You Dirty Rat, You Killed My Brother

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No, not James Cagney, but a meat market that some may find revolting.

An interesting read.

Would you eat it?

Cambodian rat meat: A growing export market
  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
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    I've trained hamsters, mice, and rats. There's no way I could turn one of those guys into lunch. They're extremely intelligent and affectionate. If I ate one unknowingly, I don't think I'd get sick or such, but I find it hard to think of eating anything that I've looked at as "pet" before. Frankly - if I had to kill my own meat, I'd be down to a few forms of sea food. I only eat it because I know our bodies are designed to have some animal protein. If it weren't for things like B12, I wouldn't touch meat at all.

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    one man's poison, another man's meat
    • Profile picture of the author ThomM
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      I've eaten Muskrat before. I don't see any difference between that and these rats.

      Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
      Getting old ain't for sissy's
      As you are I was, as I am you will be
      You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
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    I could vomit at the mere thought of it. Just because something can be eaten doesn't mean that it would have wide acceptance.

    My father is a hunter, primarily deer. He used to kill groundhogs while hunting on farms because the owners asked him to if he ran across them because they're pretty destructive on a farm.

    He brought one home as an experiment and my mother cooked it. It was horrible. At first bite, the whole family sort of turned green and we promptly discarded it and ate sandwiches.
    • Profile picture of the author ThomM
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      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      I could vomit at the mere thought of it. Just because something can be eaten doesn't mean that it would have wide acceptance.

      My father is a hunter, primarily deer. He used to kill groundhogs while hunting on farms because the owners asked him to if he ran across them because they're pretty destructive on a farm.

      He brought one home as an experiment and my mother cooked it. It was horrible. At first bite, the whole family sort of turned green and we promptly discarded it and ate sandwiches.
      Groundhogs, raccoons, and many other wild animals have to be prepared properly to taste bearable. If I remember right you need to soak the meat in salt water for 24 hours first. You also need a lack of taste buds with some of them

      Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
      Getting old ain't for sissy's
      As you are I was, as I am you will be
      You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
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        Originally Posted by ThomM View Post

        Groundhogs, raccoons, and many other wild animals have to be prepared properly to taste bearable. If I remember right you need to soak the meat in salt water for 24 hours first. You also need a lack of taste buds with some of them
        My Dad always soaked game for 24 hrs before cooking or freezing. I think Groudhog must fall into the category of needs a lack of taste buds ... it was seriously greasy as well as really bad tasting.

        The bear we've cooked is seriously greasy also and it's not a good fat. It's a thick, hard fat. Comes off if parboiled several times and the meat makes a great roast or BBQ then.
        • Profile picture of the author ThomM
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          Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

          My Dad always soaked game for 24 hrs before cooking or freezing. I think Groudhog must fall into the category of needs a lack of taste buds ... it was seriously greasy as well as really bad tasting.

          The bear we've cooked is seriously greasy also and it's not a good fat. It's a thick, hard fat. Comes off if parboiled several times and the meat makes a great roast or BBQ then.
          I hear ya Sue. I've had Bear and Raccoon before and I don't think there is anything you can do to make them tasty.
          I know how to hunt, trap, and snare all sorts of animals and think it's good knowledge to have. But most wild game I look at as a very last resort. I also know how to forage and would become a vegetarian before I'd eat a raccoon again
          Just because something is edible (I use that term loosely) doesn't mean you have to eat it.

          Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
          Getting old ain't for sissy's
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          You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

          • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
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            Originally Posted by ThomM View Post

            I hear ya Sue. I've had Bear and Raccoon before and I don't think there is anything you can do to make them tasty.
            I know how to hunt, trap, and snare all sorts of animals and think it's good knowledge to have. But most wild game I look at as a very last resort. I also know how to forage and would become a vegetarian before I'd eat a raccoon again
            Just because something is edible (I use that term loosely) doesn't mean you have to eat it.
            My brother loves to hunt bear, but now he goes to the woods with his bow and arrow and a book and reads. He'd really rather just see a bear than kill it and we'd rather he just left them alone, but my brother doesn't roll that way. The bear meat stayed in our freezer way too long because even after being parboiled and cooked, it had an alright flavor, but still such a high fat content that no one could eat very much of it.

            I doubt that I would want to try possum or racoon either after the experience with the ground hog. This is my brother's latest acquisition. He's totally nuts. He finally let them go, but not until they lived in our basement for a couple of weeks.

            7 Copperheads
            • Profile picture of the author ThomM
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              Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

              My brother loves to hunt bear, but now he goes to the woods with his bow and arrow and a book and reads. He'd really rather just see a bear than kill it and we'd rather he just left them alone, but my brother doesn't roll that way. The bear meat stayed in our freezer way too long because even after being parboiled and cooked, it had an alright flavor, but still such a high fat content that no one could eat very much of it.

              I doubt that I would want to try possum or racoon either after the experience with the ground hog. This is my brother's latest acquisition. He's totally nuts. He finally let them go, but not until they lived in our basement for a couple of weeks.

              7 Copperheads
              I think I would get along with your brother
              At one time I had almost every species of snake that live in NYS in my bedroom along with a Boa.
              I also hunted and shipped snakes down to the U. of Miami for use in their Herpetology department.
              In fact when a person would call the state Encon dept. to report so called dangerous snakes in their yards, Encon would refer them to me and I would go check them out. If it was a poisonous snake (Copperhead or Timber rattler here in NY) I would catch it and release it in an area that was safe for the snake. I've also hunted eastern diamondbacks in Fl. and water moccasins in North Carolina. Snake meat is actually very tasty as is lizard and alligator meat.
              But animals like coons, possums, bear, like I said just because it's edible doesn't mean it tastes good

              Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
              Getting old ain't for sissy's
              As you are I was, as I am you will be
              You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

              • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
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                Originally Posted by ThomM View Post

                I think I would get along with your brother
                At one time I had almost every species of snake that live in NYS in my bedroom along with a Boa.
                I also hunted and shipped snakes down to the U. of Miami for use in their Herpetology department.
                In fact when a person would call the state Encon dept. to report so called dangerous snakes in their yards, Encon would refer them to me and I would go check them out. If it was a poisonous snake (Copperhead or Timber rattler here in NY) I would catch it and release it in an area that was safe for the snake. I've also hunted eastern diamondbacks in Fl. and water moccasins in North Carolina. Snake meat is actually very tasty as is lizard and alligator meat.
                But animals like coons, possums, bear, like I said just because it's edible doesn't mean it tastes good
                OMG ... I just called my brother totally nuts (and he is) and you've probably caught and kept more dangerous snakes than he has. lol.

                I've heard snake meat is good and I probably would try it if it were offered.
                • Profile picture of the author ThomM
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                  Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

                  OMG ... I just called my brother totally nuts (and he is) and you've probably caught and kept more dangerous snakes than he has. lol.

                  I've heard snake meat is good and I probably would try it if it were offered.
                  Well if you remember in the thread about third person descriptions I said mine was "bat shit crazy".
                  This may sound a little weird coming from someone who has hunted, trapped, fished, etc. but I absolutely love and am fascinated by nature.
                  Except for the snakes I sent to Miami I would treat the ones I caught for any ailments (usually mites) study them for a while and then release them back where I found them.
                  Nature will provide for us, always has and always will, as long as we don't abuse it.

                  Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
                  Getting old ain't for sissy's
                  As you are I was, as I am you will be
                  You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

                  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
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                    Originally Posted by ThomM View Post

                    Well if you remember in the thread about third person descriptions I said mine was "bat shit crazy".
                    This may sound a little weird coming from someone who has hunted, trapped, fished, etc. but I absolutely love and am fascinated by nature.
                    Except for the snakes I sent to Miami I would treat the ones I caught for any ailments (usually mites) study them for a while and then release them back where I found them.
                    Nature will provide for us, always has and always will, as long as we don't abuse it.
                    Our family has a deep respect and fascination for nature as well. I wouldn't have those snakes killed ... I just sort of prefer that he not bring them home.

                    He caught them because he has a friend with young children who lives in the wild nearby and all of those snakes were under his porch. His yard constantly has a bunch of them in it. Bears wander around his yard too. While I have a fascination for nature, I'd have nightmares living where bears and copperheads were in my yard all the time. I wouldn't kill them, but I'd move.

                    My brother says he has sat on a log in the woods numerous times reading his book and a bear wandered far too close ... and he just said, "That's close enough bear" and the bear took off. I'm afraid I'd just pee my pants. lol.
                • Profile picture of the author positivenegative
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                  Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

                  I've heard snake meat is good and I probably would try it if it were offered.
                  It can be arranged. Riffle, cut a leg off NOW.
                  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
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                    Originally Posted by positivenegative View Post

                    It can be arranged. Riffle, cut a leg off NOW.
           realize where that joke falls apart, right?

                    Snake is awesomely good. So is turtle, though, I've never tasted it purposely because I used to have them as pets and could never kill one or eat one knowingly. Sometimes you eat what is served and ask questions later. Snake and frog legs taste extremely similar - and is in texture, too. I don't feel they taste all that much like "chicken" as the saying goes.

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                    • Profile picture of the author ThomM
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                      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

             realize where that joke falls apart, right?

                      Snake is awesomely good. So is turtle, though, I've never tasted it purposely because I used to have them as pets and could never kill one or eat one knowingly. Sometimes you eat what is served and ask questions later. Snake and frog legs taste extremely similar - and is in texture, too. I don't feel they taste all that much like "chicken" as the saying goes.
                      There are so many things I wouldn't of eaten if I had asked what first, and I don't mean that as if it would be a good thing.
                      That goes back to my childhood actually. Both my parents lived through the depression and developed tastes for what are now concedered delicacies. Things like liver, tripe, sweet breads, pigs feet, tongue. If there was something on my plate I didn't recognize and asked what it was the answer was always try it first.

                      Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
                      Getting old ain't for sissy's
                      As you are I was, as I am you will be
                      You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

                  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
                    Dennis Gaskill
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                    Originally Posted by Rick Rodd View Post

                    Ugh, another meat-eating, critter-killing thread! Hmmm... How much rat do I need to make a quarter pound whopper?
                    Rick, just be glad they're not talking about eating horse meat.

                    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

  • Profile picture of the author Rick Rodd
    Rick Rodd
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    Ugh, another meat-eating, critter-killing thread! Hmmm... How much rat do I need to make a quarter pound whopper?
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    No diseases going on there.
  • Profile picture of the author Rick Rodd
    Rick Rodd
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    That's enough consolation from me. Another food source that disgusts me are reptiles. Never again would I eat crocodile meat. Though, where I come from monitor lizard tastes like chicken. So, my mind and stomach are on debate here. To eat or not to eat...
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