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The sad case of the Father that had left baby Son in the backseat of his car could be get the death penalty. this idiot claimed it was all an accident, that he had forgotten to drop the baby off at daycare.

Strange that he had been looking on the net about baby's dying in cars and the heat that would killl him! a lot like how a wife/husband researching on the net on how to kill the partner making it appear an accident.
There's other evidence of his guilt as well. like belonging to a group that did not want kids in their relationships..
  • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
    I watched the probable cause hearing on CNN and I could not believe what I was hearing. Simply unbelievable! This guy is up to his ears in circumstantial evidence and he deserved no bond and that's exactly what he got. From the sounds of things his wife may have been acting suspiciously and I hear their will be no spousal privilege in this case.

    The way this is shaping up it appears as if it's going to be another courtroom TV spectacle if cameras are allowed.


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    • Profile picture of the author Mikaedi
      Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

      I watched the probable cause hearing on CNN and I could not believe what I was hearing. Simply unbelievable! This guy is up to his ears in circumstantial evidence and he deserved no bond and that's exactly what he got. From the sounds of things his wife may have been acting suspiciously and I hear their will be no spousal privilege in this case.

      The way this is shaping up it appears as if it's going to be another courtroom TV spectacle if cameras are allowed.


      Hi Don you have to be kidding right? Maybe his wife had a hand in the murder of this baby! but to even suggest this is circumstantial evidence is truly laughable..do you drive Forum Guru?
      I do! and it's impossible for this creep not to know his Son was in back in his carseat. he even returned to the car at lunchtime. yet didn't see him.. absolute rubbish, he's guilty of murder and I hope he suffers as much as this innocent defenceless child did..
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      • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
        Originally Posted by Mikaedi View Post

        Hi Don you have to be kidding right? Maybe his wife had a hand in the murder of this baby! but to even suggest this is circumstantial evidence is truly laughable..do you drive Forum Guru?
        Obviously you did not watch the probable cause hearing. Good grief, stop with nonsense --> the quoted portion of your post is what is laughable. Yeah, I used to drive with my son in a car seat...he's a bit large for the car seat now at 29 years old and 6'3".

        I am talking about the mounds of other "evidence" that was presented against him other than the fact that he left his child in the car seat. The reason I mentioned his wife (and you would know this if you watched the hearing) is that it she made a couple of very untimely suspicious statements and has engaged in some odd and/or suspicious behavior.

        If you had watched the THREE HOUR long hearing you would be a bit more up to speed on exactly what is going on with the case.


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  • Profile picture of the author derekwong28
    Sometimes, exactly the same thing you are most scared of will happen. This could be the case why they were doing the research. I cannot see anything that absolutely proves he is guilty of murder.

    Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!

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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      I never trust "cases" where the prosecution is so willing to talk about a case before it's even been charged. It's unusual these days to have child care that doesn't call if a child is not accounted for. Also odd in this particular case is someone who is so active online but apparently doesn't talk to his spouse during the day.

      I have to admit I do not understand this fascination so many people seem to have with displaying themselves and sexting and this interaction with strangers online. Is it truly as widespread as it seems to be?

      I also don't understand how people get by with having jobs where they spend hours a day doing this stuff online. Where are the bosses - and the quotas and the oversight? Doesn't anyone notice these people aren't doing much real work???

      Can't help but wonder if this man was fantasizing about his day of sexting and totally forgot his son in the rear facing car seat in the back of his car. I wonder how anyone could live with that knowledge.

      Also, though, this same thing happened a couple miles from me not long ago. It was a bank vice president who usually did not take his baby to child care - had the child in a rear facing car seat in back....and left the child all day in the bank parking lot. He wasn't treated as a suspect - but as a grieving father.
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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        Can't help but wonder if this man was fantasizing about his day of sexting and totally forgot his son in the rear facing car seat in the back of his car. I wonder how anyone could live with that knowledge.
        He had two life insurance policies taken out on his son. Both his wife and him were looking up leaving kid in car deaths on the Internet. He came out once during the day to check on his car ... for what? To see if he was dead yet? Sexting ... who cares? Plenty of circumstantial evidence to put this guy away where he belongs and they might even get his wife as an co-conspirator.

        Obviously, there have been a few legitimate cases of parents who "forgot" their baby was in the car and left them there all day to die. I seriously doubt that this case is anything similar.
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  • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
    @ Mikaedi (and anyone else that wants to hear the "evidence" and "facts" presented)

    When you get an extra three hours and you want to hear all of the "facts" and "evidence" presented at the probable cause hearing then have a listen. Unfortunately the audio is a bit out of sync but I must say it was a very compelling hearing.

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3


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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      There's a load of evidence but we don't know if there's anything beyond circumstantial....which is why we have judges and juries to decide innocence and guilt.

      There are more cases of kids dying in hot cars than ever before.

      The non-profit group kidsandcars.org says that 14 children have died from heat stroke this year after being left in cars. The group says the deaths are an unintended consequence of front seat airbags and rear-facing car seats - features meant to keep kids safe.

      In 1990, about five children a year died from heat stroke after being left alone in a vehicle, according to the group. But by 1995 - about five years after front seat airbags became standard, sending kids to the backseat - the number had risen to 25. Now, an average of 38 children die in hot cars each year, according to kidsandcars.org.

      "There certainly is a relationship between putting kids in the backseat and the increase in children inadvertently being forgotten in cars,"
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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        There's a load of evidence but we don't know if there's anything beyond circumstantial....which is why we have judges and juries to decide innocence and guilt
        Many cases are built, tried and convicted on circumstantial evidence. Circumstantial evidence does not mean no evidence.
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  • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
    After watching the probable cause hearing many respectable "legal experts" and "legal beagles" that I have seen are saying this guy has little to no defense. In-fact a few are predicting his wife may be pulled in next. To be honest, after listening to the hearing (which sounded much like a trial), I believe this guy probably will not get off easy. If the case gets to a jury I suppose it will depend on what charges and what evidence the jury can ultimately deliberate. Certainly not all the stuff presented at the probable cause hearing gets in front of a jury, but I suspect the state has plenty of other compelling evidence that will get in.

    It's a good thing circumstantial evidence carries weight...and I must say this guy appears to be weighed down like he is wearing lead boots.

    Next up --> Justin Ross Harris to face a grand jury.


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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      I agree - there's tons of circumstantial evidence against this guy.

      With the probable cause hearing, the Prosecutor was able to present the evidence against the Father and thus sway public opinion. Smart move by the prosecution as it allowed him to get the info public....and for a time the public was on the Dad's side.

      It will be interesting to see how many "facts" make it into the trial.

      The small insurance policy may be an automatic add on of a new family member through a whole life policy. The $25k policy "before he died" appears suspicious - but seems it was purchased in 2012...and this little boy was born in 2012, wasn't he?

      Wouldn't be surprising to see the wife turn on the husband in this one.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9333561].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        With the probable cause hearing, the Prosecutor was able to present the evidence against the Father and thus sway public opinion. Smart move by the prosecution as it allowed him to get the info public....and for a time the public was on the Dad's side.
        Doesn't matter whether the public is on the Dad's side or not. It's not going to be tried in the court of public opinion. It'll be tried by a judge and jury in a criminal court case.

        He told his family in a phone call from jail, how to collect the insurance on this poor child. Seems to be a really grief stricken father would have more on his mind than $27,000.

        There's also scratches on this little boy's face and back of his head from desperately struggling to get free and escape. I can only imagine how cruel and horrible that kind of death is.
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  • Profile picture of the author petsvictory
    There have been more cases of kids dying in hot cars this year than ever before.
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Uncharacteristically, I watched the entire hearing as I was in total disbelief from what I was hearing. I'm sorry, but this is one sick monster and his wife will ultimately be charged in some way and of course at that moment she will flip on him so quickly that it will make your head spin.

      It's events like this that make me wish that I believed in hell so I could at least gain some satisfaction from knowing that this cretin would rot there for eternity (at least that's what I've been told - the eternity thing, that is).

      I'm incredulous that this guy was sexting boner pics while his son was being cooked alive.

      Innocent until proven guilty? OK. If you say so!

      Cheers. - Frank
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    It COULD be hard. PERSONALLY, I would like to see the propinquity of everything. Insurance agents are GREAT con men! They actually have a SPECIAL insurance to protect THEM from prosecution for all the SCAMS they commit. ONE scam is that life insurance is a good INVESTMENT!

    Is the insurance *******INSURANCE*******? That sounds like a stupid question but there is only ONE type of life insurance. IT is called *****TERM*****! MOST "life insurance" instruments shown are probably NOT TERM, but "CASH VALUE" also called "Whole life", "No premium", etc.....

    TERM insurance is ONLY insurance, and insurance for LIFE! It is CHEAP, but only pays for DEATH. The child could never benefit from it. CASH VALUE is the exact same thing, but they charge a LOT more, and the excess goes into a savings account that typically "makes" maybe 4% APR, but they try to get you believe that it will likely make 3-4 times as much. They ALSO claim it is tax free, etc..... You can cash in the policy before death, or "borrow" on it, to get the money back before death. The result is that insurance is OFTEN sold to save for college! ALSO, insurance agents HATE replacing insurance. They usually issue additional policies.

    Term insurance is CHEAP! They could have bought a million for a low cost. I forget what insurance agents suggest for children, but $30,000 is probably not out of line with what they suggest. I think GERBERS STARTS with $10,000!


    UP TO $50K!!!!! NOTE, this is "WHOLE LIFE"!!!!!! NOTE THE SALES PITCH!

    Attention Grandparents! If you'd like to give your grandchildren the gift of a better financial future, consider the Gerber Life Grow-Up® Plan. Affordable premiums that never increase, guaranteed cash value* and coverage that doubles over time can make this the best gift you ever give your grandchild.
    I am not an insurance agent, but I WAS! I passed the test and was licensed. I also studied this. I actually went to ALSTATE, a competitor, and got a quote from them! MY price was $20/month, as I recall. THEIRS was $1040/month! The cost for THEIR insurance was a little bit more than mine, but they charged about $1010 EXTRA for the "cash value"! INTERESTING THING! MOST cash value policies reveal in the quote that they are REALLY one year renewable TERM LIFE with the "cash value".

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  • Profile picture of the author MrTwoFister
    Unfortunate that children are treated in these ways, very too often.
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  • Profile picture of the author craighakwins
    Life sentence for those people. They do not deserve a place in our society. They are taking children's lives way too casually and that is just disturbing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mikaedi
      Originally Posted by craighakwins View Post

      Life sentence for those people. They do not deserve a place in our society. They are taking children's lives way too casually and that is just disturbing.
      You hit the nail on the head there Craig..if you truly value their children's lives and welfare..would you be so careless in forgetting your child is in the car for such a long period, or at all..whether he be actually guilty of planned murder or not..he should be accountable and pay the consequences of his stupidity..
      A bit like the idiot that would use CPR on a small child or baby in the same way you would on an Adult!!!
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