How many goals do you pursue at a time ?

by 6 replies
Happy New year friends!

As all of us antiquated with success creation we know that a well defined and precise goals is at the core of any achievement.

However I can't figure something out. I currently have few major goals, that it self contradicts with the advice of having one major goal to pursue. (according to Think & grow rich philosophy).

I do online translations and I'm doing it as a website based business, but besides that I've been juggling for quite a while and I enjoy this too, so I have a goal to become at certain level by certain time and earn a certain income as well.

On the side I also have an idea for an offline business, that I'm also interested in releasing it out and profiting by it.

As my online business got well and more income started coming in, now I could spend more time developing my juggling skills. But as the new year came I need to set some more goals.

But I dont know is it good to simultaniously pursue several goals at a time. You probably know the proverb "who chases 2 rabbits catches none".

What would you do in that case? Have you been in that kind of situation ?

#off topic forum
  • I think a well rounded person has multiple interests, each of which has some sort of goal. If you focused only on work you might burn out and get sick of it. You need to also pursue things which you enjoy.

    I, for example, focus on making money but I also have goals for weight lifting and will still work on improving my drawing skills every so often. When I feel drained from too much work, I can always go to the gym and work on reaching my fitness goals.

    Juggling is great. I can only handle three objects, with a few tricks thrown in, but it's a lot of fun. You need to have fun or your business will suffer.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I never "set" a number of goals. I either have x amount of things to accomplish or xx amount.

    One goal means the major one - the one that ties everything in your life together. Sometimes it takes a lot of smaller goals to get there - short term, stuff that only takes maybe a day or two to get accomplished, medium, and longer term goals, smaller goals will come and go while you are working on the main one. Instead of worrying about the amount of goals you are pursuing - just worry about what you need to get done to get closer to the big one.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Nice replies thank you guys.

      Btw if not secret, how much progress you made last year 2013 on your main and sub goals ?
      • [1] reply
  • What I read in T&GR is that a human should have a single definite major purpose,
    not necessarily a single "goal".

    In fact, I would argue that we must have quite a few different
    goals, at many different times during our life, in order to faithfully
    pursue our major purpose?

    Of course, you don't want to spread yourself too thin, and you
    don't want to go in too many different directions at once.
    That's part of what the Definite Major Purpose does for you:
    It helps you sort out whether your current goals are really taking
    you in the direction of your Purpose?
  • You can have a major goal which is to earn $X. You may have some minor goals that will all contribute towards that major goal. However, as has been mentioned, you also need fun and that doesn't have to be a goal. It should simply be part of your life.

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