Need Your Opinion On Book Title

Claude Whitacre
Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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39 replies
Guys and Gals:

I decided to write a book about Certainty, and how it is the driving force in selling.

My definition of selling is A Transference Of Certainty.

I have several other projects to complete, before this one...but I could use some input.

A few title ideas are;

Selling Certainty; Unleash the engine that drives persuasion, arguments, debates, hypnosis, and beliefs.

Transference Of Certainty; Harness the core of persuasion with the secrets of hypnosis.

On Certainty; Unleash the power of belief for influence and persuasion.

Any thoughts? Ideas?
#book #opinion #title
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Kay King
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    The Clarity of Certainty - Unleashing Persuasion Through Hypnosis
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Profile picture of DWolfe
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    I'm curious have you tried any suggestions from Chat or Bardai to get an idea? That you can tweak a little bit. I can not come up with anything off the top of my head.

    However, I did a little play around with Bard with how certainty relates to Selling.

    I kind of like this suggestion it came up with.

    " The Certainty Code: The Secret to Selling Anything to Anyone"

    I wonder if there is a way to make that sound a little better or more specific for your audience.
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Claude Whitacre
      Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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      Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

      I'm curious have you tried any suggestions from Chat or Bardai to get an idea? That you can tweak a little bit. I can not come up with anything off the top of my head.

      However, I did a little play around with Bard with how certainty relates to Selling.

      I kind of like this suggestion it came up with.

      " The Certainty Code: The Secret to Selling Anything to Anyone"

      I wonder if there is a way to make that sound a little better or more specific for your audience.
      I haven't tried Chat yet, and I know I'll get several suggestions that way.

      Thanks for the suggestion.

      These are ideas I got from ChatGPT;

      "The Certainty Factor: Unleashing the Power of Conviction to Close Sales"
      How Harnessing Certainty Amplifies Sales Success

      "Selling with Certainty: The Key to Influence and Persuasion"
      Unlocking the Secrets of Confident Salesmanship

      "Certainty Sells: Mastering the Art of Convincing Customers"
      From Doubt to Purchase: Building Trust through Certainty

      "The Magnetic Sales Mindset: Cultivating Certainty for Unstoppable Sales"
      Igniting Sales Momentum with Unshakeable Conviction

      "The Certainty Advantage: How Belief Drives Sales Triumph"
      Empowering Sales Professionals with Absolute Confidence

      "Closing the Deal with Certainty: The Salesperson's Secret Weapon"
      The Science of Certainty Transfer for Sales Excellence

      "The Certainty Code: Cracking the Sales Success Formula"
      Decoding Certainty's Impact on Buyers' Decision-Making

      "Certainty in Selling: Building Trust, Inspiring Action"
      The Power of Conviction in Influencing Customer Behavior

      "The Certainty Mindset: Elevating Sales Performance to New Heights"
      Unleashing Confidence to Close More Sales, Every Time

      "The Art of Persuasion: How Certainty Transforms Sales Conversations"
      Techniques and Strategies for Conveying Unwavering Belief to Buyers

      I bolded the parts that I think are useful.

      The only slight problem I see with Chat GPT ideas, is that I can see they are all constructed from pieces of other book titles on similar subjects. Thought I don't think most book buyers would notice.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
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    Turn Your Prospect to Patron by Overcoming Caution with Certainty.


    Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

    Guys and Gals:

    I decided to write a book about Certainty, and how it is the driving force in selling.

    My definition of selling is A Transference Of Certainty.

    I have several other projects to complete, before this one...but I could use some input.

    A few title ideas are;

    Selling Certainty; Unleash the engine that drives persuasion, arguments, debates, hypnosis, and beliefs.

    Transference Of Certainty; Harness the core of persuasion with the secrets of hypnosis.

    On Certainty; Unleash the power of belief for influence and persuasion.

    Any thoughts? Ideas?
  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Profile picture of Jamell
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    Why don't you host a survey and ask your list of subscribers which titles they like the best.

    You might also want to use the titles in a blogging format and Guage your responses .

    You might also want to tweet your titles with a blog link .

    You can also test your titles in your you tube video titles and use them as keywords as well to see how much traction you get .
  • Profile picture of the author RMRC
    Profile picture of RMRC
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    Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

    On Certainty; Unleash the power of belief for influence and persuasion.
    I like this one the most, maybe if you tweaked it a little, something like:

    "Selling Certainty: Unleash The Driving Force Behind Influence & Persuasion"

    Sounds like it will be a great book!
  • Profile picture of the author zainsultan
    Profile picture of zainsultan
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    I want to suggest this one "Selling with Certainty - The Key to Influence & Persuasion:
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    Profile picture of DABK
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    Certainty Sells
    The Ultimate Guide to Using Certainty to Close More Sales Than You've Ever Thought Possible
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Claude Whitacre
      Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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      Originally Posted by DABK View Post

      Certainty Sells
      The Ultimate Guide to Using Certainty to Close More Sales Than You've Ever Thought Possible
      I see the copywriter in you Thanks.

      Originally Posted by MelissaCollin View Post

      Your options are great. I really like the titles and the idea of writing in general. But I like this one the most "On Certainty; Unleash the power of belief for influence and persuasion". I already want to read this book and discuss it with you on this forum. Therefore, good luck in writing and inspiration!
      I'm pretty sold on "Unleash the power of belief for influence and persuasion." as the subtitle.

      Powerful search terms, and it explains what it is, but makes it appeal to a broad audience.

      The main title may be On Certainty. I am leaning toward Selling Certainty.

      Thank you.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
  • Profile picture of the author MelissaCollin
    Profile picture of MelissaCollin
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    Your options are great. I really like the titles and the idea of writing in general. But I like this one the most "On Certainty; Unleash the power of belief for influence and persuasion". I already want to read this book and discuss it with you on this forum. Therefore, good luck in writing and inspiration!
  • Profile picture of the author RMRC
    Profile picture of RMRC
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    I look forward to reading your book Claude. How will I be able to get a copy when you're done?
  • Profile picture of the author LoveMyProduct
    Profile picture of LoveMyProduct
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    Hi Claude,

    I like "On Certainty; Unleash the power of belief for influence and persuasion" as it succintly captures and deliver the idea.

    Click and Watch Captivating content that will leave you craving more!
  • Profile picture of the author scortillion
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    "Selling Certainty; Unleash the engine that drives persuasion, arguments, debates, hypnosis, and beliefs" - This title effectively conveys the main idea of your book, emphasizing how certainty is the driving force behind various persuasive techniques. It's a bit long, but it's attention-grabbing and informative.
  • Profile picture of the author angrybudcom
    Profile picture of angrybudcom
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    "Chasing Certainly a Certain Sale"

    or, if you wish a C-4, like it's boom,

    maybe, "C-4! Chasing Certainly Certain Cash"
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Claude Whitacre
      Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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      Originally Posted by angrybudcom View Post

      "Chasing Certainly a Certain Sale"

      or, if you wish a C-4, like it's boom,

      maybe, "C-4! Chasing Certainly Certain Cash"
      That's creative and inventive.

      I think I'll; go with;

      Chasing Certain Certainty Certainly Contains Certain Certified Curtains. Confining Claude's Circular Circumference.

      If someone wants to figure out what the book is about...let them work for it.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
  • Profile picture of the author Aliza Giglio
    Aliza Giglio
    Profile picture of Aliza Giglio
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    Reveal Certainty...

    The idea that you are able to reveal is more powerful that transfering. Revealing implies solid foundation being found. Transfering is too temporary of a word. Just an opinion. Best of Luck!
  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Profile picture of spartan14
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    Well i think you should drive curiosity in your title as title its one of the most important factor in books succes
  • Profile picture of the author cybersea
    Profile picture of cybersea
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    I'll be waiting for your material. it will be interesting to read. I wish you good luck with this project
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  • Profile picture of the author MoBoNYC
    Profile picture of MoBoNYC
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    These two seem fine;

    Transference Of Certainty; Harness the core of persuasion with the secrets of hypnosis.

    On Certainty; Unleash the power of belief for influence and persuasion.

    Do share here, whichever title you choose in the end.
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
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    How in heck did I miss this trail?

    Aw, I know -- bcs I been binge-watchin' 24h Wombat Matin' Cam ovah on Filetnix.

    Prahblem with Selling Certainty: Unleash The Driving Force Behind Influence & Persuasion (an' any zamples like it) is how you might accidently position yrself as a religious guru.

    (This happens to Moi frequently in the mall, an' I cain't nevah get ridda the spontaneous entourage.)

    Certainty & Sale gotta be yoked togethah in any version of this forthcomin must-have blockbustah, or your offah gonna be ambiguous.

    (I know amactschllybiguity comes with your particulah soot, but you get my drift.)

    Sell For Certain
    Proven Strategies For Closing More Sales

    Get Selling For Certain
    Proven Sales Strategies, Direct From The Hip
    Of Circumference Doom Himself!

    Proven Strategies For Selling Every Time
    How The Certainty Principle Can Transform The Way You Sell

    The Sales Certainty Principle
    Winning Strategies For Closing Every Sale
    Proven Strategies For Closing Every Sale

    To Hell With Blood Sugar Levels, I Demand More Donuts!
    Exclusive circumference smarts, laid out on a plate by a King of Kung Fu

    Sell With Certainty
    How The Certainty Principle Can Win You More Sales

    Anythin' useful here?

    Gotta hope so!

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Claude Whitacre
      Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      Prahblem with Selling Certainty: Unleash The Driving Force Behind Influence & Persuasion (an' any zamples like it) is how you might accidently position yrself as a religious guru.!
      I get the thinking. But the description will clear everything up.

      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      Certainty & Sale gotta be yoked togethah in any version of this forthcomin must-have blockbustah, or your offah gonna be ambiguous.!
      The problem is, there is a very specific point I'm making in the book. And It's going to be difficult to explain that point entirely in a title or subtitle.

      The description of the book will iron any misunderstandings out.

      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      How The Certainty Principle Can Transform The Way You Sell

      Sell With Certainty
      How The Certainty Principle Can Win You More Sales

      Anythin' useful here?

      Gotta hope so!
      Both strong ideas. I really like "The Certainty Principle".

      Although I really like "Sell With Certainty", it gives the wrong idea. "Selling Certainty" is closer to what I mean.

      Sell With Certainty sounds like you will feel certain that you'll make the sale. At least newer salespeople will interpret it that way.

      Selling Certainty is closer to what I'm teaching....selling by creating a feeling of certainty in the mind of the buyer.

      Very close in meaning, but I think I like Selling Certainty better. Although it would also make a great title of a book on con men or religious gurus. But I repeat myself.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
      • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
        Princess Balestra
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        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        I get the thinking. But the description will clear everything up.

        The problem is, there is a very specific point I'm making in the book. And It's going to be difficult to explain that point entirely in a title or subtitle.

        The description of the book will iron any misunderstandings out.

        You gaht that kinda slack?

        Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

        • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
          Claude Whitacre
          Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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          Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

          You gaht that kinda slack?
          My Dear; I'm not sure what that means. Please elucidate.
          One Call Closing book

          “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
          • Profile picture of the author savidge4
            Profile picture of savidge4
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            Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

            My Dear; I'm not sure what that means. Please elucidate.

            Slack as in if the title and sub don't pull them in to buy they are going to read the description? let alone click on it to get the description?
            Success is an ACT not an idea
            • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
              Princess Balestra
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              Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

              Slack as in if the title and sub don't pull them in to buy they are going to read the description? let alone click on it to get the description?

              Thanks Savidge, that nails it.

              Plus the las' time I elucidated I figured my bran-rich cereal was Dan Riffle's beard.

              Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

            • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
              Claude Whitacre
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              Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

              Slack as in if the title and sub don't pull them in to buy they are going to read the description? let alone click on it to get the description?
              This is one of those rare titles that won't pull in readers based on keywords in the title. The subtitle will have to do the work, which I think it does. The description will then clarify what the book is about, and turn away readers that mistakenly thought the book was about something else.

              But even Transference of Certainty will be lost on most readers, even salespeople and entrepreneurs.

              It's a title that has to be explained, and a subtitle is where to do that.

              Creating A Sense Of Certainty In The Mind Of The Sales Prospect would be a good descriptive main title. But only the words Sales and Prospect would cause Amazon to think it's a book on selling at all.

              Now that I see it it, that's not a bad subtitle.

              And, Amazon does use the description to know where to place the what category, and when to pull it up in a search.

              To be honest, this book will be one of the last ones I write. It really won't sell a course or be part of a series.

              It's a separate idea that I think is important to get out. And I haven't seen a book that does that job. So I thought I would eventually write it.
              One Call Closing book

              “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Kay King
    Profile picture of Kay King
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    Maybe 'certainty' and/or 'transference aren't the right words...would another word be more descriptive?

    Confidence or similar word perhaps? Projecting/Acquiring/Transferring????

    I think when you get into 'transference' you may be getting close to woo woo land?

    You know how sometimes you see a title or a brand name and you just know there was a spirited 'brain storming' leading to that name....but you realize the ideas got off track or mis-focused and got stuck there?
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    • Profile picture of the author animal44
      Profile picture of animal44
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      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      ... you may be getting close to woo woo land?
      Well, our Claude is of a certain age... A bit of woo woo is to be expected...!

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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Claude Whitacre
      Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Maybe 'certainty' and/or 'transference aren't the right words...would another word be more descriptive?

      Confidence or similar word perhaps? Projecting/Acquiring/Transferring????

      I think when you get into 'transference' you may be getting close to woo woo land?

      You know how sometimes you see a title or a brand name and you just know there was a spirited 'brain storming' leading to that name....but you realize the ideas got off track or mis-focused and got stuck there?
      I get it. And I could be making the same argument.


      Transference of certainty is the exact correct words to describe the process I'll be writing about. I just don't need to put that phrase in the title or subtitle.

      You're right, Transference in the title (or even the subtitle) would really confuse the Amazon book shopper.

      But Certainty should be in the title. It's the whole subject. Even's a worthless keyword, and nobody...but searching for books on Certainty.

      Even Selling Certainty would sound to me like it's a book about religious hucksters. That's why the subtitle needs to specify more about what the book is about.

      The entire content of the book is how transferring a sense of certainty from the seller to the buyer is what really drives the sale. the book I have to say Transference of certainty...just not in the title.

      I really do like the suggestion of Transferring. It gives the exact same meaning, with less possibility of sounding like a book on a different subject.

      Transferring Certainty is good. But I still wouldn't use it in the title. The phrase doesn't mean anything to the uninitiated. And nearly all readers will be uninitiated.

      I remember once reading "Selling is a transference of enthusiasm". That never struck me as true.

      Then, years ago, I read that "Selling is a transference of feeling". I think Zig Ziglar said it.

      Later, I read "Selling is a transference of belief". That struck me as closer to the truth.

      Then I read, in the book on selling by Jordan Belfort..that selling was transferring certainty. And it struck me as the clear truth. But it was a throwaway line, and not mentioned again in the book.

      But to me, that's the core of selling...the entire process. And what is at the core of all belief? The desire for certainty in our lives. And giving people a feeling of certainty in their buying decisions is the underlying principle of great selling.

      This book won't sell as well as my books on closing and prospecting. It may not sell well at all. But I need to write it, and get it out there.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Frank Donovan
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    I have to say, I'm with Kay and the Princess on this one. I've been following the thread but I'm still unclear about the concept of transference of certainty, even with the expanded subtitles.

    I realize I'n not the target audience, but I can see how a salesperson would want to instill desire in the prospect. But certainty? Doesn't that work both ways - like in I certainly don't want to buy that?

    Obviously that's oversimplifying it, but the point is that certainty isn't a word that first springs to mind when considering the sales process. No doubt that's why you believe it's necessary to get that message across. Again, I'm not the target, but the titles and subtitles so far mentioned don't much enthuse me to go on and read the description.

    I wonder if you're putting too much store in what Amazon might or might not make of the title/subtitle. You've already stated you're not selling a course with this. And my guess is you've built up enough of a reputation and following to spark at least some degree of general interest.

    For what it's worth, I really like the title "The Certainty Principle" as a lead in to a book about how certainty can be used by anyone to get what they want, while using your sales background as an illustration.

    I think you have a chance of positioning yourself as a sort of Malcolm Gladwell figure in the sales technique/persuasion field. "The Certainty Guru" has a ring to it. But it's probably something you don't want or need at this stage.

    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Claude Whitacre
      Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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      Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

      I have to say, I'm with Kay and the Princess on this one. I've been following the thread but I'm still unclear about the concept of transference of certainty, even with the expanded subtitles.

      I realize I'n not the target audience, but I can see how a salesperson would want to instill desire in the prospect. But certainty? Doesn't that work both ways - like in I certainly don't want to buy that?
      The reason Certainty is the right word, is that the entire purpose is to remove all hesitancy and doubt, in the mind of the buyer. After they are gone, you have certainty. Clarity is another word.

      In the second post, Kay mentioned Clarity of Certainty. As I re-read the posts, I'm giving that a second look.

      Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

      For what it's worth, I really like the title "The Certainty Principle" as a lead in to a book about how certainty can be used by anyone to get want they want, while using your sales background as an illustration.

      I think you have a chance of positioning yourself as a sort of Malcolm Gladwell figure in the sales technique/persuasion field. "The Certainty Guru" has a ring to it. But it's probably something you don't want or need at this stage.
      What's strange is that this book would be the closest to a book read by general books on habits, happiness, or self image.

      And to me, that's almost a danger. I only care about talking about selling, and helping salespeople and business owners make more sales, more easily.

      Being interviewed on a podcast about how this book helped people get off their drug dependency (as an example) would kill me. "The Certainty Guru" has a great ring to it, and opens possibilities for massive book sales. (With enough promotion on my part)

      But it isn't me. At all. This is the one book I would write that would be a dead end. After the book (and interviews about how to use certainty to sell), my interest would completely drop off.

      It's weird. But I know that books on cold calling, answering objections, negotiating, and closing (mostly closing) are the Go To books for salespeople. And they were for me too.

      But the book on Certainty would actually be the one that a small number of entrepreneurs would read and then stare into space...while their brain reboots. And I've never found a book on that exact subject. I think it needs to be written. I hope I'm still interested enough, when the time comes.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Kay King
    Profile picture of Kay King
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    Creating Certainty in Selling

    Making Sales with Certainty

    Sales Certainty

    Certainty for Success in Sales

    Transferring Certainty for Increased Sales

    Use of Certainty for Success in Sales

    The definition of 'certainty' uses the word 'conviction' which is another potentially useful word.

    ....sorry, my fingers ran away with me
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Claude Whitacre
      Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Creating Certainty in Selling
      I really like that.

      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      The definition of 'certainty' uses the word 'conviction' which is another potentially useful word.
      Damn it woman! Stop giving me great ideas.

      Now I have to think about Conviction. It's a stronger, more emotionally charged word.

      Thank you, my little friend.

      Added later; Creating Clarity And Certainty In Selling. I like it.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
    Profile picture of Princess Balestra
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    Certain Conviction Selling
    Proven Sales Principles To Win Your Next Sale

    Esteemed sales guru Claude Whitacre
    transformed the selling world
    with his groundbreaking Certainty Principle.

    Plenty of his peers questioned
    how he could ever become such a guru.
    But what did they know?

    "Without no principle,
    clearly the guy knows zilch."

    "He is just like

    What Claude proves in this book is ...
    nothing in selling is random.

    Make Claude's Certainty Principle your own
    and discover the truth about how to sell.

    Available in bookstores now!

    Order before October 2023
    to receive a potentially deadly shuriken
    you can use to cut through most any bagel.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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