Cheap Flyer Distribution

3 replies
I have a friend that offers delivery of 30 flyers in London via the site Fiverr. How does he afford it?
#cheap #distribution #fiverr #flyer
  • Profile picture of the author AmericanMuscleTA
    Why don't you ask him?

    David Hunter | Duke of Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author barton85
    Ive been thinking of starting a flyer/leaflet distribution company in the uk (glasgow) does anyone have any tips on getting clients thanks?
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    • Profile picture of the author roger h
      Originally Posted by barton85 View Post

      Ive been thinking of starting a flyer/leaflet distribution company in the uk (glasgow) does anyone have any tips on getting clients thanks?
      Yes, from the very start present yourself as a professional, client oriented, results driven service. Have your own promotional material ready to use in order for clients to get back to you - very few will sign up to your service straight away on the spot. Business cards & a promotional flyer will suffice to begin with but make sure the problem, solution & benefit to potential clients is highlighted on both items, and also part of any spiel when chatting directly to interested business owners.

      If you want clients immediately, the kind that will reap immediate benefit from your service & thus offer compelling testimonials towards your credibility, then target Fast Food outlets, particularly franchise chain stores - in your area. (Pizza shops use this form of promotion & get great rewards from it).

      For Fast Food clients, offer distribution from mid-week onwards to coincide with Wage & Social Benefit payments alongside the oncoming weekend period which produces a natural rise in sales & demand.

      Its very unlikely you will get a suitable rate per 1000 houses to make any money vs time from a single flyer distribution so aim to model your service on 2+ delivery system (2 flyers at a time, sometimes 3) but always make sure no item or business type conflicts with the other. If a client absolutely insists on a single item distribution, then price it accordingly (high).

      Client types - chase Fast Food, Real Estate Agents, Pharmacy, Supermarkets, Electronic Stores, Jewellers, Taxi Companies etc etc. Keep any eye on what comes through your own door for what business types are involved with this form of promotion. Tradesman, Home Service providers etc etc.

      Join Small Business groups, Networks, Local Commerce Chambers etc to gain access to new & existing business owners who may be interested in the service you offer.

      Align yourself with the 2 or 3 of the busiest & best local Printing Companies - they are a direct source of clients for you.

      Concentrate on mastering your basic service for the first six months, then introduce additional services like Print & Design to establish multiple income streams.

      This type of business can be reasonably lucrative to a sole trader or |small local based company set-up, but is dependent on population numbers (how many houses), type of businesses available, cost structure & most importantly the following factors : Frequency, Volume, Rates.

      Get the Fast Food operators on board, if they see a return they'll do it every week. Lose Fast Food & your finished.
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