lead gen model?

Profile picture of Robyn435
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
11 replies
Hello Everyone

I have grown increasingly frustrated with Elance and white SEO/whitepaper projects , the clients are just such a headache on there.

At first when I had 0 bucks getting SEO work for 1100 a month sounded like a lot but now I am tired and ready to move on.

I have done some reading in searched threads and just having trouble putting everything together on how to do the monthly charge for qualified phone leads.

Even users who are in telemarketing , who have run these types of businesses point me to their usernames and I will read all of their posts.

I do have a model I have worked out but didn't want to write a wall of text but I will post if necessary

Greatly appreciate any help.
#gen #lead #model
  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    Profile picture of DABK
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Get them to agree to pay your monthly fee.
    Get their bank info.

    Iamnameless goes into great detail on how to do checks here

    and some other places.

    You could also use paypal, but you might not like it.

    Originally Posted by Robyn435 View Post

    Hello Everyone

    I have grown increasingly frustrated with Elance and white SEO/whitepaper projects , the clients are just such a headache on there.

    At first when I had 0 bucks getting SEO work for 1100 a month sounded like a lot but now I am tired and ready to move on.

    I have done some reading in searched threads and just having trouble putting everything together on how to do the monthly charge for qualified phone leads.

    Even users who are in telemarketing , who have run these types of businesses point me to their usernames and I will read all of their posts.

    I do have a model I have worked out but didn't want to write a wall of text but I will post if necessary

    Greatly appreciate any help.
  • Profile picture of the author JKirby
    Profile picture of JKirby
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    Originally Posted by Robyn435 View Post

    At first when I had 0 bucks getting SEO work for 1100 a month sounded like a lot but now I am tired and ready to move on.
    Congrats... a big step in the right direction.

    Originally Posted by Robyn435 View Post

    I have done some reading in searched threads and just having trouble putting everything together on how to do the monthly charge for qualified phone leads.
    Charge every client what you are worth and what they can expect out of your service. If you can consistently bring in $10k, you can justify a $5k price tag. If you charge $500 and can't bring in new leads/work, they'll can you regardless.

    The point is, when you are choosing a price, charge what you believe you are worth.

    If you are specifically speaking about how to take payments on a phone call?

    Great, we can get started today if you'd like... I can either send you an invoice via email or I can take your payment details over the phone right now, if that's easier for you.

    Ergo - just ask for the sale. Getting the 'Yes' is the hard part, not getting the money.

    Originally Posted by Robyn435 View Post

    I do have a model I have worked out but didn't want to write a wall of text but I will post if necessary
    Think for a second here, are you asking other Warriors and professionals to write out a lead generation model or script or whatever when you too lazy to write out what you're currently working with?

  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Profile picture of iAmNameLess
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    Originally Posted by Robyn435 View Post

    I do have a model I have worked out but didn't want to write a wall of text but I will post if necessary
    I think you should go ahead and write a wall of text. Give us some background, where you're from, where your clients are from, etc. and we'll be able to better advise you.
    • Profile picture of the author Robyn435
      Profile picture of Robyn435
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      I think you should go ahead and write a wall of text. Give us some background, where you're from, where your clients are from, etc. and we'll be able to better advise you.
      Where I'm from

      I live in a "developing country" or you can call it a third world country and make most of my money offering an location independent service that has a lot of my time tied to it.

      I have an extended family and mouths ( no children of my own) to feed it's not easy even at $1500 US (good month) income monthly its still tough.

      Where My clients are From

      Well I work through Elance most in the the US but otherwise it's whoever in wherever can afford my fee's.

      My current Line of work

      I mostly offer SEO e-com description services and sometimes white papers if the client is easy to deal with. I don't offer SEO packages as each site is different so I usually negotiate price on what needs to be done.

      I have been doing SEO for 1 1/2 years now and white papers for around 6 months which is how I discovered the lead gen potential.

      Reason I want to stop offering SEO services

      I wont offer some vile diatribe because SEO is more of an lifestyle but its not for me I, I very much preferred when it was just a healthy interest but I am thankful as it put food on the table .

      The work has just become tiresome on my part and the hrs at the pc/video calls have affected my health.
      I have decided to work towards building a more communication driven business(not a job) , you know..... talk to people , hear the tone of their voice , their satisfaction etc...

      Basically more interaction with people and take better advantage of my extroverted personality because I really see that good communication and genuine care for the client will go a long way.

      Simply put I like the model its very versatile , the one I have below is far from professional and its what I put together from my understanding so far.

      I Will draft up a professional one when I have the rough spots figured out

      Here is what I have so far

      1. Identify a niche

      What I am having trouble with actually picking one and geo targeting an area. Even If I have a niche how do I make the site so it is optimized for that area. I don't want to send a lead thats across the country from the client or would that depend of if the client has a branch ?

      2. Build a list

      InfoUSA | Mailing Lists | Email Marketing Lists | Business | Sales Leads | Consumer

      I have seen some good advice for using a YP scraper but I am more willing to purchase a List from Info USA as I can narrow down the list to my ideal business.

      3.Get a website ranked

      This shouldn't be too hard as I am pretty good at ranking sites but when I have enough money I want to run paid traffic(inexperienced).

      On the site I want to offer a free ebook or some type of real value offer like a video (leaning towards this) showcasing what they should know before hiring general x Service to build trust and rapport.

      Ill run a survey before hand to the target business's and then the lead will go over a mental checklist with my client thus building more trust.

      4. Sourcing/targeting the leads

      This is where I am confused.
      How do I setup a system to target and gather leads by area?

      What I want to do is have a website up that targets a certain area , gathers the leads , I call the leads qualify them and then send them hot to my client's business. then rinse and repeat for different areas.

      If I can understand this part of the process I am sure I could take it from there like getting call forwarding , a us number etc... whatever else I need.

      Eventually after I have the necessary experience and authority I want to include more than just leads but big value as well .

      If the client is not closing well then I will coach the client on how to close better.

      Lacking an online presence ?
      Then I will launch an online campaign and provide one.

      and so forth

      Anything else I will be glad to reply
      • Profile picture of the author IMAnthony
        Profile picture of IMAnthony
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        Originally Posted by Robyn435 View Post

        This is where I am confused.
        How do I setup a system to target and gather leads by area?

        What I want to do is have a website up that targets a certain area , gathers the leads , I call the leads qualify them and then send them hot to my client's business. then rinse and repeat for different areas.
        First you need to FOCUS on one type of business. Pick up your niche. Personal fitness trainer?
        How would you qualify them? Using a questionarie? Are you going to call them personally? Or are you going to do email marketing?

        You need to think on your method to qualify them, As I understand you will be delivering only top quality leads.

        If you use squeeze pages, or more elaborated landing pages make sure to have variations to see which one converts better.
        Facebook ads works well for local leads. Remarketing in Google Adwords is a very successful way to get pre-qualified leads so re-targeting in FB Ads.

        Creating a local FB group also is a great way to market locally. The hard work is to get the first members tough.


        Are You Ready to Make Money? ----->How I Made $2000 USING LINKEDIN!
        • Profile picture of the author Robyn435
          Profile picture of Robyn435
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by IMAnthony View Post

          First you need to FOCUS on one type of business. Pick up your niche. Personal fitness trainer?
          How would you qualify them? Using a questionarie? Are you going to call them personally? Or are you going to do email marketing?

          You need to think on your method to qualify them, As I understand you will be delivering only top quality leads.

          If you use squeeze pages, or more elaborated landing pages make sure to have variations to see which one converts better.
          Facebook ads works well for local leads. Remarketing in Google Adwords is a very successful way to get pre-qualified leads so re-targeting in FB Ads.

          Creating a local FB group also is a great way to market locally. The hard work is to get the first members tough.

          Thank you for the reply

          I do have the niche I want to target and figured out how I will qualify the leads.

          Its figuring out which cities/areas to target.

          Lets say I want to generate leads for plumbers , specifically ones who install commercial water filters.

          Now how do I find which cities to target and go prospecting for leads. So that I can run a campaign targeted for that area then send leads to the client/s.

          Are there certain number or demographics I should be using to make a decision?

          That is where I am stuck.
        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Profile picture of savidge4
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          SEO is EXACTLY as you called it, a lifestyle, you live and breathe it or you don't, and YES, it gets on you over time. Your skin gets pale, you squint when you go outside and you ask yourself questions like "When was the last time I ate?" ADD on top of that having a 6+ hour time difference from the market you work... and jeeze I feel for you, really I do. And if you couldn't tell, I have been there done that, and unfortunately with another 3 letters; CRO, I am doing exactly THAT today.

          The ONE thing that jumped out at me with your post. You said more than once, you DO NOT want a job. but look at what you are wanting to offer... you want to provide, "hot leads" These leads YOU are going to call prior to delivery to your clients. I hate to say it but I will assume you know already, you are creating EXACTLY what you don't want.

          I am not the guy to ask in regards to how to set up lead gen, or any of that. I know there are many threads here in regards to doing that. Particularly you might want to look at http://www.warriorforum.com/offline-...r-clients.html MRomeo09 lays it out like no other. your basic step by step blueprint.

          Now in regards to how to geo target your lead gen efforts. You KNOW the answer to this whether you actually know it or not. A city or a state is a keyword. A city in the USA has many "communities" that surround it, and each of those are keywords. If you look at this map of Las Vegas: https://www.google.com/maps/place/La...ccd5e6d5b379a3 you will see Las Vegas "Proper" outlined in red and then the areas or communities around it Spring Valley, Paradise, Whitney, Summerlin, Enterprise etc these are ALL "Las Vegas" but they are sections that can be geo targeted in your SEO efforts.

          Hope that Helps! and REALLY good luck in your new endevour
          Success is an ACT not an idea
          • Profile picture of the author Robyn435
            Profile picture of Robyn435
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            SEO is EXACTLY as you called it, a lifestyle, you live and breathe it or you don't, and YES, it gets on you over time. Your skin gets pale, you squint when you go outside and you ask yourself questions like "When was the last time I ate?" ADD on top of that having a 6+ hour time difference from the market you work... and jeeze I feel for you, really I do. And if you couldn't tell, I have been there done that, and unfortunately with another 3 letters; CRO, I am doing exactly THAT today.
            You nailed it on SEO , I am tired and burnt out....I was validating the prospect of starting an consultancy but that would really involve going deeper into an area of interest that I was already burn out in.

            The ONE thing that jumped out at me with your post. You said more than once, you DO NOT want a job. but look at what you are wanting to offer... you want to provide, "hot leads" These leads YOU are going to call prior to delivery to your clients. I hate to say it but I will assume you know already, you are creating EXACTLY what you don't want.
            What I was saying about not wanting a Job , I do see there is a difference between owning a business that just provides you with a high paying job and a business that has the proper automation in place.

            I dont mind bootstrapping and could do the same for SEO Services but I need a change of pace.

            I am not the guy to ask in regards to how to set up lead gen, or any of that. I know there are many threads here in regards to doing that. Particularly you might want to look at http://www.warriorforum.com/offline-...r-clients.html MRomeo09 lays it out like no other. your basic step by step blueprint.

            Now in regards to how to geo target your lead gen efforts. You KNOW the answer to this whether you actually know it or not. A city or a state is a keyword. A city in the USA has many "communities" that surround it, and each of those are keywords. If you look at this map of Las Vegas: https://www.google.com/maps/place/La...ccd5e6d5b379a3 you will see Las Vegas "Proper" outlined in red and then the areas or communities around it Spring Valley, Paradise, Whitney, Summerlin, Enterprise etc these are ALL "Las Vegas" but they are sections that can be geo targeted in your SEO efforts.

            Hope that Helps! and REALLY good luck in your new endevour
            That's why they say two heads are better than one I never looked at it this way. This makes things a bit more clear on what I need to do.

            I have been reading MRomeo09 posts really good stuff and thanks for the motivation , it means a lot especially since I am surrounded by so much negativity.
  • Profile picture of the author Robyn435
    Profile picture of Robyn435
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Got a nice surprise today my source of funding just got cut off.

    My Elance account got closed , they sent me an email saying that clients have reported negative experiences with my services

    When I sent a file for proof they say that once it is closed it cant be opened....

    I tried again and they have stopped responding to my emails so I really don't know what else to do.

    Blessing in disguise or kick in the nuts .

    I am really just depressed at the Internet right now but this idea seems to give me some amount of hope to start over and try again.

    Sorry for my mini rant but my mood is just in the gutter right now.

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