by 32 replies

#offline marketing #directory #killin #magnet
  • 20 LEADS NOW!

    This is too easy!!
  • I'm getting a team of 10 people and paying them 7 cents per pasted email... gonna build a ******* empire. Toronto here I come.
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    • I'm curious Jon, does this have anything to do with your restaurant/night club venture?

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  • They may be interested but has anybody handed over hard cash yet?

    I know these magnets work well in the UK because I used to do them a few years ago. Good luck, I hope they work for you too.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Slow down fella, don't get ahead of yourself.

      All of those responses are very generic. I will admit those are pretty good response rates for emailing. But let's see how well you can sell now. I really hope you're calling them back immediately and not responding via email.

      If you can call them within 5 minutes of their email response you have roughly an 80% higher chance of closing a sale. Interest goes cold quick so make sure you're calling these people asap. If they don't leave a phone number in the email, find it. You need to be calling these people back, not emailing.

      Keep it updated, good or bad. I'm interested in the results.
      • [ 3 ] Thanks
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  • How much are you charging per business?
    How many spots are included on your magnet?
    What's your plan for fulfillment once you fill up your ad space? How do you plan to distribute the magnets?
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • 1. $197
      2. unknown - between 12 and 30.
      3. paid delivery to high-income neighbourhoods.

      Hope that helps!
  • I posted about this method 2 years back (on another forum) and happy to see it is working for you...not saying I originated the idea (maybe, maybe not), but a lot of potential. Just curious on how you plan on monetizing as you suggested PPL, but there are many.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks

  • So Jon, did you stop doing this in 2013 and are now picking it back up?

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Did a soft launch in 2013 but I was so much more inexperienced in sales then! Going much better this time!
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Anybody know any good magnet templates or designers I can use asap? -- Jon

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    • I'm starting to think that I'll make more overall if I drop my price down to $149. Claim it as an EARLYBIRD SPECIAL and the closing rate should improve. What do you guys think?

      Things are going well!
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  • Where can we get the opening email that generates the response.
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  • Jon, so awesome to hear you're kicking ass! so exciting. Did you find a template or designer? I'll can help you find a template, what are the specs? Id offer my services, but Im too expensive Some of those fiverr guys are pretty damn good.
    • [1] reply
    • Exciting indeed! Thanks, Trisha!

      I'm still looking for a template or designer! I'd appreciate the help finding one!
  • I guess you can "color me confused" do you decide to sell and price something without figuring out where and how you can get it designed and made and what the cost of that would be?

    if you can't do the graphics etc yourself....why didn't you look into that before you offered this?

    How much will it cost to make the magnet? How many magnets do you plan to offer in one "run"?
    You say they will be by whom? at what cost?
    • [1] reply
    • I have all of that figured out. I have a supplier set up along with complete costs and quantities. Delivery already set as well.

      All I need done is the graphics outsourced. Not a big deal at all. I could do it myself but I'm not a professional at it by any means, lol.
  • I can't wait for your WSO. I smell BS
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    • You'll have to wait awhile because I'm not writing one. I have no reason to BS. peace.
  • quick question on this, haven't seen it answered in any of the other magnet threads.... How do recipients know they are magnets? I assume they aren't in any kind of packaging or are they?

  • Can you give us the overall numbers?

    How many magnets are promised?
    If you fill all the vendor spots, what's the gross.
    What are the expenses to fulfill the project?
    What is the overall profit?


    -- TW

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    Hey guys, Is anybody still doing fridge magnet directories? I am putting together a magnet for my city right now with a lucrative email method -- I sent out only 200 emails today and I already have 16 interested clients! Crazy conversions for email.