Danger Of Major EMP Created By Solar Flare

Profile picture of PeterLarson
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What is Congress doing and what is the media doing to educate the general public about the dangers of solar flares and a resulting EMP disaster?

Here's a hint: the mainstream media is doing nothing. Furthermore, European governments are moving forward in their preparations to protect and secure their electrical grids and the United States has been thinking about passing the SHIELD Act for a long time... That's right I said "thinking."

To hear Brian and Tara discuss the impact of a major EMP created by a solar flare and why this extremely serious issue is not getting enough attention in the media or the government...
Near Miss On Massive EMP – Episode 168 | Off The Grid News
  • Profile picture of the author PeterLarson
    Profile picture of PeterLarson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What video is about:

    Hold onto your seats...this week survivalist expert Brian Brawdy sits down to talk with Off The Grid News writer, Tara Dodrill. The two sit down to discuss the solar flare that just barely missed the earth two weeks ago. It was a solar flare that could have taken down mobile communication systems and other electronic devices worldwide.

    Dodrill brings up some hard-hitting points about what kinds of disasters would be created by an EMP. She mentions factors like the number of planes over the United States at any given point in time. How many lives would be in danger if the electrical control systems go down in a plane while it is midair?
    Dodrill and Brawdy really get fired up when they start talking about the lack of attention this is getting from the media and from the government. They also talk about the importance of the Shield Act. While they are not sure whether or not the Shield Act is the end all be all...it is at least a step in the right direction.
  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Profile picture of HeySal
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    Ya know - all those satellites are going to get hit no matter what we do on the surface. What is controlled by satellite?

    You can't really protect too far. Some of the electrical grid in the US IS being updated. Needs to be anyway - the electrical pollution these old systems/wires puts out is very carcinogenic.

    Anyhow - you can only protect so much when everything is run via satellite. It's a stupid idea to run everything by satellite when you are living on a planet that can be shut down in an instant at any time.

    The only answer for you is to know how to survive without electric. Know where to get and how to purify water - have a light source for after dark, etc. Not much else you CAN do unless you have safer planet to live on, eh?

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

  • Profile picture of the author DanCoder
    Profile picture of DanCoder
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I actually stumbled across this article from NASA a couple days ago from 2009. It maps the possible impact on America of a flare/geomagnetic storm on the scale of the 1857 event. They only had telegraphs back then, and they blew up... Definitely something to keep an eye on, especially as this year is the sun's last year in its current 11 year cycle (most active this year). Severe Space Weather--Social and Economic Impacts - NASA Science

    Also, that claim about an 1857 scale solar flare narrowly missing Earth two weeks ago was proven false. Solar activity in July was actually pretty low: SpaceWeather.com -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

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