What Do I call These Sales Prospects?

Claude Whitacre
Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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13 replies

I'm nearly done writing my next book.

It's a book about how to find or create sales prospects that are almost certain to buy from you. Believe me, there are ways to separate out the sales prospects that are almost sure to buy, even before you see them. And my book describes that process.

Frankly, I'm stuck on what to call these people. It would probably be the title of the book as well.

I was going with High Probability Prospects.

Before I started writing, I was thinking Highly Likely Prospects. I then thought of High Probability Prospects. Then a friend of mine (a marketer) told me that High Probability Prospects was a boring phrase, and it should be something like Hot Prospects.

ChatGPT came up with;
Prime Prospects
Surefire Buyers
Goldmine Leads
Sales Stars
Power Prospects
Winning Opportunities
Top Tier Targets

Any ideas for a term for these sales prospects that stands out in your mind?
#call #prospects #sales
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Frank Donovan
    Profile picture of Frank Donovan
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    I agree with your friend. "Highly Likely" and "High Probability" sound a little...dry.

    For a book title, I'd prefer something snappier, such as "Sure Bet Prospects".

  • Profile picture of the author SARubin
    Profile picture of SARubin
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    My first thought when I saw this post was, why not bypass the "prospect" title and call them "buyers"?
    It might seem a little pretentious, but I prefer to think of it as future pacing

    High Quality Buyers
    The Ultimate Guide to Finding Quality Sales Prospects Who Are Almost Guaranteed to Buy

    On the other hand, it is 6AM and I might just be blowing smoke.

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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Claude Whitacre
      Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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      Originally Posted by SARubin View Post

      My first thought when I saw this post was, why not bypass the "prospect" title and call them "buyers"?
      It might seem a little pretentious, but I prefer to think of it as future pacing

      High Quality Buyers
      The Ultimate Guide to Finding Quality Sales Prospects Who Are Almost Guaranteed to Buy

      On the other hand, it is 6AM and I might just be blowing smoke.
      The truth is, in my speeches, I called them High Probability Buyers. The same in my books.

      But I thought Prospects rolled off the tongue as in High Probability Prospects. But Buyers/Clients is more accurate, I suppose.

      Your idea is solid, no matter what time it is.
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Profile picture of spartan14
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    I am agree "prospects"sounds non attractive and i think you should think on a word more attractive like ideal client as an example
  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Profile picture of GordonJ
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    ORGANIC BUYERS...Automatic ways to find the ready-to-buy prospect.

    Sounds like you have another winner Claude. Good luck and looking forward to it.


    Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post


    I'm nearly done writing my next book.

    It's a book about how to find or create sales prospects that are almost certain to buy from you. Believe me, there are ways to separate out the sales prospects that are almost sure to buy, even before you see them. And my book describes that process.

    Frankly, I'm stuck on what to call these people. It would probably be the title of the book as well.

    I was going with High Probability Prospects.

    Before I started writing, I was thinking Highly Likely Prospects. I then thought of High Probability Prospects. Then a friend of mine (a marketer) told me that High Probability Prospects was a boring phrase, and it should be something like Hot Prospects.

    ChatGPT came up with;
    Prime Prospects
    Surefire Buyers
    Goldmine Leads
    Sales Stars
    Power Prospects
    Winning Opportunities
    Top Tier Targets

    Any ideas for a term for these sales prospects that stands out in your mind?
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Claude Whitacre
      Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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      Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

      ORGANIC BUYERS...Automatic ways to find the ready-to-buy prospect.

      Sounds like you have another winner Claude. Good luck and looking forward to it.

      Strong title and subtitle.

      The whole substance of the book is finding or creating prospects that already have shown that they are far more likely to buy from you than the average prospect.

      This doesn't mean they are interested. That's a whole different category.

      These are prospects that...because of previous buying behavior (usually), they have shown themselves to be conditioned to buy your offer.

      In my book, there are about 30 factors I've identified that, if any of them apply to your prospect, dramatically increase the chances that they will see you....and buy from you.

      In marketing, this would generally be other peoples buyers,

      In the book, I mention this..

      We have all heard that..."It's not what you say, but how you say it". That's a sales axiom that is nearly universally accepted...and it sounds clever.

      But in my experience, both of these factors together only amount to about 20% of the reason people buy.

      The other 80% of the reason sales are made is a combination of "Who you say it to, and how you got in front of them".

      For salespeople, and the vast majority of entrepreneurs who sell, this is all unknown territory..

      But marketers know it's true. The power is in the list. And the best lists are of other marketers buyers. (or your own buyers)

      And "How you get in front of them" is equally key. Referrals are far more likely to see you, and then far more likely to buy.

      So...if you are getting referrals from your buyers, and the referrals you ask for have at least one factor that makes them more likely to buy from you (mostly based on previous buying behavior)...they are almost certain to buy.

      And none of this has anything to do with them being interested in seeing you, or interested in what you sell.

      Anyway, I thought that would help explain why I'm steering toward a certain type of name for these prospects.
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Profile picture of DWolfe
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    This is what I came up with. The Best Prospects to Convert into Buyers.

    Then input it into Bardai with two parameters to make it sound better. This is what Bard came up with.

    The Gold Mine: How to Identify and Convert Your Best Prospects[

    The Conversion Code: The Secret to Unlocking Your Prospects' Buying Power

    The Conversion Catalyst: How to Turn Prospects into Customers

    The Conversion Machine: How to Build a Sales Funnel that Converts

    The Conversion Warrior: How to Win the Battle for Your Prospects' Wallets

    So now I just came up with it this might sound better a little better The Gold Mine: Win your Best Prospects
  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    Profile picture of DABK
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    All of these focus on the prospect ) buyer. Why not go with what your book buyers want?

    The title is a pain point; the subtitle is the solution.

    Something along the lines of
    Paying too much for buyers
    Surefire way to be / stay in front of ready-to-buy buyers and how to get them to pull the trigger.

    I will think about it some more after I get rid of this headache I got and, maybe, just maybe, come up with something half-way decent.

    How are you writing so many books lately, got rotating hands, finger replacement?

    Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post


    I'm nearly done writing my next book.

    It's a book about how to find or create sales prospects that are almost certain to buy from you. Believe me, there are ways to separate out the sales prospects that are almost sure to buy, even before you see them. And my book describes that process.

    Frankly, I'm stuck on what to call these people. It would probably be the title of the book as well.

    I was going with High Probability Prospects.

    Before I started writing, I was thinking Highly Likely Prospects. I then thought of High Probability Prospects. Then a friend of mine (a marketer) told me that High Probability Prospects was a boring phrase, and it should be something like Hot Prospects.

    ChatGPT came up with;
    Prime Prospects
    Surefire Buyers
    Goldmine Leads
    Sales Stars
    Power Prospects
    Winning Opportunities
    Top Tier Targets

    Any ideas for a term for these sales prospects that stands out in your mind?
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Claude Whitacre
      Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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      Originally Posted by DABK View Post

      How are you writing so many books lately, got rotating hands, finger replacement?
      The book on Certainty in selling is really just an idea. But believe it or not, I have ten books on Wordpress that are at different stages. All are at least half written.

      One of them was completely written and then I decided I didn't like it.
      But years ago, I had four books written at the same time.

      What actually happens is that I often write something useful, and then decide what book it should go in. Or should it go in my selling webinar...or in a course.

      Once everything is written, I edit everything, format everything, and submit it all at once to Amazon. No idea why I do it that way.

      These books aren't on different subjects. They are on aspects of one big subject, using referrals to sell. And of course, they are really marketing pieces to drive sales of my course. The course is really done, I just need to put it on video and put it on a membership site.

      My materials tend to get released in bunches.

      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      Your headline: 'HIgh Probability Prospects' ...is 3 words, but in the reader's mind it's 8 words...

      high pro-ba-bil-i-ty pros-pects
      More helpful than you know. Thanks.

      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      Short words...to the point...familiar with the target audience.

      So, using your own words in your original post...

      'It's a book about how to find or create sales prospects that are almost certain to buy from you...'

      Hot Leads
      How To Find Or Create Leads That Are Almost Certain To Buy From You

      Just a couple of thoughts.

      You can play around with the words of course to change them based on your ideas.
      I like it. But I want the words Sales and Prospects to be in there somewhere. Both for clarity and to help in searches.

      The only problem with Hot Leads is that it's used in selling to mean inbound sales leads that are presold and ready to buy. A lot of salespeople reading the title would get the wrong idea of what this is about.

      Even the word Lead means an inbound enquire from someone interested in buying. And that's not this.

      But you dug out "How to find or create sales prospects that are almost certain to buy from you...".

      It's weird that even though I wrote it, it didn't pop out as a great subtitle.

      From SARubin
      High Quality Buyers
      The Ultimate Guide to Finding Quality Sales Prospects Who Are Almost Guaranteed to Buy

      Also very good. Some combination of the two I think hits the mark.
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Polaski
    Jeff Polaski
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    I agree with them, you should change "prospects" into "buyers" just also an opinion, "Highly Likely Buyers" or "High Quality Buyers" just our opinion. You're still the one who will decide it.
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Profile picture of max5ty
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    A couple of thoughts on this based on the copywriting world.

    It's a common practice among copywriters to avoid as many words ending in 'ly' as possible...

    'ly' is a mind twister to the reader. Having said that, it's not always possible, but we minimize it as much as possible to still create the message we want the reader to get.

    When your friend said the headline was boring...it's probably because with the 'ly' they were focused on reading to get meaning in their mind (a concept that has been scientifically proven). 'ly' creates a mind twister that the reader pauses to take the time to process. We don't like most pauses unless they're created by us to pause the reader to consider what we're saying. Headlines are not the best place for pauses.

    Your headline: 'HIgh Probability Prospects' ...is 3 words, but in the reader's mind it's 8 words...

    high pro-ba-bil-i-ty pros-pects

    We also always try to make as many words as we can single syllables. Each syllable is a word in the reader's mind.

    Of course, there are always exceptions...but we don't focus on exceptions when we're after a target audience.

    Just some old-school stuff I've used that has been passed down from copywriters after decades of split testing multi-million dollar campaigns.

    Now, as far as your title...

    my suggestion is to just call it what it is...'leads'

    In your case, it sounds like you're talking about 'hot leads'

    Salespeople (as you know) are familiar with the term 'leads' ...so let's just speak their language.

    Short words...to the point...familiar with the target audience.

    So, using your own words in your original post...

    'It's a book about how to find or create sales prospects that are almost certain to buy from you...'

    Hot Leads
    How To Find Or Create Leads That Are Almost Certain To Buy From You

    Just a couple of thoughts.

    You can play around with the words of course to change them based on your ideas.
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
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    Leads Unleashed

    I tryin' to help out here ...

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

  • Profile picture of the author livingtheoffgriddream
    Profile picture of livingtheoffgriddream
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    In terms of catching names, Prime Prospects is the winner in my opinion!
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