Getting hosting commissions from my office location?
Im new here (obviously) but a friend told me to checkout the forum as I have been a marketer for about 6 years. I own a small, offline, seo firm. I have a physical office location and recently i have become aware of a demand in my area for various small businesses who want a new website. I have about 20 people lined up, and instead of charging them a fee, i wanted to do it for free and then get paid via hosting commission.
As of right now, i have the business owners coming into my office, where I setup their website, show them how everything works, and then send them on their way. At the moment i am charging $97 for this (based in the US).
My question is, is there a way to negioate with the hosting companies (hostgator, iPage, bluehost, etc...) in order to get paid for these commissions even though they are coming from my office. I do have a dynamic IP, so im not sure if that helps? And obviousley the payment info would be different for each business as they pay with their own paypal or credit card.
Any insight would be helpful. Thanks!
Joshua Young -
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Kay King -
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