Initially he'd play games the way they're meant to be played, but then he'd get experimental, at which point we would take him somewhere else, before it got too disruptive for the other kids playing the game.
After a while we decided to take him to some performances by adults, figuring that he couldn't make trouble there. Wrong.
Some men in elaborate feathered costumes were doing a raindance. I explained to my son that the dance is to help bring rain. He replied, "It's a really hot sunny day. They need help!" So he rain into the midst of the performance to join them. The crowd laughed but the performers definitely weren't too pleased. A stage hand managed to shoo him away. After the performance, an elderly Native man looked at us seriously and said, "Your son disrupted a sacred rain dance!" Before we could feel too devastated, he guffawed and added, "He is a free spirit!"
"I LOVE The Song! The Vibe Is Positive And Firm!" - Kymani Marley. (Son of Bob Marley).
"Very High Quality!" Jeremy Harding - Manager / Producer. Sean Paul.
"They Are FANTASTIC!" - Willie Crawford.
Project HERE.
Patricia Brucoli
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