the first time, there's little question that in most countries of the world it would never get a product licence ...
            I understand what you're saying, Alexa. And it's true. Were alcohol to be put under the scrutiny of 3rd-4th stage approval, I doubt it would pass with flying colors.

            Unless ... the higher echelon and upwardly mobile were to find it enjoyable and socially acceptable, of course. Then, it would be ushered into the marketplace as quickly as possible. And I believe that's what the NAACP was trying to shine a light on ... class warfare.

            Smoking cigarettes, eating junk food, drinking soda, using illegal drugs, carrying firearms. All are socially unacceptable to the rich. Therefore, laws need to be created for the poor to keep them from killing themselves with all these harmful products and substances. "After all, we are rich. We're in charge. And we know what's best for you. Now, just obey. Sit. Fetch. Rollover ..."

            Alcohol and prescription meds? Still perfectly acceptable socially amongst the elite. So, no new laws need to be created. Mindset? "I am rich and educated. Hell, I went to collige. If I like alcohol and painkillers and so do my rich supporters, it must be ok. So, feel free to imbibe, peasants."

            Granted, there is much more going on behind the scenes I'm sure. A broader agenda. But the mindset is still there and I believe that is what the NAACP was trying to raise awareness about ... how class warfare is slowly being waged.

            One thing I know though. No matter how many times they say it. No parties involved here really care about better health at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned

    You have THAT right. With fewer lawyers, we would have less hot air, less debt, etc....

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