calendar \ notification software?

2 replies
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i'm looking for some calendar and notification software for windows 7. i've done a bit of research on said software, but there's so many to choose from. so i thought i'd ask the opinions of this forum. that is if anyone has any experience of using calendar and notification software.

this is what i need this software to do:
- remind me daily of preset tasks
i'd like to be able to set a number of tasks to be reminded daily of, for all days, rather than setting each task to each day manually
- remind me of weekly \ monthly tasks

i'd prefer it as a program \ application \ software on my windows 7. but if there's some kind of google chrome extension or website that works awesomely, i'd be willing to check it out.

stuff like that.
  • Profile picture of the author Windzal
    Rainlendar. It's completely customizable, and it integrates with virtually any other popular calendar application.
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    • Profile picture of the author Brandon Tanner
      I used to like Sunbird, but it had a few weird bugs that were never ironed out, so I eventually got tired of it. I've been using Essential PIM lately. It's got way more features than I want/need, so I only use it for its calendar. Seems like a great program so far... at least the calendar part of it.

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