Uber & Lyft Marketing for Physical Stores

13 replies
I had an idea for local businesses to get more foot traffic by discounting Uber & Lyft rides for people to get to their stores.

Have you guys seen something similar before? Do you have any ideas on who might be interested in running this type of promotion. I'm looking for a few businesses to test it out with.

Here's a link to the landing page: https://droves.io

Any feedback is appreciated!
#lyft #marketing #physical #stores #uber
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Moved to offline marketing section - interesting concept
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Helping Both Ends of the Leash
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    Great idea!

    The brand name and website is very nice too.

    I haven't seen anything similar.

    Good luck to you!
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Originally Posted by Shawn Vo View Post

    I had an idea for local businesses to get more foot traffic by Uber & Lyft rides for people to get to their stores.
    Never seen anything like it Uber drivers may like the fact to make a few extra dollars. You get the idea up and running. You may make out very well if implemented the right way. Good Luck..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11498650].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author almostnewyorker
    Ooh interesting. I could see this being really useful for bars or restaurants. Removes some concern about over indulging. I wonder if you could try them?

    Or even some businesses that may have trouble with parking.

    Would it only work in cities? And it seems like it might be difficult to make it cost effective.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11498844].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Shawn Vo
    Awesome thanks for the feedback!

    Yeah, I think bars and restaurants could be a good use-case. We've had some interest there, but also experienced a little resistance because they don't always have the budget as you mentioned. We also started testing out higher-end retailers.

    In terms of geography, I've only really lived around NYC and DC where uber and lyft is pretty popular. But I imagine SF, LA, Chicago, or Boston could also be good.

    Would love to hear more ideas on what use-cases or geographies I should look into.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11498911].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Originally Posted by Shawn Vo View Post

    I had an idea for local businesses to get more foot traffic by discounting Uber & Lyft rides for people to get to their stores.

    Have you guys seen something similar before? Do you have any ideas on who might be interested in running this type of promotion. I'm looking for a few businesses to test it out with.

    Here's a link to the landing page: https://droves.io

    Any feedback is appreciated!
    Have seen this type of thing with their Boost program.

    Not sure if this is the exact idea you have in mind.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11498913].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Shawn Vo
      Whoa this is really cool. Thanks for sharing! I haven't heard of Boost before. Very similar idea, but instead of discounting food / drinks, they would discount the ride.

      The idea is that paying for transportation doesn't feel good (like paying for shipping online) but don't mind paying for the merchandise or experience.

      Are you from Denver? Do you see a lot of people using it out there?
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  • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
    If you really want to maximize this, here's how...

    You can go to a jewelry store with this offer...

    "I've got a hand-picked list of women who spend over $2,000
    on jewelry multiple times,
    within 5 miles of your store.

    These big spenders also take a Uber.

    I'd like to run a promotion for you to get these ladies into your store.

    Pick out your most popular piece and also get the Uber
    to pick up these ladies for private viewing and ride home."

    Do you think they might buy if you treat them well?"


    Yes, you absolutely can own a list of these $2,000+ jewelry buyers
    who also use Uber.

    BTW, you can do the same with Lyft too.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11499029].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Shawn Vo
      That's clever! Excuse my ignorance, but how would you go about owning that list and putting the promotion in front of them?
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      • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
        Originally Posted by Shawn Vo View Post

        That's clever! Excuse my ignorance, but how would you go about owning that list and putting the promotion in front of them?
        Shawn, the answer is in your private inbox.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11499253].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author cherrybowl
          Ewenmack, could you CC that answer to my private inbox as well...I'm not in this space but I'd love to know the answer.
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  • Profile picture of the author StevenTylerPjs
    Shawn Vo,

    Did you ever move forward with this? I'm my city we have a theatre that shows ballet and broadway. As a vip service, they will pick attendees up from home and bring them to the theatre free of charge. Of course, this is for the customers who purchased the expensive tickets in the balcony...

    A little different from your idea, but still making it as easy as possible for customers to get to the place of business.

    I think your idea is great and would love to hear how it's coming along.
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  • Profile picture of the author cearionmarie
    An interesting idea this is! Well, you can also consider working with "influencers" and do collabs with them on this one. I'm thinking about micro influencers only as I think they are more effective when it comes to pricing and results.

    Cearion Uy - Marketing Advisor

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