Have you been in a brand ambassador programme?

by WF- Enzo Administrator
4 replies
I've actually participated in a brand ambassadorship programme way back in college. In a gist, that brand is well-known, although I didn't get any monetary benefit from joining. While I severed my ties with that company, they're performing pretty well.

What about you? Were you part of something like that? Or are you crafting a strategy where you recruit brand ambassadors for your company?
#ambassador #brand #programme
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  • Profile picture of the author phoebedamien
    As soon as I reached 3000 followers on instagram, brands started noticing and contacting me. However, many of them would ask me to do my first purchase before I can start promoting them and earn a commission. But there are still few who really wanted me to become part of their team and would assist me in promoting and growing my followers/influence more.
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    • Profile picture of the author MrRobinson
      Can you share with some of them?
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    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      [QUOTE=phoebedamien;11560550]As soon as I reached 3000 followers on instagram, brands started noticing and contacting me.

      Doubt that is what Enzo is talking about, that is more online than offline . A brand ambassador promotes products at trade shows, in stores and sporting events, etc. Costco has multiple companies promoting products there. From sampling food, Dyson vacuum cleaner demos, solar company's and more.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    @WF- Enzo can you go into a bit more detail as to what the programme entailed? Like what you had to do, and what was the end gain on your end if there was no direct monetary benefit.

    Success is an ACT not an idea
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