Sad and Interesting video

Profile picture of bizgrower
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Is it an act of mourning or just a burying as they do with bones or food?
(It's not graphic. The one dog uses it's nose to push the sand over.)

Dog buries puppy in apparent act of mourning [VIDEO] -
  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Profile picture of HeySal
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    I don't think I can watch this one - but who knows why a dog might do so. Until they can talk and tell us exactly what's in their heads the only clues we can get is by watching what their emotional state seems to be then comparing it to our own states and actions. That may or may not bring us close to understanding, but it's the best we can do.

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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Claude Whitacre
    Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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    Originally Posted by bizgrower View Post

    Is it an act of mourning or just a burying as they do with bones or food?

    Dog buries puppy in apparent act of mourning [VIDEO] -
    No idea about this specific video. We don't know if the puppy is the dog's, or not.

    Anyway, dogs feel emotions just like we do most larger mammals (maybe all)

    No idea why the dog would cover up the puppy. But animals have companions and families just like we do...and they show signs of depression when one dies.
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  • Profile picture of the author bizgrower
    Profile picture of bizgrower
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    Sorry for the sadness of the video.

    I agree that animals mourn and attach.

    If this is an act of mourning or respect, then it's a deeper level of thought than I would attribute to a dog.

    I have seen videos of dolphins appearing to mourn and carry their passed on ones away.

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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Profile picture of travlinguy
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    I've heard that some mammals instinctively bury their dead because left uncovered they attract predators.
    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      Profile picture of MissTerraK
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      Aw Geez! I couldn't watch the whole thing. I didn't even make it to the 30 second mark before the sting of tears hit the corner of my eyes then the trail of tears hit my cheeks shortly thereafter.

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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Kay King
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        I won't even try to watch the video.

        Dog do grieve - and can mourn deeply. I've seen it many times and just had to deal with it recently myself.

        When I had to put Doodah to sleep a few weeks ago, Gracie was inconsolable. When he was gone, she paced the house and the yard day after day - spent hours laying in Doodah's bed (which was too small for her) and whimpering here and there.

        Last week I finally picked up Doodah's dog bed to toss it out - and Gracie began frantically trying to take it out of my hands. When I put the bed back down in the corner, she calmed down... so I guess the bed stays.
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        • Profile picture of the author ThomM
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          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          I won't even try to watch the video.

          Dog do grieve - and can mourn deeply. I've seen it many times and just had to deal with it recently myself.

          When I had to put Doodah to sleep a few weeks ago, Gracie was inconsolable. When he was gone, she paced the house and the yard day after day - spent hours laying in Doodah's bed (which was too small for her) and whimpering here and there.

          Last week I finally picked up Doodah's dog bed to toss it out - and Gracie began frantically trying to take it out of my hands. When I put the bed back down in the corner, she calmed down... so I guess the bed stays.
          I started to tear up just reading that, so I guess watching the video is out.

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    • Profile picture of the author bizgrower
      Profile picture of bizgrower
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      Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

      I've heard that some mammals instinctively bury their dead because left uncovered they attract predators.
      That makes sense to me.

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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Claude Whitacre
      Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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      Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

      I've heard that some mammals instinctively bury their dead because left uncovered they attract predators.

      ....And Paparazzi.

      Sorry, I know this is a really serious subject. It just popped into my head. :rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author bizgrower
    Profile picture of bizgrower
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    Again, sorry about Doodah. I remember when you posted about that.

    I knew a Gracie dog from a bark park. My last dog was a 75 lbs. Siberian Husky - Nikko. This Gracie is a Great Dane. They played well at first.

    One day she accidentally knocked him over just because she was so much bigger and his playful charge did not faze her. Afterwards, he never seemed to forgive her and was always aggressive towards her - and other larger-than-him female dogs.

    I stopped bringing him into the park when she was present. Ditto for certain other dogs or owners. Nikko did not respond well to being threatened or dominated. Especially as he got older.

    Eventually, I stopped going to bark parks at all.


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