Vetting resellers

Profile picture of socialentry
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
2 replies

I am planning to re-enter the IM space as a telemarketer. Not entirely sure for which product yet but I lean toward web design, because it is a semi-hard skill and so it's easier to check credentials at my level.

My primary goal in re-entering the IM space is to get better at sales and to fund uni studies in pure and applied math. In the long run,the less time I spend on fullfillment and customer service the better.

My Q to you is:
-What is your process for vetting outsourcers?
-How do you test for communication and customer service skills?
-How do you do to mitigate the risk of picking a bad provider?
-What would be the cost of bringing in a project manager to oversee customer service and fullfillment?
-In general, if I try to outsource locally, within my uni itself, how reliable does that kind of outsourcers tend to be? And where would be the best place to find them? Alumni organizations? Tech clubs? Student newspapers? Kijiji?

The steps I thought about for risk mitigation:
-Payment by milestone.
-Insistence upon a minimum level of documentation of the design process so that others may pick up the ball if things go awry.
-Very strict qualification which includes questions to evaluate the character of a prospect during the sales process to avoid PITA clients.
-Start with smaller projects and go up.

Thoughts? Anything else I can do?
#resellers #vetting
  • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
    Profile picture of kenmichaels
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by socialentry View Post


    I am planning to re-enter the IM space as a telemarketer. Not entirely sure for which product yet but I lean toward web design, because it is a semi-hard skill and so it's easier to check credentials at my level.

    My primary goal in re-entering the IM space is to get better at sales and to fund uni studies in pure and applied math. In the long run,the less time I spend on fullfillment and customer service the better.

    My Q to you is:
    -What is your process for vetting outsourcers?
    -How do you test for communication and customer service skills?
    -How do you do to mitigate the risk of picking a bad provider?
    -What would be the cost of bringing in a project manager to oversee customer service and fullfillment?
    -In general, if I try to outsource locally, within my uni itself, how reliable does that kind of outsourcers tend to be? And where would be the best place to find them? Alumni organizations? Tech clubs? Student newspapers? Kijiji?

    The steps I thought about for risk mitigation:
    -Payment by milestone.
    -Insistence upon a minimum level of documentation of the design process so that others may pick up the ball if things go awry.
    -Very strict qualification which includes questions to evaluate the character of a prospect during the sales process to avoid PITA clients.
    -Start with smaller projects and go up.

    Thoughts? Anything else I can do?
    The above is a recipe for disaster. It's one of those ideas that look good
    on paper but have too many real world pitfalls. Also, I know you,
    so I know you don't want a fly by night operation. Which is what
    you will have.

    Let's look at the obvious first;

    You're saying you want the bizz to pay for school. THAT means ... at one point
    or another the business is going to suffer because you are taking the money needed
    for growth and giving it to the school.

    Another major issue is outsource-rs... in a nutshell, most suck. It takes a long time
    to find ones that are good and consistent ... and I never met one who did not
    talk a good game.

    Vetting? That's laughable. Any referrals will be carefully chosen, same for
    portfolios. Nobody is going to tell you how many times they dropped the ball
    ...came in late for a deadline... or did a shit job.

    The only vetting you can completely rely on is "work they do for you"
    So you hire and fire as fast as possible. It's expensive and time consuming.

    Also, from my own personal experience, working with outsource-rs requires
    quite a bit of time. You will need to hire a manager or handle it all yourself
    ... the more time you spend with them, the less your studying / growing.

    My advice? Come up with a better idea.

    If you want to sell, find someone elses product ... any product that has high margins
    that you believe in, let them handle fulfillment.

    If you are really stuck on the idea, forget outsource-rs, do everything yourself.
    Including the development. Charge 5k or more and never less. This will allow
    you to survive with only a few sales a month.

    Just my opinion.

    Selling Ain't for Sissies!
    • Profile picture of the author jamesfreddyc
      Profile picture of jamesfreddyc
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      If you want to sell, find someone elses product ... any product that has high margins
      that you believe in, let them handle fulfillment.
      And something that offers residuals on each account. Software / SaaS product for small businesses.

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