Getting hosting commissions from my office location?

4 replies
Hey all,

Im new here (obviously) but a friend told me to checkout the forum as I have been a marketer for about 6 years. I own a small, offline, seo firm. I have a physical office location and recently i have become aware of a demand in my area for various small businesses who want a new website. I have about 20 people lined up, and instead of charging them a fee, i wanted to do it for free and then get paid via hosting commission.

As of right now, i have the business owners coming into my office, where I setup their website, show them how everything works, and then send them on their way. At the moment i am charging $97 for this (based in the US).

My question is, is there a way to negioate with the hosting companies (hostgator, iPage, bluehost, etc...) in order to get paid for these commissions even though they are coming from my office. I do have a dynamic IP, so im not sure if that helps? And obviousley the payment info would be different for each business as they pay with their own paypal or credit card.

Any insight would be helpful. Thanks!
#commissions #hosting #location #office
  • Profile picture of the author Joshua Young
    I also have a small SEO firm and digital marketing agency in my local area. Honestly, instead of charging $97 for this service, you could charge $899 or more to set-up their site and $59/mo or more to host it yourself. And then upsell them your SEO services.

    But if you really want to do it for free then sign up as an affiliate with the hosting companies and have your client use the affiliate link to sign-up. Most of the major hosting companies have affiliate programs. If they use your affiliate link then you will get paid the commission. Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Ill say it.. just not the best business plan in the world.. what is an affiliate hosting commission? $100? just charge the $100, and then set them up on a hosting plan ( you being the host ) for $50.00 a month or whatever.

    Think for a moment.. $50.00 a month from 20 clients... that's $1000.00 every month vs the what $2000.00 one time that you would be getting if they got their own hosting. Those same $2000.00 one time clients could be $12,000.00 a year clients.

    Lets go a step beyond the initial concept you have.. doing sites for free basically. You are an SEO specialist correct? So you start building sites.. I'm good with that.. I do the same thing.. but what separates you from every other site builder? Could be the fact that the sites you build are designed with SEO in mind. from the ground up, the sites you would build are SEO ready.

    You wouldn't have to go back in and restructure and fix issues.. they would be done right from the beginning. As you add the SEO service to their hosting package, you don't have to wonder what has been done.. has the site been penalized in the past.. is it sandboxed etc.. you would obviously know the history right?

    You don't know it.. but you are in a position to charge.. you obviously have made a name for yourself with the SEO aspect of your business - the fact that 20 or so clients are in line to have you build a site says that. and you want to "give it away"?

    Don't charge them for building the site then... call it proper SEO structure development. open and shut the door on bringing in these clients as SEO clients all in one step.

    20 clients at $50.00 a month isn't so bad... $12k a year.. but 20 clients at $300 ( $50 for hosting $250 for SEO ) a month is $72k a year. Pull your head out of the sand and think like a business for a moment and not some guy that needs to figure out how to pay rent next month. Your chasing peanuts, when there is a better than decent living sitting right in front of you. 20 new clients a year. for 4 years puts you over 1/4 mill a year in re-occurring income.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Look into reseller hosting - I've used two HG reseller accts to host multiple sites but, in the past, I've also used them to provide hosting for a membership on a temporary basis.

    Much better to have monthly hosting fees than one time "commission" - and you can put your own name/label on the hosting on a reseller acct. charge $25/month for hosting - and those checks will build as every client who BUYS a site from you will be paying YOU for hosting monthly into the future.

    I think your site fees are low - especially considering the time to train someone to use the new site. You could also add a la carte services such as email management, updating the site FOR them monthly, etc.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author TMets5
      My first thought was the same as Kay's....set up a reseller's acct and collect hosting fees through your own agency and sell it as a monthly service..

      Great job for getting all these website clients lined up as this is most difficult step for most offline service providers and you can certainly monetize the same client base for higher fees.
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