Google Assistant - the future of cold calling?

15 replies
Google have just demonstrated their assistant making phone call to a real business to book a hair appointment.

It wasn't perfect but it worked. Here's a link to watch the video

Now this tech is in its early stages but is it too far of a stretch for it to eventually be used with a dialler.

I know in our business we have a whole department which exists only to analyze our phone calls.

With deep learning I would think that AI would be able to use this data to construct a sales call or at least a lead generation call.

So will this be the future, is this a great equaliser for small companies or a spammers dream.

Interested to read others peoples thoughts as my mind is racing with possibilities.
#assistant #calling #cold #future #google
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by quadagon View Post

    Google have just demonstrated their assistant making phone call to a real business to book a hair appointment.

    It wasn't perfect but it worked. Here's a link to watch the video

    Now this tech is in its early stages but is it too far of a stretch for it to eventually be used with a dialler.

    I know in our business we have a whole department which exists only to analyze our phone calls.

    With deep learning I would think that AI would be able to use this data to construct a sales call or at least a lead generation call.

    So will this be the future, is this a great equaliser for small companies or a spammers dream.

    Interested to read others peoples thoughts as my mind is racing with possibilities.

    I posted that video on another forum.

    The Google demonstration is pretty cool but I'm sure it's partially staged in that it wasn't an actual business being called but a voice actor reading a script and knowing the data info. parameters (name, time, service options) before demonstrating the call.

    Basically fill in the blanks type of call.

    I'm not saying it was bad, just that it's most likely not going to carry on a conversation like a human.

    When this type of service gets up to par, IMO, it's the only option for cold calling because it can be automated by a PC 24/7/365. Only then is cold calling a useful numbers game, when a human isn't making 87 failed calls per hour. this could be put in robocall mode making a thousand calls per minute from a single PC. Look out Skype.

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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    There is a type of cold call that is called Avatar calling. It's a recorded voice that is controlled by a telemarketer. The voice has several recorded reactions to each objection-question. They have been banned when calling consumers.... I suspect that these calls (when they are first made available) will be banned as well.

    On the other hand, no types of calls are banned that are made to businesses.
    One Call Closing book

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      There is a type of cold call that is called Avatar calling. It's a recorded voice that is controlled by a telemarketer. The voice has several recorded reactions to each objection-question. They have been banned when calling consumers.... I suspect that these calls (when they are first made available) will be banned as well.

      On the other hand, no types of calls are banned that are made to businesses.

      I get your point but the difference here (eventually) is a human won't know If it's a human or bot talking.

      The real magic will be when they make bots that are capable of having realistic conversations that aren't as easy as the Google fill in the blanks call. Note I said realistic instead of intelligent.

      I'd like to hear a Google AI [sic] response to a difficult sales question.

      BTW, I'm sure the callers voice in the Google video is a voice actor with pre-recorded sound bites mixed on the fly during the call. There's a few companies that have been doing this for a while. The Siri video below explains the process.

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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    Well we already use an "auto attendant" to answer calls and it is only a matter of time where the standard pre-recorded answer becomes an AI powered device so maybe most businesses will eventually answer the robo call with a robo answering system.

    Maybe that would be a good product to sell via cold calling.

    One of the observations expressed at this years T&C was that most people hate getting phone calls of any type.

    Sure they like to call people but prefer text or messages first because they are less interrupting.

    The reason given for the rise of the chatbot was people prefer to talk to a bot if it is going to give them an answer quicker than waiting for a human to answer their question or questions.

    As a salesperson I love it when a prospect calls me or when I call a qualified prospect so I can see the day when the answering technology is good enough to redirect the inbound call to either a bot (to deal with the nuisance calls) or to a live respondent where appropriate.

    You wouldn't think it too hard to come up with something that analysed the inbound source to determine whether the caller was genuine, autodialed or bot.

    Best regards,

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    • Profile picture of the author animal44
      Originally Posted by Oziboomer View Post

      One of the observations expressed at this years T&C was that most people hate getting phone calls of any type.
      Wonder who it is who has been saying this for years on this very forum...

      People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
      What I do for a living

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      • Profile picture of the author yukon
        Originally Posted by animal44 View Post

        Wonder who it is who has been saying this for years on this very forum...
        Probably me.

        The technology is cool but as a consumer I'd hate all the calls. I wonder how Google/Calls handles a call where it's being cussed out. Dial tone audio clip?
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  • Profile picture of the author Aakash Sohani
    Google brings many technologies which become future for Assist. Tasks mobile app lets you capture, edit and manage your tasks from anywhere, at any time and with to-dos that sync across all your devices.
    Similar to cold calling.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnmitchell
    Lol who wants to do business with a robot?

    They are probably for support and basic customer service.
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  • Profile picture of the author dilipcybex
    That is a bit too much for me. Maybe, that's the future. I never believe when Google used to tell that they will suggest for me before I search. That has become true in last decade. Google calling and fixing things for me might come true someday. I don't want that day to come though.
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  • I think in the long run, automated voice services like these will definitely handle client interactions from start to finish. However, we have a lot of progress to make before that is the norm. Coming from someone with extensive experience in inside (over the phone) sales I'm talking decades and decades of progress.

    For example, the other day I paid my phone bill over the phone. All the bot had to do was verify my personal/account/card info. It was clearly a prerecorded line.

    Now let that same bot try to sell me insurance over the phone (which I've done) and it will fail miserably. Because selling over the phone requires rapport, connecting emotianaly, making yourself likeable, and matching your tone, speech and delivery to the client.

    Phone sales are to this day extremely lucrative. Some people write them off as obsolete, but they are nowhere near going away anytime soon. I know that's not our focus here on the Warrior Forum, but it's a reality nonetheless.

    However, I do believe in the future a robot will be able to pal around with a client, to the point we can't tell if we're talking to AI or a human (kind of scary tbh), just we have a lot of work to do before we get there.
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    • Originally Posted by TheSnowballEffect View Post

      Now let that same bot try to sell me insurance over the phone (which I've done) and it will fail miserably. Because selling over the phone requires rapport, connecting emotianaly, making yourself likeable, and matching your tone, speech and delivery to the client.

      I agree. Thinking as a customer, I don't mind talking to a bot when it comes to technical/customer support or customer follow up. But cold calling? I'd think it was creepy that a bot would know so much about me that it might be able to close a sale over the phone.
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      • Profile picture of the author animal44
        Originally Posted by John Jonas Phil VA View Post

        But cold calling? I'd think it was creepy that a bot would know so much about me that it might be able to close a sale over the phone.
        You have retargeting online, so why not offline?

        IBM's Watson supposedly passed the turing test, so how would you know if you're talking to a bot...? Given that the cold callers repeatedly argue that the script is all important, it can't be that difficult to program Watson to respond with the pre prepared script...

        Anyway you're already talking to bots in call centres...

        People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
        What I do for a living

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  • Profile picture of the author ErinGDelgado
    Well we already use an "auto attendant" to reply calls plus it's only an issue of time at which in fact the normal pre-order response becomes a AI-powered device thus most organizations will gradually answer the robo call with a robo answering technique.
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  • Profile picture of the author HeatherRWheeler
    Hello quadagon,
    The Google demonstration is really cool however I'm convinced it has partially staged it was not a real business being called but also a voice performer looking at a script and knowing exactly the data advice. Parameters (title, time, service options) previous to displaying the telephone number.
    have a great time.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    LOL on the spammer's dream hahaha. Love it. In truth if folks use AI with the right intent you are good to go. This is the key. Although it is still cold calling; pure numbers game and little of a friendship-bonding game.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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