Yellow Lab
as long as she stays she will be welcome,fed and cared for. We found out she loves to play with a tennis ball. I just wish the laws were enforced her.Here's what I think for what it's worth.if you get caught dropping a dog,we take you out west to the desert and drop you about 10 miles out with no food or water. Good Luck!!! The worst part about this is these people who drop these dogs will go right out and get another one. If that one doesn't isn't what they expected,guess what? We get a new dog. I know this is a rant but Ive we've lived here for 8 years and I've buried 3 dogs that were so badly neglected we couldn't save them. It just makes me sick that people would do this to a poor animal. On the up side we have done our best to see that we find them good homes where they will be loved. That's all they want.
Expert content written by an experienced veterinarian and published magazine and newspaper writer.
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