Buying or creating marketing assets

15 replies
What do you think, which marketing assets are the best to invest in? Building a list, creating content, buying website, or something else?

I am thinking about investing 10000 USD in marketing assets which I could use later.

Another idea was to make SaaS website (software as a service) and get local small businesses subscribed for free membership and later upsell them to premium or to other services.

I am asking here because the most other assets are already overpriced, stocks, gold, real estate etc. and I just need to protect 10000 USD now.

#assets #buying #creating #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I just need to protect 10000 USD now.

    Put it in a CD or saving acct till the market improves for investing....or until you know what you want to do - and know how to do it. Unless you have a business to expand or a business plan to follow - you would be spending (and probably losing) not investing online.

    Going on a public forum to say you want to 'invest' $10k is asking to be scammed. Sorry, but it's true.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    In the world of all the overpriced assets you mentioned as well as the world of marketing assets, some people are making money right now and lots of people are using.

    It's not so much about the asset type as your skills and setup.

    Like Kay said, you can lose your 10k with marketing assets, unless you have the setup/knowledge required to, at least, protect its current value.

    So, to get good advice about marketing assets, share some background info.

    Originally Posted by John9586 View Post

    What do you think, which marketing assets are the best to invest in? Building a list, creating content, buying website, or something else?

    I am thinking about investing 10000 USD in marketing assets which I could use later.

    Another idea was to make SaaS website (software as a service) and get local small businesses subscribed for free membership and later upsell them to premium or to other services.

    I am asking here because the most other assets are already overpriced, stocks, gold, real estate etc. and I just need to protect 10000 USD now.

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  • Profile picture of the author animal44
    Originally Posted by John9586 View Post

    I am thinking about investing 10000 USD in marketing assets which I could use later.
    Why pay with good money? You can often get valuable marketing assets for free, dirt cheap or for future money. All you need to do is show why it's in the punter's interests to give them to you...

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  • Profile picture of the author John9586
    I am just helping small businesses on the side with marketing, mostly adwords and other PPC.
    But this is just a service, there is nothing to invest in.
    So I was thinking I could buy other marketing assets and use them later.
    I could get more traffic through content etc.,
    or I could expand to SaaS,
    or I could build a larger list, etc.
    I am just not sure which asset has the best ROI.
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    • Profile picture of the author animal44
      Originally Posted by John9586 View Post

      I am just not sure which asset has the best ROI.
      A list of repeat buyers...

      People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
      What I do for a living

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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by John9586 View Post

      I am just helping small businesses on the side with marketing, mostly adwords and other PPC.
      I cannot imagine what you could buy for future use that would be more profitable than what you could use now.

      I would just ask (or find out from competitor offers) what other services your current buyers will also buy.

      Then either offer that service yourself, buy a list of buyers of that service....or do a joint venture with a supplier of that service.

      I cannot imagine why you would need to invest real money to do any of this.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    There is no point in asking what people 'think' - and then arguing with the responses.

    The idea of buying 'marketing assets' to 'use them later' makes no sense to me - a list not used now will be worthless 'later'. Products and tools purchased now and 'saved for later' will be replaced by more advanced products and tools...and software will most likely be outdated 'later'.

    The only asset with ANY ROI is the asset you are able to manage and grow so that it is profitable. There are lists and ads and platforms you can spend a lot of money on and do well....but you need the experience to choose where to put the money to get results.

    If you are providing a service you are paid for - improve the service, increase your customer base, add to the services you offer - and the higher income produced will be your ROI. Turn your 'service' into a business.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author aduttonater
    Use what you already have like your phone, laptop, PDFs etc. otherwise I would say invest in real estate.
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  • Profile picture of the author John9586
    Thanks for the answers. Just one last question. Jay Abraham said its much more profitable to invest in marketing than in stockmarket or real estate. How did he do it?
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by John9586 View Post

      Thanks for the answers. Just one last question. Jay Abraham said its much more profitable to invest in marketing than in stockmarket or real estate. How did he do it?
      one word "Consistency"
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    • Profile picture of the author animal44
      Originally Posted by John9586 View Post

      Thanks for the answers. Just one last question. Jay Abraham said its much more profitable to invest in marketing than in stockmarket or real estate. How did he do it?
      Well he didn't mean buying up marketing assets and sitting on them in the hope they'll increase in value...

      He meant spending money on marketing now to bring in sales now. Better ROI and lower risk than stock market or property.

      Find a copy of "From Mediocrity to Millions". Many examples in there.

      Edit to say: If you have successful PPC campaigns these would be great marketing assets you could take to other non competing businesses - assuming you own the campaigns.

      If you don't own the campaigns, a discussion with the owner for a profit sharing arrangement might be in order...

      People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
      What I do for a living

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Originally Posted by John9586 View Post

    What do you think, which marketing assets are the best to invest in? Building a list, creating content, buying website, or something else?

    I am thinking about investing 10000 USD in marketing assets which I could use later.

    Another idea was to make SaaS website (software as a service) and get local small businesses subscribed for free membership and later upsell them to premium or to other services.

    I am asking here because the most other assets are already overpriced, stocks, gold, real estate etc. and I just need to protect 10000 USD now.

    Look at the rate of inflation, then invest in something that will at least keep pace.

    Businesses are risky especially for newbies, and $10K is unlikely to last long. No guarantee of return, either.
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  • Quality content is the key to attract the users to go to see the website, that's what this site is providing.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well everything i think it has a risk and dont expect to not loose money .If you realy need that 10k to be intact then i would think very well before i invest
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