Credit Card Processing for telemarketing phone orders (web design)

Profile picture of rockene
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Hello everyone and this is my first post on this forum, so thanks for looking.

I have been looking on here for what credit card processing company I can use for phone orders.

I'm signed up with Square and thats great when I'm physically going to the business and meeting with the client, only now I'm actually changing my business model and going to start cold calling other areas in the US, so everything must be done over the phone and square is focused on only using there mobile app.

Also I don't want to get with a standard merchant services company due to the credit check and also the fees that come with using them (past experence).

Thanks everyone.
#card #credit #design #orders #phone #processing #telemarketing #web #website
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Profile picture of savidge4
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    If you are not wanting to use a bank that really limits your options. I might suggest Intuits Go-Payment. if you click on the FAQ section and click on the "Can I process online credit card transactions?" question you will get your answers. I personally would ensure that you get a signature on each of these. Print out the receipt, fax or email to client and get a return with signature.

    The upside as I see it in this is the ability to keep your mobile payments.. so when you are in front of clients, and the ability of integrating QuickBooks.

    You might want to look at tier Point Of Sale system as well. That is personally what I use, and have it connected to a bank.. but I do believe you can integrate your "Go-Payments" account with it as well.

    Hope that Helps!

    Originally Posted by rockene View Post

    Hello everyone and this is my first post on this forum, so thanks for looking.

    I have been looking on here for what credit card processing company I can use for phone orders.

    I'm signed up with Square and thats great when I'm physically going to the business and meeting with the client, only now I'm actually changing my business model and going to start cold calling other areas in the US, so everything must be done over the phone and square is focused on only using there mobile app.

    Also I don't want to get with a standard merchant services company due to the credit check and also the fees that come with using them (past experence).

    Thanks everyone.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
    • Profile picture of the author rockene
      Profile picture of rockene
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      Using a bank account is fine, only I like the way that the processing companies work. such as Intuit, paypal, square... These are all great only they don't offer the option to take phone credit cards.

      It could be the way that I structure the payments and script/sale, if I get the credit card over the phone ties them into the purchase (to an extent) if you get them off the phone most people will change there mind, talk to there friend thats a web designer, call people in the phone book, google web design companies the list goes on. I'm not trying to rip anyone off, its just phone sales once people get off the phone and say to call them back the sale is gone 70% of the time.

      Its all about energy, you want to keep that excited energy going through out the sale.
  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Profile picture of iAmNameLess
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    Well, PayPal, Square, they all do credit checks.

    I dunno which processing companies you've looked into but most have less fees than paypal.

    You can check out stripe but they'll cut you off for too many manually entered payments.

    Why not do check by phone?
  • Profile picture of the author rockene
    Profile picture of rockene
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    Thanks, actually square doesn't do credit checks and I actually just signed up for Intuit they didn't do a credit check and have the option for a web portal for CC processing. So we shall see how that works, I also really like the business check option also.

    Thanks for all your help.
    • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
      Profile picture of iAmNameLess
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      Originally Posted by rockene View Post

      Thanks, actually square doesn't do credit checks and I actually just signed up for Intuit they didn't do a credit check and have the option for a web portal for CC processing. So we shall see how that works, I also really like the business check option also.

      Thanks for all your help.
      They all do. You just aren't aware of it yet. You have an internal limit their risk department approved you for with Max transaction fee and max volume. You go over that then you're going to experience holds anywhere from 15 days to 180 days. Also they are free to terminate you based on credit at anytime.
      • Profile picture of the author Joe Stewart
        Joe Stewart
        Profile picture of Joe Stewart
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        Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

        They all do. You just aren't aware of it yet. You have an internal limit their risk department approved you for with Max transaction fee and max volume. You go over that then you're going to experience holds anywhere from 15 days to 180 days. Also they are free to terminate you based on credit at anytime.
        This is a fact. Actually, you can do almost everything with a standard Paypal business account that you can with a merchant account. The biggest difference is being able to key in the credit card number or not. You can with a merchant account, but not with a standard business account.

        Still, the Paypal representative I spoke to this morning, who also has a small business on the side and was surprisingly candid, told me straight up that getting a merchant account would almost certainly have them impose a rolling reserve because of the type of business I'm in.

        I just wanted to check the Paypal option because I need a fast solution for my new business and hate the thought of having to set up a new merchant account until I get at least 2-3 more customers.

        I'm waiting on two other merchant account processors to get back to me now. One of these guys helped me set up my current account for my physical product business and was able to get me a limit 3 times the amount they wanted to give me AND he was also able to get a supervisor to sign a statement saying that they wouldn't hit me with a reserve account unless they had reasonable cause. I also made them explain exactly what they considered "reasonable cause" to be in writing, and I got it!

        I'm such a pain, but you guys need to keep in mind that you're business OWNERS now and anything that happens in your business, good or bad, is going to land in your lap, not someone elses, so don't be afraid to ask for what you want or even insist. If you don't get what you want you can simply move on to another company and leverage them against each other.

        Good luck!


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        • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
          Profile picture of iAmNameLess
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          Originally Posted by Joe Stewart View Post

          Still, the Paypal representative I spoke to this morning, who also has a small business on the side and was surprisingly candid, told me straight up that getting a merchant account would almost certainly have them impose a rolling reserve because of the type of business I'm in.
          I know hosting will require a rolling reserve, are you doing web design and SEO Joe? That shouldn't require a rolling reserve.

          One payment processor that is definitely overlooked is Stripe. I really like them, as far as payment processors go at least.

          IMO though, nothing beats the good ole check by phone!
          • Profile picture of the author Joe Stewart
            Joe Stewart
            Profile picture of Joe Stewart
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            Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

            I know hosting will require a rolling reserve, are you doing web design and SEO Joe? That shouldn't require a rolling reserve.
            Nope. I'm not doing web design at all or SEO for anyone else. One of the guys asked me about it and I said I wasn't. That's how it came up.

            The two processors I spoke to yesterday said that SEO is deemed high risk and lead gen falls into that category. Don't ask me how they came to that conclusion. They just said that they have a lot of SEO related chargebacks.

            I've doing some SEO for myself, but not for any clients. I have one client so far, but I'm doing site rental+ extras - including PPC to try to generate leads. I'm only ranking my own sites, not anyone elses. I'm gradually transitioning my entire focus to lead generation.

            Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

            One payment processor that is definitely overlooked is Stripe. I really like them, as far as payment processors go at least.
            I've never looked at them. I'll have to check them out. I'm definitely not thrilled about using Paypal, at least not long term.

            Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

            IMO though, nothing beats the good ole check by phone!
            I'll also look into that. I bought your WSO and read what you said about it. It makes a lot of sense for a few reasons. I'll have to invest in a better printer, but it would definitely be worth it.

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  • Profile picture of the author daniyal100
    Profile picture of daniyal100
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    they are not only for physical transactions, you can take credit cards on phone with square too and i've been doing it for 2 months comfortably with them. they got pretty quick technical team 7 days a week ready.
    • Profile picture of the author johniemail
      Profile picture of johniemail
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      Both PayPal Here and Square will allow you to key in CC info (#, exp, csv, zip) and charge a card at a sightly higher percentage fee than if the card were swiped.

      When you enter CC info, the app will ask for the customer's signature... which you can enter "via phone". I'd then recommend having them sign an invoice authorizing the charge.
  • Profile picture of the author Joe Stewart
    Joe Stewart
    Profile picture of Joe Stewart
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    Originally Posted by rockene View Post

    Hello everyone and this is my first post on this forum, so thanks for looking.

    I have been looking on here for what credit card processing company I can use for phone orders.

    I'm signed up with Square and thats great when I'm physically going to the business and meeting with the client, only now I'm actually changing my business model and going to start cold calling other areas in the US, so everything must be done over the phone and square is focused on only using there mobile app.

    Also I don't want to get with a standard merchant services company due to the credit check and also the fees that come with using them (past experence).

    Thanks everyone.

    By the way, one of the places I spoke to yesterday ( maybe?) said that web design isn't on the high risk list.

    That is NOT an affiliate link! Mods, please remove it if you don't want it there.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mav91890
    Profile picture of Mav91890
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    Paypal is the damn devil. Avoid them at all costs.

    “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.” ― Jordan Belfort

    • Profile picture of the author qu4rk
      Profile picture of qu4rk
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      Originally Posted by Mav91890 View Post

      Paypal is the damn devil. Avoid them at all costs.
      People say this, but I've never had a problem with them. I'm in the US & never had a client try to get their money back or anything like that, so I guess that may have something to do with it.
      • Profile picture of the author daniyal100
        Profile picture of daniyal100
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        Originally Posted by qu4rk View Post

        People say this, but I've never had a problem with them. I'm in the US & never had a client try to get their money back or anything like that, so I guess that may have something to do with it.
        100% correct. I never understand why people hate paypal so much assuming they are not ripping people off and doing business.
        Other then that paypal does not support digital buyers anyway.. whoever uses paypal knows it.
  • Profile picture of the author JacobABurt
    Profile picture of JacobABurt
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    I see that a lot of entrepreneurs are unsure about what service they should use. I think the key for you is to go with a card processing company which assesses your needs first, and then quotes their rate - because one size doesn't fit all! With that point in mind, I'd recommend you to take a look at CreditCardProcessing(dot)com's affordable telephone order credit card processing solutions ( There are no hidden charges, their customer support team is extremely efficient, and their services are highly secure and hassle-free. It worked for me, hope it does for you, too!
  • Profile picture of the author Freebiequeen1999
    Profile picture of Freebiequeen1999
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks...some good info here, bookmarked this thread

    It also is important to offer what the client feels good about - give some options?

    some of them may prefer the check by phone IMHO

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